p\ V. -T : " ' i ? ?? The Herald And ( Buy At Horn* . * _ _ ' / VOL. 27 NO. t SPEAKERS FOR NA \ : m icings Mountain Is joining In th? ' . Week with two evonts. the first li vght with Rev. Herm. i G Fisher, thsran Church, delivering the mi and the second is the banquet to t School Cafeteria, with Hon.* Clyde I of tha evening. Outstanding Speakers At First Presbyterian * The First Presbyterian Clmrcli ta having special services at 7:30 ouch \-t ' evening this week. Rev. J. \V. Hassell; 1). J)., will preach Thursday ev ening. Mr. Hassell served as a missionary in Jitimo for many years ami is now serving as pastor of the Pros byterian Church of Splndale. " -On Friday niafet and Sunday morn ittg, Rev. R. J). JBedlnger, 1). D? author. evangelist, missionary to Africa for many years and now Supt. of Home Missions of Ashevillo Presbytery will be the guest minister; The song leader, Mr. Eugene Daels, of Charlotte, has hud much experience in his field, having been - the one chosen to lead the singing when Gypsy Smith was in Chariot :e. All who love music. Who sing, or like to try to sing should attend and enjoy the music as led by" Mr. Davis. The public..Is cordially invited to attend these services. \ V Mrs. Betty Canipe Dies Here Mrs. Betty Canipe. 75, died at II ? o'clock Friday night ut the lioiive of a grandson, Arthur Bell, at Kings Mountain. She had been ill with heart trouble. She is survived by a daughter, "Mrs. J. \V. Bell, of Oak drove; a stepdaughter. Mrs. Willie Patterson of Shelby; nine grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.'. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Ook Grove Ban .11st church, with the Rev. Luther Hawkins and the Rev. Elam McSwain officiating. Kiwanis Dist. Governor To Visit Club Tonight i "iA. Governor Charles Erwin, of Forest City will pay an official vlstt tc the local club this evening at their meeting to be held at 6:30 in the Woman's Club building. All mem hers are' asked to be present for the meeting. I Wdl Rogers' J | Humorous Story | By WILL ROGERS nrHE Worst Story I heard today A in good one. I think it's a bear. Couple of old fat fellows wdre traveling in a little Public Bus up. in the north of England from one town to another. At another atop four others got in and very one of them happened to be big, broad, strong fellow. Mow the Bus was only supposed to hold boot six or at the outside seven normal persona, so further along in rets little, slender, weaeled-up ' follow, but there is no. place to sit, but he started to try and wedge his way back onto the cushion ber "? tween a couple of them. A big fat fellow on his right didnt show any inclination to nelp him with a single inch of room. Finally the little fellow lost his temper, and turning to the fat Party said, "I think you are occupying more than your share of room. There la an act of Parliament allows every individual in England 80 inchea of bus space, Sir. "Well, listen, little fellow, do you think T Was designed by an Act Parliament*" American New* Fmiius* Im. JMiitii i nfrtftifiiiiminn tr> Kings I'iONAL SCOUT WEEK ^ -' ~^S ' *{J I ;v jA R | ii< celebration of National Boy Scout ,,., the Union Church Service Sunday (left). Pastor of &t. Matthew* Lu-J t ? towage, in the First Baptist Church, ,.x >e held next Thursday In the Central . .?. Ft. Hoey. (right) of Shelby as speaker > i National Boy Scout Week ? j tin I Begins Tomorrow i?, I To Be Observed Hefe by Services Demonstrations and &fwoe. ' A mobilization call ts planned for sometime during the week. Scout mobilization call is more than fivo (,.f short blasts on the city fire siren. This mobilization has a practical service value in case of an etner- .)t/ gency. More than a