Head The Htraltf And _ Buy At Horn* VOL. 27 NO. S Chas. S. Will And Partner > .. Charles S. Williams and a silent partner have purchased the Mountain View Mill and plan to Install machinery Immediately for the .man ufacture of fine combed yarns. The mill property la located a short d.a tancc off the (iastouta Highway about four miles from Kings Mountain. The mill has not been In opera ?/y? otr shoot two years, as the ma'"' VIEW? .for of the Textile Inc. chain. Mr. Williams staled the name of the mill will be changed to t he, Friedu Manufacturing Co. und the installation of 6.000 spindles will tropin Immediately. Oneratlon of the mill, ui-phi-iliiii. to Mr. WUliutus to expected "o begin ' about Juno. 1st. Approximately 22 worker* will bo required to operate, the mill each shin. 100 und 120 fine combed yarns will be 'manufactured by the new firm. JMy. Wlllnms ,has been actively engaged in the textile business fur many years an 1 for thi past severul years has dualed in textile machinery. Rev. H. G. Fisher To Be Installed At Lutheran Church Sunday Rev. H. O; Fisher, who came to I Kings Mountain from Macon, Ga? - during (December as Pustor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church will bo duly installed at the morning service i>ext Sunday. This Installation will be conducted by Dr. J. L. Morgan. President of the United Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina. Dr. Morgan Is not only an outstanding. Minister and Leader In the Lutheran -Church but is recognized as one of the leading Ministers of tne.. South. His ability as a Minister, Teacher, Pastor and Leader has received rec ognition throughout the whole Church. At the Morning hour of Worship - DT. Morgan will preach the "Installation Sermon." Since- he 1b an in fluentlal speaker, those present wilt , hear an Interesting message. The Public Is cordially invited to attend the Services. There will be special music by the Church Choirs. I Kings Mountain Ha*s Busy Week Activity in Kings' Mountain durlug the past week has been very active with as many as three meetings being held in one evening. The ^ week beginning last Tliuisduy start' ed with the stockholders meeting ot the Ktngs Mountain B. and L. Association. and the Boy Scout Banquet In the Central School Cafeteria. Members of the Womans Club met Friday afternoon. Monday was rush day with a variety tof four activities to choose from. First was the meet lag ot the Town Council in the aft. ernoon, and then the Jake Early banquet at the h^bthodist Church, the Junior Woman's Club party, and the play at. the School, "King Cot ton's Children" presented by the Plonk School of Creative Art, In the evening, completed the day"s sole? tlon. Two meetings were scheduled for Tuesday, the regular Lions Club meeting and the meeting for the or ganlsatlon ot a State Ouard. Wednesday the meetings took a rest, but came back strong today, with four gatherings scheduled, namely. Klwanis Meeting, Boy Scout "Court . of HftnAP l-~ ?. - v. MWVHIIVIUOrD lUCQlIUg Ui the Home B. and L. Association, and the Womanless Wedding. Score Laughing Arout With ikviis A Second H By IRVIN ! AT A friend's home, lately, I hear mark of authenticity to my way circulation than could be given it by uTTl | cmt Alice was sent to the grocery on "Well, I hear you have a little 1 . do you think of him," askedUhe groc "1 don't like him, said Alice fra and he cries all the time." "Well," said the grocer, *Srhy d came from?" "Oh, I'm afraid we couldn't do three days already." (Amcrlrnn H?w? jg&k > ' t "V ' Kings iams Buy Mill / Merchants Banquet To Be Tuesday Mouthers of the Kings Mountain Merchants Association and invited guests will gather next Tuesday ev- ' eitipg at 7: ho o'clock tc the Woman* 1 Club nulhllitK for their first annual banquet. President Olee Bridges < and liyrott Keeter will he in charge ! >.f % rrlnrrm>>9fVj'< tR ?TiiaEroT?S^ cAF InflnBBPr heis and guests. Mr. h. L.. rniiun of Iforganton I >>upt of Burkr County School* ban bt<<n secured an speaker M I'attoa I: known through North Carollua an iln* 'Vyilli itOK'Tn of the schools." JleI Is si gifted after-dinner speaker and entertainer and members are look lug forward to Mr. l^atton'n address. t - Mr. It la. Ruth, of Hoik's. has/ charge of the Halo of tickets um .1 anyone desiring to attend the tiun quet ure asked to contact Mr. Ruoa. | - X , Four Small Fires Within \ Past Five Days fire Chief CJrudy King and hU i lire lighters have been on. the move "considerably durlny; the pasi fi\c ( days answering four calls. Saturuay afternoon about 3:30 firemen were < culled to a house occupied by Joe < Kails near South' Cansler Street.!] The small house was competeley de i strayed. The cause of the fire was , unknown. i Tuesday, 12:45 P. M. firemen t were called to a grass Tire at the ( corner of Waco Hoad and Cansler | j street. No dantaeg was reported. Wednesday inoruiug, firemen wede t called out of bed at 6:20 A. M. to J ] the Hits Grill. Only slight damago j done. The fk"e caused by defec: j tive wiring. * ,! j Wednesday afternoon about 3:15 ( P. M. firemen were called to 'x grass 1 } fire ou West Mountain street. No damaoe was reported. ? ' . '/ State Guard Meeting Held Here Clerk of Supeiror Court,* Everett Houser, of Shelby, who has been intcr^HtPd in orco r? Ulnn- ? - - ~ ? ? w*ow**?atuQ n Diair J Guard for Cleveland County was present at a meeting In the City Hall here Tuesday night. Mr.. Hou ser explained the set up for the organization, to the group present. The Kings Mountain enlistments will be a part of the Shelby unit. Eight men signed up for the service which is similar to the old National Guard. The eight men signifying u their desire to Join the newly organ' ized State Guard were:- Robert C. Crook. Willard O. Cranford, Ernest W. Neal. William B. Ash, J. I,. Johnson, and Arwell L?. Stroup. Other men Interested in joining the unit are invited to contact Mr. Houser in Shel >y immediately. I for the week, 13. [ | Registrants To Be Examined Next Wednesday Twenty registrants are scheduled to be examined . next Wednesday morning in the high school gym, according to an announcement from the local Draft Board. The four Kings Mountain doctors are assist' tng In the medical .examinations, which will be held once or twice each month. Heretofore Dr. W. L. Pnnivnur haa konn < U( UMO VK^I* V??c UUIJT llioviivai examiner for the local board. The < examinations are to bdgln at a a. m. id the World . ; J S. COBB t and Article , s. conn J i this juvenile yarn. It bears the J 1 of thinking and deserves a wider 1 word of month. < ah errand. < >aby brother at year hoaae. What | er. nkly. "He's got a fanny red face , lon't yon send him back where he 1 that," she said. "We're used him t FaatnrM, tar.) 8 i 'V --J'': '}'<'S >, ' l"? ' ? "V" I" " ' . " * " ' K- i VI V t ? Tr7~r - ' : " '. " HBR "" *T . 4 ' ' ,r>' '" ' Moun u KINQ8 MOUNTAIN. N. C. TMI I v*'/; V.V New Boys' Club \ Organized I /Tho "Two Bli" club met Saturday night, Feb. 16th. iu Charles A. Oo^ forth'B basement. After a short bus- U< iuess discussion, the boys enjoyed L a.weiner roast In Goforth's back/w yard. *< E This club, for boys 16-21 years of T age. was organized Feb. 1, with 18 di charter members. The purpose or K this club is to provide planned so- w i-ial functions and to promote a< more gentleman-llkc conduct. c< There will be a nix-Hal meeting ?r this club Saturday. Feb. 28. at i Ji P. M. at the regular place Alt <x g^^jjig^jTeunt^^^iepreaent. es WPA Sic Project A Tlx- Kings Mountain School WPA :< rtiadluin project has been approved .1 by officials In Washington according to a telegram received by Coun- w oilman W. K. Mauney, from Con- g tressinan A. L. HnlwinkleV'IT.e total v i-ost of the WPA project 'will be a; ?01.320. with a Federal grant of al and $35,293 being supplied Ui Uy the Town of KitVgs Mountain, ni fhu town will be allowed credit for p he use of equipment, gravel, stone ft md topsoil, which will amount to bi ?15,000, leaving only approximately iu ?10.000 cash to be furnished by Kings Mountain. The town now has. t) ibout $5,000 left from the sale ot o< he school property at the corner ot m Cleveland Avenuv- and King street pi o apply on this account, which ft inly leaves approximately $5,000 to ol re' raised. - . ? cc The new school sladiunt ptans a all for a football field and stand, raseball diamond and grandstand, h: field houhe with', showers, lockers- In tot and cold water. The concrete ix football stand will have a st aling' t \ capacity of about 2,000' and tlta T traudstand scats fos 1,000. ' Twin la Water Inve To Be Mai Ciilxehk of Kings Mountain will, of oou know whether the rumors ami of street talk that has been rampant or the past several years pertain;ig to "water stealing" Is Just