Kings 1 ..I In Brief Form1 HBOewsi ?-National News? 60 Toronto, Auk IS.?ai leant 46 per In- MuQk met tleuth lu Canada tu week- ' rill t?d accident*. I dy Of that number, eleven were kill- 1 ro- i-<j in highway accidents three died 1 Mi The Hinlj AMI lay At Him .. .... j ' VOL. it NO. 24 s ' Condensed 1 1 JUUC nuu 1 ''T iaimbertdn Aug. IS.?Horn* K fr'aiin Security Administration t I iKiitliori froui eight couutiea a gather here ou Aug 27-28 (or stu in the Tenant Purchase boau P grain. The local office will pi lioat to the two day program yv LBiiuu-ouieni, Aug. 13.?The C olinas (District Convention ot Klw Is International will be held h? Oot. 6-8, It was announced today. LiUmberton, Aug. 13.?An engin< lor the MdCrary Electrical Co., Ttlnnta. Ga? is expected to arrl in L?umberton this week to set offices and begin mapping the <1 trict to be served by the $428.( HfciA project for this section. .. Approval of the loan of $428,t power project for Itobeson, 8c lund, Hoke, and part ot Cumberla counties was granted last week a actual work of setting up the lit: is expected to start by Sept. 1. As approved the Hues will cot around 450 miles in the four coi ties, and will serve around 1,1 families. The loan makes the pi cut one of the largest REA progn In the South. ForeBt City, Aug. 13.?Plans i being made to accommodate a lai attendance a(t the August meetl of the Rutherford County Club, be held .at-Union Mills, Aug. 30th St Stephen, S. C., Aug. 13.?M Mary Williamson. 20, of Floret -was killed anl George Walters a K. C. Mathews, both of Chariestc were Injured yesterday in an au mobile aitydunt at the Berkel > - county entrance to the 8antee rh bridge. Miss Willtamsou was one of party returning to Florence . fr Charleston. Walters and Mathe had been on a flshlag trip. Centennial Beauty Queen Standings Who will btf "Miss Kings Mo a ? U ? ?.?~AJ J _ . laiu w uc viuwucu uui mg i Cleveland County Celebration. 1 following la a llat of the contestai ana their votes: Ottle White, 26,329; bot Ho 16,086; - Elizabeth Nelll, 12,204; Ec Hoffman, 3,600; Phyllis Patters 3.400; Patsy White. 2.601 He! Stewart 2,414; Jackie R&wles 1,2: Rachel Smith. 1,212; Mary B. < forth 1,200; Hazel Falls 1,206; I chel McClaln, 1,200; Sara Mae Ft 1,200. Lions To Meet Tuesday Evening: The Kings Mountain Lions C will meet next Tuesday evening 7:00 la the Woman's Club butldl This meeting will be the first r< lar meeting since the club chant its meeting place and a large att anue Is expected. Program Chairman. .Haywood Lynch, announced that a compl reDOrt of the International Cob* tlon held la Cuba will be made Mesa re Mike Milam, Tom Pult Jimmy Burns and George Maun Moving Pictures of the trip will eo be shown. Laughing Ar With IR Who's W Br TR T2ACK in the old sinful wet di *-' in alcoholic stimulant, wer corner in Newark, clinging to e 'Am spectator passed thei carried on in somewhat.fussy s Said Souse Number Ons: "Do you bow Bill Talbot?' Said Souse Number Two a "No; whuaxia name?" Said Souse Number One: "Who?" e e Then again ia the story of tl He accosted another man J Say! had ma your latch key, f "What for?" answered the "I wanna get hi ray house.' "Why, ray ltey won't lit tha "No ? AD dyat then," said O?Hiaa ! K" ay in railway 'crossing accidents and one was klled lu a plane craaata. 'nr Hull. Mass., Aug. IS.?A man who an : mistook a submerged beer keg for re his wife was wishing today that the Nantasket Beach lifeguards had not bothered to ''roll. out the barrel." ?er Because when they <111, In respon lve se to his criea that his wife- was uy drowning, she arrived safely from U^. another part of the beach Just in )00 time to leurn that he had thought the keg was she. )(W Spectators, retvsated dtsftreetiy ot. while she shrilly told him aa thing ud or twoud ie8 l^os Angeles, Aug. 13.?;Dr. Dins . more Alter, head of Griffith Obserrer ' vatory. reported today that an un in. usually large number of spots have iOO uppeared on tho aun. considering ,0j_ that the sun-spot cycle reached its Mn maximum three years ago. The spots number about 57. the largest of which Is 30,000 miles in ire disuueter, he said, adding it is possi ge ble they may lause another magnet ing lc storm on the earth, hampering to telegraph and telephone facilities. J 1 ' - J r'hlcntrn A..? t > i- ???'