HgV. Read The Herald And Puy At Home L*. r . ' ' ' VOL. 2d NO. 42 Condensed In State AncTNi ?State New*? i Ashct lllc, Oct. i ' -bhcrlffM Ikp- .. o.'les said today Colemau Searcy, 27 < Vail been charge with murder In con. i nection with ilie tatal shoo'ing Sat- < in<l;(y iiH-Itt of.*l'vor_ Taylor, ^ utd that Carter Taylor, 81, brother | < of the (lead 110111." had been charged j < with attaching Mrs. Attyor Taylor with a stick. Deputies Gr'4;g and j ? lias welt said the trouble started 1 when Searcy and Carter weal- to 1 Auypr Taylor's taotne to get Cartel Taylor's wife. 1 Durham, Oct. 15. The fourth an- ' mint conference of the Presbyterian 1 synod's committee* on religious ed j oration will he held here Oct. 2ft-2n. ' Wlnstou-Salem. Oct. 15-The annua) convention of the North Carolina Truck Owner* Association wiTl ho held here Fidduy ami Saturday. Elizabeth city. Oct. l.C-TIm IT. s. j Coast Guard's new $2,t'On,iiOQ ' air . t istation here will he formally detlt ; > edited Thursday, by Herbert K. Gaston,' an assistant se.crclory in the treasury department. l.indssiv C. Warren, recently appointed lT. S. Comptroller - General, will deliver the principal address. , Air plane maneuvers also will he i on the program. A number of ' high ^ ranking Navy and Coast Guard offietals arc expected to attend. ! " ? " t Fort Bragg. Oct. 15.?Firo of unknown cause destroyed the Civilian ( Conservation Corps motor vehicle ] \ garage here, causing loss of 21 vo- j Itlcles. Daiiington. S". C.. Oct. 15.?The funeral was held today for Miss Eu- t ' genta O'Neil, 15. who was kltlpd yes , terdny In an automobllo accident | near her home at Society Hill. ( ? Slur, Oct; 15.?-Funeral services 1 were held today Tor William p. El- i lis, VVPA district supervisor, who ' drowned at Wrightsvile Beach Sat-!' urday while fishing with two com 1 /will ons. Durham, Oct. 15.?A Varsity Club ,v. ?to which letter athletes.. under-j.' " ' graduates or alumnae' are .eligible ( for membership ? has been formed J it Duke University. {Social Security UcpreseiUaiive Here Each first Tuesday " i . i L). W. Lambert, ifianager of .the I (iasionia Social Security Office an- : Mt nounccd yesterday that a rojiroscn ' tutive of his office will tie in Kings ; Mountain at the Post Office each first Tuesday In the month from :i I to 1 P. M. The Representative will i assist in filing claims and aiding | tiotli' employer and employee. ; ~ Relatives of deceased workers are ] especially urged to meet the repre- i sentativo to determine benefits they nre entitled to. "It is surprising i how many people are entitled to < benefits who do not know it" snld i Mr. Lambert. < Old age payments are also hand ? . Ji. A% ? i*u mru inis department. t - Laughing Aroun With IRVIN The Words of a By IRVIN S A FRIEND of mine went over whcr He secured his majority and wa battalion of negro stevedores at Brest men was n black giant from A lab: happy, and the hardest worker amon who labored there handling supplies 1 The big darky's notions of milit tricate thing as military rank were s existent To him a sergeant was the aa high a note as he could sound on tl All the same, his never-failing g take on any task, no matter how dis a favorite, and his white officer wai spite of daily breaches of etiquette o One day the battalion cpmmandei form some job or other. He grinned "All right, Sa'gent, I'll aho' tend "Look here!" snapped the officer you learned yet'how to address me? I'm a major and must