' - r ' v ' * ' A m i t ii i ii in* Dud The Herald And Auy At Heme VOL. V NO. 2. Condensed Ii ' State And I ?SUle New?? Yjik.S. IV, Jan. ".--York fllll re Uins Us popularity us u inurriugi . tiller. Marriage Hi t-uses to th? uMiut-r i?i ?,-t.ii were issued her' in Ifl-lo. according to figutvs anitout ?ed today by Probate. Judge K. Oct ty* Nttnn. This was a constderabh Increase over last >Jear. The applications for marriage licenses read ed a peak during tlje six dajB frotr l>ec. 20 to Dec. 27, Inclusive *wheii 240 were Issued. Fayettevlllc, Jan. 7.?The body ol Vorporal William T. Flrsbee. firs observation batallion. Fort r-aen who was killed in a motorcycle ace - ?lenl Saturday night, was shipped ti relatives in Ashovllle late today. Ht was a native of that city. Firsbee'f motorcycle crashed into a contsruci ion barricade on the Uaeford road Ihvo passengers ridiug with hin were less seriously hurt.-They ar< The Colored Nov By IRVTT TT HAS been remarked before t> not take readily to the science of a majority of the race is sumn -colored soldier la the Great War the air-sendee, and who, In reply to whether he expected to do ear acta "I don't cere how high dey U one foot on de ground." In a somewhat different way i?vdbvu uj mc uckiv porwr ui ? fid , gentleman was tailing him of tha st science of air navigation. Ha list* interest. "Gabe," said tha white man, ' are now running aeroplanes that passengers apiece on a single trip 1 a question of time until they'll be the South. What have you got to i "Well, Bona.- said Gabe, "all I j * to hitch on no Jim Crow cars* (Aaarleu Nn tifc-Mglf' l'o-' t-?- JL . f.i.? * -i- -j t-'.-i ? uiiwrm ituss iituvps ana crivaw I> H. West. Graves was discharge from the army Saturday..He re-en listed today from a hospital bed. Darlington. S." C.. Jan. 7.?'The eO ilsion of two automobilea on tli Darlington-Florence highway laal night took one life and injur'ea sij other persons. Catherine Mlddleton, a negro wo man. was killed when the machitx hi which she was riding and anoth er car headed In the opposite direr 'tirtn ernshed Into the oncoming cai The rar In-which the woman was riding was thrown through flu bridge on the highway, and plungec into, the High Hil creek. Rocky Mount. Jan. 7.?Edyecotnlu first automobile fatality of the yeai occurred Saturdaynlght about 8.01 o'clock when Joe Ralley, white "far mer. was struck by an autombbih driven by Joseph Imneostcr of thh city on Pinetoplt highway. Cornet J. G. Raby exonerated the drive! of the car from blame "in accident According to Deputy Sheriff Shad? Felton and Sorfeant Dewey Lewlt of tho highway patrol Ralley Is sak io have stepped in front of Lancus ter's ear. { ' Greensboro, Jan. 7.?To modem lze the ownership and control o the Greensboro - High Point airport a legislative act is to be sought ti create all airport authority whirl will hold the airport lands, liavt . authority to Issue bonds for Its Int provements and will'take genera authority for its de.ve!opment. Selnia. Jan. 7.?Mrs. Sarah Biz zell, 77, of the Brogdcn coniniuniti died in the Johnston county hospi tal at noon to<lay as the result o1 hums she received at the home ,o her son. A. F. Bizzel Monday morn itiff. The accident occurred about S o'clock when her clothing caught fire as she massaged herself will liniment before an open fireplace. Alone in the house excopT for hei small grandchildren, the flames hatl gone beyond control before assist ance reached her. She was rushed Immediately tc the hospital where she died at li o'clock today. Laughing Aroi With irv; Kings KINO n Brief Form! . ' ?. * < lational News! . ?National New*? Washington. Jan 7. -Tun randy ] Si disilibutoif hi Kujetteville. N ('. Vkv? beiu wi'ira ..by the Federal Trade commission with orders dli reeling them to cease and ieslst i- from the use of lottery methods in ? the sale of candy. The Fayettevllle respondents .are Joe L. Thompson, t trading as Premium Candy Compai ny and Harry Yates, trading as Cutu t bcrland Candy company and Dixie Candy Co. f New York, Jan. 7.