- ;? i j .* ' * / t ' " -. * , Church I i . Boyce Memorial A. It. P. Church U. N. I taint, Minister. 10:00 a. M. Bible School: j. i McUili, Superintendent. ll:oo A M. Morning Worshi and Sermon. ? 6:00 p. M Vesper Service ' an Sermon... r % 6:45 I*. M Young People's (Mlris inn t'nion Study in Book of Rut led by Mrs. J. K. Gamble. 7.:fn P M Wedneodny Evonlii Vrosp^r Scrrice. Presbyterian Church Rev. P n. Patrick Pastor 1;4S A. M. Sunday School. Mr. C save on all your Food ti ag, i<ii^ t > < i Needs CORN I 2 No. 2 Cans 15c ' GREfeN BEANS 2 No. 2 Cans 15c APPLE SAUCE 2 No. 2 Cans 15c * TOMATOES 4 No. 2 Cans 25c GRAPE FRUIT JUICE 4 No. 2 Cans 25c | CHERRIES ^ No. 2 Can 10c f . PEACHES No. 2'>* Can 10c EVAPORATED PEACHES 10c Lb. PEANUT BUTTER 2 Lbs. 21c , . Home Store - ' * Phone 38 We Deliver t We Invite Ynn To use our modern, sen stores freshness and bi of color and brightness When in Gastonia use < service at these low Garments aa Plain jUC 01 ?CASH AI United Di 162 South Steet Phone 118 Gastor r ' " ' * 7 . ' * " .'.U'?.' \i- 4ae? r/', ~ ^ v* v' 1 Vews? ' '.1 F. Thomasson, Supt. 11.00 A M. Morning Worship. Ser muii by Dr. K. (1). Uedinger of Ashcvllle. n. C. * 2:30 P. M. Sunday School at Dixon School House. J G. DarraCOtt, Supt. p 6:30 P. M. Young Peoples Vespers j 7:30 P. M This Congregation win unite with the other congregations In the Annual Hoy Scout service at !" the. ?First Baptist Church. Sermon 1 by Rev. Herman G. Fisher of St * Matthews Lutheran Church. Monday 7:tt0 P. M. Hoy Scout. I Troop One. Mr. Cari Davidson, ScouA j master: Messrs Hill Thomson ann j Harry Page. Asst. Scoutmasters. | LUTHERAN CHURCH ! Herman G. Fisher. Pastor Sunday School at 9:43 A. M. D C Mauney. Superintendent 1 < Morning Worship at 11:00 A. M. Sermon: "Spiritual Warfare." Junior Children of the Church at v4:> P. M Intermediate Luther ' League at Mi"1*-1 it > aw n m Senior I .Other League at 6 P.M. 7:30 P M i'nlon Service at Tinp > fist Church. . Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle. Jr.. Paa'.or 9: 45 A M . Church School. R. R Peeler. General Superintendent. Men's Bible Class. J. R. Davis, i | Teache.r. 11:01 A. M Morning Worship. Ser I moti: "Everybody's Christ.' I 0:15 P. M. Epworth League, i Annual Union Poy Scout service j at First Baptist Church.- Rev. H. G. I ! Fisher, preacher, 7:30 P. M 1 Monday, 7 P. M Boys Scouts, J. ! , L. Settleniyre. Jr.. Scoutmaster, j Wednesday. 7:30 P M. Prayer j Meeting. First Baptist Church A. G. Sargeant. Pastor Sunday morning Wors'.itp 11:00. Junior Worship 11:00. Sunday Schopl 9:40. The new group of Junior G. A.'s ages 9-14. under. the direction of Mrs. Bryan Hord. will meet Sunday afternoon. 2:00 o'clock in the Berean room. Parents please see that iour girls come to this meeting Annual Union Service in connection with National Boy Scout "Wees will he held nt the First Baptist Church. Sunday night, 7:30. o'cioca February 9th. Rev. Herman G. Fishr." pastor of Lutheran Church, win bring the message of the evening. (iKACE METHODIST S. \V. JohtiRor. f'afttov a Rumford Riddles Why does Dora Dalton spell every month withi an "R' ? [ JECAUSC th?'t ertn> ob?u* BUMFOftD tho oil phocpHoto cool'!? c#*tr?p ?bkinc fowdtr thol contains no olum r?%vo: oovoi u bittor Hit to* fRCC. $?r<J to? I4CW fcoukiof containing doum of bright ideas to uiiprovo ?ov* baking AddroMs ftw.iford Baking Tovdor Bo* K twwfoid ft. * * ?vrr/4 mrr. wnrt > * i ' - - 1 HMJ i \ (Z*lf."' mtific cleaning ; It re ings out the full sparkle i in your garments >ur thrifty cash and carry prices. 4 *? $1.00 *P CAKRY-^ y Cleaners 1224 W. Franklin iia, N. C. Phone 428 wmmmmammmmmmSimmm m'\ . j ^ - V; V ' * J,.