SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE , BRIDE HONORED ATLOVELY TEA Mrs. C. K. Nolsh-i.. Mrs. Il.uolil ilUlillUult,- Misses ltcssie unci Sara Kumieur were hostesses at a tea on viAi.- im'iMa At?M borne or Mrs. Nelslcr on North Pica inont Avenue. The tea, given coniplt melitury to Mrs. W. L. Ituniseur, a recent bride, was one of thy loveliest affairs of the late summer. Dahlias, roses and gladioli were employed in effective deco'ii.tloj 01 the entire lower floor. In the dining room a color note ot yellow and white prevaileh. Yellow roses, glads, dahlias and lighted white tapers were used. The table was spread with imported laoe and centered with a crystal bowl, filled with yellow roses and dahlias.- Crystal candelabra holding lighted white tapers completed the table appointments. The guests were greeted at the entrance by Mrs. Joe Noisier and Mrs. J. E. Herndon. The receiving line was composed of the following: Mrs. C. E. Nc-tfc ? ler, wearing black lace. Miss Bessie itainseur In blue organdy; Mrs. \V L. Rumseur, pink taiteta; Mrs. Arthur Khyne of Ml. .Holly, blue lace; Miss Sarah Khyne of Mt. Holly, blue organdy; Miss Mary Jo Khyne of Mt Holly, white net; Mrs. Harold Huhnicuit, flowered chiffon; Mrs. kmnictt Kollins of Mt. Holly, white lac'e; Miss Sarah Itutledge of .Mt. Holly", lilack . lace; Miss, Sarah Kant keur, pink orgaudy, * " Mrs. Ed Smitli directed gliosis fo the music room where they were greeted by Mrs. Arnold Riser. Kuceiving in the music r'ooin were Mrs Cleorge Davis of Charlotte, Mrs. Joe Thom.son and Mrs. D. C. Mauney. In the dinlug molded cake decora ted in the same color note and salt ed nuts were served by Misses Betty Bee Neisler, Kachel Smith, Sue Ruddock. Alice Betty Mauney. Nancy Nickels and Betty Patrick. Mrs. P. D. Patrick and Mrs. Pete Gamble directed to the register which was presided -over b Mrs. Har iy Page and Miss Helen Hay.Mrs. Hugh Ormand directed to the sun room where refreshing punch was served by Mrs. George Houser and Miss Ileleu Kldenhour. Goodbeys were spoken by Mrs. \V. A. Rldenhour and Mrs. L. P. Baker. Students: Herald $1 College Term I WIFE USED HEAD Said that if husband could pay io nuvu cur ?usuuu uuu ^ ica>ru instead ol' doing It himself ho could p;iy to have family washing sent to New Way laundry in Oastonia. "do ahead" said he. "O. K. said she. Started today. . . . I. i i W. B. PAYSEUR Landscape Gardner '* *; * ' ' ' . ? ? Shrubbery of all Kinds Lincolnton, N. C. Box 3 65 ' \ t . ' ' ; . . : ' - . SO YOU WONT TO LOOK YOUR BES B To further assure you ance for every occasion, cials, manicures and hai appointment tyday. OPEN EVER VERA'S BE Phoi -/ T1 ! ? ?? ? < HAPPENINGS :rest to v > PHONES 10-R AND 88 1 ? < < fATTEHsiON1 AH ISNANT , I CARRIAGE SOLEMNIi|.D ' -? \>i interest to tlie;v uiaoey f .t: this gcctiou. is the announcement11 ui .!ii- maritime of Miss Jeuueltc i l jstetoi Jk\ v?.. . . a ii which took place in a surprise -cere-j , .ttouy immediately following tin- J [ Sunday ltioitiitiK service at Ueiliie- ji lll'lll llUpiigt cllUfcjK The pastor, Rev. Carl Muaney, of- ; iiciated. usiok the impressive riuK, ceremony. Music was rendered by Mrs. Win. S. H.arrill of Anderson. S C? pianist, and Mrs. Carl Mauney. j ' I noloiSt. .Mrs. 