that 1)( >r a fact. The action to settle the ,c natter for once and all was taken >y members of the Town Council it a special meeting Monday aftertuon. when a complete investigation oc vas ordered. Councilman Ladd Hamrlck, Ex ecu ;1 ive of the Phenix Mltl, brought the natter to a head when he requested he complete Investigation. Mr. Ham 31 Ick first moved that the check-up ,e )c made at his mill, but at the re- '1l luest of Councilman W. K. Mauney. t3 U. motion was changed to Include 1,1 he Mauney Mtlla. The final motion fo idopted called for a complete in- c0 /ostlgatiqn of all industries of <inga Mountain. lu Supt. of Water and Lights, L. C. bl Parson, who appeared before the fu >oard stated that the water plant was pumpirg approximately 8,000,>00 gallons each month, with aptroxlmatdiy 4,000.000 gallons going | hrough meters. He stated that, ap- I jroxlmately 2,000,000 was used la I it ?- . j i a. m si _ I M. I I mailing ueaa enas, tur uron, auu uu inmetred ejrtomers, which would eave about 2,000.000 gallaus unaccounted fov. City Manager H. L?. Burdotto, stated that this was too high, as the osss usually rart about i!T percent Instead of the 25 percent In Kiugs Mountain. Thi? was explained according to Mr. Burdette by tho exremely low volume of water consumed here, and the percentage ot oss would be reduced by an Increase In consumption. Mr. Hamrick before he made his notion stated that he welcomed and nvlfed a check up of the entire water system, and that If his mill was -ecelvlng water, he wanted tp pay lor It. He offered to co-operate In svery way possible to clarify the natter, adding that he had heard enough about "water thieves. " Mr. Mauoey stated that be Invltsd the Investigation, and would renter all assistance possible. The motion, which wae made by ClouncUqaan iHemrlck asnd seconded >y Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Fulton carded unanimous. All members of the Council were preeent for the meetng. The exaot mot km follows: "Whereas, the street rumor Is to be effect that unauthorized and un metered water Is being taken for ise by certain Industries la the own from the city water lines and Whereas, such rumors and gossip ire a reflection on the management . tain H JRSDOAY, FEB. 20, 1941 Vomanless Wedding To Je This Evening ^ All of Kings Mountain will want j > be prehc 11. this evening at 8:15 | i the Central School Auditorium to itness the marriage of Haywood I. Lynch to Joe Lee Woodward, his charming couple will be atten ed by the elite of the social set of lings Mountain and tbc wedding < ill be remembered for many years <1 i a highlight of matrimonial ao- b implishineuts. . ' I The big event 1s sponsored by the ( unlor Class, and everyone Is invit- " i wiinner mfj r?coi?? an outers 1 Invitation or not. idium T * ? approved ' [-v. tfi nuls courts are to bo Included In |-> !? athletic la> out. I *' Tito, project calls for ten months | oi;k. and according to City Mdna-|C or M. I*, llurdetlc, who has been '' cry active In getting the project h pproved. work Is scheduled to start bout the 1?'t>i of March. Mr. lJur- l< ctte stated tlrat after the prelltm- p ury cleaning up and grading of the N roperty actual construct^m on the o lOtball stand will begin. Grass will p o planted by late summer accord- ft ig to the City Manager. The location for the stadium is at -{ le end of Mountain Street and Is b msldered to be a natural site for d a athletic field. The property was i, nrrliascd sovedai months ago with )tl mils secured from tho sale of tho ti id school property located at tho p, truer of King Street and Cleveland s( venue. M-tubers of the committee who ?ve assisted in seeing the project iconic a reality are P. M. Nelsler ^ out the School Tloard. \V. K. Maun- ;1] 11 viii iu?* i uw u vuuiicu ana l . r\ ^{ homasson from Kings Mountain at ^ r"g- ^ k stigation < ie I o ' tlio said industries , and the cit^ ., Ticials and "Whereas, it is the desire of this j >artl that proper action be taker, i clarify such rumors. Therefore, > it resolved, at ' . A "That this board requests ail perns who have knowledge of such a e| mdition, to appear before this >.tr<i. and that the mayor apyuiutjp coniinittco of three disinterested ttzens, along with the City Mana r and Superintendent of Water td Lights to investigate this mat- tj, r atid present their findings to is board within the next thirty 10) days that all city employees be structed to furnish whatever inrotation or aid possible to this immlttee." Mr. Fulton abased Tuesday that ?