Read Th? Herald And . Buy At Horn* VOL. XT NO. 3 Condensed Id State And N< ?btaie New*? Wi'avurvllUi, Jap. 1J.?A large pro poi.ioa ut tuts i*i? atuuci:ls o( W'euv iv nit- niglt itclioot walked out ut < their classrooma thin uiorniim in mo ' ? ? ( ? test to the selection ol' Claude L. ' Co\o us principal rutner fnuu Olit' i jfetorsoii, coucu of athletic* ^ liuai i ^ the stuuents wanted. ' - Souie estimates were that 240 participated in the. strike, plans tor , which were ina<le at a protest meet , jtng FrlQuy. s There wk're' frequent qlieet^ for . i'etersou, and banners strung about i over the town said, "We wunt .Peter soli." The demonstrations were de.scribed ub orderly. ! | ? Kutherfordlou, Jan. lhV-Kotir half t . tcrown chickens, which hutched in a j t box in the engineer's seat on tha | $ ? liffsUie HaiLwuv company iii Kuth-! ertord county, arc believed to bo j i the, only leathered hoboes hi the i t county. (] They ride the train daily and V toiim about the cugiuu and tender \ ior exercise. Gastoiiiu, Jan. 13.-?First step to- j ward the formation of u Gastouia x unit ot tile North Caroliua Home Guard will cotue tonight at 7:30 ' when all ptist commanders of the t American Legion post will meet t with .Mayor George. 11. Mason in his n / office to discoss details. Rockingham, Jan. 13.?Fire de- g stroyed the Knowleu Page* lodge,, v long a popular rendezvous tor fish- t ing parties at Ledbetler's Popd. The i .. loss, was estimated at $4,000. * Asheville, Jan. 13.?Mrs. Atnuuda Brown, 31. died yesterday in a hospital here of_ burns she suffered Fri day night in her home when her clothing caught fire. Hurgaw Jan. 13.?Coy Rivenha'-k, about 35, of Horse Branch, five mites northwest of Uurgaw. was killed Instantly "yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock when an automobile in which he was riding struck Pike's . . Creek bridge, Bouth of here. F. S. Royal of Chinquaquin, also an occupant pf tlie car was slightly hurt in tho crash which blocked traffic on tlie highway ' for some time. ?a ?-?? Kinstou, Jan. 13.?John Monroe Wilson. 23 year old unemployed, cot ton mill Worker- of Kinston. was held today after Sheriff am 11. Churchill said, lie confessed he killed Fred B. Sutton, prosinent farmer last Thurs day night. . ' Sutton was hacked to death with an uxe at his .service station and the cash drawer was robbed of $23 The money, the sheriff said, was v found in a Jar burled under Wilsons 1 home. 1 ' +_ . s Spartanburg, S. C? Public schools v and theaters have been closed and 11 all sports events banned until fur- a thor' notice as a precaution against 0 the Spread of loflensa In Spartanburg. * ~ f: Fayettevllle, Jan. 15.?The public schools of Fayettevllle and Cumberland county were odrorcd cloced v today because of the prevalence of d -flu, b Charlotte, Jan. 13.?Oakhurst high e school, with 200 absences,' and Hlc ii kory Grove high school with more n than 100 pupils absent; wil close r Indefinitely today .to avoid further t spread of influenza. *- ji ? ii~ , n jLaugliing Arount With IRVIN ?" r1 : The Happy By IRVIN S. CGBERT, aged seven, went to the S had been looking forward to the many other things, realization hardly \ i *" la the wagon on the way to the i aonal difference with a fellow-paasenge second beat. Shortly after his arrival down en a bumblebee, with the resn 'Then he fell in the creek. A little gii nocent pleasantry on his part and sma Oa kajllu onnkiirnf tic KVk VVUIT OUH'/UI 11V. Late In the afternoon, Egbert, in ?,As he limped up the front steps hi evening paper, said: 'Well, son. vl at sort of a time di "J'apa," said i^slurt, 'Tip so^glac ? Kings t Brief Form1 itional News ?NaticMul News? ijuhw Kcundoi*. Jill, .U Many ar n wi ll' mailt' ItMlaw utnl --rf "? orCes of. military police were held ii rcadiiKs* for new outbreaks fob ow lug a bloody Clash in which t wo ioters were shot dead, IT' others 'oulvdecl and 13 policemen hvirt. Autlioities blutned Communists atenia for the disorders, which, start <! with a demonstration thrugh the nipiiitl's streets and ended in the toning of the presidential palace J rsterday. The attack was dispersed iv a tear-gas burrugge and gunfire. New York, Jau. 111.?Wendell L. Vilkle favors passage with modifl ation of President Hoosevelts