'Maunev sane "The I ' a.wufcUsst Story fiver Told" by Stult I rile Bridal Chorus from Ijbhengrln j s was played for the processional and 1 .Mendelssohn's Wedding March - for ' ho recessional. .During the eereuio- ^ by "Salut D'Armorn' was played. The bride, an attractive brunette, 1 was attired In; a modish early, fall ' jn ket costume in Burgundy shade, *' with gold embroidery and velvet * turban in matching shade with 1 which she wore black accessories. ' Rho wore a shoulder bouquet of yel : s low roses and fever few. The bride is' the only daughter of! , Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Whisnaut ' j of King's Mountain, and is-u voting , woman of exceptional charm. She " holds a position with Keoter's Department Store. Mi;. Patterson, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Patterson of Patterson drove community is connected with the Patterson Dairy. The couple left soon after th The cquple left soon after the ceremony for a short Trip' td '' ths boqch. Upon completion of their new house they' will make their home' in, the Patterson Drove community. ' ' i CELEBRATES SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY. Air. S. C. Itatterree celebrated his seventy-fifth ginhday anniversary with an elaborate dinner at h.s homo on West Mountain street Tuesday eveuing at eight o'clock. A six-course dinner, beautifully ap pointed, was served. Covfcfs were laid tor Mr. and Mrs S. C. Itatterree. Mr. and Mrs. Pride f Ratterree, Priile Ratterree, Jr., Mr and Mrs. Bright Ratterree, James Ratterree, Miss Margaret Ratterree, Mrs. M. J. Clinton of Clover, S. C., A double-double first cousin of Mr. Ratterree, Mrs. Estelle \Veir of lUaclifsburg. a tfisiei:, Miss Mary 1 Wlr.snant of Elackshurg. ,a niece; L)r . and .Mrs. R. N. Baird. HOSTESS AT ROOK PARTY .Mrs. C. E. N.elsl-r was hostess at six tables of Hook entertaining at her home un North Piedmont Avenue Friday afternoon. The house was beautifully decoraled with lovely summer flowers: Mrs. Neisler was assisted by her daughters, Mrs. Harold Hunnicutt and Mrs. Harry Page in. serving punch and at the conclusion of the games, an ice course. The following from Gastonia were present: Mesdamee George Patterson. J. H. Henderlite, P. R Falls, M. H. Currle, J. W Cnlp, G W Rattan, W F. Michael, O. F. Mason, W. L. Balthls, Sam Boyce, Elmer Spencer, Frost Torrence, Lucius Glenn, W. U Klndley, D. E. Met'onnail. Lean Adams, P. W. Garland, Walter Moore, C. I. Loftln, P. R. Huffstetler, H. D. Shackleford, Miss Lollie Shuford and Mrs. D. C. Maun > ey of Kings Mountain. ' " ^ AIM IMinAAiloklA AMMAOlt I ui an ini^cwauiu appuai may we suggest our far styling. Call us for an Y TUESDAY :auty shop ne 88-R t ! HE KBtOS MOUNTAIN HERALD fOMEN ' rr MRS- A A-TAlffERSON, i 5 1HIOE AND BKIDE ELECT > -toNORED . iloiKaiiiK Mrj/f. M. Lokoil Jr.. a . 'neut bride, and Miss Adelaide 1 L;:nsbbo,. of Oiai'lotie. bridtvelect 1 f il. I.I... lwl>- v?l? 1, -1 .. I . 1 - - ~ r tan. was hostess at a dinner-bridge v liirlj last Thursday evening at b:00 J I'clofk. Mixed flow its w?'i e aitaugeil \ hrougjtotit the rooms.' Covers were lajd for twenty-four, t n The honorees' tuble was ictitered , villi a' miniature bridal party induti- _ ed on a reflector. A fbiee-course . liniier was served by the hostess as listed by Miss Mabld Logan. Mrs. ('. K. Logan was awarded ligh score prize for men and .Mrs. iV K. Mauney. Jr.. ladies' high ' .core prize. L. M. Logan won the ? touting prize. Mrs. L. M. Logan. Jr. ' .vas presented a buffet set of 1 tut- b iati taee. Miss Aadeluiite Kiggsbee i vas presented a linen bridge set t (nd Mrs Wilson Crawford a recent trlde. was presented a linen, variety iet. Cuests included Mr. and Mrs.. L. * M. IxJgan, Jr., Miss Adelaide ltiggs- J jee and Mr. Marion Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Crawford; Mr. and Mrs " I. :A. Haynes; 'Mr. and Mis. James ' Logan; Mr. and Mrs. W. K Maunev. , li-.l Mr. and Mrs, A. K Yarboro; Mr ind Mrs C. E. Logan: Mr. and Mrs ( Jilbort Hord; Mr