---Business fallurea in the United. States in the > holiday week ended January 'J deI dined to 17'J front 180 in the prcvl-j * 1 ous fiveday week. Dun and. Brad- j II street reported today. This compur J ' ed with 2Bo in the comparable week ' a, year ago. which also included u holiday. i ' : . , Washington,. Jan. 7.?Contract aI wards amounting to $87,760.0112, including a *$33,657,580 order for air plan'e engines from the Studebaker j corporation. South Bend, Ind., and i Sill,507,635 contract , wlrh Yellow 1 Truck and Coach Manufacturing Co. > Pontiac, Mich., for trucks, wore anI nouuced today by the War Depart? uient. I'lilcni- rS#%? Pdflf l I X uitvi v II.' I \ alii.) (1011. #. JT v/i two hours, while lits master, lay dying on a Bidawalk, a big police dog . refused to permit police or bystand 5 era-to touch Win. B. Harkness, 61. ,!, A humane officer's ' understanding l' finally won him away, but Harkness was dead of a heart attack when he reached a hospital. f Washington, Jan. 7.?The new I > antoaircraft firing center near Holly Ridge. N. C\. at which the arnty j , will train six. new regiments. t will I' , be named for the late Major Gener. al Richmond Pearson Davis, tli.s r War Department disclosed today. General Davis, who died in Wash ' ington on Sept. 15. 1937,- was born ' at Statesville, N. C. in 1866. He was ( ' a meihber of the 1887 class at West " Point. Shroveport; Da.. Jan. 7.?Second fi I.lout, lletiry (J. Straeban, Jr.. of t Savannah, Ga., was killed at Barks> dale Field here late today when i * tnotlicr plane, while landing, erasli ?j ed into ltis plane on the ground. Air . - pist officials said Straehan had land. I ed in an AT-12 - pursuit training plane and was sitting in it wheal Second Lieut. R A. Sanders of Nashvllet Tetin., .catne down in a * similar croft. Sanders apparently, did not see Strachan's plane and I ' crashed into It-after reaching the ground about 7"> feet away, they re-1 ported. I j Mexico City Jan. 7.?A ci:r.:n , ston of United States engineers f was reported today to have arrive! at Tampico to study plans for en'r larglng the airport operated there I by a MexlcanVaciltate of Pan American airways. The U. S. War and Navy departments are- understood to be negotiating with Pan American > for incorporation of its DatIon A! merican aldways faclltfes into the continental defense program. ind the World [N s. COBB 1 ' w < w I ? an ise ? ? m I?>., el Would Be Light * S. COBB lat, as a rule, the colored man does of aviation. The common viewpoint ted up by the statement made by a AAMAAA^jyAA^ . V ' * who ?u detailed to a labor Job in a question from a friend asking him al dying himself, replied: ks nae m de air so long as I keeps , the same point of view was no itel man down In Louisiana. A white rides that hare been made in the new ned with every evidence of a lively 'over in Europe and up North they carry anywhere from ten to thirty >etween the principal cities. Ifs only doing the same thing down here in say to that?" rot to say is dat it won't be necessary i rwiniwt, mc.v ( - *X~~ .%Mour 8 MOUNTAIN. N. C. TH B. S. Neil ejected lo Srhnnl Rnor/1 wmi wa II. s*. Nvtll. Cashier of lilt* PI rat National Itauk. was elected to till the foui year unexpired term of Glee .A. I ridges on the Kings Monti t.iiit School llouril, according.to l)r. h, 1*. Baker; Chairman. Mr Bridge* who was elected from ward five about,' two years ago. for a tixyeur term, resigned bccacse he was elec ted us a member of the C'ovelatld County- Board of Commissioners. Mr. ttridges' resignation was, accepted at a meeting Of the School Board, Tuesday afternoon. The oth er four members of the Schooi Board elected the Kings .Mountain hanker, who has accepted. Mr. Neil) has b?;en a resident of Kings Maun tain for the past nine years, lie is a property owner and a man of integrity and leadership, and his appointment will be a very favorable one. The new board member lias taken an active part In both the leligious and civic life or Kings Mmintnin Other members of Che School Board are: A. II. .Patterson. P M Xelslef. Olenn White and Or. h. P. Baker. Bank Over Doubles Assets In Nine Years The Kirst National Bank of Kings Mountain is now in the million dollar class. The growth of Kings Mouii tain's financial- Institution has been steady nifu 'sound for the past nine years. The growth aud prosperity of The Pest Town In the.State is reflected in the annual statement which is published in this Issue of The Herald. Total assets of the bank at the close of business. Dec. 151, 1931. were $-144,672.44, compared with $1,001.470.29 for Dec. Ill, 1941k which is an .increase of about 2 Mi times. During tlie same period deposits increased from $290,000 to $842,237. which manifests the confidence the citizenship has in their local bank. Officers and directors of the mil lion dollar batik are to be. congratulated upon their sound judgment and business like methods which makes this large growth possible. Officers and Directors are: President, 1). M. Baker: Vice "President; R. L. Mauney; Cashier, B. S. Neill: Assistant Cashier, P. G. llord, and Dlrecors: D. M. Baker. G._ A. 