? . ^ Church TV ' yjesbyt*rian Church I it l,J ' I l> tfuniluv (J, I**. Thomas im. II ?> Moi'iititti Worship Xniiton U> i I'oylr 11 ri it t <** *.! ItW.m W"1toil| fctoo-* J ,i!'. 11.in iron. Sijpl iii Y-?iint; i.pi. . Votpuni, 'i Ks.'ioii,; Woi.liip. survive in ; 'MHir.. Iflt'i -uy 7 I*. M Hoy Sroula, Troop i 4' I'-I'l I >.IV 111 ?0t'. ill'OMl IIIMKlrl . VU-??r:i IlillTJ I'ilKC illol HUI TIlOUI4>M Hcoiiliii i?f.fr? i? i m*m i ur ^hwu'l. 1 IW>UI?I UK ul Mnri;i : < . < otlilitillilU Iliniar THv ll'iuiihil'ip Auvtllary mtil limn. !?? tlv>?r <tinl\ lii lj>r Kplttl * of fniui in lot AiimIi.iI.. Ituom oil Wi-1 pf^lil. Mi. .< Mllilrnl lyiivruh %? a .iii S-iiiii tin . .-Mlilr' sillily. All auyti ol Hi' Chiiri.'U. iii' ui'Ki'il In hl>' jKiviiiiciKi-' <>i iin! npiHtiiuiiiiy. Central Methodist Church ' II. c Sprinkle. Jr., i'atior ,t 4i A M Cliuicll Hi liiml, It S. fawk't. '( < nornl Supi'i li< mul-nt. >1 <"> A M. MiiiiiIiik WtirsVip 5- -Th.'- Vrl of tuMi)? " ?. ir. ' V J-lpwoi-lli lii'itKllo How U VV.Iiiti i.iittMui, I'-OKi.ui. I I .*'? 0 M. KVi'tilio: rli-rx In' Jk'i-'noir *' ITii* t.ni'iM ul l',..vc,IA'iVUiii's -ul <'livl?W ill Mif \\ nan i ,Sm i, l v , \o I Miliil.n . t. .!U V ? will* Mri Iv \\ lit ill in. Nli. X. Hoinluy I" M \\H?i Mi'. II ?V VvUiiii. \ > > Mnii.lay hi I' M. MK.S Mi l liill .1'ial>'.; Nil- I in. ' li aiii.'ixnii'i'il I UiiiiiIiii 7 Hil l* M lliiy {>i oiltf, i ] I, Si'll li'llti I I .Ir Sl'Olll MiasllM' TiiimiIhi V a' I* M llouril of fKivw.UIIM IV ,-ina: iiiiy ; :;n r M Mtilwi,'iik Alfi'i Si'ivli'v. Boyco Memorial A. K. 1*. Church It N Itutnl. Mlli(r|.'r. til A M rtllilo Si lnml, J. J,. Mil!ill >Mu(>i'i IiiI?M|ili li .11 ml A M Mnuitnu Worship * til I' M. All AnMliaiii's nf. !lif? .iliuiili will nti'i'l. Pntytp- SiMviri' Wi'ilni'silay 7:J0 r. m ; Lutheran Church i /ItltUt !>; 4!> tl HO A M Mont lug Service, Itov | H L I'm U'lHon of I'lim-lotte, inwli H- | No KvciiIuk Service A roitKrcgulioituI .ilieolliii; is cull t foi Soiiiliiv. Nov lt> Macedonia Uajjlist Church J V . j ? School V. l.Y, M IV I'aUl I X Suiit M **:?i;j V??i h t j?. It >)*K . W ou * i"1 IVin k [k \\iv' .r o\i M *i*t 7 m? ' ' All .i:r Wi Vou^nI 1' -v v i" \s i h i s (;k \riv >n:*nmj)iST S. \\ .l.vhtisor, P i'-sn.t.iy School ! 1'vaiiU Greco .VNr?it Warship Service 1! Oi'. . p north l.oafitte t>: ;t<* K>entry. Sen Ice ty?Mnosil.?> ntsht prayer service T:l? P M. Rarlv-(irace Rihlc. Church John t.. Gregory. Pastor SrtnJny School 9:45 A. H. 4t4m?+-l+4'*4444+< M . 4 I :: tr " r;; r i juH I Sisk Fun< t Phone 37 for Servi 5 I*adv'Attendant or dUMlte I I I I 11? ; ? Tr - /Z.; N ' * . 1' . * . v " _ ' ... . . ' *. . .. ? TJ ews? ' i Morning Worship 11 A.f M. | ?7 00 I'. M. Ktotilnj{ Servient. Sunday evening Servlcfc 7:00. | Kaclt Saturday 7;O0 I'. M. Lvangt ' Untie service. .( SlIoTitrUaptist Church 1 ite? t, C. l'ark? r. faritor ' Sunday Hi'QOul 9'4*> each Sunday. ?'u.i itig tl a, (i>. and 7:it? p. tu I 'men Suuda -. . .. *." t' , ' ? ii Weslejas Methodist ft I. I r 14K|| r . 'or % 1 iv S< #*4r? ' f TOnmg ^-"r!:.! ??MB. 1 w Y ! 53 *'i.i meeting t'.li Prayer Ifcervtce Wntinwdlcy V:00. Kveiiln^ Sirvlco -7:00. Hillside Tests Shows Value of Cover Crops Winter asa,i|noai.hlna and thai means ;ae Inks of noil ' on farm* where (he land is not protected | vviili-a cover crop To prove to farm I --is Hie viilue ot a winter cover tn | soli and willei roiisorv.ition, a mint I her of county farm agents of the stair college KxI''hh1ihi Service are| coopcialingr with iillii'r agencies ill t eoiiducHug hillside Vsts to arcll-J*rntely tui'a^tiK tin- loss of soil tinil t pt.nn