.-V ' . "V** ' ' '/ . ' * Great European Animal Acts ' In Circus Display Ringling Barnum Show Thrills Na tion With Latest Features. t ' . With the must sensai lonul mixei y roups til iirrlormitig ivitil. uiinntli-tcr st.i i' iii 'America - those o' Kiiioih's foremost trainer, , Alfre.tl Court tli<' Kingling llros. an llailium. .iikI Italic v Circus will ' ex biijil in- c,ha?lt>tt?>. X C Tnursdu< tie', :il . its pel roi nialice further ItO table by its new iiiifh fine array ol WW ii ,1 iii. iM>|iftn;iinn , lieut anil countless iiinovatioiei |i [it eselilai ion. . Racing Willi Alfred Court for Jioal hi> |ors jn tills | lii I'l jia Kuistpeui; in \ as Ion U ihti new opening spool a ih. "Tilt- Ketmn of Marco ,1'olu." tashioui'il and costumed in Paris b> Max Wejdy. designer of the KoHe' . Jic-igere.r imnluctions, at aiist oi ov< y ifSO.oon This is the last wore in. [nutcaiul'y. its color tones. yof Kcously fantastic garh and rich traji pings are like nothing ever *011*11 It: American before. i no now ly imported Home acts toi t liv Hig Show Gt marvelously trained ? brings Europe s most famous horsemen to ' the world's largest l)i}> top. now a solid blue canvas with Its air condition itig perfected by a season's expert mentation. Scot os of European headline irou pes and stare, hettdnl by the ur.par alleled l,es Hretlnls. Kllv Ardelly, Truzzi. tbe Akituotos, Itola-ltola. Ad rittna and Chnriys and TatritaV Ikoa perfernl aloft and in the rings with bUel) favorites as the (tiding Cristianis. the throe dying Cornelia trou pes. Hubert Castle, wizard of thrt tight wire- the marvelous Vaeopis and the Davison. The perfot mances In sin at 2; Id and S: 15 I*. M . will) the. doors open . (it 1 and ( IV M.. to permit public inspection of the menagerie, including (largantua lite Great, giant gotiila, and the hundreds of iiiueblood ed steeds in the new horse .'air tent adjoining it. W 41 It A 4ia I . A I/O TOU Lie Awake nights/ Millions do. the wont of it is, you never know when ft sleepless night is coming. | t * Why not be prepared? DR. MILSS Effervescent Nervine Tablets help to quiet the nerves and permit refreshing sleep. Stop in at the drug store today and get a package. Try Dr. Miles Nervine Tablets for Nervousness, Sleeplessness due to Nervousness, Nervout Headache, Excitability, Narvous Irritability. < Small Package 35* - j . Large Package 75* it The large packrge is . jtJK. more economical. niVH ' ESSOTANE GAS SER^ AVAILABLE EVERYV Clean ? Quick ? Ec ^ >w< ara J da*- a*?aae * a* is uciiYt'iai IU yuu i through mains in the sti Kssotane offers you F; Cooking Results, Cleanl a Kitchen that friends ^ COOK THE ESS Gas Ranges On Disj PIEDMONT Phone 263 CLEVELAN] Phone 919 ' ?r-?- - i ? . ; "" . ? Washington Snapshots (Cont'd from front page) would not object. The trouble Is that the boondoggle!-* are cslng defense as a smoke screen for funny loings. Every month the Office of Govern i ment Reports is->u"s a list of "defen Ise" contracts awarded T.he War am? Navy .Departments invariably are i' careful enough with the money t,o j fiacre their contracts down to ther_ last penny. Hut not so with some. 1 rtltcr government agencies. Jus! to tuke one s'1 ate at random " it he latest monthly report shows "! War and Navy eitpenditures in Mary C land amount to *71'1.555.4.;: moth.' wwawa????*?amnaisi n i WPA makes alloimeats for t'Pe ' Je fvnse projects" as follows: *'Joii,imi" ^ *100.000. etc. -tThcy dont no file i i w ith anything ' h-ss than . $5th000.l . Although this might not 'be true, i' would at' least be airly reasonable to assume that somebody in WPA 1 decided "we must spend u million ; dollaVs in Maryland," and foiitt five ' ' projects to which they could alio- \ cine tliat amount in nice Juicy rourtd r lump sum, ' -Or it might indicate a desire at WPA to allot enough money to coy or '"defense projects" without ad- J J vanoo calculation on what they real . i lv will cost fel-railllv ttmnoS If #V?' ' I, - - ' * War and Navy Departments can ficrttire to pennies in buying guns, plan. ! ps and . ships. the'NVPA ought to b? 8 iable to do the same thing in In- 3 I stalling a new 'stock account Ins" " system in the Ikillimoro Coast Guard station. ' ' ?o? There's a not net interesting sidelight which is being emphasized by 3 the .squabble over whet iter Congress 3 should recess or adjourn, l.ast May.majority party leaders in Congress ' -gan getting nut'dy to adjourn in ! .I due. They - said there was nothing j I .more to do. ? 