-, _ , ? , , ;,j^. ^ .w - jL-ic. .V -?J* P1 !!'""1" 1 9 . ' * . ' \ PHB KTNG8 MOUNTAIN HERALD ' 9:45 Church School, Frank Oreen Superintendent 11:00 Morning worship and sermon. 6:00 i>. m. Kpworth League. T p. nq. Worship service and sermoji. 7:00 p. m. Weduesday prayei service. ' . Park-Grace Bible Church John I,. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evangelistic service. Second Baptist Church Kev. C. C. Parker. Pastor I Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. n>. and 7:30 p. m I 'ach Sunda . Wesleyan Methodist R Ij. Phillips, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service 11:00. " W. Y. P S. or Class meeting 6-15 Praver Service Wednesdav 7:0y i I'll i ^ Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday' School 9:45. M. D. Caldwell, Supt. . V (Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday even | ing 7:00. All are welcomed to come and workhlp with us. NEGRO NEWS (By Jessie G. Costner) l++*+<f*****i+****+*+*+++*+> The Dunbar Music and Literal'} (.Tub of Kings Mountain met 011 Tuesday night, Jan. 28, at the home of Miss lio'phle Thontbs on East Ilidge street. The purpose of the meeting was to orgaufize for the New Year. The following officers were elected: President, Mr. C. P. .Dusenburg. | Vice-President. Miss M. L Gldney Secretary. Miss ,Hophie Thombs Asst. Sec., Mrs. M. B. Gldney - Treasurer, Mr D. A. Costner. Chairman of Program Com., Mr. L. L. Adams. After the election of officers, some interesting remarks were made by the new officers. Refresn ments were served. The next meeting will be held at Compact High School on Tuesday evening FebruI ary 11, at 8:00 P. M. Circle No. 1 of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service will celebrate Lincoln's birthday Feb. 12 at the St. Paul Methodist Church. Pro gram at 8:00 P. M. Circle No. 2 of the Woman's Socio ry of Christian Service will give a chicken supper Feb. 14. at the homo | of Mrs. Tom Jackson. Everyone la 1 nrw/llell.' t.?l.l? - -? ?- - ' * * iii.uimii uivriru id ciime ana nrinR i xiincone else. The supper will cost . 25c. ' ' ' -v. i The Young Woman's Missionary Society of Bvnum Chapel A. M. K. Zion Church met at the home of Mrs 1 Otis Tomes, Feb. 4. Many were pres rut. Tea and sandwiches were served. Mr Lesley Croabv and Mrs. &nna Anderson remain on the sick list. ?' * . * * -. - Vr Mrs. Julia Moore Roberts of the Ebenezer community remains Indisposed. Mrs. Alice Roberts has had an attack of Influenza. Mr. Aria Roberts recently had as his-guest, hig sister, Mrs. Angelina Whitworth of High Point, who was called home on account of the Illness of their mother. Mrs. Ellsa Rob' erts of the Washington community. I Mt. Zton Baptist Church held spe clal services Sunday afternoon. Visiting ministers were the Revs. S. N. Davidson and T C. Sanders The Friendly Aid Hall, on West Ridge Street, is being renovated. The basketball teams of Davidson High School opened the season against Mcknight High School of Clo ver, S. C... on Friday. Jan. #1. David son High boys and girls were successful in winning. * : Girls score: Davidson 14; McKnlghtS. Boys score; Davidson 13: Mcknight 1. The basketball teams of DavidBAn Hlffh won i ?A I ** ? .. ' vuv iv IJ1IIV.UIU Uill , .M . I/.I Monday night of thia week to play tOaklawn High. Our girls lost ana our boys won. * 1 ' Girls score: pavidson 17: Oaklawn, 23; Boys: Dnvtdson 17; Oaklawn, It. Bring 'Em In or CaU Us Well Fix 'Em RIGHT KINGS MOUNTAIN SHOE SHOP Shoes Repaired by Good year Welt System iipipujui w i umf&mmmm THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ?. 1941. Cotton Stamp Program Extended To Producers 1 Almost universal approval has been accorded the supplemental cot I ton program, whereby the grower will receive cotton stamps Ip ?