?* c , v?.v?6?, nug. in,?nuacyu UI'lIOD | (8* Miller. 16 year old McCarr, Ky., ( youth spent biB last 16 cents to sea ' ' his first movie but he says he isn't 1 sorry he did it. 8 ito iev He appealed to police last night /er tor a place to sleep, explaining that , "1 hated to spend my laat money, j a but I sure have wanted to see ' a om movie tor a long, long time." j W(< He told Serg. Uomlnlck Rice that , he had hitch-hiked to Chicago from , ; McCarr to find his aunt. Santa Barbara, Calif., Aug. 13.? ^ The worst forest'-flre in a decade . in this area roared down the seau?" ward slope of the Santa Ynes range 1 toward Santa Barbara today after "ie wiping out 34 summer cabins and i 11,8 engulfing 2.000 acres in flames. Its cause was not determined. i ke. ina The sun over Santa Barbara was ( on, | blotted out by the smoke and ashes 1 Ie? fell thickly upon streets here. In U; sweeping over San Marcos Pass. So- site of an exclusive Summer colony Ha- the flames inflicted damage expect ills ed to exceed $120,000. Washington, Aug. 13.?The State Department Is facing the strange likelihood of having more ot Its Eu ropean ambassadors In the United . . States than at their posts, lun at With several diplomats already I ng. here and others on their way home, jgu only four American a..... spd remain in the harried capitals a en- cross the Atlntic. E. Los Angeles, Aug. 13.?A. W. Som e'e mers spends most of his spare hours J en- In his back yard flower garden ? by taming butterflies. ? on. He olaps bis handa holds out bis i ey. aims snaps bis fingers, and presto, 1 al- butterflies will alight on his cap, . ' his shirt or fingers. i ound the Work! AON S. COBB i i 1 ? lioin Newark ? 1 ] VON S. COBB 1 ?y?, two gentlefhen, both far overtaken - k e seen under a lamp-post on a street k ach other for support. n he overheard the following dialogue . eooaU. I " I fter a moment of reflection j j e e e He aouae who lost his latch ker. in front of Us home and said to him: ' rill jra?" ' sober one. I it lock," answered the accosted one, the soose, "Ml more." | Uses HiiSuil leak , . ' ' Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. THUM Funeral For G. H. MrDaiiiel roday . ; Funeral service* fur Galther II. Mc t anlel.'wta died Tuesday n'ght at t iU::iU in Charlotte Sanitarium, will ti 10 held this afternoon at 2:30 in the p Irat Baptist Church with Dr. Zeno 1 iVull of Shelby officiating, assisted a ry Itev. H. C Sprinkle. Jr., pastor t >' Central Methodist church, in the C ibsence of Rev. A. G. Sargeant. In- i! trment will follow In Bethlehem v remoter) near Kings Mountain. o Mr. McDnuiel was S3 years old ind had been in declining health for t iver the past year, and had been t irltically 111 for several weeks. t Mr. McDaulel was a native citl* '' ten of Cleveland couuty having >ecu born in the Bethlehem couimun 1 tv. whore hia father atill rvalflp, 1 'or muuy years he was in the mer j tantile business and enjoyed a wide 11 .rude. Ill inter years lie was repre tentative for the American Alum.1mm Co. Mr. McDaniel was a man of oily nature and .be liked to meet his o riends on the street and talk with 3 hem. " \ s . . 1 t He was a niasotr, and Pastmastei s "uirvlew Lodge, a member of the j <u4ghts of Pythias, and a member )( if the First Baptist Church. He is survived by his widow, tho j 'ornier Ada Brown, four daughters, ^ Mrs. E. E. Marlowe of Wilmington, j, Mrs. Christophus Hope, of Oastonia Mrs. Florine Jackson and Mrs. Jack u Vrnette of Kings Mountain, three ? ions, Atwood, Deatie and Bobby, all ( if Kings Mountain, and his -father . Boyle McDaniel of the Bethlehem ( ommuntty and several brothers and s listers. 