hundred Scouts are on duty to answer the call and ^ be prepared to render first aid services, or to be organized as searching parties, etc. Jnf The climax of t.he week here will , be tliu Annual Boy' Scout Banquet , | at the High School Cafeteria on j Thursday. February 13th, at 7:on P. M. Scout leaders, parents, Klwan- j iatis and Lions are coooperating on ^ this occasion. Hoy Scouts are to at- jla tend as guests of their sponsoring nj Institutions and the men of the coin ' . munity. l< Hon. Clyde n. Hoey who was elec ted this year t vice-president from Cleveland '""otvty of the Piedmont del Council will be the speaker at the to banquet. "h In the Piedmont Council coveting Fe Gaston. Cleveland and nine other Pn counties are over 3.000 Boy Scouts The council has a very fine head- ' quarters building in Gaetouia and caj one or the best equipped camps foi ihc boys In the South at Lake Laniei WJ near Tryon. A. The theme being emphasized Ca throughout America this year dur ^ Ing Scout Week Is that Scouting in- ^ vigorates and strengthens democra ' cy. . nei Boa-d Reports On Airplane Crash Near Here > The Civil Aeronautics board reported recently that "failure of the pilot to effect recovery from an unintentional spin" was the probable cause of an airplane accident near Kings Mountain. N. C.. last June 28, in which ttfo pe/sons were killed. As a contributing factor the boarn Hated "Inexperience of the pilot."* The victims were James R.- McKln ney. pilot of the plane. and Mildred Harre'-m, a passenger. On t1-" day of the accident, the board said, McKlnney, accompanied by his passenger, flew from the Shel. by, N. C., airport on a pleasure flight, landing at a small field near Kings Mountain. "A few minutes later he again took off. circled Kings Mountain and headed In the direction of Shel by." the board said. - "About two minutes later, the air plane was observed to execute loop and then to enter another. The airplane stalled at an altltiide of approximately 600 feel aa It neared the top of the second loop, and fall off to the right. In a spin which eon ttnued until It struck the ground and was demolished. Pilot McKlnney had recorded seven hours of fly Ing experience." _ / . -/ - '. s4 j v- jJ >* . * Moui - m KINGS MOUNf/Nfc. N. C. TH Condensed I itate And I ?State News? Italriph. Foil. i pa) ills to unemployed workers I irth ("rtrotlna In the three year iy??i1 th?? Wll w Industrie*, Committee for Ma in countyLawnun Jordan of Mi s and Otto Mathl* .anil l.n'her B f. of Marlon The purpose of tit ill til i * 11 <> is lo fneliliilt.. Iiiflnsl ell psmatoit within th?> state annal defense program Newton. Fob. 4_'*V < ivadswc of Aslcvllle. btukeinau on tn ilievillo division of the Mouther illway. has been receiving treal ptil fit tiie Catawba General Hotfj I for injuries received in a inint tin wreck tin the line bet wee wton and Coriuver last week, spltnl report states that Wad; irth suffered a broken oollarhoiu broken hack, fractured ribs. at) ssfble internal injuries. The accident in -which lie was In red occurred near the old Youtt III', where-four cars were fleralle Is thought Wadswortli* fell fror ho* edr and landed 011 his shoul r. . Moreliead City. Fob. 4.?The sec d annual potato demoi'atratioi iin started a w'c-ek's' tour here it y with farmers coming from Car et and Craven Count fcs to inspec The State and Federal Acrioultu Departments and the N. C. stat< liege Agriculture Extension Se e are cooperating in the exhibit improved potato production an itribution. Newton. Feb. 4.?Glenn Iieinhard of the Emanuel Church sectior s killed . instantly yesterday afte an by a discharge from a .1 into shotgun, and a coroner's jur; rtdcd that the wound was sel dieted. fhe shooting occurred on a roa> ar the "home of Mrs. -Fitzhugh Se .three miles east of Newtor ere were 110 eyewitnesses to th idetit but four boys' heard tli it. They had just passed by Reii rdt. who' was seated on the run ig hoard of his automobije with 1 atgun in his hand. Raleigh, Fob. 4.?State College' hate squad will leave Weflnesda participate in the annual Appala ian .Debate Tournament In Boon 1). 