* change.for a voluntary reduction In his cotton acreage, reports ' E. Y. Floyd." AAA executive off ire i of N. rO State College The stamps will be redeemable at retail storefe for finish I ed cotton goods. i In effect, Floyd suid. the supplemental Cotton program Is "a extension of the principle of the CoUod Stamp Plan of the Surplus Marketing Administration which is now > operating for low-income families in areas throughout the United States. Under the new program, more cotton goods buying power is extended tc cotton ' farmers whose wardrobes ;;nd linen closets, paradoxically cnnugh. contain far too few articles made from cotton. The program works this war, the AAA leader explained: For P^uyCing legs than the acreage allotment { In 1941. or the measured acreage in |.fl| 1940, whlcticvei is less, stamps will he issued to growers at the late of,. 'i.ifmn..., ii1 yield of tin- ^iiilierplutited acreage In 1941 However, the stamps will not be issued in amounts in excess of $25 per family in ihe case of sharoorop pen. tenants, and owner-operator*. Owners of more than'one farm, or a farm operated by. more than one ten ant. may qualify for a maximum of ISO worth of stamps. This program. Floyd declared, offxii'O on rultlltiAnol a? r .r? till uutlltiuuai VI'I'UI 4.UII li Y IU nil I prove the living 'standards of cotton I farmers, to further reduce ttie ac- j reagc of cotton this year and to pro vide more cotton goods for the peo pie who produce cotton. Farmers will be encouraged bv the farm agents of the Extension Service to produce more vegetables, fruits, ilriiry and pot^ltry ipro|dnc^s. ctnd meals on the acreage retired from cotton. DON'TBE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE- RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY Whan you foal gassy, headachy, logy duo to clogged-up bowels, do as milliona do ?take Feen-A-Mint at bad time. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you a tart the day full of your normal energy and pap, feeling like million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the next day. Hy Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, youroelC It tastes good, it'a handy and economical... a family supply . . coats only _ FEEN-A-MINT J Bl i :- jfl . jJP * v^l I A H ^E_ ?iMtffl W?. MrmBWJu N. BmQT: - A I t-MM / I ( AGAIN CHEVROLET'S PHONE 49 ww^w^wiupin 1.1 ii.i ' '" ? tfj' * * '^v ' * " ^ * *f 1 1 > ? . ?? . in?>?? Quality Coal ' t , ?Prompt Deliveries ?Honest Weight ?Reasonable Prices * PHONE 124 Kings Mountain Ice & Coal Company Your Warmest and Coldest Friends *mu ! ?*? m ii ? I r ? a i Wtmu When you feel well. It is misery when you doft't. Have you ever dragged through a day made miserable by a Headache, Neuralgia, Muscular Pains or Functional Menstrual Pains?a day when only your sense of duty kept you on the job? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve Headaches. You will find them effective I also in the relief of the other nagging pains mentioned above. _ R**nkr P.ekiif. A package of these prompt acting pain re- m mim, lievers may save you Vtl hours of suffering. Be Aw^HHHy prepared. Have Dr. Miles s?\J Anti-Pain Pills in house. ' ' $1.50 A Year ? The Herald ? $1.50 A Year [if yf f //fMM ft/] j j^7mv m IL LTy M BWff ^I^L_ iitfJI ^1 v' JP*^\^P3B^^^?BI B because Chevrolet cohuauo? 111? J for '41 Is the only low- Mjfll HI priced car with a 90-h.p. ^rsAmzL_ llfl *0 W | Valve-ln-Hepd "Victory" ft]N01 Knglne?the same type WHRiiMjl of engine that holds all L ^ XiS3m fii I world's records for per- {Wr formance on land, sea [ ^-Mn~- [H I J and In the air! [ J! !?||aW llB and Motor Go. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. / J \ I ..^if -1j -"

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