' ' - ' * ' . ~~1 toad The HinM 1 And Buy At Hmw ? " ' V ." . VOL. 2t NO. 49 , , Condensed Ii State And N ?State News? , Lumborton, Dec. 3?Berlin Blue, j ? idWPHIJfig ' belli In the kohesoo County JhII ' without privilege ;ot bond, followluif ! the fatal shooting of Anderson if'lark 30 year old Indlhn, late Saturday night-. In the Lumber Bridge community. A coroner's Jury ordore I Blue held on probable first degree .murder charges, pending tho las-lance of the bill by the Grand Jury of I tho December term of . Superior Criminal Court. Sheriff Clyde Wade said that Blue fired through a window at Clark with a shotgun, the shot strl 1 King the victim in the head. Spartanburg. S. C.. Dec. 3.?A con j ference seeking to clear til titles | and leases to land to be embraced In the U. S. Army replacement oen I ter to be located five utiles south of here'was held yesterday. A total of 20.000 acrtV is sought vfor the center. Brevard. Dec. 3.?Brevard. College announced inaugcration. of a ; drive to raise $200,000 for construe- ! tion of a new building and for a ; permanent endowment. /aragoza. Spain, Dec. 3.? Front 40 to< fat persons were believed killed and at least 80 injured today- iu p collision of two express trains at u way station between Madrid andBarcelona. Running at top speed, the ex press from Barcelona to the capital was reportet to have ployed Into th? watting express from Madrid at the Volllla J)e Bbro station, over turning one locomotive and spliuter Ing' wooded cars. Aiken, S. C.. Dec 3.?Dr. James C Kinard, president of Newberry Cob lege, will speak before the Aiken County Edccatlon Association Tliurs day. Continued Progress In Ked Cross Roll Call Officials of the Red Cross are glad to report that continued progress is being made in the- Roll Call. It was thought that by now a complete report" could have been made, but there still are some who have not turned hi their membership nor their subscripiion tor our local wel fare work. All who have not Joined the Rerl Cross nor made a contiibu tion for the community relief are , asked to please phone or see Mr. B. .Si Nelll, treasurer of local Red Cross at once. , If those who have not given,, will do their share Red Cross officials will be able to make the best report in the next issue of The Herald that has ever been made by the local chapter. To give the public some idea of the work that is being done by the Red Cross locally, the Herald is happy to publish the report for the month of November:, .Personal Office Calls 146; Telephone calls in 32; Telephone calls out, 29; Home and Reference visits 61;- Letters in 23; Letters out 9; Tele> grams In 2; Telegrams out 2; Hospital trips 2; Out of town trips tor production 2; U. S. Army cases 2; Food Orders 14; Fuel Orders 5; Prescriptions and yeast) 2^; Oar, ments distributed 80; Quilts from NYA 8; Home Aid Workers placed 6; Milk furnished, pints 330; Used shoes distributed, pairs 12. Laughing Aroui With IRVtt Deceased Didn By JRVIN TN THE old days a skilled actor almost any imaginable role. He tip, voice intonation and stage busin to fit the character. Bnt la these de that physically and temperamental 1 j the Job, or elee he or she will not di The other day a distinguished le Ironic came into the Lam be Club. "Curious thing happened up the "What was that?*' inn ui red one "A man who was said to hare sidewalk in front of one of the booki carried him into Donovan's underti the chap who handles nearly all th< took one look at him and declined U "Why f" "Saia he wasn't the type." (Amarl can Nm wkL^, Rings K i Brief Form atioiial News ?National Newa? Philadelphia. Dec. 3. ?If appeared' found On the Hte|>* of a University of Pennsylvania dormitory hid been "abuudoned" lo a permanent home .Mrs. Ilesnit- Hitting. hodsetnoiher. said, she would file adoption papers *'! have got 1:5 devila here In this dormitory,' she copimemed. "Thev are all good boys aiid Rood students but they need a girl around. Shttnghnl. iD*y. ?The Japanese ! Idoekade of Shanghai's badlands Imposed Saturday to facilitate sonrely Cor a gunman, was extended today to the western boundary, of the mternational Settlement as -a Japanese gendarme wounded by the 'gun-' man nils n-pjurieu 10 nave u >;u, inside the barbed wire net work' through which no food supplies have ! passed since Saturday thousands of Chinese in {tied about. ISviinsville. Ind . Dec. .3:? At a tur | key shout, a friend stood beside i hiiiul John Grassmah, directed him | how to aim n rifle and told him to j "hit the bull's eye.' Grussinun pulled tiic trigger and. did just that. He took home a 12 pound turkey for Christmas. -Vi ' V ' Lakeland. Fla.