6-8, Prof. Edwin H. Paget, fo sic director* announced today. Brice Ratchford of Qastonia. tear jtatn, wll head the group, whicl dudes David ^Harris of Newell lbur S. Bryant of Wilmington, E Bowditch of Toecane and E. A mpbell of Wethersfleid, Conn. Topic for debate wivt t>e "Resoiv That the nations of the Westeri misphere should form a pertnaa at union. Laughing Aroi With IRV +?. ? ? ? No Treat t By IRVF YYfHEN William Slavens McNutl " editor sent him out to get who had just returned to the sta far North. "Be sure, Bill" said his ehiel the new Smith building." An hou: "I didn't get much of a story "What did he hare to say al disappointed city-editor. "He allowed it was pretty taV "Thunder, man, was that all tall ? TO say ft is. Didn't you building on tne Pacific coast? ?4 of the tower?" "Yes," said McNutt. "I did teT use. You see, tqr the last fourti cabin against the foot of a cliff 6, (American Ne '?* 7 WuH I ' V ? % ' ? ' R > . ' V- ' .r s * . * UR8QAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1941. n Brief Formj National News ?National NewfCr Washington, Feb. 1 Kiiii-s Sco;t 9 n postmaster of i!??? 1 disclosed s totkii that d"*plte ttii- inautiltiid- Li atic) controversial aspects of the (, kat.L |?ii(l bill, mail to rongrcss r . >* .oilier lot ?. port an t measure*-. Scott wiitl the fiifmlF-r of let let s til t nol. begin to compare with the ' r flood precipitated In tbe Supreme ? t'otirt. arms embargo repeal or rewi m'i m* ?i ?i nn tunnc l?-gl*latni? said tin ir mail H " on tin- IniHl-lMiw' bil wa? lieavlbr ? " twii w'i'V" ago than at present ami ^ 1 that tin- bulk of It canto from op0 ' ponents of tin- measure a fart '' Miey considered normal hi-cause op ? 1 position to nnv legislation is tntual 11 e I Iv the most vocal. ,1 " I - . ' London. I". t?, I, Tltr Ministry o'. Home Security announced today it ^ " ..a- Ktiiiiig gas masks of a specln' io typo for perspns .unable to wear the 1 n -tnnd.ard, t> p? Imehuse of breathing t- difficulties 'or oilier physical all- ^ >i tnents. < ir r (i Tito press recently has been urg \ ing tin- iniilisf-cjL_lti -compel all cltl , j. 7.<-ns to reatime the tarrying of ? masks, a practice which marten ,| shortly after Munich In Hi 3 8 but V which since ;has been followed by 1 relatively few. _ ?? ' f n Wit'sb i net on. Erb. 4.-?Rear Adini' iY j ral f'hrlstlan Joy peoples, 61. who as -head of the procurement division of ' the Treasury handled purchases run 11 nine into the billions.' died today of _ pneumonia ^ " tie was retired for ago last No- it! vetnber and since hud been connec- j it led with the Todd Shipbuilding Corn ' pi r His last Government .assignment oi was general inspector of the Navy's pi r i supply corps on the West Coast. pi e ^ .? _?_____ hi r .Los Angeles. Kelt. 4.?Wind-mi C.i si " thcdral, a 150-soat church, opened 6-. its door Sunday with the Rev. It. p Anderson Jardlne. who married the (] former English King. Edward, and j R' Mrs W'allis WarficlU Simpson, as i- pastor. t' It is (f)r. Jardine's first pastorate Si 2 since he was ostracized hv tlie Ohio- e( V eh of England, lie read a letter In b; f which the Puke asked him to select :t cold altar cross as a remembrance , ?Dr. Jardlne said the cross' cost ^ . would approximate $5,000. 'i V. M ! 111: el Holl.v*.owl. Feb. 4.