r" *vy OUR DEMOCR ^ AT WE MAY ..M EAT AND LIVE *j| ? HZHEM/AH Y-l % Primitive MAN .SP= *Zf. HAD ONLY THE CRUDEST OF - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMCNTS DEPENDED LARGELY ON NATOAE'S BOUNT I . \K . Ancient Egyptians with made first great step PROGRESS OF METHODS AND IMPLEMENTS FOR DEMOCRATIC U.S., WITH TILLING ACRES THEY OWNE TO ITS PRESENT DEVELOPf EDUCATION . LIVING STAN DA AS METHODS, US. FARMER'. Football Season Makes Hazardous ;? Driving j* at Taking cognizance of the opening ;li of the 1<)40 toolbay season in North Carolina. Ronald Hocutt, director of ' ? the Highway Safety Division, ap 0< pealed this week to football fans of fa this state to do their part this year j toward reducing the traffic toll gen -ui erally incident to Kali weekends v< "Accident recoros for the pas' n< several years show that football i ol fans on their way to or from games st have figured in a good many acci- J In dents on week ends In September, ' li| October and November" rtocutt said o\ "In the first place," he stated", ct general accident experience is that Hi 60 percent of all traffic fatalities oc si curt at night, and most football fans hi have to do right much of their driv ,\ ing during the hours of dusk and ht OgjMait p frtiHrfii ;; uae, wm Htcifid jfijfc s 3* .. * Sond for ftff ro?. a wnu .Mrs. A. J". Warlick. Circle No 4 to be announced' i Hoy Si;outs. meet Monday ovontng . at 6:45 o'clock. 1 The theme for the mid-week pray er service Wednesday 7: :j'i p. ni; is The Grace of God." Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church H. N. llaird, Minister. 10.CO A. M. Uiblo School: J. L. , MeGill, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and , Communion Service. SioO P. M. These- organizations ot Church will meet: 1.-. The Woman's Missionary Sod" ty. Mrs. 1. G. Patterson, Leader. 2. The Men of the Church, \V. F.. Rhodes. Leader. 3. The Intermediate Christian Un Ion. Miss Martha F. McGlll., leader. 4. The Junior Christian Union, Miss Elizabeth Anthony,- Leader. 5. The Young People's Christian Union, Miss Ava Ware, Leader. 'No Evening Service on this dnte due to the Auxiliaries of Church meeting in Afternoon. 7:30 P. M Wednesday: Midweek Vesper Service. October 14 th through' the 20th will be the week of our Evangelistic Services. Dr. \V. P. Grier, of Clover. S. C., ylll lead, us in these 7 services. The community is cordial- i ly invited to join with us In this _ season of. special meetings. 1 Presbyterian Church ? Rer. P D. Patrick Pastot 0:45 Sunday school. C. F. Thomas e son, Supt. . , t] 11:00 Morning Worship. L Communion Service and the Roll 1< Call of members. J 2:30 Sunday School at Dixon k School house. J. G. Darracott, Supt. F 6:30 Young Peoples' Vespers. H 7:30 Evening Worship. a Pictures of the Home Mission c work Ir. the Synod of North Carolina by Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Supt. of P Home Missions. o Monday 7:00 P. M. Boy Scouts. t Troop 1. Carl Davidson, Scoutmas- e ter. Harry Page and W. B. Thomson 3 Asst. Scoutmasters. j n 7:15 P. M. Prayer meeting at Mar c grace Community House. a fMeir Everywhere Ar I More Refreshing Sh Y,eSX MfjA. _ flJ UiTEN who never before got JVX a decent shave with a I low-priced blade are enthusiastic about the new Thin Gillette. And no wonder! This I blade, that sella at only 10c lor 4, is made of easy-flexing steel hard enough to cut glass. ; ' ' * "v : \ ii'-i - ii- 't aW'Brif'it > > iifc'r ^ I _ >- ^ ' ?> .? Attend Funeral At Crowders Creek Among Kings Mountain people atI tending funeral services for Mis, | Douglas Love at Crowd ere ("reel* J A. K. P. Church Tuesday afternoon ' were Mrs. W. S. Dllling, Mrs: Booth ( illesple. Tom Harnion. Luther Hat num. Misses Kiln Hi niion. and Jean ette Crawford. . : - v. Isnw, ?,')? e dea'J^aM>'urr. C.. was a Juuglitci of Mr. and Mis. Uobert Jackson and a granddaughter of Mrs. Mollie Didlog Kalis of Howling Ureen. The family have nufiiv friends and vela i tives in. Kings Mountain whose sym [pathize with the.m over lite uhtimelV |d?a\n' fT; i l" tMf^.' ^t* _ j WATCH SERVICE There will be an all-night watel service Id ut Park-Oraoe BibH Church I it'nrflay night. The public ' is invited to take part in this ser ! vice. * , . 1 . . ... THURSDAY. OCT. 3. 1M0. ews-First Baptist Church A. U. Surgeum. Pastor Sunday morni',n worship 11:00. Sunday School 9:40. . ' Junior Worship 11:00 All members of the cfuireh of lir [? mutilate pjte ^'>11 meet with the I ?;r*? Hi ?**? !