> > had not appointed the committee, it he was giving the matter "care1 consideration," _ e) ? ' et Will Rogers' Humorous Story -4 c By WILL ROGERS w A CTORS have a great life. Seme of the best of it comes in talking it all over together. These folks R have ups and downs about as much ?< as any people .in the world, I reckon, but they hardly ever cry about C1 it. One of them maybe has his name a( in big lights this week, and next month he's imitating a thunder- 1 storm off in the wings somewhere. 01 t< He gets Just as much fan oat of c talking it over an he ever did, though. Two actors were talking, in a e; little restaurant la New York, ei about this year's shows and last rear's shows. They found oat that " it was awful hard to remember *v what the show* of last year were. u Even an actor forgets them that 1 quick. p "Well," add one of them, "what u I'm talking about is the show last 0 yea' that didn't have any bed la a it You remember " "No," says the other one, "I don't c' thirik T do. No bed in it That must " have been the Miracle!" Americas New* fWetarca. Inc. A'1 [erald .- *,. . Aubrey Mau Scouts For ( Boy Seoul*. scouters, anil friends f Scouts 256 strong filled the cafe* srla of Central School last Thursay even lug for , the annual banquot, eld In commemoration of National toy Scout Woefc. \V. K Mnuney, hainnan, presided during the meet tg and banquot. Follow I tig the uvocMlon hy Hev R. I. Italrd. Re*. Horace ihisom of t?rOi?v. the dnidnit of scveral One of the highlights of .he oeca# m was the presentation (If the Ea ) > Seoul Award to W. K Mauttcy r. hy .luriue Bismarck Oapp*. I'res lent of I'iedmont Council, fjastonla R M Sehlole. Seoul Executive. of asionla. challenged leaders. of routing In Kings 'MOuatnin to reach lid excell the record made h'TP He* ral vpnra-ago H"v. P. I). I'a'riek introduced Hon lyde R. Mot'y of Shelby who lieuT in large atldlenee spellbound with Is magnetic ability as an orator Mr Hoev "said that ho was pleased ) retire from Olio position of resonalbility ? that of governor of 'ortb Carolina to another ''place l" fine responsibility that of . vice resident of tlie PJedinont Council otn Cleveland County. He declared that we must come > the time when we seek to contrlate rather than receive. Too mnhv uring the years df the depression ave come to. feel that the govern lent owes them a living. The ques on must be how can I help other eople rather than how can I get imeone to help men. "Scouting," he said, 'teaches how' > live and expand in the things mt will make a great democracy. 0 boy would start out in life with 11 ambition to be a drunkard and pi with such principles as Scout ig gives he may easily become a iw characterized drunkard. "In lands where they do not have eouttng the people are tauclit . to ate instead of love, they do not ave freedom of speech and wor hip "Scouting teaches bova to con 01 themselves. In controlling them fives they learn how lo control tliers and become leaders^' J. It, Davis, made the report for tie nomnniing committee. whtcli illows: Chairman: Aubrey Mauney. Secretary: J. E. Hern don. Finance: B. S. Kelll. ,T. H. Thom in, Ladd Hamrick, B. S. Peeler. I. . Klser,' Church Relations: Rev II. fj Fisn p Commissioners: Dr. Hliillip (' -.1 .4 77 n Ties .nmcn. v.. v?. wmie. ir w. .Mvers; ] Court of Honor:- Rev. P D Patrick School Relations: J).' M Bridges. Camping: J. U. Davis. 1. B. Gofor i. Health and Safety: A S. Smart. Publicity: Rev. H. G. Fisher. Hay ood K. Lynch. Reading: Rev. H. C. Sprinkle Inter-raclal: J E Aderholdt Rural Scouting: H. C. Wilson, P. Herndon Troop Budget: O. A. Bridges. Cubbing: Rev R N Balrd Troop Organization: \V. K. Maunt. Program and Activity: B. N. GarnI. Senior Scouting; Carl W. Davla?n. Leadership Training: B N.. Barni. Scoutmasters: II. C. Wilson. L. C. ettmar. Tdoop Standnrds: Joe Leo Woodard' Objective: Paul M. Mauney. Members at Laro: Paul Nelsler, ,ov. A. G. Sargean', C. F. Yhojnas>n, A. H. Patterson. J. B. Keetor. Aubrey Maunoy. newly elcctea rtairman In a very forecful manner. Ecepted the challenge of Scout Executive Sehiele. Mr. Mauney called a every citizen in Kings Mountain > co-operate In tho promotion ot coming. wnicn win mane Doner Itlzens out of the youth of Kings [ountatn. Escaped Convict /apiured Here hkldle Teusley, alias James Walk r, 30 year old negro convict who scaped from an Ash County State auvic camp, was captured here lond&y morning by Chief Jimmy urns and Officer Johnny Jones, he negro was arrested at the 8uerior Stone Co. quarry where ho ad been employed for the past 6 r 7 weeks. Xu? negro's arrest came h a result ot a tip given local offiurs. The escaped prisoner subinltcd to arrest without any trouble. The escaped convict bod been sen ?uced to 20 to Zo years (or murder. 