> " " ' ' X ' . :.N- ' : ' f~* * " : ?. % .v .% m Washington Sn , ???? (Cont'd (rom front jtauc) , group from which Much char ?, ujc.au immunity from ptopor taxation. n uiuu wiio is trying to do a JoD 1 *?'" ? lt?d i.c ? t'i liilUulttgCvi Ill.yCiO. inuustr> tia? ehougn to do without ?a > ij.t, cd ueienu not it uga'.im sueu ouseiesa chuiges as these, say many ..i/icii-ueieuse utiuueu ju SVusnmglOti. H is whispered private!) iu dark places that tuete is u reason behind a.i this attack. The American people It. is Said, have been led to believe Unit the skies soon will' be t A.il luiiig with 60.000 atrpiuues. llut It will In* months if ifol yurs beVVliih The people, become a war of ui< facta, it if. said, titty will wonder vv.hose fault it is. The backers of the new assault hope it.yistry will be blamed. . ? O-lnodeufully, there ate enough pea pie now on the government payroll to stage some pdett.v elaborate maneuvers on their own hook. When the World War ended on Nov. 11. 1!>18, there were 017,760 people oil the federal payroll ? exclusive of course of soldiers, etc, l.ast December the figure reached ;-*1' ->S> re About Smoky t. Park Dedication (Cont'd from front page) y wr peace la full and complete mredness tor national defense uong the other dignitaries there > Governors Burnet R. (May bank loutb Carolina, Keen Johnson of' JAftS,Am CHEERING SE( ' +} ' . L* ; m*?4 w% ^Spr '/'?' '1098 ? *"A i A ?r &L ^5>^?Sk s i^U I iL ^ ^ ^ >? /jH * 't^M ryj /? i 7> - X?l* V t?M U Prairie Rom IJL'! and Clara! VIm. Cham. /?,< ? ? wd laal Tu. OooU * 3 im Ctty *m4 N?*f ? 0?? .1 ^ MiwUtiIMM* r ' a|' Ik LICHTNIN"' 8??nlyj II itfM ku4 nnn frimm I ?*l im?r, iwtuli i?j ' .'( CMkl^WtbtdN A! M. KtokWI*?4. fx** N i mmfmsm >AA BELI i You Always Sai .. ! ,.-"v .v ; Kentucky, and Preottce Ooopdf of Tennessee, and Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes. Mrs. Roo?evelt accompanied the President. Rid lag In the automobile wiui mo Roosevelts were Ickes, and Senatora Reynolds (IVNC) and McKellar flVTenn.) . i. JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167 W THE # J y, *v mix ''' ? .,|fififfi in w v *% w^^dSL .4^|BH l'\ K^Ki . v?S. y^HO^B ;' IV ? > w i\ \ * Y Hpy^x I i ^Au I ] 1^Wl A ^r B^fl i* Uf I K'S re At BeBc*8 ,| < y > j v . ^