8 Pallbearers will We: Bill Tendall 8 if Charlotte, James Ware of Mt. tfolly, Mr. Walker of Bessemer City * lim Davenport of Mt. Holly. Bryan [lord. Joe Lee Woodward. J. R. Rob 0 ;rts, J, R. Keeter of Kings Moun- 1 tain. * (Viauney Twins Not To . I * Appear on Bowes Program j J _____ ' ^ According to a communication from W. K. Mauney, who 1b in New fork City, the Mauuey Twins, Miles uid Ernest, will not appear tonight jn Major Bowes Radio program ao )riginally planned. The talented mu . licians had already had their audi- ' don, and it was thought they would play during the "Amateur Hour," this evening, but (or some unkuown reason the twins will not perforin. Mrs. Mauney and the bo.vs have jeen in New York (or several weeks where they, have been taking extensive courses in music. Mr. Muuu sy Joined them last week. Kings Mountain (ollowers of tbe ''Twins" will be disappointed, because they had looked forward to -taring the accomplished musicians )ver a natlon-ovide hook-up. Union Services At Presbyterian Sunday HI. . . . The final union service of the season will be Sunday night at f the First Presbyterian Church with Rev K. O. Sargeant, Pastor of'the First Baptist Churdh bringing the mesrage. The Uuiou service last Sunday was in St. Matthews Lutheran Chur :h with Dr. H. N. Baird, ot Boyce Memorial A. R. P< Church as the ' preacher. Rev. Sargeant, as Prest-1 Jent of the Ministerial Association, sxpreesed "goodby" to Rev. L. K lamin who has resigned to accept pastorate of the Lutheran Church in Turlington. storm Drives Beach Residents Home A M The Best Town In the State looked mighty good to residents on heir return home Sunday from, heir Beach Homes, front which they 10d before the coastal storm. Mr. ind Mrs. Paul Nelsler and Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Blackmer left their lumrher beach homes Sunday morning after storm warnings had been ssued. Madame* Nelsler and Black raer left King* Mountain Tuesday ' r the bench. j nr. ana Mr*. Hunter Newer aiso vacated their beach home over the weekend and retreated to Lake Waccamaw, and returned Tuetlay. Mf. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauncy had planned a trip to Myrtle Beach last week, but on account of the storm postponed it until this week-end. - tain I: >DAV. AUGUST 15. 1MO IAi a OA nu ' ' -j; ' .* 'A mfcfc rnnrx rnvrtfiTT ro BE SOLO AUO. 24TM TM iehMl tall park property, lottiriUMIMMfeMMi nue, and King street will ta sold it public auction on Saturday. Auiwot 24th, according to Charloo 'homiiion, mombtr of the com itoc to aoll the land, to raibo fund* o erect. a municipal otadium near ho Duke Power Co. Mbitathn. The iroperty ha* been aubdivided into 00 attractive building Iota,, which rill bo offered to the public at aucion. The Kinga Mountain School land will play and every citizen \L nvited to be present for *^-e oale rhether he ia interested in buying r not. Mr. Thomaaeon alao announced hat the property near the aub eta Ion had already been ' secured, and he much needed municipal stadium 1 assured, a ? [lev. Frederick designs As Pastor Last. Surtday morning ui the 11:00 iclock service, the pastor ot the Macedonia Baptist Churah. ftev. J. Frederick, placed his resignation lefore the c-hurch to take effect lunday morning. Sept. 29, at the 1:00 o'clock hour at which time le will preach his last sermon. Mr. Frederick came to Kings rlountain and took charge o( the I rork nearly six years ago. Under lis pastorate the church has almost! loubled , its membership and sever,1 Improvements have been made in ind about the church, A nice heatrig system has been Installed and itso a baptistry. Several inside iiangt-s have been made that is o( treat service to the church. A nice lx-room parsonage has been built nd the liurch Is not burdened with lebts. During Mr. Frederick's pasorate the Sunday School has reach id its highest mark in t.he history if the church. The church has been loted for its smooth and efficient inancial system. Mr. Frederick read his resignalon Sunday morning before his its congregation and asked that he church please accept it A vote vas taken and over his request a arge majority voted that he remain cith the church. Mr. Frederick states that hs is lnahle at the present to state his uture field of service. Keeter's Burglarized Keeter's expensive "price-tags' vere stolen about 1:00 A. M. Wed lesday by a robber or robbers whe ntered the store by breaking the ;lass in the front door. The ''priceags" which were dollar bills were naide shoes in the window. The ntruder collected 13 dollars out of he $16 which was in the window. Mr. Byron Keeter who was not! ied by the police of the breajt-ln a pout 1:30 A. M. came down to the itore for an Investigation and found he $13.00 missing. Ocicers question id two suspects Wednesday, but the ;uilty party has not been apprehenled. Insurance was carried on the ;lass breakage, but not on the rob>ery loss. Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS NJEW YORKERS tn mjfhtyc proud of the Hudson, but lots of westerners that go there tM dieappointed with H. I heard about a guy from Arkansas that was riaitiny friend of his In .Mew York, and was took for a ride aloof the Hudson. "Ain't It fraud T" siys the Hew Yorker. a "Wh>. yea, Ifs all r^'?" "Yea dent eeem to eere for It i ^ U ktada rieUy te we. Slew end sickly like." .,P* Well, ft eint one Mt more sickly than year old Mis lerippl. If yen went to know whet I think, I think ift the Mississippi that's ?ickly." "T? Pl,90***"* Wall, msvbs aba's a trifle ailln*, bft yea " ' > . ' ' \ ;'V lerald Centennial Pi W* II ?HP?? io De nere v ; > Flags Presented To Legion Post handsome set ot Flags were presented 10 the Otis I). Cireen Post W 31 of the American Legion at their re- j cent meeting in the Town ilafl. The ^ appropriate gift. from, an auuuyIU0U8 giver, was presented by Dr. Of ? I*. Lewis. *, (The two flags, an American a#id (|| a Legion, with the complete equip- ( j mout. including stands, cases, and carrying belt Cor parades, was the ^ gift of an unknown friend of the tregion. The flags were 4 1-2 by j 5 1-2 feet in size. The local post iliJ not have a set of flags before. The flags will be on display during meetings add on special occasions. ^ Dave Half. State Commander of j Belmont, was present for the meeting and installed the' officers for the coining year. Laney JJettmar is st commander of the Post. at State Adjutant, .was also present CI for the meeting and made a very sc inspiring pep talk. fo Went King Street occupied by Caroline Whltesides, colored. Tl\e contents of the small house was com- (' pletely destroyed, but firemen saved part of the house and kept the fire from spreading to a nearby house which was only a few feet away. " The house was owned by Fred or Wright, and was Insured. Fire Chief w Crady King estimated the damage at $500, No one was home when KI1 [ the fire started, and it gained con- n< ! siderable headway before the alarrl at was turned in. Caroline Whitesldes and her two children occupied the m dwelling. m The cause of the fire is unknown. V but officers are checking oiv the 1" theory that it was from incendiary al origin. Wad ell Chambers is '.n the h" local tail as a susoeot. Chief of Po- a' lice Jimmy Bum* stated that a bank i? which contained a sum of money which was (n- a trunk in the house ni was missing after the fire, and rol> R1 fosry was thought to be the motive ? of the crime. ' I ? sa Mrs. J. E. Herndon Is bf Chairman Of Centennial Committee Ul * tii Mrs J. E. Herndon. has been nam- ot' ed chairman of the Museum Commit da lee of the Clevclaud County Center, w nial according to an announcement lu from Larry Knowles, production pi Chairman. Mesdames Joe Neisler,. re Hilly Mauuey and Ladd Ham rick are at: o.ther members of the committee to in collect old time relics, and any- Ti thing of historical value. The artl- 50 cles will be displayed iu nrerchunts er windows of Kings Mountain during s? the mammoth celebration Any per- M son having articles are asked to con wl tact any member of the committee w or eall The HeraUl Office. All old of time reftcs will do returned to their M owners, and the names of the own- th ers will be placed side of the articles in the windows. The big celebration is just week after next, so there Is no time to lose Kings Mountain citizens are | asked to please ramble thru attics dr and find the old article that will add greatly to the interest of the ? celebration. ? Ai et Harmon Secures Albemarle Position ^ " Si M. L. Harmon.. Jr., who was a member of the graduating class of the University of Neath. Carolina. 1-1 liuti annnifwl tha nnoltlnn nf It^vamt. ^ ? *?