be spoken to as "Law's sake! Is dat so?" said th a friendly smile. "Well, anyways, ; young f9llr, an' I hopes they meks yc K ? (American News I mm Kings Brief Form ^ 'j| ? ai?? itional Mews ?i\auonal New*? I aim Angeles, Oct. 15.?Tin* moist | -olorftil of ull Catholic rituals > hmss iii tlio liytHiiiiii# i ito - ? was t tienraiei louay hi i oiiimoinuiat Um i if i In- liVllh a nn Iversary of .'Jl'l hureh hierarchi's . establishmVui *11! I'allforulH. f High point- of the mass- Aran con elobratlon two or more priests ifferlng Mci'lf(ci> simultaneously at tut- altar ? rare in the Homait title Con-celebrants were Mcgr. Clenent Salman of lite Syrlo-Melehlie llymilitlne rite and the llev. Johu II. Hyder of the Slav-Byzantine rife ttaeh celebrated the mass in his twit liturgical language. ? 9 id Slav . mil- any Syrian. Washington, Oct. IZ.~ The Su-j limine Court may announce today | iiiolUier it will revlcvw litiguion in j iviitc-ii a ' ruling is sough' .on tile j jovt . 1 ill 1 lie i'cderal Government 0 ngtilate proiits on national de 1 jiso contracts. This controversy was- among tii'.V 'waiting action ut the first business 1 ,ession of the new 1P40-41 term thai icgan last Monday. Tiie. luitiduul defense case specif ally involved .lustled. Department diarges that the Hotlilehem Shipbuilding Corp. niiide "unconsciou'aible profits" on 8t> ships constructed for the Government during tlie A'orld War. > Approximately $i:t,:*.65.nft0 was at ssue in the litigation, the Govern-j nenf said. The .corporation won Ir, i ower courts. uiypnaui, ra., uci. n>.?'rue rtrsi nan drafted .from tlie "Flats" seeIon of tills eastern Pennsylvania porough is going to get a 'bonus* olleeted by a taproom operator. Joseph Kranlek. tlie proprietor, soltclls the three entiies in change ytatoh customers get with packages if cigarettes from a veulinc niathine. ,He said the contributions iow totaling about $5 ?will he turnid over to the section's firs' eo:iscrlptce. , Applications For Draft lerk Must Be In By Saturday Application tor tiie posit 1 it .0/ ;.rult clerk, lor the,local <t:;ti hourrf i.t;t.l 00. postmark it not later than toon hatuivia.v Octobdr l:?th. tccotd ng to an announc mem no <11:1 un a. t v r ot the local board. Only wrilttu ipplicutiotis will be coin idcreU, ivbiclt should be addressed to tlr* secretary of Local llrail Board. Requirements follow: .\Jyi-A'be tigli school graduate, Willi at least ihrec years full time clerical ex-, perifitcc within the past ten years4 j Must be ablo to handle records at l | papers involving classi...a; 1.1.. .. t mist be' typist. Ladies or men are eligible to apply for the position. Applicants are isked to state age of ail male chlliren above. 16 years old. Men of irnft age are not eligible and ladies tvlth sons or husbands of draft nge ire not eligible. d the World a. v.udi) Well-Wisher . COBB ? the war broke out as a captain s assigned to the command of a on the French Coast. Among hi* ima, densely ignorant, infinitely ig all the hundreds of stevedores or the A. E. F. ary courtesy and of such an ino vague as practically to be nonembodiment of supreme power? he army scale. ood humor and hia willingness to agreeable or laborous, made him disinclined to discipline him in n his part. r gave him a direct order to peraiyiably and answered. U'lt right away." with assumed severity. "Haven't " I want you to understand that such." e darky, showing all his teeth in vou suttinly is one mighty nice >u a sa'gent soon." 