food as a result of orosioii. j Ojtf stitlt lost is being t'utitlllt'lpil ; ii> j-'faal tin CoThty. on th<- fa'rt?i" ; of II ! ' Fuller of I.nuishii'rg. Itoute I A recent Fsrin 'I'o.ttt. hold cooperi at(vojv li\ the Kvieiisimi Service, i soil t'ptisorvation Service, Farm So i ii v Administration and othpr a !;oin i showed' the follow Ina resalts, .nceording to Far inAgeut \V. I" Itoyce. . . , la two plots w here cot ton amf iiiin have boon mown rout iiuiously. sinoo libit, wiili no winlor , cover oli.rp, tlio Silt boxes at tlio tiotlom of tlio hill oollootod U toils of soil per iicrii per year. Iti another plot, whore lo.spoiloza has- boon grown ooiiliiuiously, no soil was lost due inu the saino period In two oilier plots, where corn and cotton have be?'t? grown, and orimson. olovor used as a winter crop, the ail anal loss ' of soil per aero from (lie 7 peroont slope .was ,!S tons. Hut where a four-year rotation of cotton, voru and burly was planted, wiili tespoilo/.a. crimson clover and barley as winter eovef ? iops. tlio annual loss of soil per aero was only 7 tons. Hovce also reported that in lltit'.l the eorn yielded ill bushels per ac ' re on the. plot where corn has been atnnp continuously. 51 bushels per ayro where it was grown in a l\vo> ear- rotation. and f>it bushels per | aere where ti was grown in a four- i i.. ii? i > ? ?i i m'miiii'm, 111 i.;n?. urn n * {;nn>n j it! Ill'" fnlivj Vtir lot a lion yielded f>;? bushel's |>oi; "ill'lV. | ' \ .? !?? > fanners nv? ills 'C .1 i tuMtli'ialiU1 amount of inteie*; ir? tIn* iiw of'Hint* anil pints . nliati- '?l?i.nn<\l Uwu ;lio AAA i;ranl iV a i<l i*l.i it. ' ll,ls WAS s?-' ' ADVER ITSINO 5/\i r ONCE AGt [ BUT NOwWv?-?OHP . THE I I V;. J. ,*) ' NEWSPAPER I k. . DOES IT | .48 & I I) |||l? BETTER I ^ ( , , Si ?* * t b | ce Day or Night i Duty at all Times ' ^ :;{ < >i 1 1 i - HE KlNOfl MOUNTAIN HERALD. Plans are being made in Craven j ounty to promote the uae of barley i h a feed crop In connection vrltii he feeding of ^>riT, says P. M. Co*, .sslstant farm agent Of the State ' ollege Extension Service. C. II. Roberta of the Hoopers j 'reek tuwnahlp has one of the beat j xainplea in llendei'Hon county of! what lime ami phosphate wi% do to pvltuUlgp.^Utl poat.uj.nt...?ag a... Assist-1. lit Farm Agent I). \C. liennett. v Til's planting of wTnler grazing . rope is helping those mountain far j intra who luiil their hay suppltos .ashed away in the recent -flood, eport tiinil agents of the State Colage tension Service, anna iniina iimrni ?r>n Wiim Gdmtiting I IT PAYS TO LISTEN Head I I.c \,ls ? [ E5-IS TliKKfc. GOLD-n ! yoijh^^^H 1 Yes, and in Your Atlic Too! Turn Those Things You Don't Want Into Money with u Want Ad ... "IIK K1NV.S MOUNTAIN I1KUAU). j \ K x^Mg?JMNHRPfl ji' ^H HERE'S one time when cold facts read li of a story book! That's Judge this car by you get when you're i ... the Wheel! t. Judge it by the tra< craftsmanship that he! there are more Dodg road today than any ? Dodge field I... Witness 1941 D< Rowl *. 1 ' sI fie A*viii > frfrl , - - . - --i *- > ' , * * s ~ ' ? 4 '? - ' * r ? ' " ' '/ V '* THURBpAY. OCT 29. 