*? HWVU> V? iiiU |/UU?V1WU Vk MAVVU tlve Secretary of the Albemarle ** Chamber of Commerce nail Merchants Association. Mt\ Harmon was notified of bis acceptance last 8: week, and he left Kings Mountain fo Sunday to begin his new duties In fo the Stanley Capitol Monday morning. K Mr. Harmon is one of Kings Mountain's finest young men, and his many friends, here are happy to th learn of his opportunity. The new w secretary was Editor of the Daily th Tar Heel, during his senior year. Mr. Harmon was selected for the Jo ? position over a field of fourteen ap- ch piicants. and it is a distinct honor Pi to be chosen for the responsible po- ev sition. House Badly Damaged By Fire Saturday Night ' t Firemen were called out Saturday night about 10:30 to (he house on ' " *' ' ? '' . s ''J Wat oh Label On Yaat Papac An? Oon^Ut Your tuboertptiaw V E spiral ^ * " lYE CENTS PER COPY ?-4 ? M v? Store* i'o Be Open Until 2:00 K M. The lirst tilinvMiii; of the Celilpnal i'aradf tu conuretloll wltli th? K Clfvt-li^d County Celebration, ill be here* ou Tuesday, August 27, 11:00 A M. 'file second showing the same |>arade will bo in J^hol' that afternoon at 5:00 P. M. Officials of the Kings Mountain erchants Association decided lor 0 business houses to remain open lat day ami) 2:00 P. M. Instead of osing at noon as lias been the cutv in during the summer months, erchauts thought in fairness to le large crowd that would be In inga Mountain, the stores - should npiitt Ahntt tun honro PAs. * ?? ? vn v 'iV'Uif I w i 4 lit* *UU' mience of tlir visitors. Everyone is irdially Invited to coine to Kings ountain. see the big parade, ami ive a big time.. The centennial program will bo urted on Sunday, August 25, with 1 outdoor religious service lu tlio leveland County Fairgrounds. Tlis rvice will be lield at 8:00 o'clock flowing a :J0 minute concert ot icred liatid music. Dr. R, C. Camptil. noted Raptist minister of Tex? t. will preach. Monday will be Homecoming Day. triug which foimor resioeuts of e county will re-visit the sconoa bygone days. A feature of thtf ty's program will be a ceremony at Elicit Mayor Harry s. W'oodstn rus over the mythical keys ot bos tality to the mayors and other rep sentatives "of surrounding citius id towns. A field day will be hold' the afternoou. "On Wings ot tue,'' historical pageant which has to persons in the cast and 200 oth s in a special choir, will be pr?tilted for the first time at 8:15 ouday evening. The fairgrounds 111 be used for the showing, which ill be featured by the coronation ! cMiss Shelby" and "Miss Kings loumain.1 Fireworks will climax le program. "Cleveland - Rutherford Lincoln aunty Day" will be Tuesday. Hon- .. guests will be residents of Ruth ford and Lincoln. Ou the nroaram e the first showing of the centenal parade at Ktugs Mountain at It tAock and the second showing of le parade at Shelby at 5 o'clock, t 8:15 the pageant will bapresentl agaiu, followel by fintworUs. Wednesday Wilt toe Governors' ay. Governors^pf^North Carolina, suth Carolina, Tennessee and Ala una are expected to be honored, ang with J. M. Broughton, I>ema? atlc nominee for governor of Nori Carolina. Feature happening of 10 day will be the unveiling of a irtrait of Jaraes l,ove, who pars te land for the city of 8helby. At 15. the pageant will be presented >r the third and final time, agahi llowed by firework#. liwanis Meet Tonight The regular weekly meeting of e Kings Mountain Klwanls CI Ob ill be held this evening at 6:30 io le Womans Club building. Kiwanians and invited guests enyed the bountiful supply of frietf ticken. country ham. etc, at Shiloh resbyterlan Church last Thursday 'ening in Grover. , . t James Prestoi^ Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) For the sake of national defense, 'ashington finally is considering te of the knottiest problems ?? here the money is coming from to illd the thousands of airplanes and ins and tanks and ships which are >eded to make the nation invulner>le to attack. In the first place, the government . ust borrow the money to bur ost of the equipment because for sars it has lived above its bead. t other words, even without Qatlon defense it has been spending iore than it took in. And on nation I defense it has'nt even been keen* is up with the Joneees. So inaddttion to the Just-enacted ational defense taxes, new taexa re being talked of. They may net istertaUse before November, btft (Cont'd en be ok pascot j l " .

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