'caturet. lac.)' V' \JV?. *> " ** ; '< " i. . u Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. .' v i * i. " P. T. A. PRESIDENT ' p . . J *y 1 I *W m V | a| Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch, newlj elected President of the Central j Srhool Parent-Teacher Association. | ".J" Mrs. H. E. Lynch New l^. T. A. President Mrs. 1 j'i.ywuoii K l.ytuli -has in-en elected in't'sidi nt tit tin: t_Viur.il School Parent - Tf-ai lii'r Ass-ici:'iInn succeeding Air. Clunks T.tioiiiussott. who served last year. Mrs, Lvnch was elected- by Jlu- uomiiia1 inti enniinttti'e coitipost'il of Mcyiatnes ('. ii. White. William Howard. 1'. H. Patrick. 1*. D. liftiidott. and Mi. Charles' Thoniasson. Oilier officers elected were' Mrs. 1. 11. Ooforth, Vice-President: Secretary. Miss Louise Morris; Treasurer % n v'.itt 13. n. i>i 111. i P. T. A. official are very anxtoua to have pood representation of ;n6thers and fathers at the meetings throughout the year. Announce inent as to the date of the Mrst meeting will be made later. About 140 Here Yest ,\, total of ". tfifi in it let wdoii the litres o? -1 an ".t? marched to the two registration places he re >e-K>tday as America sti r: d trriili- rttt man-power to build up tiatior.al'.defense. 'I'll is is ..to 11 a ill her' ilmt had registered at X;4d last night; it1 glstratioti eto.-ed at 0:u0 P. M. A The Kings Mountain Schools were closed so the Central School i,i.tiding could be us"l and to re- j lievo the teachers so tliut they j ould assist la the draft. Officials | were high in their praise for the I teachers lor the assistance limy gave. The big rush according to S. A. j (- niioii tliurtul I'fir It iniiu I W* VHOV, ?? ? ? V Mountain was between 7 A. M. and 10:00 A- M. and from 2:00 P. M. to 4 P. M. Tito registration lor Kast Kings .Mountain at 8:40 last uigin was 040 and tor West "Kings Mouu tain was <45. making tltu total ot j l.aaii. A to. ot 4a out of town un it ' registered. -; '.,te tro:u distant stales front No., to .v to Florida. ' S>eV'.ral amusing Of unusual motitems ooeurivu uutiug tin- uey. one : tut It when tokeil u'ttu was fits t tie pioyer, replied Koosevelt. Witeii tiviosiioned lurlhur, it v as brought out that lie was oil WiV . One while man insistt-r that liis cnntpicMOU be uesignated at light brown" which was one of tile classifications Tor colored registrants. Several had to( register whoso 21st birthday was yesterday, one was a boy who was totally bjlnd. Another man when asked who his nearest relative was replied, his brother-in-law. Ho was then asked if his fathe.r was not llv ing. He said: "Yes, but my brotherin-law lives In the next block, aud my father lives out of town." One colored map when asked what month he was born in. said he did not know the mbpth. but ho was born on February 22nd. . Members of the Draft Board. Frank Summers, Hayne Blackmer and Arthur Hay were well pleased with the systematic way the registration was conducted KverytihinR was bandied In an orderly manner, and the fine patriotic spirit of the assistants was appredatlM. tain \ r * . * rHURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1940 WJLBiakeih Kiwanis Clui MOUNTAINEERS MEET CHERRY-' VILLE IN SHELBY TOMORROW % i NIGHT I , At the request of Kings Mountain 'rn Yir.r.i , i* iV. r,l ITJ an' Kings Mountain High School, made t | arrangements with Cherryville officials to have the football game, which was scheduled to be playecf < in Cherryville, tomorrow