1 : *. *i -v. - ; - > *. M .-f" .v..--- > .,'> ." ,x.'* ^: .VAJSH WtMt Lilwl On Your Papor And Don't Lot Your Subacription Explrol ' FIVE CENTS PER COPY iney Heads ^ . v _oming Year City Manager Issues An Appeal .11. U Rurdetu, City Manager, issued the appnal published below in the interest of the citizens of Kings Mountain. Mr. Rurdette Is endeavor ini; to improve the cleanliness and sanitation of Kings Mountain, and if the following suggestions are ob? served the health of the citizenship '"Willie the Weathei i* still cold enough to prevent the breeding of tiles and mosquitoes spring is not far distant itnd unless steps are into n to control Uioko ttvo annoying iid dangerous peats befodn tho 1 hriHllllni' 1. !" ' ... ... r- . I'Ull. II Will O** lOO l?lO <to ito u great >1 a n 1 lowardi' hi' vital ion bi Hit' afrrni'nft-r' and danger Mom tliciiu . - ' : ' .M<>?i,uiiui s i|o not travel great distances but are .generally lired In the immediate vicinity of where they are found. Some of the most common !?? oditig jdaces. are baselin>lVtsL clogged root' glitters ' and drains-, tin cans. t>t ' any vessel in which water Is held for' a jierlod of a week or more.. Any stagnant wator is a. breeding place for mosquitoes. "The common house fly is not only annoying but is one of our worst enemies as' it hrooils In filth a.nd spreads diseases of every <i<v ' scripticin. ;* "i "The breeding" of these pests can be controlled to a large extent by each hoi|:ohol('? r taking steps to sqe that all . tin cans and rubbish or anything that might hold water is removed from Us premises. and checking all gutters and drains, basements or other places where 0 > ? ' water might stagnate, and by seeing that stables or other places where flies might breed, are cleaned no and disinfected regularly. The small effort necessary is we'll worth while and this can bo accomplished effectively through the cooperation of each individual. "Let's all cooperate and mako Kings Mountain the healthiest ana cleanest city In North Carolina." - ' ! : % I * * AA/? ? * ji,to? L.ive in No. 4 Township . a Mor<* than one-fifth of the comity's 58.055 residi nis live in No. t (Kings Mountain i. township, accord ing to figures of tlio bureau of census. department of commerce. The figures- tvvonl that 11993 indi\ lijuuis?i eside?within?f4t??houml I a ties of No. 4 township, which -includes Kings Mountain, of tliis num her G.648 live within the city limits. The tabulation shows the following for all Cleveland townships: Twp. 1, River ..... 1.051 Twp. 2, Roiling Springs .... < 2,925 ^ Twp. 3. Rlppys 3.158 Twp. 4, Kings Mountain ...'. 11.998 Twp. 5. Warltck 2.900 Twp. 6, Shelby 20.150Twp. f. Sandy Run 3.67'f Twp. 8. PolkvUl? ...... 3.487 Twp. 9. Double Shoals 6,050 Twp. 10. Knob Creek 1,217 Twp. 11 1.443. '/, 4 ' _ ' v ty JameS PreSton_ (Opinions Expressed tn This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Times.. things, and people chango n..rvn its \Xfnuli lnrrt/?r? rtfcii ill 11 unniii^itMi. , Only a few months ago, Amertcau Industry had to exert every effort to prove It wasn't a war monger, seeking war profits. It did disprove those false accusations even to the point of endorsing, - through it* spokesman, the National Association of Manufacturers, an excess pro fits tax .to prevent war profiteering. Since then, France baB fallen. Br! tain faces a critical battle for existence. Washington emphasis has shifted. Nowadays, some of the former industry haters wilt almost raise the canopy and roll opt the vol vet carpet if an Industrialist who can make cannon barrels shows up In Washington. But the Industrialists arc realists Many of them went through the World War amd are conscious of the attempts that followed to pin respon albility for that upon them. Now? (Cont'd on page two) * si

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