iNtf Th? Ha raid , And ' Buy At. HMW " i ' ?V -KfSgfo i ' VOL. M NO. 22 Condensed In State And Ni Btitc New?? Washington, Aug. t.?A special 3IT.^iiUffinmini'liriti' i roouio expedition through the SonUfwestern states wilt be Issued Sept 7, i^rstmsster General Farley an- I .nouHved today. It will be sold first at . Albuquer 1 quo. N. M., The central motif will I ? be a reproduction of the painting "Coronado and His Captains," by GenUd Cassldy. Wasliingtou. Aug. 6.?Senator , Taft, Rep.. Ohio, said today that a . ' strong effort" would be made by j tbofce fnvorlug revision of the Na- , tlonnl l^bor Act to obtain igimedtale commlUee action ou House-approved amenSments. , ________ i Glacier Ranger Station, Wash. * Aug'. 6.?Alnne Cednrquist, 22 year 1 old Shelton, Wash., mountain climb ' *01, was carried to civilization to-' I day after her rescue from a narroy ledge 8,000 feet up the precipitouB u slope of Mount Shulksan, where bUo s lay Injured nearly 24 hours. I (Tlie young woman, u chemist, was v taken by < ambulance to Bellingham after rescue parties numbering 24 men brought her by stretcher down L a Koeest Service road. i r Canberra, Astralia. Aug. 6.?WU- < liam M. Hughes, memAer of the d Australian War Cabinet, declared to I day in a prepared statement that ? the situation in the Pacific 'a "del- ? tcate and might easily become grave."- f Developments. Hughes said, would ( depend on whether the Germans at- ( tempted to Invade England or post t poned the assault. ! ' \< i Anderson, 8. C? Aug. 6.?The 1 South Carolina Department of the 1 , (Dlsudbled American Veterans elect- * ed the Rev. James D. Guinea, pastor j ? of the Sacred Heart Church, Chariea ton, as its commander yesterday 1 and selected Columbia tor the 1941. meeting. 1_ i Conway, S. C.. Aug. Sheriff W. i E. Sessions of Horry County said to t day that Mrs. George W. Urwick of i Gastonia, N. C., was being held pend ( ing an inquest into' the death of t Charles Dement, Wilmington, N. C.. salesman, who died after beilng being struck by an automobile at ' Myrtle Beach Sunday. Time of the inquest has not been set. Mrs. Urwlek. the Sheriff said had suffered a nervous breakdown and had been placed in a hospital here. Dement had called a taxi and had gone out to meet It when the ao oldent took place. , t _____________ * Cincinnati, Aug. 6.?Mrs. Ethel 8beeby, 48 year old nurse, was recovering to day from a copperhead anake'a bite received in a religions ceremony, while fellow members of the cult to wfelch she belonged rei Trained from further use of the dead ly reptiles. Andrews, Aag. 6.?Construction of Nantahala Dam over Nantahala River in Mocon. County la under* *?r- . ?{ , 4-.. I - - Laughing Aroun With IRVIN Tt Vptu Oftpfi 1 L; ' By 1RV1NS I A LITERAL and simple-minded m "* wife to the hospital for an operat I . In the forenoon. In the afternoon, wh I / tod to inquire hew the patient had < I tidings ftona the skfc-rocm. and agai atfll aeemed to be improving. Twice < edhred dinilar reports. | Bat one moraine he called he ah B aeqoeintanee and the latter eaid: B - "Well, how's yonr wife today?* "She las deedC* answered the be ?Achr said the friend. "Pot's to akmr first rate. Vot did She die of?" I "Improve ments I" .."s " . f Kings i Brief Form itional News ?