afternoon, to be changed to Shelby tomorrow night. Both the Kings Mountain and Cherryville Bands will perform, and l an overflowing crowd is expected for what is considered to be the best game of the conference for the en- lire season. I Kings Mountain receives half of 1 i the gate receipts after the, expenses have been deducted. The price of ad mission will be 50c. The' Mountaineers, are undefeated, and it is hoped by fans that as many Kipgs Mountain citizens as possibly can, be present for the gama. and root for another win. . ; I . v ? " ~~ . *i Red Cross Officials Meet Mis. Mary Sprinkle of High Poiii. North Carolina Kiuli Uupresi illative ot tin: Ameriea'ii Hod Cross mot with! the1 local'group in charge of tin* anin. a I Roll Call ?>... y l\|<tcll, j wiH be conducted next i-.iiith. Mi>. | Sprinkle discussed ways and means of organizing committees for . Ibq t anitUjV.slrive. Plans vvOre also dis-}' ' ussi d for a union service to bo j ill Id Sunday night. Nov. 10th, which i< the night before -the canvass betins. * , Those attending the meeting, which was held iu the- Red Cross office in the City Hull were: Mrs- i dames Ruth Gamble, Executive-''Sec j rotary of the local Chapter, C. E. i Neisler, Pride Ratterree. and Messrs . It. S. Peeler. H. N. llaird ami Haywood E. Lynch, 0 Register ?j eraay ATTEND MUNICIPAL MEET N CHARLOTTE i ? l i Mr. IV. I). Rnttcrrco, Acting- Citv ! Clerl; pud Treasurer, attended- a ting of the . North Caroiirtn Muti i;>al I oniric i'l t'h::riot?e M'Uidnj V.iyor .1. H. Thomasson attended the Toestay. ,1 - " LOCAL BOY JOINS AIR CORPS Mr. Bill Davis, son of Mr. ni.rt, .Mrs. J. R. Davis signed up for four ycftrs service in the Air Corps at' ' Port Worth. Texas. Mr. Davis left 'fi'otn Charlotte Tuesday to take over his duties. i -r Will Rogers' Humorous Story i. . . . .1 .By WILL ROGERS course, tho more people you get around you to make you f el comfortable, the more trouble you're likely to have. Some guys have got so. muoh dough that they have to have the.ir hat brushed every hour by a regular hat-brush- , or. if they didn't have the hathrusher they woulh't have any v. ay of being sure that they wore real rich and kinda superior. Well, one fellow advertised for U va'.et. and a bile. huskv nnv canm and answered the ad. "I want a man that knows his onions." says the advertiser. "I I gotta have a man that ain't afraid of a clothes brush, and a man that is well-behaved. Behavior counts a lot." "Well," says the job-hunter, "I don't think you can get a better one than me. I'm a regular behavorist. Why, I got a record of J my good behavior. I got eight months and three days off for good behavior last time, and before that I would of got three months off l . if I hadn't got roused one day and ( throwed a shovel at otic of the guards." ' American New* Feature*. In*. I r lerald y To Head j -! ) ; ] ' ru$i)iw'Kl< i \\ . K. Uuik'.iy will[i> ;>?! ill-- Kia.iiiis I'luli in m jcui us I'losidoiu. - m .nlil-o I.. \\. .Mam lick. -jiiit dit't'Ciuo MCiti it I lilt IjA (IIC lUOIlltjfS htsS I . i .i.v > i i.. i . ; i. . ?} i'ut initio Woman* Club building. All ki hi KistM, Noiiiiiiaiioii v'oiiiinil ! ?' rlijiiiuun,, r,cpori?;j the iioiiiiiiaions ol' lib rojnmit ? <;. wliuli wi'ru rb'tti't! by till' < Tub. Oillt'l liMlllboiS ;>f the cuilililllHt; wi ll', I'. <i Wlllio, N K McClll I 1.1. Cuforili .mil Arilmr Hay. Harry I'ujit- was iTecl'il ViceIVosidoiit and - tin- - follow In J? wviu i-b^-ifij f>liinotors: II. S niackmcr. I I! Color'b, i* ii. I It-rudon. VV. It I'iii^. .Ii. Maiiiiiy. M A. Wai'O uinl It L .xl aunoy. 