---Movie pros-],, e ' pei;ity note: I w i j Effective today. RKO-Radio Stu 1 . ] dio restores pay cuts imposed In ^ i? i October, 1939. on aeto|<. directors ^ I and executives, which ranged from "f. | lit1'percent on incomes of $5,000 ananally to 50 i>er cent on $75,000 and .. S ' j up. y , New Policeman Arrives u . St r Melvin C. Hoover arrived Monday dt from Raleigh to take his place as a tl ? member of the Kings Mountain Po et t lice force. Officer Hoover will have I to wear plain clothes for a few days until Chief Jimmy Burns can have a IV uniform made to fit the new police- J man, who is not very large in stature'. The new officer comes to Kings Mountain highly recommended, and : he has been busy this week getting - acquainted with the Best Town In Si The State. .It ? ly " " M ?m ? i w .? ?*"Y St jnd the World j fa IN S. COBB 4 ? ? 0 the Visitor 2! < ? N S. COBB g. 1 was a reporter in Seattle, his city- M an interview with an Alaska miner Sl tes after twenty years spent in the v ^ E W t, "to ask Mm what he thinks about d< s later McNntt returned to the office. c,, out of the old chap," he confessed. ' Jout the Smith bull ding?" asked tbe In ir. en years he's been living in a little 000 feet hiprh." |v ivt Fonlurw. Inc.) v.'. - ' y * ; ' - ; iv'Ai ' ?' ""n ' ?- > - i erald 1)4 VIS PRFSKNT1NC ? '-* J gyypI P(H| I ; k K, Da Via pt?MntMf w Represents u- j. with a walnut u; I house near the Kings Mountain Riade recmtly In Raleigh on behalf I. U ' - r^.srs r*v. K. 'viauncy* Mrnoia rviser avis to the Capitol for the presenta Four Membei lo Local Dra Jons Hear lev. Fisher "Ur a fiti'lid. uu.l ynu will have ) 1 lends" said llev. Herman O: Fish- | \ Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran ' hutch, to members of lite -Lions lub at their meeting Tuesday even- I ' ig in the Woman's Club building 'J ev. "Fisher said one of the niost ' tiful things in life is a man with-, it. a friend. "Our. friendship do:mls 'in ourselves" 'continued the. ' istor. "'Friendship brings out the ( 1 :*st that is in us" the speaker nte 1 in a very forceful manner. , Tin- speaker of the evening was'1' resented by Rev. Henry Sprinkle LJ r., who was in eltnrge of the pro am. v . i ' Floyd Payne. Jot- Matiney, Frank i (roupo. and Jack FortituP were wel < uned into the "club as new members \ (' President Tout Fulton. I,ion Ilus Oates reported that-Ray j "olfe. hetpl football coaeh of I". X. I i had accepted nfl invitation to|? . .1. ... it. ......Oel I. J m .1 ;\ ??' 11?v i ji"Ti. ? 1111 j r i"ii 1 ? ill supper to be hold March 4tb. ' iclures of-the Duke-Carolina panic ill he shown, hollers will be pro] \ nted to members of the . Hhth i r-hool football team. who will be j f tests of the Lions Club.' A commite. lieiul by Charles Thomasson will. ( ake arrangements for the annual rent. ' . . Lion Hubert Miller made all an- 1 ouncemenl about the annual Boy V ?out supper to be held next Thursly. The Lions Club is Joining wttn ] io Kiwanis Club in ibis annual j rent. Irs. J. A. Wells Is [ Juried Saturday 1 , . j Funeral services were held ai ' Btliany church in Gaston county ^ nturdav afternoon at 2:110 for Mrs. ^ din A. Wells. 71. who died sudden Thursday at her home on Gasto-n reet. She was a well-known resi?nt having lived lmro for the past s irty years. Before .marriage she ' 1 as Miss Martha. Anno Sellers. She is survived by the following lildren: Vntio.e. Michael, and GeorC.1I _f t/tn?n mm i ? OI'IHM'H f?l r\in?