t-"- Pine Fence Posts Lasts If Treated i Not every farm hat) on it blacl locust, red cedar, bald cypress o the other durable woods desirabk for fence posts. Hut it \V.- Crueber Kxtenaloii foresfer of N. C State Co lage, says there ure few farmer: who can't find some pine or kuu trees front which long-laslng fenct - , posts can be made with the propel treatment of the.wood with creosote or some other preservative. IxM'Ust, cypress, cedar, red itiiil berry and catnlpu are so dornhh they require no treatment, Craebei said, but yiifortunateiy most ol these species have been exhausted on tliousatids of North Carolina farms. However, even the least dur can be made to laAt from 15 year# upward if properly treated. The Kxtenslon forester rec.om mends creosote! First, he says, haw the wood peeled clean and thorough ly dry. Then place the posts an end in a boiler containing creosote oil and boll for tvyo hours. Vosts should be in the oil to a depth of six. Inches deeper than they will stand in the ground. Upon removal from the boiler, place. the entire post in a tank of cold drosote oil and allow to- remain for two hours. Very %ntlaf: V^ry results also have been obtained, Graeber sayis; from the use of zince chloride as a preservative. This is much quicker since green posts are used. In fact, the sooner they are treated after cutting, the better. QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COOT HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 8c a word for first in-, ertlcr" half prlco for subsequent inutlona. Minimum charge 2Ec. Do not ask for Informat qn regarding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. If error la made, The Hot-aid :a responsible for. only one incorrect Insertion. The customer u responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify Im mediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newsoaoer. FOR 8ALE: 140 acres land near Kings ' Mountain Park. Wood and saw timber. At $10.00 per acre. William Borders, Blacksburgr, S. C ll-21p. FOR RENT: 5 room house with bath, hot or cold water. Redecorated inside and out. See Arthur Hay. 11-21-C WANTED: Men and Woman . to fwork. No Experience uecessary. Beginners can earn $25.00 a week and up. Apply (Hugh Jewelry Co., Bhelby. N. C.) ll-14c. REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get one ot our delicious Banana Splits (or odly 10c. Kings Mouutain Drug Company. Palmollve, 3 for 20c Kick, J for 25c 8m. Super Suds, 3 for 25c Largs Super Sude 23c Lge. Octagon Soap, 6 for 25c Lge. Octagon Powders, 6 for .. 25c 6m. Octagon 8oap, 10 for 23c 8m. Octagon Powders, 10 for ..23c T.H-s 1 m a* wvaywii uiicv, & ivr W Octagon Cleanter, 2 for 9c Octagon Granulated, 3 for . .. 25c Hollywood, 3 for 14c Cryatal White, 3 for . 14c Roberts' Cash Grocery THE CLAf i |i^ nil I v ':. '- ;* * . *' V ' " . - vimj'i j mfji? . T 4 STEE] ' ^ L' L | Ivurly Ironworkers I j Were Wofktn ut iht ttoiion % f??i 1 1^4 M?r? mpttd Itom . . ^ i j ii mootri '. E7w, poundi 25 OUR DEATH TOLL I; I o I We are appalled at the slaughter () | o? civilians in Europe by ituliscrim f, | inate bombing. How many men, >vo j , men and children have been snuffed , cut in l^oudon and Berlin wh'ile going about their daily tasks, re do . j not know, though figures released ' from both countries shoy the toll in moulding thousands. Meanwhile, the death toll of our { ^ own streets and roads has also mounted) in the first ntne months of* this year, to 23,8:10. ThUt' is 1.500 more than in the same-period last' c year, the National Safety Council w reports. tl The. man, woman, or child sudden I u Chili | like this delicious I Golden Gue i ! - comes to you FRESH fror herds. 4 Glasses Daily?1 Gold Guer Americas 1 s LICENSED BY COLDE Archdak rni I > sJCY KIDS y lr ????p? ii< 1 v? * HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD.' L FACTS miMuMi Steel Capacity Above i. Previous Peak Demand Bocovl* ft ho. .pent Jl.500.000.000 tor j Bi modernisation ond new tqwipmenl since 1929, the steel industry now chewing gum laxative, youtm-lf. It tastes good, it's handy and economical... a family supply FEEN-fl-MINT lot How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of FAT li '" I'll I.'lin I Loat Her SlugpshnrsH Gained a More Shapely Figuri and the Increase in I'hxsirul \ igui and Vivaciousness Which So Oftcr Comes With Ffice.HM Fat Iteduction Thousands of women are getting fat and losing their appeal just be cauie they do not know what to do Why not be smart do what 'thousands of women have dom- U get off pounds of unwanted fat Take a half teaspoonful of K ruschur in a glass of hot water (irst rhinjt every morning to gently activati liver, bowels and kidneys?arut dowr your caloric intake?eat wisely anc Sfttiafvinclv?thopo nonrT nnuos. kw ? - ?r ?..w?v vvu >t\. ?V.t UC C hungry moment! Keep this plan up for 30 days Then weigh yourself and see if yot haven't lost pounds of ugly fat Just see if this doesn't prove to bt the surprise of your life, and maki you feel like shouting the good newt to other fat people. And best of all a jar of Kruschen that will last you for 4 weeks costs but little. If nol joyfully satisfied?money back. * * #' - t ? . GOOD MILK MADE BETTE * ... ? It's Pasteurize* Order Yours To< ' Expert Cleani For All Fine ? ?Satisf actio Trust your dresses of d pensive tailored suits t Laundry. Colors will be cs and pleats expertly i ?Free Quick NEW- WA Launderers, Clean CnetAnia'a Hlilaal ^7 VTiMVO' Phon Our Truck is in Kir ; * '.! < . - ., . ... >. SHOES^^^^^^^ 1 Wc all have to wearV them, so why not let wt keep your shoes in Fin*. Class condition at ad? times. We are experts ?. ( the business. Fosters SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE 1 i Palmolive, 3 for 2fe K!ek. 3 for .. ., 2b- ;' ! Sm. Super Suds, 3 for . 29s > Large Super Suds .. 2k i. Lge. Octagon Soap, 6 for 29? f j [ Lge. Octagon Powders, I fa* ... 2k: j Sm. Octagon Soap, 10 tor .... Jk-. i Sm. Octagon Powders. 10 ter ...2b' vctagon Toilet, Z tor ..... ftt ' Octagon Cleanser, 2 tor ... f'. Octagon Granulated, 3 1or . ... 3ft ' Hollywood, 3 for . -..., ItsJ ' j Crystal White, 3 for _ iffI ' t Plonk Brothers & Cigt ^ r" ? ^ m j y. 1 t I ""S i .J | 1 ' . N . I "J IB > 1 ng J I Suits and Dresses j. n Guaranteed? i i lelicate materials and tato the Gastonia New Way > carefully restored, crag tressed, no shrinkage. Delivery Service Y LAUNDRY ers, Shoe Rebuilders t, Largest and Best e 844 ; / ' j . igs Mountain Every Day ?? ????^ By PERCY L. CROSBY (r f^? *jClii'# ~ , ?~~n PTA Ke TH05 J -JK-Ares^F^T/wn^ ^=0. You Kivoia) thoyS ' J* . . _-?B