'Bridges, \V. K. Mauney, K. P. Mauney. P .M Noisier, R. Summers and M A. Ware. Prisoners And Officers Spend Night Here Tvo U. S. Deputy Marshall.-; from New.York State, and the two pris oners they were taking to Federal Prlsosh spent Tuesday night here The prisoners were loc'Ked in the t;ity Jail and the officers spent the night in the Fire Department quarcrs. One prisoner was being taken to Atlanta, and the other one to Houston, Texas. The officers said they had passed thru Kings Mountain several times, and we favorably Impressed with, the little city and decided to spend the night here on this trip. Patrick Elected Red Cross Chairman Rev. P. D. Patrick. was elected Chairman of the local Chapter ol the American Red Cross at the an nual meeting held Tuesday night In the Red Cross Office In tho City Hall. Mr. Patrick succeeds H. \V. Hntitriek who served during the past year. All other officers' were re-elected 'or another year. The officers are: Mrs. C. E. Nelslor, Vico-Chairman; Mrs. Grady King, Secretary; Mrs. P. O. Ratterree, Treasurer and Mrs Ruth Gamble. Executive Secretary. Tho nfflrpra will nnnnlnf thn tourd of Directors which will be innounced later. Bible Class To Have Supper The Men's Bible Class of the First Presbyterian Church will have a upper Saturday night at 7 o'clock n the Fellowship Hall Mr. Harry Page Is president of he class, and Mr. Arthur Hay is eacher. Mr. Robert Miller Is chairnan of the committee planning for or the supper and besides the good ?ats, there will be moving pictures tnd singing Of spirituals by well mown negro singers. Each member of the class is erg*d not to miss this meeting and all nen of the Presbyterian Chnrch arc :ordtally Invited to bo present. ? ' - ' O' ' I wrf lir&&* .i'V-isVi* < *'V ! / '. - . V . . - . ' , . - V*. t itain I URSDAY, JANUARY ?. 1M1 Ministerial President _ I mm - | Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor .6* Go.itrat. Methodist Church. newly elected President of the Kings Mountain Ministeiial Association. Sprinkle Heads Ministerial Association Rev. H. C. Sprinkle. .Is-., pastor of Central Methodist Chureli. was elee tod President or the Ki...;s MontiItiln Ministerial ' Association at "? moo.tinjr liejd Tuesday afi< rnoon in the litiplist Parsonage. the home of the pns! .pros:.lent. Rev. A. C. Saf ion nt. ... ' J." ltov. c. c. i'arker was . elected Vio< President and Rev. R. N. Haird was elected Secretary. i Plans tvero formulated for the | icar's work, and the schedule tor I ni'.inters to hold weekly services u' ' the (' ' (.'amp in the Kings Mont: ' Uil-V natMosrnnr.il was announced. I I'as'orv vo?h the King* Mountain j churches h. v.. heen having weekly so: .< ?:- at the c-uhp each Tucsdav ni- it f.t>- the pa t several ye.ars. Members from the- Association al L so visit the Count Home monthly aim .induct services. Plans were' tllsetissed for the As socta'lon to join in with Nalinnal Coy Scout Week, which will be held in February. Rev. II. G. Fisher, pasi tor of sr. Matthews I.utheran Chur ch will bring the message to the union service which will be held In the First Baptist Curcli. Legion Met Tuesday Night The regular monthly meetilng of Otis 1). Green Post of the Amorlcad Legion was held Tuesday night -In he City Hall. Post Commander Larie Dottmar- presided during the meeting at which only routine business was discussed. Commander Dettmar announced that the quota of 57 members set by the State Department had been reached. T" ' ' t Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS COME of these Jerry-built houses j ^ that you see going up In new | developments are Just kinds scenery, you know. It really don't look as If the proprietor meant to sell them to anybody. But once in a while it happens, and then the proprietors' trouble begin, because it ain't hardly possible to collect the list four hundred payments without