aid! o-Hritaln bill and plans a flying rip to England to survey llio war dtualion. Appioval of the'proposed "lend ease" measure was announced by ho 1340 Republican presidential can lldate yesterday and brought immcliato comment from Alt M. L?audon, vho. said: "If Mr. Wllkie had revealed that c be his position before the Roiiiblicnn national convientioii he vould not have been nominated.' Sacramento. Calif-. Jan. IS?Nick ieliwall receives >50 a month as a ntdgc.tender on a bridge he does lot operate. The war department -designa-ted1 lie :nther river as a navigable it tea m, despite the fact tlie stream las become too' shallow for',.' any* hing except small power boa's, Not >nly that, the river channel has ,liitted until the drawbridge now is iver dry land. Washington, Jan. 13.?Richard J. leynolds, of the North Carolina to jacco family, has been summoned o tell a special federal grand jury lore of his activities in the 1940 tolitical campaign. Others announced today as havng been summoned for appearance >n Thursday were Samuel P. Pryor )f New York, eastern campaign man iger for the Republican party; Sew 311 Avery of Chicago, James P. Lln:oln of Cleveland. Edgar M. Quenny >f St. Louis. George W. Pepper of Philadelphia, and St. Clair of Boston Reynolds told a senate committed ast week he had lent some ?300,000 0 Democratic party organizations. West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan 13.? rite coast guard cutter Mojave tried tnsucceasflly today to refloat the 7nitejl States liner Manhattan, vhich weut aground some 250 yards iff the beach last night. New York, Jan". 13.?An aged man vho presumably went back' into his tome to recover possessions, lost lis life early today in a flee which wept over a block ?irea tn the Ar'6rne section of Queens leveling 15 louses and tamuging 25 others with 1 property loss estimate1 by fire ifflctals at $100,000. 4 The victim teatatively identified; is Hyman Leow, 71, was found in he basement of his two-story rarae home. Spartanburg. Jan. 14.?Coupled rlth the announcement that the war ieparpne'nt had decided to Issue a lanket order of taking needed propirty for construction at Caipp Croft n fan try replacement cottier, three iiajor developments at th cantonaent yesterday made the day's acIvlttes in many repects the most mpoitnnt of the new year. i ' --? 1 % J the World j s. COBB . r Return COBB unday- scV^nl picnic. For days he event; hut, as in the case of so raeasuicu up to anticipation. picnic ground, Egbert had a perr. He came out of the altercation at the scene of festivities he sat lit that he was painfully stun of. rl took offense at a perfectly- 5ncked his face and pulled his hair. a disheveled state, reached Vi> n. is father, glancing up from -e d you have at th? V I I'm hack I'm fj'.ua 1 v;cnt." ll'YiT ft I Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. SrKnnls fl TEN RULES FOR i FIGHTING FLU 1. Avoid contact withj those who sneeze or cough. 2. Avoid unnecessary exposure to inclement weather. 3. Be sure your home is well ventilated; avoid draft 4. Drink plenty of water; cat >a well-balanced diet. . .5. Get plenty of rest and sleep; guard against fatigue. H. Wear suitable clothing outdoors in cold weather. I o". i?i ??*. ? l i. v?w iu ucu ni ursi sign of a cold; watch for fever. 8. Cover all coughs and sneezes with a handkerchief. 9. Do not encourage visitors if you have a cold. 10. Consult a doctor; do not make your own diagnos. Polio Drive To Begin Soon Kings Mouu'.ain will have'an op-, port unity to alii in tire drive to secure funds for infantile paralysis ! research and treatment according to ; John A. Anthony, County Chairman from Shelby. The quota set for tiro county is_$750. A total of 1492 was raised lust year in lite county and ' Kings Mountain contributed to thifund. Postmaster W. K. DiaUelv will handle the organization of postmasters in-the county; -Supt 15 N. Barnes will assume lcnde: -.hip ct the Kings Mountain Schools. and Mrs. Frank Summers will be In charge of the town drive. The "March of (Dimes" idSa -will be followed this year and every .citizen will be .given an .opportunity to contribute. The annual drive climaxes with Preside!)i Rotvmvelt's birthday, and citizens through out the country have birthday