-. ,Dec. J.--Miss Kill lie Stoat,' who claims she can bring vain by sitting on the shore of a body of water, was headed fur her Oxfoiu, Miss., home today, after Lakeland had had Its best shower in weeks. V The "rainmaker" ended au eight | day vigil beside Lake Mirror yesterday. Aside tvom the farewell showers. there was .07 inch of rain n few days ago. MIsb Stoate' said she hnd kept her promise to the berry growers of the Plant City section who brought her here. .Heavy rains were reported yesterday in the Plant City nrea. Washington, Dec. 3.?Secretary of' Labor Perkins'and Wage-Hour Ad ininistrutor Philip Tt. Fleming offer ed Congress several proposals today for easing the' economic plight of migratory workers moving from state to state in search of job oppor. tunities. Colonel Fleming suggested oxteh sion of wage regulation to large I scale agriculture so as to give the workers on big farms minimum pay rates of from 15 to 30 cents an hour. Ijondon, Dee 3.?Lorec. 3.?Krigid wea ther retained its hold in New York, today as the temperature dropped to below zero levels iti Northerrf sec tionn and new snow added to drlv In is ' tiapIIo O I - -- id the World 4 s. COBB i't Fit the Role S. COBB was su phased to be able to take itudi; :lir | art and then, by makeess ir.r. ;2 over his own personality generate times the manager insists r a candidate muat be qualified for ?. < ading man with a keen sense of the street a while ago," he said, of the class who always bite, been an actor dropped dead on the ng-offlces. They picked him up ai d iking parlors?you know Donovan, s theatrical funerals?but Donovan > bury him." Feature*, inc.) , ' f ' * II Moui " . '1 *' INQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. T NEW COMMISSIONER 4 PiR ' CJM ' \' 4 M / ???? (Sloe Bridges, prominent King! Mountain business man NBA war sworn in as a member of tbe Boart of Count v ^Commissioners for Cleve 1-. .. .1 / >. --- ?'- " * ~ " IUIMI vuiiiiiv, in ^neioy Molina^.?JYTT Bridges was named vice-chairman ol the board. Other members inducted intf> office Monday were Max Wash burn. Shelby Hardware dealer, and 1>. D. I^attimore, farmer of Polnvtlh The retiring board was made nj of George Cornwell. Chairman tm! Ivvtn Allen, and It. II. Wilson. The Board in their nieeting Mon day re-appointed nit county, officers for a : evident us the gifts were being dis trlbuted. Keoter's Store was declared win ner of the $5.00 cash prize for th? best decorated window, by out o town judges last night after th< opening celebration. The judges it announcing the winner stated tha they had to make two trips to de termtne the winner as several stor es had very attractive displays. Tb< judges made special mention ol the center window of Keeter1! which was attractively decorated with gifts for Her and Htm. President Qlee Bridges of thi Merchants Association asked Thi Herald to express his thanks U everyone who helped to mske th< event such a success. Mr. Brldgei said, "1 think everything went of just fine and everybody had a fini time, and in behalf of the Mercbanti Association. I want to express oui appreciation to everyone who help ed as." . v-- * itain F HURSDAV, DEC. ft, 1*40 Lions Honor Draft Board And Enrollees wiii host at their meeting Tuesday i.tgltl 'o Ihw laical Draft oily i d any the two volunteers wh?? -will leavetor Fori Bragg Today to Jolts the 'Army. Lion J. \V. Milam presented t'huit'utan of the Board. Frank Summers, who Introduced the other two members of the Board. Ilayne Black titer and Arthur llay. Mr. Summers explained the classifications of the' registrants and oth er details of the work of the board i . Mr. Hay, the spokesman of the 1 Board entertained club "members 1 with his witty remarks and inteifest ^tg and inspiring patriotic speech. ? . v.