-Nat tonal News-? Ntw Born. Auk. Boats (or the ,|in "1 w The Barbour Host Work* hero, whluh built up a thriving huslnasfc u the manufacture of pleasure .raft during the last few voara, has jevn recommended for the construeiou of-110-foot aubmarine chasers. Forest City, Aug. 6.?Milton J. Kluts, 46, of !taleijfi}i, superintendmt for the Hohbs Home wood Con'f*t% Af Phuwiil UIH mtad nstantly killed when he was caught in a conveyor belt in a gravel pit near here yesterday. Spartanburg S. C? Aug. 6.? Ship ueuts or Klberta pouches Irom ipartauburg County have reached a >eak. ltailway officials said today hut arouud 250 carloads were ship ted to northern markets yesterday. More than 70 Federal inspectors ire on the job. Prices continued iteady with much ot the fruit retorted rather small because of dry ve&the'r. Wadosboro, Aug. 6.?An unusual tit of work by Wadesboro poiicemeu Sunday disclosed a robbery of tbe V. C. Allen Jewelry Store here. The 2ity patrolman, cruising early Sunlay morning found several packing >oxes bearing the Allen Jewelry Jtore address In an out of the way ection of town. Investigating further; the officers ound that the store had been eutertd., the Bate opened, various piece* if merchandise and Other valuables icattered as If the thieves bad been nterrupted while trying to assort raluaJble loot, aud the door opened 'or escape by drilling holes near the ock. Elizabeth Neill Leads hi Mueen Contest Miss Elisabeth Neill U leading he field of 12 young ladies tor the itle of <'Mlss Kings Mountain'' to ie crowned and honored during the 'eutounlal Celebration to be held lugust 25th. Booths to deposit votes or your choice for the "Quetns" ire In The Herald Ottice aud the Cings Mountain Drug Co. Votes may ie secured Iby clipping coupon in the rierald and by purchasing advance lckets to the pageant from the oung ladies or any member of the itag .Club. Mr. Bill Fulton is chairnan of the Queen Contest and Mr. inooks MqDaniel is President of he Stag Club which is in charge of idvanced aale of tickets, and woodit nickels. Interest is picking up in the conest and everyone Is invited to work or their choice to represent Kings fountain in the mammoth cMebraIon. List of queen% nominated and heir standings follow: Elisabeth Neill, 9,804; Dorothy tlotae, 4,780; Helen Stewqrt. 1,208; rackle Rawlee, 1202; the following imve 1,000 votes each: Mary Evelyn Joforth, Edna Hoffman, OtUe White lachei Smith. Rachael MoClain, Hael Falls, Sara Mae Falls, Patsy Vhlte, d the World S. COBB Proves Fatal I. COBB an, by birth a German, sent his Ion. The operation was performed n he quit work, the husband was itood the erdsol The aunt told f'oo hand ashing for the latest n he was informed that his wife lailjr aO through the week he rets met with the distressing news ie the widower started down the shmeat. On the war he met an ireft one. 0 bad. I thought she vas gettinj Wtsrw. Im.) ' - . . d . * ' . . ' V ' . . ' f.- , _ jc * * ? t 1 . . ' m m i Moui 1 , ' t r ' ' . i . ! KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. TK Union Services At Lutheran Church The fourth in the series of Vnk Services will bo held Sund?y nlgl .In St. Matthews Lutheran Chare with Dr. K. N. Ualrd, Pastor < Do)ce Memorial A. it. P. Churt bringing tlie message. The origin; schedule has been changed uu a humm who will shortly tu ;o Uu itiietoii. N. C. The largest attendance at any ( the services so far was present lai Sunday evening at Central Meth dial to hear Rev. L. J3. Hamrn. Tb weather was coo let; and uu unusua ly large number ;was present mhei the Lutheran Minister -preach an e c optionally fine sermon. Kiwanis To Meet In Grover Members of the Kiwanis Clul their Wives and invited guests wl go to Oyover this evenlug at 0:30 I have-an out-door supper at the ?h loh Presbyterian Church. Meiubet always look forward to the Grovt supper and one of the largest attei atice of the summer is expected. Members were' entertained lat Thursday evening in the club hous here with , a moving picture show elul the courtesy of the S'andar OH Co. Grady Patterson, lolal agen secured the picture for the prograt which was greatly enjoyed by clu members. The film was au interea mg account of how news Is gt-frere from all corners of the world an quickly dispatched to newspapc | nuu rn^v> Town Taxes to Be Advertised Next Week As required by tuw all unpai town taxes will be advertised