&-?. lJei^STI lass louni for the purpose of organ /.in>; a new Intermediate movement Teachers and olflce'rs of 'lie Sunlav School are meeting every uight ii- tin' . nunu. <:.su, in a weeK 01 ruining. All workers a if urged to attend. UL-vt;vv V^,W J. V. Frederick. Factor SundaV- School 9:45. M. II. ("aid well; Supt. .. Morning Worship 11:00. Gvenlng Worship 7:no. 1' Prayer service Wednesday even ug 7; 00. All are welcomed to come and .voiship wiih us. GKA( E METHODIST S. w. Johnson. Pastot Sunday School 0:4" Frank (Jreet< supt. Worship Service 11:00. pworth T.ea^ue 6:30. Bvenrng Service 7-30. Wednesday night prayer service 30 P. M. I'ark-CJrace Bible Church John L. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning worsntp 11 A. M. 7:00 I'. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evangc istic service. Second Baotist Church Rev C C. Parker. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. n> end 7:30 p. m nch Sunda . Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School 9:46. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:16 Praver Service Wednesday 7:00. Evening Service 7:00. C. Leaeue of Municipalities To Meet n Charlotte. " i Patrick, Healy, Jr., Executive. Seeetary of the North Carolina League} f Municipalities announced yesteray that one of the principal speakrs at a special session devoted to he national defense program at the .eague's annual convention In, Char dtte. Oct. 13-16. will be Daniel W. loan, for 23 years mayor of Mtlwau ee, who was recently appointed by 'resident Roosevelt to be Associate lireC-tor of the Division of State nd local Cooperation of tlie Coun11 of National Defense. The convention this year is exacted to be the largest assemblage if municipal officials ever held ~ in he 32 years of the League's extstnce, Healy said,'with more than 00 mayors, commissioners, aiderten, clerks, finance officers, and itn a44??ntA?. ill ?M ?1? Try?auui uvy a nuui an poriu uiw tate Id attendance. e Getting Quicker, I W8S VTith ThisNew tV* Price I What'a more, it haa edgea of an entirely new kind that whiak through tough beard quickly and eaaily. There'a no amart... no burn. You get good-looking, comfortable haves every time and save money, tool Buy a package of Thin Gillette Blades . ... ^ - . Ky' I 9 K ' >*-/ \" .- ' ..' ' '* ' 1 l:;'./; ' V?VV'.: '' '' ' West I'otui, N. Y.. Oct. l.-t-Two i men were injured and two cscapud unhurt today when an > army am phibiari' plane crashed into rhe Hud ron IUver three miles north of' the U. S. Military Academy. ++*< +*+< * +*++ +++++* +** : * | The Cotton * The Cotton Association wili mail ^ ment loan on your cotton within < and Warehouse receipts reach R * the gin or warehouse the checl .;. the advance and the Governmen * 7-8 1546 + Middling ' 9.65 9.90 J 1 3-32 ' 11-8 / -4 : t 10.60 11.40 13.2 t 4. The cotton is in the Re-purchase T mentment takes it oven. There it | supervision of grades One variet you the 15 cents. I VICTORY GIN CO. i IVEY WILLIS, Sh . . . IHjyQ ' ^rj^r A Dot with plenty ol doth ... o check that you'll double-check1 Two ol the Cutest, conest po/omoi you've tvtt seen, in perl, printed check trim and dot trim that mogicolly moke them perfect lor lounge and slumber So sweet, so economical, so super-smart, ond above oil?JO toll and worm1 Check comes in While with Red Chech, Blue with Blue Chech, fleih with Wine Chech, Dot in fleth with finh trim, White with Blue trin 1 KEE1 Departmi j Value For Value ?< * t *.t \ } ' ' . ?T"rj.w-p ? ?? '.'Wl '." ' I Raleigh. Oct.' 1.?W Vanco Balae, chief highway engineer said today that it was now planned to uialp'tain local traffic over the Wllllfcin stun Fill while reconstruction work is being done but that all through traffic would be banned. l^ocal traffic witli toads up to a1 bout six tons, probably will be allowed to use the temporary route now open while the new (ill is being fixed, liaise said. L TtrRcrifcTtTTiHTIK ? Misery of Liquid Tablet* h hh mm , tougn urups Liniment I THE WAILING WALL ' ^ H2 about Wr$f bwinb^? W' if "WHEiTST V L \ ^WTBNT I/ \ ADVERTISING WIDLSEMOVE ? yoURlJOKRlE? i i i 11 ~ i m i i *+++*++******* + * *** * * !r * Association 1 i you a check for the full Govern- ? i 48 hours after the samples, invoice X aleigh. If you take the advance at * c win ue lor tne ainerence Detween t Loan. ?' ' 1 1 1-1? * 10.15 , 10.40 + MO 1 7-32 1 1-4 ' * (0 13.80 '? 14.65 5 J* Pool until you sell or the Govern- ? i a charge of 15c for Government * y gin grades are taken and save + . is Local Receiving Agent elby, N. C., Phone 689 + Two Universal Flannelettes that will be your Sleepy Time Favorites W ' F*!r' VV tk % v M \ UNiviiiAi HANMinnr> fm \7^ 1 A?? tvr-fimcf ?t ?V > 1 OUAtAHTIID WAtHAllI '- ? ,x rER'S ent Store Never Undersold y I :is f.it . ,.i