PJT; ^ * ' ; > ^TT \ % " * ' " t ' ' * . * .. i^, .' * ' V ' ' 4 '?'.. I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE i,?ifi-'irrt" Meeting of Bridge Club * The. regular uu-vttiig of the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club wag hell l\jti the home or Mrs Puul Nelsler. , The followlug made up two tables! Mesdaines Joe Nelsler, It. H. Webb, Padgett, W. U Hamseur,'* Charles Billing, llayue Ulackiuer, Booth Ulllespie, and the hostess. Sandwiches aud tea was served after the game. Attend Luncheon In In Gastonia Mesdames 1>. C. Mauney, W. S mil in g and C. E. Nelsler were among guesls at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. P. R. Palls in Gas tonla Tuesday. | The Kings Mou | Is a good Drug Store be Z times to please ous custi .+ complete stock so that v | promptly, and we fill 1 | with pure drugs. We wa | please you like we have I J. L. McGill Imperial Kings Mountain, Today Bargain Kermit Mjaynard in "THE FIGHTING T"PV A XT" JL 1."* GREEN ARCH1 Friday an< Wwm?LEm 111 [*"[ ) jj K^d i I I Green Hornet 10c ai i Monday a > Another / The Best Shoi iJilfl r A / I I k ^ J , ^B ^^B __^M tha .3 Bad Humor Man '"nwBSW'TTOSftand KAYKYSM'S BAND hafurhg OINNY SIMMS BARRY BABBIT, ISR RABIBBLE, mm tr. ko (a mo ncruM ' NRm< : ;: : ;: r:^ ^^:y:: ftg* 4Je' BUTLIR StiM* ftoy by JtMi V. tin fy* yrj' J ? ' ' -jf* ' .*>, .:*> . '? . . - ?* -. .1 *..- .? ' . V - . ' " '" '*, ?"-r iw? - i rHB KINGS MOUNTATN HERALD TF VOMEN .MRS- A- H. PATTERSON. 1H? t blcheiti Mr. ami Mia. Sping?."on M? Swain received at (he (rout dour and .Mi and Mr*. Clyde Randall introduced tin- KUiiilr to I'm receiving Hue. MlaatM Margaret llor aud Mary A tine Ml-L?I'ayot of -Shelby. Miss Jewel |l|uloik of Charlotte and Mis* Juaiilta McSwatn directed to the gift room. Miss 1'eur Kerr presented thfc guests to Mrs. lleury l.eonhardt of Gastonia, who presided at the register. In the dining room delicious refreshments consisting of chickon salad, colfee, pound cake ahd mints were served by Miss -Annie Roberts of Kings Mountain, Misses Janette McSwuin and Vera RanaTe, Mesdames Carl McGlnnis, George Kltch i and Dixie Mo,Daniel. ; Tile dining table was spread with an Imported lace cover. The center piece was a lovely bowl golden bios soms. Gold candle sticks holding gold tapers on table. buffet and mantle, lent charm and completed | | i- ^ " i iuu -uppoiuum-nts 01 tile dtuing room. .Delightful music was furnished throughout the afternoon by Sirs Aubrey Clay, pianist, and Miss Borders who sung4.the following songs, ot' yester-year: Let Me Call You Sweetheart. When You and I Were Voutig. Darling 1 am Growug Old. My Wild Irish Rose, The Hells 01 Saint Mary s; l?ug. Dong Ago. The World is Waiting for the Sunrise. I Love you Truly. The Kvsury, -Drlf' iug and Dreaming, Memories, The Voice Of The Old Village ' Choir. Arnoug My Souvenirs and O Soi Mlp. , Mr. and Mrs. Lee MuDaniel said goodbyes. More than 150 guests called and a number of haudsoim. gifts were pre seated the honored couple who have many friends- in this section of the State. Mrs. Llalock was betoie mar riage. Miss Lottie Raudall. Benefit Bridge A bouefii briuge party will be sponsored by the Junior Woman's Club at the Womau's Club building Friday evening, Jan. lu. at 8 o'clock The committees in charge, as listed below, are planning an enjoyable oc fusion and the club as a whole will appreciate the cooperation of those who care to attend. Refreshment' committee. Chair-1 man: Mrs. George Houser. Prize Committee. Chairman: Mrs George Peeler. Table Committee Chairman. Mrs. ' \V. K. Mauney, Jr Telephoue Committee Chairman. Miss Ethel Roberts. i Tables of Hook may also be arranged tor those who wish to play Those who wish to reserve one or more tables may do so by teleponing Miss Ethel Roberts. "Be i Yob g; I SOFTIE" I 650 in this precious now Goorgiono with rock- / obyo pockots fkot / ^ swing freo, ynproitod / ? Bore ptooti, puth-up ^ ^ sloovos. Now bos soortuckor in rod, loyol bluo, or Indion oorth ckockod with wbWo. Shot ? io 17. V ' ' * . "I-a & I j Keeter sShi... [I WIH! 1 IURSDAY, JANUARY 9. 1941. Meeting Of D. A. R. \lr* I'uul Nelslei .was hostess to members * of the Colonel Frederic Hutubrighl Chapter b. A. It. on la*: \V? tlnnsda>. Red carnations, snap dragon* am', poijtseitttn. inady iIk- room* unusually attractive. . Mrs K. .It. .Summers. the . regent, presided and a pruKiain prepared l>> Mr*. iMiialil Ulanton was enjoyed. I'iano selections were rendered b\ \! Is ws-v ti'ralii-Mu ???