halls, hut Cleveland County will raise their contribution without the hall according to County Chairman, Anthony. The actual drive, will begin tho; last week of the month ending An 1 the President's birthday Jan. 30tli. Mission Ttally At First Presbyterian The First Presbyterian Church of Kings Mountain will be the host to a Missions Rally for the Presbytery on Friday, Jan. 17, front 4:45 p. m. to nine o'clock. ^Delegations are expected from all 37 churches in the Presbytery and a splendid program has been prepared by the Foreign Mission Committee of the Presbytery, of which Dr. O., V. Armstrong Is chairman. Among' the speakers will be Rev. R. H. Stone of A'es'. Jefferson, N. C.. whose great Home Mission work is known throughout the .Whole Church; and Rev. Win. A. Linton of Kvisan, Korea. The public is cordially invited to these services. * 1 1 1 f Lumber Co. Receives Large Order / . The U. S. Military program has di rectly aided at least one business firm in Kings Mountain. The Elmer Lumber Co. is operating at capacity filling an order for 25,640 Window frames, received Jointly with a Shelby Lumber flrip. The frames are | being made for the Holly Ridge Air | port project, located in eastern North Carolina. Mr. Charles Thomaason of the Elmer Lumber Co. said, "We are working full time to complete the order, but we are atlll able to handle local business." / , . a m a i^ouiuy tax uoiiecior Here Each Friday B. L. Webb, County Tax Collector from Shelby will be In Kings Mountain at the Citjr Hall each , Friday from 10: t>0 A. M. to 4 1?. M. to collect taxes from this end of the county.' Citizens are asked .to' pay especial attention to this notfco as extra pen alfy -will be added to unpaid accounts. .1 ' , : . r - . ? ' ^ itain H THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1S41 nsftd Tn P^< January D Are Annoi Kiwanis Committees Appointed j'?? , ' . | Ui Standing committees for the year '? wore appointed by Prexldeut \V, E. 1' Clakely at the Kiwanis meeting last Thursday evening tu the Wontans le Club building. The eoiuuiitle^s hre Agriculture: ,1)1'. J. K. Anthony. Chairman, Wray A. Wllliunts, L. V Arnold Kls<T, N. F. Mctitll. Americanism: W. \V. Souther. Chalrmun, Arthur Hay. It. C. Hold. J. C. Lackey, tleorge H. Feeler. Attendance: E. VV. Or iff in, Chairman', I. Ci? Patterson, O. C. O'Karrell Boys and Girls Work: P. M. Neis- hi ler. Chairman. H. N. linlrd. r?:? O. jacksim', P. N. Haines. hi , Classification and Membership: J. H. Thomson. Chairman, - 11. S r? Peeler, W. L. Itamseur. House: \V. S. Fulton. Chairman. ; -1: J". L. Woodward, Harold Crawford.! : Aubrey Mauney. Inter-Club Relations: J. B. Keeter Chairman-. J. A. Neisler. Eugene R. ,a Roberts. F Kiwanis Education: 11 M. Brld- ' T,.-chairman. W. M. Momliead. Hi i'1 I. P. Baker. if Music: Wm. 'Curtis Fitlls. Chair- oi man. Dr. Phillip tr. Padgett. _ t* Program; Ladd W. Hamrick. Chair tl mail. W. K. Mauney. Fred \V. Plonk. 1 m Public Affairs: B. S. Nelll, Chair- < < man. A. II. Patterson: L. h. Benson. O. IV Myers. J B. TJiomasson.. Publicity: Harold R. Hunnleutt. Chairman, R. Halbert Webb, Claude r I! HanibifglR. Reception; Lester A. lloke. Chair man, J. L. McGtll. J. R. Davis. . Under-Frivi!eged Child: G. A ( Bridges. Chairman. C. E. Neisler. Ilrrold CoKtiins, B. M. Ormatid, Vocational Guidance: C. Glenn Willie, chairman. P. D. Patrlek, J. E Heriidon, tl. R Houter. ^ Ktwanis Bulletin: Aubrey Mauney ^ Editor. William R Crnlg. Jr., .Direc- * tor. n The regular weekly meeting will . be held this evening at 6:3"> in the i Woman* Club building. No special j. ' program has been arranged, but ((> work of the different. eonntiitleeg | will he discussed and plans for the () yeuy's aclivitics formulated. I . | h Band Stand Moved jr City workmen have been busy the !!. * S past several days moving the bani stand at the corner of' Cleveland Avenue and King street to a sit? noar the water works. The .stand J', will he used to store supplies for ' the water department. The stand was constructed year ? before last jointly by the Town and % NYA on the school property to be * used for baud concerts. The removal was necessitated when the property was sOld to secure funds for the 8 Kings Mountain School Stadium, 8 whi?h is to he constructed. e . e : Will Rogers' 5 Humorous Story * L?; ? * By WILL ROGERS t PEOPLE are a lot more super* stitious than they'll admit. You (l ??.i *i? ??a n.i. a i.i. C xiiiu uiu must s^cusiuie iuukui^ iuiks i picking up pins and doing a lot of j 1' other eilly things, to keep tlveir luck going straight. But a girl that ts about to got married has got a right to be sup- . j crstitious. I reckon, if anybody has. She's got a lot of'things to worry about. Well, this girl that I'm talking ? ? about went tb a friend of hen that worked In a Jewelry store, and i showed him her engagement ring. *| "You see," she says, "Harry got ? me an opal ring, because opal is my blrthstona. But Ihre always heard that opals are unlucky, and I dont . know what to do. I nrfte to giva It back to bim and ask him to get ( something else, and I hate to run > riarht Into a lot of hard luck." v ^The jewelir looked st the ring a r minute. ? "It's all right, girlie," ho say*. "You Rln't got no cause to worry. If all the troubles you ever have ' are no closer to real trouble than * this is to a real opal, you won't t never have anything but imitation l worries. You're In luck." Arrt rlesa Mm UtK ( *' 0 . \ S ' -V' lerald : * ' _ '' - * ?.> ', ' avonl Spri raftees meed Fonn No. 14h. Notice of Selection is been sent to the following un it ic quota of ten selected tor ttie luunry 21 call will ho-chest n* from lis list, depending on Hit- physical elimination of some of the volunera: No. 7: Ihixtor Wray Owens No. 33: .Samuel Humes tlouuton? ) No. 43: Kugenc Hardin. "Co. 75: Alex TalmudRe Randall V No. si: Harvey Ia-o Sroup~-Y. No. 125:, Stanley Flay Person?V. No. 153: Clarenc. (none) Pope V No. 102l?: Joseph Franklin Uai91"?.Y.' - I Nil, 1295: Lawrence llavis Hat>r V., ' No. *I9-A: Herman I.erov liar tl?-V.. . ' * i The quota of two selected for the i aininry- 29 colored call will he: No. 37: Willie Rogers Roberts. I N6. 92:Jumes Arthur Jlunliam. . The men will leave Kings Moun- I :iii on a special chartered bus for ort Bragg next Tuesday morning, he patriotic spirit is still prevailig among the m'en registered at te local Draft Board. as eight out f the ten men selected are voltin w>rs. .and there is a ch\ ice . that le" other two-.enrollees will he volnte#rs. men selected will revive one yar's- training in the Soctive Service." peaker Mull Presented !avel The House of-.Representaives of lie N. (' State Legislature is now ring called to order t>y Speaker idus Mull with a gavel presented ini Tuesday by friends front Kings lountain. The official presentation I sok place at noon Tuesday. The j lings Mountain committee was pre entod the courtesy of the House, md Attorney J. R. Davis, a fonner letnber of the Legislature present ti the envoi Oh. behalf of the eitiens of Kings Mountain. P. M. Noisier had the gave! mnd" y a wood-carver from fSrover. from . piece- of walnut taken from the Id Rock iintt-'e. which was l>nilt i ISO!?. itt the 'shadow of historical lings Mountain. The idea to present tlie ravel 6iginated with Mnvo'r J. R. Thomas- j on. who has been a friend of ' peaker Mn'l for years. r Tlie committee accompanying Mr. j iavls to . Raleigh Tuesday .for the j resentatlon were W. K. Maunoy. ! lee Bridges and Arnold Kiser. Irocery Stores Announce *Jew Closine Hours Beginning February 1st, grocery tores of Kftigs Mountain will oberve the following hours: open ach morning at 7:00 A. M , close aeh week clay at 6.:io IV M , and lose Saturday at 9:d0 P. M. C'uatolers are asked to please note the hange in closing hours and assist id grogerymeu who ajo cooperating ith the Kings the Kings Mountain lerchants Association. President Glee A. Bridges, of the lerchants Association, who made he announcement for the groceryiien asks that the housewives coiperate so clerks ahd owners of the irocery stores may enjoy shorter lours. rlasonic Officers Appointed Worshipful Master Arthur Grouse, f Fairview 1-odgi; No. :w.