and Mrs. Eugene Roberts;- Miss Octavla Crawford md Mr. Harold Coggius: Miss Janet Walker and Mr. Otto Williams. Personals ; Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Barber spent ? the week-end in Charlotte. ?o? Mr. Aaron Hart so? returned home Saturday after finishing the base- 1 Liall season with Snow Hill. N. C. t ?o? ' Miss Dean Blanton and her sister 1 Mrs. it. F, Henderson spent last week end In Norfolk, Va. -?o? Pride Ratterree, Jr., entered Ap- . palachlan Teachers College at ! Boone this week. ,Mr. and Mrs. George I^attimore end George Lattimore. Jr., are spend iiig the week at Morehead City. ?o? Mrs. Nell Hopper afrs. K. T. Efird of Birmingham, Ala., spent a few.aaye with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper last week. Messrs Tim Goforth. Claude McCartney. Carl Moss and Harold Hun nioutt attended an electric welding demonstration In Charlotte Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wa l er had as their guests Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs. Harry Walker of Bakerfield. Calif. Mrs. Tom Jenkins of Lcaksvllle, N. C.. spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenkins. ?o? 1 jar. ana Mrs. - H. K. Murry and family spent the week-end in Chase City. Va., visiting friends and rela tives. ?o? ?Mr. Cllne Barber and Rlvin Yar-,j| brough and Miss Katherlne Ware motored to Westminster, 8. C., Sunday. ! Mrs. F. E. Finger had as gdeeta last week Mrs. Robert Morrison, Miss Virginia Morrison and Clarence Morrison of Hickory. f Mrs\ Alvflti Yart) rough and eo*ty Eddie, and Miss Abba Barber spent laRt seek in Westminster, 8. C. with THURSDAY. SBPT. 6, 1S?40 heir brother, Mr.O. Barber and J ainlly. _ Miss I.yda Ormond of Long Creek ias returned home after visiting dr. lire-Itainseur while Misses Ilea- u le and Sarah Rainsetir speat their i( aenlion in Western ' N'urth Carolina, o ?O *" \ i i Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Olsen. and s ' ) It.. j&it.;>:);)(fi .. tV.!v*>V- \v .?> hur. Texas, are visiting M?-. and i! fIi-s. Haywood K. I.ynch and family lirs. ttls"rt is a sister of Mr". I*yni-h. ,i ?o? p " Mi Jimmy .Hold left Mornkc noinng for M.ami. "Florida, where l? le-h. * accepted u position wit-Jl Kas !i vill lie -oi), -the >tin from Miatui to|l. iisvv .York. a - - . / : \ ' Mi. yHtnl Mi .-'. It. I?. Mauney of t| ty?K plate and I)r. Wni !?. Muunev > f Wiustou-Sah'iii, -have roturuyO ri ruin a trip via the Hut- Dilve to a 'oston. - Mass , and other points of p ntoiwt, ., x?" , -q- ' - 7 Mr. and Mis. J. E. Miller and Mr. 1 ill- and Mrs. l,lovd. Lassiter of ~ Ltisla. Okla.. were visitors in Kings ilouutain lust week. Mr. Miller is a irother of ltobert Miller, Mrs. F. E. "iitger and Mrs. J. A. Neisler of his place. _ ?o? ; i Mesdameg C. E. Neisler. Sallic *u I ton ami W. A. Ridenhour left ilonday morning for Crescent leach, S. to spend several days dr. \V. A. Ridenhour and Master lack Mauney left yesterday to jolt hem. ?O? j ' I?i mid Mrs. K. C. Cooper have turned home after spending some into at their summer home in Henlersouville. Dr. Cooper had the misoiuuie of breaking a hone in his reel.while entering his home. liis oot is in a plaster east, but lie is ;etting along as well, as could be xpeotedi Mr. P. D. Herndon and son. Plato returned last week from Uoldsboro ltid Swansboro. Mr. .Herndon adiressed a three county meeting of he North Carolina Ginners Associa ion in Goldsboro of which he is' State president. The two Hcrndons j continued on to Swansboro where j hey went fishing and both report * fine catch. . . ' New F Buy Your Fall and V Men's and Boys' all Woo Single and Double Breas 12.50 & II Young Men's and Jui Good Quality and well real service. All styles i shades for Fall? 10.95 & It Shoes for the entire family. Good shoes are cheaper. Child rens and Misses' school shoes, Oxfords, - Ties and Pumps. 