- * ' ' f Hayno Blackmer stated at the I conclusion of Mr. Hay's address that j be did not know whether to cry ot I j enlist. I i Lion Haywood R. Lynch prcscnte'l I to the two honored guests, Owen HulWiiekier and Chafe Hilleuder. . attractive traveling kits as a token ? of the esteem and honor the Lions 1 Club hold for men who volunteer r their services to their country. (don Charlie Tlu'mtnsson usked t| that all'.members of tlie Club who f! were of draft age to stand. All but < | seven members of the large num| her present, stood. uriters ;'/R ' * Song j COUNCIL ADOPTS CITY I VAh(AGER FORM OF j v j^trtNMENT s j Members of the Town Council in s ' their meeting Monday night adopt' ed a standard City Manager ordinance for the Town of Kings Mouni c iii. The city manager is to be the chief executive and head of the ad? .unijtratlve branch of the local gov ' jrnment. The complete ordinance ta a on file at the City Hall and any in* terested citizen is invited to inspect i? it, by Mayor J. B. Thomasson. The ordinance was passed after - the motion was made by>C. E. Neis " Itr. Jr., and seconded by W. K. I> Mauney. The Council also voted to take ever the water and light customers s .:ic Cora Mill January 1. The mill i heretofore had been supplying wat ler and lights, but recently sold the houses to employees. '? a r? } Christmas Gifts Central P. T. A. hus selected Wed j uesday, December 18, as Its Christwas (lift .Day. Pupils and parents j are asked to bring usable clothing or r canned food to school that day. The j clothing will be' mended and given . to children who need it. The food wlil be used for our underprivileged s children. , We will assemble In the audltorl, urn at 10:40 on this day. S III! I [ Will Rogers' Humorous Story ; \ By WILL ROGERS XTIE Worst Story I heard today * was told to me by another / Englishman. He is a railroad conf ductor, and he used to run between Glasgow and Edinburgh, in Scotland. Well, he had lots of times a lot of trouble about getting tickets from Scotchmen that was trying to ride free or at a reduced rate, but ha said the wont he ever got etung waa br a fellow with a very red face, when the train stepped at Larbert Junction for collecting tickets. Hils red-faced fellow couldnt find his ticket, and kept ransacking his pockets and stewing around in awfal excitement. Finally, the conductor caw that the fellow was holding the ticket In his month. "There It Is, yen feel, la your nv uth." he said, and grabbed the ticket. Ke waa told, after the Scot got c.!T. that the gay had turned to one of the ether paaseagen end saidi "Awm nee eich a rate as I look* ed like to yon colleether. Twaa an auld ticket, an' I waa sucldaf the date off." taalee K?w? twsaiee lea . ':" V-'* :' ' * > " '/ - ' ' ' V-. lerald ? *V - ' ' ' * " ;.;< * Fisher Accep As Lutheran NEW PASTOR- ~.[ ii.? 1 I k v9B B K H gr_ ? >' ' ,#F "I IK. h kl mi ~ ' ^VIB kB REV. HERMAN G. FISHER vho has resigned as pastor of the iedeemer Lutheran Church of Maon, Ga., to accept the pastorate of t. Matthews Lutheran Church of Kings Mountain., The first sermon of Rev. Mr. Fisher's new pastorate will be delivered Sunday, Dec. 22. tv r. liratt Classifications Announced ^^ ? t The classification of the first 32 men who registered with the local Draft Board are listed below. Out of this nernber only one man, Baxter Wray Owens, qualifier for group 1-A. The of tier numbers are also put lished, as well as the qualifications .or the different groups. The list as released by the local board follows: 1-A?7: Baxter T.'iuy Owens, white 1J1-A-?1, Walter Thomas McSwain --white; 2?Garland Miller- Hcberts, white; 3^?Samuel Wood row Howell, white; -1?George Albert Morris, while; j--Benjamin JkmaU .Harry, white; S?-Willie Abort t'hilders, white: 11?Burgin William Proctor.' white; 12?Japies Baxter, colored; ir?Ducal Oren Barrow, colored; 11 ?Paul HI I is, white; 15?iO.ul Jasper Black, white; 11>?William Carl Mil: lev, white; i7?Charles Elmer Im Ban. white; 18?Tom bee Hamrick. white; 20?Clarence Warren, color erl; 21?Charlie' Andrew Borders, white; 22?Arthur Daniel Worrells, white; 23?Wilkie Eugene Pruiti, white; 24?Jaines llarence Plum ley white; 2d?Carl Thomas Hord Mulllnax, white; 27?Jeff Elliott, white. I 2S?Mnnutltus Odmns, colored; 30?' [Fred Wendell Plonk, white; 31? , pahlei .Moody Bridges, white; 32? I Robert Hord Burton, white. IV-F: 10?Hubert Krauth McGinnts. white; 26?R. A. Jolley, white Four registrants unclassified. Class I Class I-A: Available; fit for general military service. Class I-B: Available; fit only for limited military service. , Class 1-C: Member of) land or na val forces of United States, Class I D: Student fit Tor general military service; available not later than July 1. 