uej week, according to an announc< inent from the city hall. Tax payer are asked to pay immediately, am save the additional cost. TOWN AUDIT BEING MAOE The annual audit of the books c I the Town of Kings Mountain Tt> no I being made by the John-Belt Co. t l Oastonia. This is the same firm the j made the audit last year. i , Local Man Nai Of North Caro P. p. Herndon, prominent King Mountain business man was elects President of the North Carolina Gli nern' at their meeting which wa held in Raleigh last week In cot Junction with Farm and Home wee at N. C. State College. Mr. Herndo succeeds C. . Johnson, of Tarbori who was President last year. Mr. Herndon who is not only set retary ? treasurer of the Victory Qt Co., but is also a successful and sc entitle cotton grower. Mr. Herndo was unable to attend the meettni but ginners throughout the stat honored him by naming htm the! President. mi tai_. ?? -?- * * iu? wings mount am cuisen i qualified from experience with co ton to perform the duties in an ej cellent manner. Mr. Herndon 1a all a director on the National Cotto Council of America with headqua: ters In Memphis, Tenn. He follow cotton from the time It la plante until It la the finished produc ready for home use. Other officers elected were: Thou as LJttle of Wadeaboro, Edwin Pat of Laurel Hill and B. W. Evans o | Eden ton were elected vice presl president: C. A. Johnson. Leelt Crawford of Plkeville, James Mllle of Pinevllle, Blair Tucker of LouW burg. and W. C. Everett of Sted man, directors; and fred P. John son. state gin tnspector. was rest pointel secretary. . ' Laymen Begin Parley Friday Laymen from churches through out the territory of the Southeri Presbyterian church are arriving It Montreat In advance of the ooaven tlon to be held Friday, Saturday aa< Sunday In the Intereat of the reoi ganlaatlon of the Laymen's Mission aigr movement which wss so sctlvi factor In this and other religious d< nominations s few years ago. The Montreat convention will o pen with an address of Dr. Rober E. Speer of Lahevllle, Conn., Fri day evening, and his message wil be the keynote of the gathering. - V|>... n~ itain I " ?. ' _ - / IUR8DAY, AUO. I, 1940 Rev, Ham I Bur ling tor 0- , ; >f i u i I i* i ' i IT 1I . i I II a Tonsil Clinic ; Ends Today d ?1? <1 The tonsil and aduoid clinic1 he* r ing conducted by the County. Health department iu the High School building ends today. Dr. J. 3. Normap has performed the operations and Dr. 7. P. Mitchell. County Health Doctor has charge of administer itig the anaesthetics. Nurses from d the Health Department have assist (t (tl with the operatlous and after > care of the patients. 8 The three day cllnle has been a S success from every standpoint. Nineteen children were operated on Tuesday aud 18 tonsils were removed Wednesday. Twenty nine opera tolas are scheduled for today, which ?f will make a total of 66 for the three w ' if The clinic was held for cblMrwa it whose parents were unable to pay the regular price for the operations. med President lina Ginners d I i- I ,s ' i- I k a I >. a I I n I S. M * J lf 1 la I u I to Jj President State Ginners a ' it i ? Will Rogers9 f Humorous Story i , r Br WILL ROGERS '* 'I'HB first quarrel Is good for a ' joke ones la a while, tost boi cause It alnf a bit funny. Did you h ever see a young couple Just laoghlng their head* off about their first auarralf Nans, but van m? ** ? I' 1 lot of other poop la laughing oboot i It. p Anyway, they woro mad, and ho . thought Wd taauH hor good. That diamond hi your ring la , f> gloaa." ? "I knowod It all tha time* aha aava, "ao that waoat putting any* thing oror on ma. Bat you norar h knowod till right now that my right ? oya la mado out of tha aame land of ginaa, did yooT Now, who*a I fooled T" Aaortaui Wawa totaiM. Ua. % I ' " ' ' ' ? * " lerald m Accepts i Call I I i. .