mini, i munii r fl^BlUY JAWI JFf SAVES I OVERALLS Men's 8-ounce sanforized, full cut Super Bloodhound Overalls. All sizes? ? 79c Pair OVERALLS Boys' Gold Standard Overalls. Sizes to 18? 68c Pair SHIRTS Men's Dress Madras Shirt 1 Values to $1.50, sizes 14-1 97c each \1 W9H nnnes ur rruu ui mc ijuuii SHIRTS and SHORTS 23c each SHORTS or SHIRTS f A for Men. A real I (If Sale value 1VV UNION SUITS r"A Men's full ribbed winter wei- rlMf ght union suits. Sizes to 52 SWEATERS to 1 AH Slipover or Coat Sizes in >!K J Popular colors. All sizes ? I * LEATHER JACKETS to j ap Made for Outdoor j|ZL Ml Wear. All sizes ? ' JACKETS to* Af Boys* Tweederoy or Plaid Jack !K I ets. Full lined. All sizes to 18 ^ KNICKERS or LONGIES aBoys' School Knickers or Long- 'U / ? f ies in tweeds or herringbone v \ SCHOOL KNICKERS np_ Boys' Corduroy School Knick- U // ers in brown or green, size to 16 %/ 9 \ \ REMEMBER Belk' I WE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. " THl BELK 'S ] Sale Starl TWO HarvesTSalel ighl at. the time you need Fall and Winter (ioods. We have a bumper rap of Values that are yours for the athering. Selection is great?Prices re Low! CURTAINS ) inches wide (180 inches overall) 2'A irds long. Plain or dotted. $1.9?5 val\ On Sale Friday Morning Only? $1.00 Pair LIFEBUOY 01 LUX SOAP arge size cake. Limit 4 to customer. ?Friday Only? 5c Cake GROUP NO. 1 Ladies' Dress Shoes. Fall . Gir g and Winter patterns. Med- bro 7 ium or high heels? tior $1.00 pair _ ^ GROUP NO. 3 Men's Work Shoes. Long- i'ac "wearing Outsoles? ^ $1.00 pair ' i ' I PANTIES I Women's rayon or knit I Full Panties. A real value. All | up oi sizes? < 10c pair , BEDSPREADS * Double bed size. Assorted in vs colors (seconds). Special? 39c each $ ' Visit Our Comp MEN'S S ) Men, this Store is yours! Coi from head to foot?skin outshop in that feminine atmospl stock of Men's and Boys' App Extra Values for the Opening with you. MEN'S WOOL SUITS at Belk's Special Price ? }J r Unheard of before Sale Hat ? Price? or * ; $8.95 WORK SOX ? Men's heavy quality work Socks? 5c pr -YOU ALWAYS SA s Depart :;V V ??^Si i THSJ)AY. OCT M. 1940 SARVKT ts Friday M< BIG EVEN! opemi? ^ate! We are pfoud of our newly done-over Store. Kings Mountain will be proud of it. We invite you to visit us. Best of all, we are offering unheard of Low Prices. Its our party?Come have a Big Time. TOWELS Cannon Labeled Double Terry Bath Towels. Large size. Quantity limited. 1Oc each DRESSES Fruit of. the Loom Wash Dresses. Guaranteed fast colors. Sizes to 4ti. St and a lxl dollar sellers the world over Belk's Price? 63c each GROUP NO. 2 . GOWN J Is Oxfords , black or Ladies' Outing wn, cork or composi- Keep warm tl i soles. Sizes to large 9? nights. All sizes dt * io for Sale? $1.48 pair 48c ea GROUP NO. 4 DRESSE lies' Dress Slippers of . , 0.? ... de, Alligator, Kid or 'ad'c* ^ UreSS ent. Values to $4.00- t0, ^ ^ 0n.e ':ac while they last $1.98 pair $1.0< SHEETS double bed size. Stock LADIES DR a these? New Fall wool Dr 48c each ,,a,tcrns-12 10 20> Jacquard BED SPREADS HAT irietv of colors. Sncrinl Women s new natt hase makes this possi- | Fall Felts. V alues 1.00 each 1 REMNAI IMaiat Special table dress MCiC *^CW color Prints in 3 & HOP .. r... . ouro L a"dbf.f,"?d 36 inch good Quali without having to 0uti 15c value here. A complete arel at all times. " . Dad, bring: son PRIN' Guaranteed fast c men.s hats real opportunity f i's Fall and Winter ????? 8. Colors, brown, blue r>reen? . } K1^ V alencia Prints. S 97c each 19c> fast co,or tire BLANKET S Men s Silk Ties Ful| ,)|H, si/0 cha 10c each Blankc'- Supcr s VE AT . . . ment Stori ICINGS MOUNTAIN, N rrrrv- -r I M,lpiLIJ|Jip ; -' ?';;;;:y.' ';"' . ' '/ ' ...' ' - .^-' / ! ?. SALE i , jjj^ *""'' "tmr - rS J SLIPS . ?, imri. -m i??r.ih.ti??t.t i.? war.*tv? ry,*"M . nnym n n .Movic Mar tsatin Slips, full cut. SI.00 values. Sale price only? [ 63c each I HOSE 1 One hit Women's Silk, Full * Fashioned Hose (mended) . ' assorted sizes and colors? . 10c Pair I HOSE I Women's Pure Silk Hose. I Fall shades. Irregulars of i>(Jc value? 29c Pair || NYLON HOSE _ l( You'll marvel at these. |1 Some are most perfect. All if sizes? It 59c pair I ^ ^0Wn^ ^ ESSES /h?| aq I ^ Newest 3>1.*)8 I values 10 T ? JJ Ik S Q7_ II erns in / #* V to S2 Vf V i lengths, fastl ?2Pric6 1 3'/* yd length * ** | ity heavy 10c vJ. I . Sale price A VV JXg* I olor Prints. A 1 0|* V (I 1 or you - 1VC JU# I m . ros ir j j 1 standard price I *V|1 ywest patterns ^ .7 I ? ? II ;3 SPECIAL .?