'I'.ln- rn-wly ob i ii olTifitr>. and (It 'triors will :ip|?i|ln a sor ri laiy: roasui'iM* for thy* iiow .year. Tin- dffii't'i'S a mi! illnniors will lib ii?siallt'i'th?( lif t of .laati'H'y. i'on:'nn-'er lli:ik< Iv served as Viet -IM't'.-ddeu! (Jurtil;; tin1 past Vo.ar H>- has mail, lit- Jvmri" in Kings Motniiuiii |"or lilt- past 12 years and lias beeif Po-Minister 'fur tin' last I'tiur avul one-half ji-ajs. The newly elected pros-Idem has taken yah ac live part in btvh the civic ami religion 111'<- of Kinus Mountain allien ills 'residence hero. , Following the eh ction or officers I. AV, llainrjok ami ft 1, Mnunoy tvliti. wert" dnl'-gati's to the State, fon von lion it). AVinsthn-Salem. made ( reports of their trip. ' > For the weekly meeting this evet: Ing tit the Club House IV \V. Taimliert. manager of tlio Gastoaia Sorial Security office will speak oil the duties of his oft ice. t'ost master Itlakelv is chairnian of the program committee. Attend Bridge Dedication Mayor .1. 11. Thomassun, 1 tl.'l'a'terson. Karle Tliomassoii. \\". K r.lakcly ami Haywood K! Lynch rej>" resented ings Mountain at 'tie (led ieation of tin; nev> f 22*i.<n?ii Morris Ilritlge over .'In Savannah Hiver. near Ifartwoll. CJa..' last Friday. The itch-gation left here Thursday after noon and at tended a mo'e.'iiiu o' i tseininoh' Trait Obi i\l? in '.lie I'oin-i Set' Hot''! in G"< ejivllle. S I'.. Hl ': evonii'-'. T'i" navy joined the so ; r mo'<"'e:u'i.' ia tit ' no tile , i:>l eon 'him tl ii'r tr' v ' t' i Tit.' Ki'iv Vtumt.M'! ! i're'iimcd home ; Friday evening. Til.' purpose (if 'the J.lC'llMg and 'lie moloi i-nl' V. .I uv p"ieno*c ri?_ over Highway 2S which i* known as the S"i:iinoic Trail, t'iti:-.- is of Kings Mountain recently contribute ' ed $117 "iii to advertise tills route which asses" through here. HORD FLRMi'cJRE CilAi\(iES HAiNiiS Mrs. Nell 11. Fultou, 11. Tom Fulton and I-.. C. Met'lain. n.i; c- tmrti:a.ed lire interests in the I). F. Hor'd Furniture Co. flrotn Messrs .1. O. and C. S. Plonk. I). F Ilord maintains his interest in the business, which was organized in 11)20 The new owners will eontiaue in tjho same locution and will-carry out the policies which are already '.veil established in KI'.-gs Motiutum and adjoining territory; This firm is known far and wide for honest, values and fair dealing. Mr. McClain. who is well known as "ited' ha= hud 11 years expeiiciicc in the lurni'uro bn.dii.-.ss. lie las many friends in this section, who will lie e.lad to learfi of his association with the Kings Mountain) firm. I Ii6th Mr. Mrf.'lain and the, other members of the establishment extend a cordial invitation to every* ane to visit their place of business. Mr. Mct'lttlji. who hits made his home lie re for the rast four years, said: "l am happy to be ft part of the fiord Furniture Co. and I have always been fond of Kings Mountain so I want my friends to visit me tshen they need anything !n the furniture line.' FLORAL FAIR TO BE HELD FRIDAY \ A The Annual Floral Fair sponsored by the Womans Club will be held at the Club House tomorrow (Friday) with the noon and evening .meals terved as usual. 1 _ / ' ^ ' '* ; * .? > " *. V v ? > *.