97c to $2.50 Pair v*A?r cv..:? d? rv? kj|#i ink ivajun t/icj flaids, Plains and Strip quality to make a better 48c yd. Visit our DRESS SHOl Them?"Second Floor." Myers' 1 ' j . v. -v y Y >' ' >\ More Fatalities Among khool-Age Children 1 . s ? . X The ejH'tiii'.j; .of -schools through ut the state *!..?-* this vvwk from tonaltl Motcu*?. il:v< I '.ur el the llipti iu\ * a elMlUiler li'itl hides'r.ati :.;VrtiitifB aiuuilr ihool-af-t' chtldrc* au\e aketi a:. : stV. .. ,'h. ' lie past few vta:> "At- ;t m?;tt r c* J. tlt?> sat* t> ill'ilill sMl'ttl * r>~tli<> ,.f : o*. . .. f (KditltUI) i111 < l?t' uT ';>? ^r.otip.*.* ? wriwiuM.nii < pti:alti| hu'. ;? ti'al - Ili'rt ?>n ttiMnia ?!.ja fi? . toghv. >?' - < il W)T4 P< '* - iali~ ''til' Iny wci't- ywaiK'ti,. "o and r'rotii rliool. playing ,ii .*?*" -'n'cl H t > percent reduction front tHi tOur C | To "C< Our two telephones', N< the busiest in town. Hun of them urgent and imp* out every day. The opera ant, nearly always right. We've heard a lot of girls in our time, most ol decided it's tim? someont hard-working girls at th We doubf if a more eJ can be found anywhere. This is not "He kind t? a tribute from a store wl telephone service that is exception. KINGS M0UN1 The Rexi Phones IYERA DISPLAY OF all Mercl Winter Needs Early. Use I Fall Suits. l\en\ Ik>y; 1 weeds anc ited models These Pant: 1.50 1.98 n ttie new Snap Front >.95 I Zipper Froi I Men's new Fall Oxc l i *"*r _ ni lorus ana worn anoes Large stock to select from $1.98 to $3.50 Pair ss Material. New Fall 1 <3w*G0?d ?* dcsiK" and every ? ? 9c, *PE. New Fall Creations Departmei \ -,V' * . ' . M 1 .3 * ' killed the previous school year Ok? t?7 of the f tlie "1 schoolat{c children kii > u iii trutnc acowyuts were piu*** : iniis. 'th,i? In-ill^; 8U per ccut of r!n. , total , f 'This li vli ratio of p?Hlestrl*? Dt .m tiooi t}.*' 'V3 ir?u at ". : -_~ 'i.nsi alumni) jr." Safety Ititrruir .11* riiti .-.ii.l. all> id view uf 'lit i ;.,i t linn only about pvrcety t1 1 ti)?il.< an ileitt vlctliiw in Uai " J. nt? aliil nation air- peit? ..1 ii.?n* r-hr.-i rinuivs spvuk for theiraa' a-' i<.i- a, i! < bail' 'linn 44r . " r.r^u...if. *!,fii i i IIM ?'n 'iw ii ehtidrea not fit play te. ' he ?tr> t atiwl t.ot to rutf inio 'J?? I . iI'l l in' rtJail or atu-rtlpt to <.ry? I wi'llout li-t teokinr boll) war* ?' I til' -illi tile >va> is elrliv." Tlie It'll AAA proaram provide*, j for iiiaititeiiaiK e of nrlecjuate food ' . . I.'to.. ?n,l otivtilloola . i .i' j. "i Miji|rn-?-> ? 11' .ii(MMinir *.??* ( -oil cflHs'Tvnt^oto |U'si<-tir?>* jmrlua Marly applicable to local aroas va I small I'lirm-t. ? _ ompliments jntral" os. 41 and 81, are among dreds of calls?and most ortant call?come in and itors are always pleas- : / , criticism of telephone ! it unjust, and so we've : threw a bouquet at the e telephone office, fficient group of women 0 operators Week"?just no appreciates the good the rule rather than the AIN DRUG CO. I all Store II and 81 ?1 S I landise Our Lay-Away Plan. 5' and Junior's Pants, 1 Worsteds. Zipper Fronr -> s are real values? to 3.50 pr. 8 OZ. OVERALLS ; Pocket 87c Pair 9 nt Pocket 97c Pair I "Aladdin" Sox for Chil ; j dren and Junior*. W ' * large selection. Three ^ big price groups. ! j| 10c, 15c, and 19c Pr. \ 1 *rints in the latest color* 1 S s. Three big price groups 1 rroup a big value? 15c, and 19c Yard II arriving Daily. See ' nt Store 1 M ?j?i?^