- I i pv-\ SfciM : I :.. I 6^"' ( " ^PWPSPPIPW^ V. t. " Rev. L. Bo>d liauiin, 1'asior of St. Matthews 'Lutheran Church for the past five years has resigned lo accept the pastorate of Macedonia Lutheran Church in lliirlington, t?. C. Kev. IJatnm came to Kings Mountain frotn Macon, Ua., September 1. 1035, and his resignation is effective August 31; 19*0, which is ' exactly five years. 'Ides I'ttiiripcl I). M Ui'iilges. Fou i uew tvucbei* have boon elected to HU vueaifciuA caused by t omKuattoiis, The new tettcbWs ai|?: M):sa C'liaiJIotu* b. Markham of Durham to replace Mm. W. R. Ciatg. Jr... Mi Hoary Welt- * mail. Jr.. of Marion, to sucvood James I'. Moffclt; Miss Rosalie H. I'ulk of Hockingliain to ti^ke lie Iiluco oC Mrs. Dixon Losslie," nee Miss Elizabeth Ware, and Mrs. Cllno Earthing to replace Mrs. Albert Davis. | School begins Tuftsday September :!ril .with a general teachers meeting being called tor Monday, the day before school opens. Supt. Barnes, and Sehoolcofficials.are looking torward to a successful year. The complete list of teachers, ox ocpt those already mentioned follow;. High School , Mr C'litK Farthing, Itonne. N C ; MIsb Mary M|itehell, BenhettsviUfV ' S. C.; Miss Louise Morris. Char- . lotte. N. C.; Miss Janet- Scoggtns, (Jreenville. S. C.; Mi. Krvin Smart, Fllonboro. N. (!.; Miss Ora Suggs, ( astonin. X. C.; Mis. \V. J Fulkerson, Mrs Paul E. HendrU,-ks. Mr. Paul E Hendricks, Mrs. \V, t. Weir. all of Kings Mountain. Central Elementary Mis* Sara Allison. Miss Gusnta Huflfstetler, Miss Helen Logau, Mian Willie Mod 111, Mrs. Hugh Orraafid', Miss Doro'hy Patterson. Mrs. T. A. Pollock, Miss Mjittihell, Williams, Mrs. Stnyer Williams, all of Kings Mountain; Miss Marie Llneberiser of Ltncaluton, N. C.; Miss Daisy Lovelace of Mooresvlile. N. 0.; Misa Katherine Peele, Gibson, N. C. East Elementary Mrs. J; H. Thomson. Principal. Mrs. John Gamble, Mrs. T.. NV. Grayson, uee Miss Maxtue Boggs, Miss Lucy Kiser. Miss Ozell Kiser,, Miss Faye Mauney, Misa JettJe Plonk. Mis* Besdle Simonton. all ot Kings Mountain. West Elementary Mrs. C. Q. -Uhyue. Principal; Misa Fanny Curpeuter, Miss Marjorla Hord, Mrs. W. J. McGlll. Miss Oar. iyle Ware, all of Kiugs Mountain. Special Miss Carolyn Carlisle. Publto School Music, BeunettsviHe, S. C.J; Miss Dorothy Carson, Piano, Mxiorea villa, N. ; Miss Mildred lx>wranco Bible Moorosvllle, N. C. Davidson School ? Colored Teachers II. J. Davidson, Principal, Charlotte. N. O. (Irazelle H. Rlppey, Gsatonia N. C.; Margaret V. JDavidson, .Charlotte, N. C.; James W. Lynch, Winston-Salem, N. ('.; Clyde & Fowlkes, Leaks vilte. N. C.; Ma'Jte Gidney, Shelby' N. C.; Mattie B. Led. better, Kutherfordtou. N. C.J Dwlght A. Costner, Eliza T. Trtbblo, Jessie Gldnev Costner. all of Kb*?? Mountain, N". S. kf JamkS PMSTO*^ (Opinion* Expressed in Thi* Column Are Not Nece**arlly the View* of This Newspaper.) Those in the Washington Mutual Admiration Society utoit't burn nig auy bridges behind them. They ar* . leaving the way clear for a retreat when, and if, it becomes necessary to admit that the defense program isn't moving fast enough to sooth* public clamor for speed. This statement is not meant to cause any alarm of fear that Ui* program has bogged down, but slcn. ply to reveal the care with whlcb this group has planned for it* t own security at the public feed trough. Nor does it r*fer to the President'* National Defence Commission. ' t * - > . *!. In brief, those who direct every* thing in Washington bnt the weatV er are already laying the foundation ' for a pedestal from which a large finger of accusation will polht tn the direction oC the manufacturing nduelrle* ? It it becomes necessary Already there have been Imdhin* (Ions that Industry la "playing poUflea" wfth le Cense orders; thai (OotU'd oh hack page? j -i J 'j&iiLiieafar.y ' ..