1 (Umgress. however, insisted upon i | slying in session. And since then, it^ 1 I litis approprited millions for deferi 1 sc.' voted for conscription, agreed ' to call out the National Outrd. or- * I tiered the size of the Navy doubled, lifted the limit on the number of . airplanes which the armed services j may have, and so on. 1 Some legislators are asking:. 1 Where would we be now if we 1 had adjourned in June?" 1 Goldaboro. Oct. 29.?David Kvans 1 shot himself to death yesterday, at- 1 ter trying- to kill Minnie Mae Sauls, 1 ,Deputy Sheriff Ro> Perclse said. 1 Kvans and the woman lived in 1 Wayne County. 1 F'ercise said the woman told hint 1 1 she refused Kvans' invitation to en' 1 lo liile and a few minutes later he j 1 started shooting. She was shot tn 1 the neck. shoes! } We all have to wear them, so why not let us keep your shoes in First b Class condition at all ? times. We are experts in P the business. 'J r Foster's SHOE AN D BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 pice inhere onomical?Non-Poisonous n Steel tanks instead of reet. . . ? aster Cooking, Perfect iness, More Leisure, and vill envy. , # r iOTANE GAS WAY >lay at our Showroom J '' 'V ' ' Us. p GAS COMPANY, Gastonia, N. C. D GAS COMPANY, Shelby, N. C. . THE K1N08 MOUNTAIN HERALD 1 ' hrhibhhihhhii S^|k^ v v B Hkw fl ' I 'ictor Maluro and Louise Ptatt come ors of warfare at sea during the 4 Captain Caution," the exciting a rt's best seller, which shows at the , VIORE ABOUT 3ft A PI' NUMBERS (Cont'd from front page) ill?HT6'-'|,Iuis'.er Hpmseur Noisier 0?1873?Robert Nelson Baker 1?678-^-Benjaniln Morse Summltt 2?78?Leonard Lee 'Clary 3?45?-Timmphs Cannon Ooforth 4?1869?James Arthur Dunliatn 5?25?Henderson .Woodrow Herndon. 6?OOP?Andrew Wanton Brown i"?-603?-Vernon Perry Crosby 8?154'?Jessie Tvillard Webster a?1428?Hush Plnkney Early 00?77?John Haywood Allen < 1 ? 100 Robert Davis 02?764?J." C. Wilson 03?666?John Plnkney Lackey 04?190?James Harrison England 1/5?210?James Floyd Bennett 06?1431? Lee Roy Adams 07 -67?John Franklyn Moore ' 08?107?Samuel (Irady MeCarter 09?18IL?Brady Artemis Lail 10?59?{leorge William Hancock 11?174?Hen Flojd Jenkins 12?246?James Walker. Cloninger 13?667?Robert Coleman KKroupe 14?176?Samuel Adams 15?781?Will Means 16?134?Andrew Camel Hayne 17 ?130-^Houston Gill 18?124?Ferris Turner lit?:-1.04?Ledorex Lloyd Ramsey 20?1349?Wayne Kranklyn Garner 21?370?Onslow Simmon 22?1375?Coleman Wright 23?225?J. L. Html. Jr. 24?642?Herman Wright Blalock 25?703?Hollin Anthony AlofTilt 20?656?Walton Max Whitworth 27?128?Ralph Benjamin Tucker 28?15&?Stanly Flay Pearson 29?276?J>aiho Perry McDaniel 30?716?Lawrence Fred Rurton 31?1015?James Herman Mulllu 32?883?Ira Nelson Dixon 33?3467?Clyde Sulttle BraskfJLld 34?692?Carl Nixon 35?341?James Hetm Page Wages paid by farmers on Octoer 1 averaged about the same as in July 1, but were about three loints higher than on the same ate a year ago, reports the IJ. S. Marketing Service. WftECULA^l^D Ca>lpmcr? Our Want Ads | The Lost is Found By Our Want Ads WHon you lose V advertise .. They Don't Stay Lost Long DON'T BE BOSSED ; BY VOtm LAXATtVS-MUBVK CONSTIPATION THIS MOMHN WAV Wkan JWU fml hnartachy, io,y Una to cloofoO-up bowoU, do ao miltion* So?toko Pooo-A-Miot at badtlmo. Not moraine ? thorough, comfcrtobla ratio!, hatpin* you (tart tbo day ftitl of year normal itup and poo, fcatin* liko a ttlian! JWWt-Mfartdaasrt disturb your night's root or lafhaaWi work ?ka ?? bandy and aconomfcal... a fcmily supply FEEN-A-MMT To i I I 4 .* < . . ,* 1 ' . * . * . Yi '< **- * r? * i i - ? r ' :? ' .,5'> ' v* ' ' THURSDAY. OCT 39, 1940 . ; mday and Tuesday < ^HT,' oh a mm \ ^ J Ur jm . wis* " r> > dSj^BTMEBa J Wf \ UN ' mmmmn face to face with the blazing te?