*: ' sr : :? - ^ ' J V^ISBj . ? ; *- ' Watch Lab?l| On Your Paper An?l Oon't Let Your Subscription Expire! PIVE CENTS PER COPY ! . , - : ' . ' . . i % ' ' ':* Floral Fair To.Be Held Friday. Attractive Pt tie's To Be Given. Ill** l-'t< mii h'iiii npuiiHOi'fit' aitiiu..li. It; Hit Woman-. I'luli will i>\j lioM toiiioriOw i KiiiluyV at t!i<- Fluff iin'.i ... . .. i l.ntrut -.In u,'i| |i(- iiiauc by In.ui) oVltu-L tit ij-tli-i to bo roaily fur j lilt a ill ll i*' ii;i\<> been (loin ' I'.v iiiit- tin tils 'and business men HH follows: - ' \ Mums . ? Best collet" ion. six varieties. 3 t/oiiuiK ca< h Basket groceries Baker (iiucViv, Best vase s I.loom- and va'riety lied JSpi'nd .N'eislei . Mills. Best -iiiL'le bloom Teapot? giv !i by Phil'er Hardware. p.esp colli ctioji fhij's'ainhmtiujm -Shampoo ami K inner Wave V? rn's P\tut\ Shoppo. )! s) arranged", llui<v or button in pbik Kim:- Mono loin Drug Company-: . ' M"St an meed dais.'.' or tuition in yellow \y im|| anil grease Job ?? Cull' Center Servfcp. Best arranged in shades of llow < l.:in\|> Ku.elo 5. 10 vs'niil 3Sc Store*. ? I'esi arranged In shades of pink Half Soles Poster's Shoe Shop. Best eollortlon pais* mums?: C.or washed McCoy's Service Station. . - *' . .' : ' . . . I' !., '' *'-f Dahlias . > Best collection St. blooms Haslet crocei ies - . W. J. Crawl'oid and Sons. S> ''?i(i best .colk'Ctjoj^^ it blooms $].nn Kings Mountain Building and Bonn Association. BosP collection Pompon dahlias? Silk llose Pbetiix Milt Store. Second Ih-st collect (tin Pompon dahlias-- Shampoo anil t-'inror Wave*-. -Bttth's Beauty Sboppc. Roses Best Vast- blooms ah* color M.oo?illume Building and Loan As i-ociation. rMM-uiiu vjinf* o nu?ums iiiiT color ? Auto I'illow Western Anto Store. (test single Rose J)ress-or Suit . Ijr-ntu-d I.o-.aii's Dry ("loan-ox. M Ixed Bowl r.'st how T mixed flowerj >1.A0 Kltnei' l.umhe.r Donipan.Vv Host- howl-'one color or white ?- ,-t line Vit tOvy Din Do. ' <1 11 -I .llrlll.n ittly o'le .jaiii- It flowV faille')- i-i: S--1 r I\'t I V.V ment S'oie, , I'.est new . or pnm-ual flower ~w Dr. -i- or Mitt <-?i S.itnt-!e t *1 . 11: y '< :i? .1 v j* : < "o?' lie.,( mini.i-:m e 1 1.1:1 ir half so*? ;' | M'-D,ii;nis shoe Shop. oj 1 . Window; decoration - l-rido j Se? Myers llopt. Store.lVst Thanksgiving or Ohris-'ipaa [ leenratjutt" Smoker Kiiifrs Monti lain Dm nit lire Store. Bazaar '.-f Itest Utility Apron nii-d'el "roe? erics --A and V Store Second le-?ii Apron - lit !hv T-'lo-ir --Marpraeo Store: Host Child's Garment - lloveragQ Set ? Griffin Drug Do. 5 Dost Miseellnneons article ? 1 cat Tick Ant i-l-Yeozp ? MeGill's Ms?o Stat ion . '. > j r.ost Apron tiv Tilsit school girl ? .:? (Dojit'il on next tinsel ^y^^^MES^pRESTON I (Opinions Expressed-to This Column Are Wot Necessarily ine Views 01 1 to* l1,VOUdUCI.I V 'it iuiug to unlsrcrip' men, \vc'\ i- got to coiim Tipt industry and wealth too That theme song still i,s being song, in suing Washington quarters, it lias a nice, vote-gutting ring. This being. cleft ion year, it will bo sung over and over with varying ctnphar As this correspondent has reported, atnajority of legislators now appears convinced that such a vols iMiting catch line lacks logic. Though these don't talk much about It, they vote against the plans. of i the theme song singers. | Their fear, however. Is that the minority Mil continue to sing until majority of the public joins n. So" lite majority Is scanning .the arguments and statements of the voeifevous minority. For example. Senator .losli l?ee of j Oklahoma is the leading proponent (Con?'d on back page) ' 'jjH " %

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