^? .Tiwuit V<* III, IIIIU rs Ethel' ltookout of (Renn Alpine t grandchildren; eight great-grand lildren: two sisters. Mrs. John I?in unci Mrs. L. A. Love of Kings, fountain, and one brother, \V. II. } sllers of Kings Mountain. donates $50 To Church < ,Mr. K. II. Smith, native of f'levnnd County, now a resident of Ft. auderdale. Fla.. donated $50 00 to ' le building fund of the A. M. E. ' Ion Colored Church of near Tleth- * are School, according to W M. Oor 8 >n. Treasurer. The check from Mr. mith was received last week and 1 hen the announcement was made I Church Sunday by Treasurer (lor m, the congregation was "overjoy- i I." Mr. Smith Is the son of Mr. aud rs. North Smith. * f Extensive repairs are to he madn | t the church, and Mr. Smith's si*e>10 contribution will bo a great i "ip according to members of the t liurch. ^ < > .*>j A/. 'v cj;_V ! ".*;t"^.-. " ? >: . 1 ' . i-? I f 7 * * / *' ' .vJ .,. % -* . ... % ... /;? * S. ' " , ' ' . * , - f. Watch Label On Your Paier And Don't Let Your Subscription 1 Exp:r?l 1 | . . i ' fIVE CENTS PER COP* ! GAVEL TO MULL ^ IBB ' - liTI*f3v ws / . IHL i| ^ t " . i*. . uus (ViUlt. wpvuivcr of Mi( nuwi o' ' ivcl made from wood taken fron' - ' %AA cground. Tne presentation ww of the citizens of Kings Mountain. end Glee Bridges accompanied Mr. on. *s Added ft Board Four additional mt-'nibcrs havo bee addcf to tlic, Kings Mountain \ \ i.-ory Draft Hoard.. according toi lialiman K. A,.Man-ill.'-' M? mbers -of Hie Advinry Hoard assist withouc charge, in filling out and signing.' ifucst ionuirc blanks for registrants It takes from 2d to tin minutes to fill-out the lengthy blank, and Draft Hoard officials are deeply grateful Lo Advisory Hoard Members for the liairioiie manner they have shown n giving their time. Tile Medical l-lvamlner. ',I)r. W, . 1. Itnmsnur, a* veil as the three . members of the Draft Hoard, also give ltietr services, to the cause of their fountry. * I- has beep brought to the at ten Lion of the Dj-tvft Hoard that a notary public has been < barging for igning the uuestionaires. The'Hoard A-'i.dirs to notify nil registrants inav I' is not neeessarv to pay anyone inviting-for signing or assistance in' illing out the blanks. If was brought nit that the purpose behind fho vliole selective service program. f. Jackson. of the -iesetnnd Motor t'o. I). It 11 am ri ok, if Hvidee* a-d HsmtU-.k. t' H, Me i-ii' 1. of Kiilnni'ti Mortuary. and [ V\ Keeter of KoctrV's Dept. Store' # s be will ho glad to a-si-t any rept-'rapt in filling out the iiuesiion lire . K'? ven in ell will be sent from (lit oral board to Fort Hragg on Feb* nilfy 21st. Kighr of the number is . he February quota and throe ar<> eploceme:.ts. The total quota* for Vhruary for Cleveland County is 21. Rufus Plonk Named To County School Board Kufus I..- Plonk, prominent farmer >f near Kings Mountain, Jtas been mined to the Cleveland Coluity School Hon id to ssoceed the late W. t. llidenliour. The County Democraie Executive Comntittee met Mon lay niaht in Shelby and appointed dr. Plonk; whose father, the late ,V. L. Plpnk. was a member of the loard for many years. < . * , Mr. Plontf Is not only an ontiHfndlng farmer but also a business' nan of ability, and His appointment rill meet with Wide approval thrurhtout all of Cleveland County. "* Opinions Expressed an This Column A .. at.. Ai ? ?.. e?- - til - m iicu?M?riiy ino views OT This Newspaper.) In the view of many sober Washngton thinkers, there isn't going, o be any defense to speak of unless loms of those who produce it start icting like they talk. The question unfortunately Isn't tut together as a whole In the news tapers so the people can see Ur rbey have to piece many Items together to see the whole picture. It is: Are labor disputes, strikes dowdowns, boycotts, and the like, toing to be allowed to continue Itntcding production? President Oreen of the AFT# has reported publicly that his organizaIon has "enlisted for tlin duration. (Cont'd on*back page)