knocking the house down when you call for the money. But one proprietor haa a model couple living in his very flimsiest house. When the last installment was collected, the developer went out to the house and talked to the old couple. "How did you keep your house looking so nice and new, when all my other buyers kinda shook theirs to pieces ?. I wish you'd write a ' little piece about it, and I'll use it on my other buyers." Bo the old man did. Ha wrote like this: "We're quiet folks, and ain't T*ry ' hard on a house. We apend the nifhta at our son's place in town. Most all oar days ws spend th our daughter in town. That saves a lot of wear on the house. And then, whenever I want to cough I always go outside, quite . a long ways off from the house. We ain't got any other bad habits, so there's no cause to muss up the nouae with sneezing or dancing or pleying cards, like some folks do." ios' N?w? FuUoms la* < y. ' . 1 lerald - ' j Lion* First Came Monday ^ f ! Tti? Kings fountain Lions Basket .Lall Team will bt seen in action lor .Vie first time this season when they ( lect the last stepping, college boys | .torn Lenoir Rhyne in t he High J School Gym her* Monday right at '. 3 o'cIock. skimp Siowe and Coach ' I u.kcrson have gathered some en j | cedent players and local tans are . i just "itching" to see the boys in ac | uon. The locals are rated as the un- j cterdogs. but anything can happen when Red Smart gets in high gear, i Cathedral Pictures To Be Shown ... i A iniv collection ' of pictures of j (he Ornish Cathedrals made I>> the late I'roCessor K M. Tllden. of Harvard and Indiana l.'itiversiues, will ' I f shown' in connection Willi a ser-1 | :i.on on "l.ossons from Hrcii ' A T.-j , cliite'clurc," by R?;y. H." Sprinkle, j i jr., .mi I'qiitrar "Methodist .Church on I Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. I)r.l .-sprinkle ' received the collection of { lantern slides as a bequest from Dr. ' I ildett, wlnv illvu' last year. and they will tie allown bv means or a 'ereoplieon. Tlrir Is the second set i muu in a 'series on the religious nle.'initig of great human achieveincuts oti Suiuta> evenings at Celttral Church, oilier sermons are to j be given on "Great Religious Paint I ings." at|il "The itcligious Message of the Great Pools,' ' ' Albert Hartsoe Dies At His Home Here Albert Hurt Hartsoe. local textile i worker, died at his home a'. 9:110 j j Friday morning us a result ot heart j attack Mr. Hartsoe hud been ill for four : months, hut his condition was be! lieved to have' been- improved re| Cently and his death was unexpectt it: He was 52 years old. Final rites were conducted from St. .Ylatth'ews Lutheran* Church by the pas or. Rev. 11. t!. Ft-hor. at . i: ?.u Sunday affernoon interment I followed'in Mountain Real cemetery. Mr. llartsoe was a member of tho I Lutheran church and hud lived here mast of his life.. He is survived by his widow; his mother at Uastonia; a son. Aaron I I Hartsoe. who is 'stationed at Fort .Jackson. S C ; a daughter., Miss . Mary Hartsoe at home; a brother Kd Hartsoe. a' foster daughter, Mrs , K. I.. Wright. of Shelby. . Masons Elect Officers Members of Fairvi w Lodge No . elected officers for the touting i year at theif meeting Mohdnv night .] in their, lodgi hall. .1. 11. Titontsoti ! was pros< nt< d ti 2."-yoar . continuous i membership certificate by 1'. 1). | lierudon for the Lodge, j S. A. Crouse was re-elected Wor| sliipfcl Master. VV. K. Crook, Senior , I Warden. .1. B. Herttdon, Junior War i i den. \V. F. l^ogan. Treasurer, and O. C. O'Farri'H. Secretary. Other [ officers are to be appointed by Won I sliipful Master Crocse. After the Lodge was closed light refreshments were served to mean* hers present. Free Talkie Movie Field Worker. Walter S. Page. Jr. of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association, Inc., will show and ex oellent talkie tnovie at Centrui School on tuberculosis Wednesday, Dec ,lf>th at 1:00 p. m. The same show will also be presented at Bast School at 2:3b P in. The movie is sponsored by the Senior Woraani Club] The public is invite dto attend. Those receiving Tuberculosis Christmas Seals through tho inaii who have not paid for same, still have time to make remittance. Blakelv To Preside At Kiwanis Meeting PastmnHter W. E. Blakely who was installed as President of the Kings Mountain