> who was eeently re-elected for another year, as appointed the following officers ienior Deacon. George \V. White; unior Deacon. S. R Suber; Senior Howard. Ft. M Ormand; Juftlor [toward. J. C Keller; and Tyler, , A. Walker. Ir. Womans Club sponsors Picture The picture "Second Chorus" tea uring Fred Astaire and Paulette loddard showing at the Dixie Theare Thursday and Friday of this reek is sponsored hy the .lunior Wo nan's Club and' those who* wish to ee this picture may obtain a tickit by calling onejbf the members ot he Junior Womai.'s Club. Your paronago will be very much apprecla ed by by the Club, and the Dixie rheatre whose management has so indly allowed the memers of the Mub to sponsor this plcturo. * ' ' * ' Watch Libel On Your Paper And Don't Let Your Subscription Explrnl FIVE CENT8 PER COPY Of Fill / The Ki'tp- Mnuu'uin jchflol Hoard tn ;? t illt'4 iiiciMltiK j estonlay at I M voted to tin* nclio'il from fodtiy, .Inn. t ill It. until I'ui'ixluy motiiiuv. .I?u ,21st..a* u precaution mi-UHti!i ui pi.tfin tltf spread of tIn? flu which lias been jwocpini; the> front west to east.JTho diseasi it as not reached the .ejThlomte-Htape. hut the school authortiea liechb it Its was host to close the school to prevent the sickness front spreading. Sdpi..H. N Unities elated that the attendance was 84 per cent which is not so bad. All school activities have been called ofrt and soitool officials hopo that children will avoid public pathorltips, and stay at home to that wheti school opens Tuesday mornhip they will be ready to report. The basket bail panics scheduled ' . tor Friday lilplit with "Uulherfordton ; has heeu postponed. The three days that will b? missed by the closing will lie made up next summer at Ilia end of the school year. l3o'h the white am! colored schools-will bo closed. .. . . Several ot the county schools have been closed for several days on, account of influenza. Six teachers were absent from Ceiloral Seliool yesterday on account of- tlte fin.' accord hip to Supt. Barnes. Tito stricken teachers weru Misses I-ouise Morris, Mart' LineIieryer, Sara Allison. .1 to rot by Oarsoti. Mrs. Itutli OriTitind, and Mr. A. E>- Smart. ' V Most of tlte abseuVeca accord ins . tc-S'upt. Itarnea were from the pr!- tttai v prudes-am) the colored' school, P. T. A. Has interesting Meeting An Interesting meeting of tin* On trill School P. T. A. was held Tu?sday night fr; the auditorium, with a .good attendance, despite, the larue number of cases of flu in Kings Mountain. Open discussions wcr<* held on several important Items relating to the school and the welfare of the child. Dr. II. N. 11a it d of the A. H. f\ Church ' had charge of the devotionills. Mrs. lluytyood K. Lynch. I'tr;idcut, pichhled. during the meeting. . Mis;* Mitcliell's eighth won the. prize' for having the largest number of parents! present. Folks Sick With Flu Mr. and. Mrs. 11 8. P<*>.Miss palsy Humphrey. and Mr. funics, u resident at Mrs. T'egler's,, are all t irk with the flue. Misses Hetty and Jean Cash are s.ick with flu. Miss . Hetty. Hynch is recuperating from the. flu. Mrs. J. A. Danes and small (laugh tcr. Anne, are sick with the flu. Mrs. Proctor, Thompson and son, Toinmie. are convalescing at the home of Mrs. Thompson's mother in Gnstonia from an attack of 'ho flu. Mr. Talmadge Frederick and hid father. Mr. J. T. Frederick, are 111 with the flu, * Mrs. Aubrey Mauney and son, v*fno Afliiny, are sick with tne flu. " ? ty James Preston 'Opinions F.xpresstfl in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of Tht$ Newsnno'.-.l The lioforisi' Commission War Department -rebuff to .Sidney Hillman on the Ford contract. is Ij-ut one of the set-b;.cks which this ambitious labor union head has suffered in recent weeks. Hlllinan wanted the contract with held because the I-abor Hoard found Ford guilty of unfair labor practices It made no difference to Hillinan thnt Ford had appealed the Board'* findings to the court. Th,. Tt?f?nnO rV.?ml..DlA?. ill**; i/nniniT IIIIII imnci ami. ' u>J War department need trucks for da fense Ford can furnish them. To these two agencies there waa not much differehco between canceling the Ford contract and refusing to let a man Join tho army because J\o waa once charged with speeding. In net ther cnse has the accused had hla last day in court. v * ? O? Hut Hilitnan has more am hitious scheme which has been stej? iped on at least for the fitne being. [Ills Ida was to create about 25 regional offices around the country to' (Gont'd on back page) ' V ' . '..J '*: ?& .'ffm

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