* 1*u- * *-* hum ? ii miiij onu; the members were Invltt-d ino the dining itititii whi'id a ilclU'luut. repast was jcinil buffet style. Junior Womans Club Meets Tim Junior Wvinuns Club met Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock at lhe home of Mrs. Eugene McCarter with Mrs: McCarter, Mrs. Stewart Thomson ami Mrs. George Peeler as hostesses. A delicious supper was served by the hostesses after which the business at hand was attended to' ana the members then enjoyed bridge and Chinese checkers. Mrs. Jacob Coopr scoring high and Miss Lucille McGinnls, low. Hostesses At Lovely P*uty I Mrs. K H. Webb and Mrs Charles Dilling were hostesses at a lovely party at the home of'Mis. Dilling on last Thursday evening. ^ Flowers aud other decoratimiB In keeping with the lioliduy season vie .iiirtiist-u wiruugnoui inu Home When the guests arrived a tempt ing chop suey supper complete with all accessories was served. The party was one of a series given h.v iiietubers of the Tuesday bridge club with their husbands as honor guests. / ' , Those present included Mr. and Mrs. George Lattimore, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. ttooth Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs1. Paul Neisler. Hunter Neisfer. H. H. Webb Charles Hilling and - Mrs. Jlayne Blacktner, making up three tables of. bridge. McGill-Ridenhour Marriage Announced .Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Helen Mamey Itidenhour. daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Itidenhour, and Mr. James Pressley McGtll. son of Mr. and Mrs T P. McGlll. The marriage took plare in private .reremony at the" Lutheran Par sonage on Wednesday afternoon. January 1.. at 5 o'clock. The vows were spoken before the Rev. Herman Fisher, pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, the impressive ring ceremony being used. The young couple left soon after the ceremony for a trip tp "hicago and are now at home in Kings Mountain. Qinner Guests Charles A. Goforth. Jr.. entertain ed a number of his friends at a well-appointed dinner at 'Ids home on Gold street last Sunday.jCover? were laid for Manly MoorWad. Bpn Bridges. Billy* Throneburg, Douglas HoUser. James Edward Amos. Charles A. GofortitI Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. H D. Tate and Charles A. Goforth, Sr. ? J I . -* .?? V Depa Value For Value I _____ .... - ' V- *';' ? / ' ' '*" " - . ' " <* . , " l' ' > .'-v.; " * i M. ... ..'....tij.. . i - . V . .; * "*/' ' ;"* "V Hostess At Buffet Supi?er And Bridge Party Mi*. 1'a.ul .St'isk'r ami Mr*. K A Smith boilfMcii at a buffet sUIlp'T and bridge party viiteru.niibH at Hit* ttaiiit- bt the limner, the pally belay uii?'U( a ?*ric? of lowly affair* xlvvo by niembeis of tli?Tiit-wta) r.Hdito t'luli. with tiUfhaml* nf the llielllbei> at* honor v ream. Itiil I'iitimtlOlr l>< intaniuy. ufjd lovely white (lower* were arranged Ihrouiiliv'ul the home 'I tie iliniuy' ii i-ii i- ? - - Of n d ca7juTT; in ?iivr> iaiu ill !uIn ii i'?Hi|')i tiil tIn effective la bte appullillilliit A buret supper Consisting of r. and Mrs. \V. L. Hatnseur. Mr. aud Mrs Ladd Hamrlck. Mr and Mrs. Charles Williams, Mr and Mrs Hugh Or mand. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Webb. Mr and Mrs. Charles Billing. Mr aapd Mrs. Hayne Blackmer. Mr. ami Mrjv. Booth Gillespie. Mr and Vfrs. Paul .Neisler. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith. George, l^attimore- and Joe Neisler. Choose one of these heavenly new colors in rich wrinkle-resisting Glor? | tana Crepe to look new and Spring like...Absinthe green, Nassau pink, crater blue, Dixie Clay. Stitched, styled and fitted to Georgian* perfection. Sixes 14 to 42. And only 795 irtment 4ever Undersold . V\V . a . ; ./ t C".,. j--\x-. 'f .* ' ' -- - * Party For Mrs C. k. Noisier ! s Oil. uf . lljo luvt llri>t' partln *i [iho I'lirisfmu* ?pa*on wiis Hum' -giv > s' by .Vlr. and Mr. J. A N?-??>*r a? i ... oi in >11 If. f K N.-islor u \u :- Hti'M |i<'.(t wi ck lor 1uvd TIiiim prrcriil W?*r?: Mr*, f. V Mr and M|> M>'.i OflRMi Vl>. it V KMllou S|- Ml* Krrtl CiRfri ' Mi* * ( < oiysn l?. Iluvl* of i'hirlaiir. .|v. it ml Mi* llroijH' I**Ui-iimk 08 (iuMoni.t and Mr. and Mr*. D K dauney ami Mr and Mr* Jark Kur soui of Uinoolnton Mr*. wlDoarm. Bridge Club Party Mrs. .1. \ entertainer It^e members of her bridge duh nf several inviti id gtiosts during Vbm holidays. Mrs. Booth Gillespie kw the winner of the high score. A tea course was served. Those playing were Mes&taKV ' Hayiie Ulackiner, George lalltiMir; Jim Smith, hid Sinitli. Hulberr UU'ettrGeorge Houscr. Fled Finger. Pan Mr Gillespie Harold liuiifiiicutt George* l?. Davis of" Charlotte and Mrs. Pm?' Nclsler; Engagement Announced The following 'announcement ?in he received with cordial interval Mr and Mrs. Ivan Franklin HoK( man of-Kings Mountain, aurouai* I the i ligagcmcnt of their daughter I iT/i. .. i ^ i?Mnu uduia, in nuuvn i' u IT on JkMb rail, son of Mrs. A. 1a All rax axtf I In* lute Mr. Altruu of i\iug< Mnw?* t? In. Tlio marriage will tuhe