Klwanls last Thurs day will preside during the regular weekly meeting to be held this evening at 6:30 in the Womana Club building. President Blakely will discuss plans for the cominy year's activities and appoint standinf com mittees. AH Klwanlans are uryed to be present for the Important meeting. W. K. Mauney, Jr., Foreman of Grand Jury W. K. Mauney. Jr., was elected ^foreman of the Ornnd Jury n Shelby this weekj Mr. Manney was elected for the January term of Superior Court, Mr. Mauney and his Jury completed their duties in two days and were dismissed by the presiding Judge. Watch Libel On Your Papor Oon't Let Your 8ubacrip"on P'.: < ... Expirol PIVE CENTS PER COPT Information Given * ' - ' -1 itf _ % i i ' % lx? you know ?lty cack of your lllploM'l S Ijfltls to kllOXS *OllV entire seiurin number? Kvory months your employer has to i i'l'ti ' your- want's .to the Ktdcral iiOYiviktiU'irt a It it itiVi- your sorta! -icurity account tiunber. Insurance ;ut> iin'i'-s for you or your faint 11 a ill ltf based on your wageB. Tho iiorerivmcnt run koep a complete 1 fiord ot your wages-only if you have Just nuu aortal security actbuttt number and give it to each of >our employers. For further tnfor uiudiMi iiiiismi uio social security Hoard .office at- 143 Sotilh Street, (Jastonia. N! (' . . A representative of the Social S? lUriiy Hoard will be in Kings Moua taiit ai (lie local post office on tlio second Tuesday ol' each month. Thetiext vi>it to Kings Mountain will be on Tuesday. January 14. 1941, front j:oii to S:'hi p. m. Hov, It's Cold Coiiles: vyoathet of the winter <!r\i'l; King" Mountain Sunday lieht. with* the thermometers. dropping. to tin 10 degree mark. The .iii con tin licit odTfl iiti/T ftry through vesterday witli tlie nrrrcury rising a few degrees Tuesday was eloudy 3><1 sevoVai citizens who have the ! reputation of tieing good weather prophets, predicted snow before night fall/ However, they wero wrong in, their calculations. ami t ho snow diii not arrive. There were prospects yesterday of warmer weather. today. as tho , . weather mat) forecast slightly rising temperatures, but said a good deal, of cloudiness was in store. Youth Council To Meet i . The- Youth Council of Central ' Methodist Church, including 'all offi j n rs and teachers of the Youth T)i| vision and the Kpworth league, | will meet with Miss Elltabc'h Neill 1. at her home on Gold street Saturday evening. Jan. 11. at 7 p nt... Art Exhibit XVill all local artists who, have ! any work to (Uspuy pease bring It. j to tli Woman's Club building by It1 I' M this Friday. Included in tills exhibit will he paintings by N*. "artists. Members of the Woman's Club as well i?s friends interested Pi art., nn' urged to he present at 'H :,;> > Kri<lay for tit regular monthly meeting Mr, .1. I,. Settlomyre will bo pr<>sI ent to talk about the pictures. , Hostesses are Mesdaiucs Wiley " Benson. \V. M. Gantt and Ed Camphell. ' , leaving For Florida Those leaving for their ' winter homes In Paltn Harbor. Fla., this week and next week are: Mrs. J. K Anthony, Mrs. I,. P. linker. Mrs. J Ft. Davis and Mrs Grady King; Mr and Tifrs. E. L Campbell; Mrs. Doris Mauney and Mrs. George Patterson, of Gastonlo. Mrs. C. E. Noisier, Mrs W. S. Billing and Mrs. Culp of Gas tonln. Many others will go later. _ . - - * t ty . James PreStom (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are . Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Times and theme- songs cluing* quickly in Washington, sometimes so rapidly that the slueera them selves can't keep up. And sometimes. as now, those who sang loudest wish they had chosen another tune Up until the last week In November. the President himself in Hyde lltrk was making complimentary ro marks about the speed of the defense program. Then in mid-December emphasis shifted to Calk about how defense Is lagging, how 'tho nation^ hasn't been sufficiently "sold" on the necessity for speed, how tho week end production "plack-out" should be eliminated. 'Co those tn the know In Washing ton, the facts were exactly the same in November as in December. The only thing was that the public had been oversold on a few things. T1 Illustrate, those who made mr nltlons and guns had been tlo effoc tlvely classed in the public mind as (Cont'd on back p;igo)

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