1941. Class 1-K: Student fit only for 11m lied military service; available not later than Jtlly 1, 1941. t Class II Class II-A: Man necessary in his civilian activity. Class III j Class I1I-A: Man with dependents Class IV Class TV-A: Man who has com j Dieted service. .. J Class IV-B: Official deferred by law. Class 1V-C: Nondeolarant alien. Class 1V-D: Minister of nellglon or divinity student. Class rV-E: Conscientious objector available only for civilian wfork of national importance. Class 1V-F: Unqualified for military service. FIREMEN CALLED OUT TWICE RECENTLY Firemen were called out two times within the past week, to fires that did very little damage. The fire laddies answered a call to a grass fire last Friday about noon. No damage was reported. Wednesday afternoon about 2 p. m firemen were called to a house near Fulton Street which was occupied by negroes. The fire waa out upon rrival of the firemen and no dam. age was reported by Chlei Oraoy King. *' Ifc. . - - * ; ;r .- -.fljj * '* .'- * "~n Watch Libtl On Your Paper And Don't Lot Your Subscription ' Explrol FIVE CENTS PER COPY ts Call Pastor ? , ' _ i Will Arrive Within Two Weeks Dsft?twfrriudfc'ii,> 1+attftifla.sBfii m / . ?. -"! v% ,j?it'* . ^ *'v3 Tin* Hev. Merman U. Fisher liav reRtkniil. ti pastor of tin* Redeemer Lutberan Church of Mucottv tie., to unept a call to brcvnic pastor of St. Matthfcw* Lutheran Church ". tut ...s, supply pastor of St. Luke's l.uilt t rail Church In- the rural community U?v. Fisher nil! succeed tlte Iter. L. ltoyd llamm, who residue.1 thu local, pastorate after a service of five years to accept a call to Macedonia Lutheran Church of Lurlington. He will come here with his wife and four children 011 December 10th and preach his first sermon us pastor ut the Sunday morning service, December 22nd. iDurliig his short service iu Macon tbo church there lias hud aq increase in membership. In that city he has served as Secretary and Treasurer and as President , of the Macon Ministerial Association. tie is Director of Young People's Wo At In Macon and Regional Director of Lutheran World Action to seuuto funds fot* staitded Lutheran Missions ihrocghout the world from tlnj states of Georgia. Alabama, Missis* ippi and Kloriaa. The new minister setved his first charge at Alamance near Burlington There he built from u mission of 12 members to a self-supporting con gregatlou of 220 members, Rev. Fisher Is a. native of Salisbury, N. C., and comes front.a preaching family." His twin brother la ! minister of the Aslteville Lutherait Church and he lias three other broI liters In the ministry at churches in j North Carolina. He Is a graduate of I Roanoke College at Salem. Va., and j of the Southern Lutherait, Tlieologl1 cal Seminary at Columbia. S. C. " in preparation for the coming of ! Pastor Fisher the Lutheran parsonj age, has been completely; painted , j and renovated aud a heating plant i installed. The Lutherans look forward to I the coming of their new pastor and hope for hint a successful period of service with them aud in the community. Crucifixion Of Christ To Be Shown Here ?:? A talking motion picture utterly different front anything ever-shown in this community, will tie presented In Hast End School twice today, llrst showing will this morning at 10 a. tit., and again this evening"at 7::>U.p. in., under Die sponsorship of East School P. T. A. This picture ta ' flalcrtlhti' ?i ?w1 it lo tli" MUM IV ?r> VIIC I I I V only talking motion picture ever made of the life and crucifixion of Christ. The film is a, spectacular and Impressive production. Critics everywhere have acclaimed it tho greatest talking picture of its kind ever made. Every man, woman undchild in this community should so?lt. The East School P. T. A. is procd to bring this spectacular film to this city, and everyone is urged to se? "Golgatha" because it is not only educational, but highly interesting entertainment. . . v _ . * 'c. . Ci m t A m m a A W (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Vievv* of This Newspaoer.) The booming rearmament drive shows clearly in Washington that defense - minded Ameeicans are tak ing steps which may destroy tha - it. 1 il ? ? ? - ? * - very (.mugs luey sees 10 prowu. . When you get right down to it, the United States is preparing to ra sist two alien forms of government ? national socialist! and communish. Under both of those two forms, the government is supreme and the individual of no importance except as a servant of the government. Thos free worship of God, free dom of speech, freedom of press, the right to go into bosltiess of one's self ? all these are forbidden under Naxlsm and Communism. ^ Religion, speech, press are allimportant. But another freedom which does not exist in Nasi and Communist nations ts what We refer to in this country as private enterprise. That means the right of the individual citlson to open a grocery store or a filling station, to lay a pipe line to transport oil. to da ( (Cont'd on back page) -,:J1