1940 Stock Should Be Kept Away From Grotalaria Crotularia is one o( the Hewer hoII building crop* tn North Carol! na. It is a legume especially well adapted to the sandhills sections. HUt crotulivifci is' poisonous to cows and other livestock, warns Dr. ('. I). (Srinnells, voterianuriair of N. ' i*- S'Mte Col lege-<--mtslseke-s. lillis Is an excellent legume, but its leaves, stents, anil seeds are. toxic to. sill livestock and a small quantity of these can kill an animal, Dr. (trtnnels declared. Use this plant for rover 01; for building the soil, but don't "let your stock get to It. lie advises. QMt-s' 1 mum I ' n'.?; AiiVti. I. ',Wf stock except when in the blossom stage, and ordinarily Is-not eaten no lest other gnjting is scarce. the Stafp t'plUqpe authority qontfnlcd It is very much in blossom in several, sections of the' State'at 'he pres cut t tins-. "All cases of croialarla poisoning do not develop -in the same length of time. Dr. Urinnells declared.. According to scientists of the Florida Agricultural Kxpot intent Stdition, where extension work on the pols NEW MONEY FOR YOUR OLD THINGS Your Diwnrdrd Furniture. Piano, Radio, Bicycle. Tool*, Ice Box, can be sold with A WANT AD I.N THIS NEWSPAPER ^ -/*? i , ? UNTIL YOU SEE i even the hard, case instrument p 1* n n/iA* /uit tK/i* III-- C nw w %?VI IIIMI yicuin IIRC I III why we say? deep, pillow-type i the evidence n there behind Th#r* are new " advantages beside spring-balanced r< ditional Dodge luggage compartm ps explain why lowers without effo ie cars on the fall occidentallyl I >ther car in the Rims to hold the tir the new jewel- o"flot"occur; new C >DGE sal at eMgfct and - Wa 21 North Rai >'_ . . . . . ! I' ? onous effects of the plant has been I a /FEEL peppyi done, oass may develop-from the (RELIEVE tuit AWFUL second to the sixth month after the V /-----_ _ __ animal has eaten the plant.* > / B III" Ik ft I" U L The veterinarian says that the ^^UllVllllVIIW ! outstanding symptoms of erotularia ^H^BBbueTOfATKHHANOtWOtusi 'poisoning are: (Loss of appetite. VnI tika atoppiag out weakness and an unsteady gait, a wiacha fdua'ti"! uh*t depressed attitude on the part of ^ aapoaura). Juat the animal, diacrhea. and bloody J ?? ?>??? En-ar-co and in,,.1M..| M W aUnUy it bagina ita four, nasal Ulae lunge. rn J foJd work of halping aootho tt * Wt IftJr T1TIT1B1 10*"(fl>nJtrnlp6 drugglsia or atait 10c for the growing of crotalarla In. certain trial to National sections- of the Stale! hut Icgpcdex* (n-ar-co Usually makes a tnuoh better leg-1 . , unie and Is perfectly safe as u feed 1 " ' ' 1 " jfo.r all types of livestock. I JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167 * * ^. - lirni i dill II f1 f\l f* | TI^IJ III II I I p I ll I I I I p rv I \ I p I \ UCIMIt y AJ / ' TVg4?? W?g>^ . CONTAINS 9 VITAMINS So necessary to help build ? Strong Bones ? Sound Teeth ? Better Growth BOYS AND GIRLS . Drink 1 Glasses Daily For Better Grades in School t* Archdale. Dairy Phone 2405 ' . . . ? AND DRIVE IT !]) anell...The fitting* that prevent* grit from attackina e silverworel...The the engine'* "innord*" and greatly upholstery) prolong* its life! ? 5 jfety and economy And now, the car that pioneered j tl For example, a the All-Steel Body, Equal-Pretture tar deck lid to the Hydraulic Brakes and other vital im- I ent, that raises or provements offers you Fluid Drive*? rt?on<* can' for the first time in a low-priced carl "<lew Safety Wheel e to the rim should , Why not see and drive it9 Drop in >il Bath Air Cleaner on your Dodge dealer now! II TRIPIK THRIll OP DODGI FlUID DRIVI*? MlNnWMif Tairoo HoMmyl Yew cm det I In high, dri?? In high, stop In high...end I dsrt again In high without chitting genu I A Tfceeeend PMforont In tide I Drlvo from one mi to on hoof to top spood without rrtt chitting I the CmeochnoM at Off Powor It troncmlttod to roor whool* through a cushion of oil; giving I unbollovohlo unoothnoss and longor ear I Mo.' I I re Motors Inc. I Ivoad Avenue I v v - 'v [-V.<- - J

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