*. hrill-packed action of Hal Roach's n vciuui c uraina ii um r\omic>n nou Imperial next Monday and Tuesday Cotton Mattresses Program Continued Miss Ruth Current, State home de inonstration, agent, announces that the cotton mattress - making program for low income; farm families has been continued and expanded by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Provision has been made so that more than one mattress ma be obtained by a family,, and the maximum, income limits have been raised. "Under the 1040-41 program". Miss Chrrent said, One mattress can ' be distributed for every two members of a family, up to . three mattresses, except that anv mactress previously received . shall be. deductible. * ' "The new regulations provide that any family, regardless of Its place of residence. Is eligible for material provided at lt-ast one half of the total income is derived from agricultural occupations and its total income last year did not ex eeed $G00 puts $50 for each member of the family over four persons. Al so. any family, regardless of lis source of Income, is eligible for mu terial provided it lives in the coun try and ts total income did not exceed $500 plus $50 for each member ot the family 'over four persons.' jMiss Current says that county farm and home agents will continue to take applications for material, v-hich will he supplied as in the past by the Surplus Marketing Administration. The- Trtipe-A committees will certify applications, ^liss Current and John AV. Goodman. a., sistant director of the State College hA onsibn Service, are ci-directors of the program in North Carolina. ' '\Vi*li these new I i|'ial regulations. we hope to place from 175.000 to 1100,000 mattresses with about' 100.00 low income families in North Carolina," Miss Current declared. Farm Questions Q.?|How can I get forest tree seedlings from the State Nurseries? .?See your county farm agent and he will give you an application blank and submit your order thru R. W. Graeber, Extension forester of N. C. State College. The county agent also has" a schedule of prices for various species, and Be will be glad to advise with you as to the correct species for your locality, taking into accocnt soil apd cllmatta conditions. -Black walnut seedlings will cost you $10 per thousand delivered or $8.50 FOB; white pine transplants are $4 per thousand delivered and $3.50 FOB; white pines are $3 per thousand delivered and $2.75 FOB; and all other species are $2 per thousand delivered and $1.80 FOB. Q.?When will the annual fall meeting of the N. C. State Beekeep during our Phil to A $25 value . . . yours ab Record the voices of family make permanent records c grams, mail "voice letters", see how you can get the Recording Unit free! Kings M< ' * ' s"'- " V ' W&fo V/*' / ; '**> . ' ~ .-V. ".'v era' Association be held and where? ^ A.? The S*utip Beekeepers' Association will meet on Thursday. Nov. ^ 14. at Henderson in Vance County. Headquarters will be the office of ' Kami Agent J. W. Sanders. . Prof. K. I!. Meacham of State College, see retrtry of the association. -is In Charge of arrangements and will gladly furnisli tut titer information about the inee.tiiiK S<n |al qutsta id ing speakers have been obtained to: udditiss the beekeepers,. Soybean production this y ars Is t'tdU-nted to f S1.Tiflfl.000 hushcls, (approximately six trillion hi^'n-ls (1h>Iow the ltrth pioduitiou. M r-7-WAY^ DIRECT and mJUU 1N D1 RE CT W I FLOOR LAMP wfi RIGHT LIGHTING I Ml Mill! mt t --ffl ! ' :, - MlOwiM LIGHTING | J ' ^ \ I mvri : \ ^ ?/ I DULL LIGHTING \w (JOU\ 1 C4^^MHT?C i m ?3 t CANOlt UGHTING I I m 1 CANDLE LIGHTING L A CLv \ WC# NltHT LIGHT M UU ( \ Whi,< I i - Call or See Eug McCoy Servi Phoni nm 1*4 1 "THE HOUSE OP PE1 22 EAST WARREN STREE I ? ? ^ubile^^ i solutelv free! r and friends, if radio pro- ^ Come in . . . Philco Home HyWy 0ff#f liltl ' -' < 'X ."'fl ' . ' * * ?untain Furnil , ' x.-X-* | rHK MERALO ? fl.BO X YEAR W. B. PAYSEUR I Landscape Gardner Shrubbery of all Kinds Lincolnton, N. C. *8 -H Box 365 fill pBHHBlMflHlMjlMMK (jjEnlntj IwrlaTj I W LIGHTING EFFECT 1 W BRIDGE I ITvLampV "(j) IN. HIGH j V*? * I' ;i_n'r?^ =T. j .TTli ^nm r [ 1 j |J tm \ ] Regularly Wv " 1 ; > ^WEEK/fj j j . 1 :ene McSwain ice Station t 165 iH'S Drrnr wv a - i?r A UIAB1UNUS" I 5T ? SHELBY, N. C. i Malr* yttr MM NWrA % t r, .. v' * '; : . v. .' I ' ' ' . >-..' - - I ' ture Co. \' <*'' * * ' J x

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