/ ' I I The Kings Mountain Herald I Established 1889 I Published Every Thursday HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE, Haywood E. Lynch ( Editor-Manager t ntered as second class matter a; 1 the Fostoiilce at Kings Mountain. r N. C.t under tre Act of March .1. ' 1879. ' ? SUBSCRIPTION KATES o Oae Year fl.Su * BU Moil the .76 ' k?< r _ a A weekly newspaper devoted to f j?e promotion of the general wel tare and published for the enMgbtmeni. entertainment and benefit of a he tltuviii of K'ngs Mountain and Os vicinity. ), - - fppi " ; .? - r?'- - <, Washington Snapshots ' , c (Cont'd from from pate) i . * ; . C dispute. t Actually, of course, airplane pro- t ; -duetlon Is Impeded by the strike ^ But official figures clout reflect that h tact- v ?o? h What some officials point to as a much butter illustration is figures -| showing the number of labor dls- putes to which the U. S. Conciliation t Service is having to assign mediator 0 Last September, the Conciliation t Service asslgnel men to an average -j of 34 new tabor disputes each week. a In January, that average rose to 68 t a week. And in February. the aver- \ age was 82 NEW labor disputes'each week. - : I c ,i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE r NORTH CAUOUNA. CLEVELAND COUNTY. 3 Jlavittg qualified a? adminlstia Irix of the Estate of MiSR Cltissio Beatt.v, deceaaod, late of Cleveland '' County. North Carolina, this' js to s notify all persons having claims a- * gains the estate df said deceased to ey.hbit them to the undersigned at her home in Kings Mountain. North f Carolina, on or before the 7th day ? of February. 1942, or this notice wll> "I be pleaded In bar of their recovery ' All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. c This 7th day of February. 1941. t Mrs. \V. P. Fulton, Administratrix, c ?adv?March 27. 1 * t f ^ / a Ma i TW/am BUY NOW I EARLY SPRING CI SEVERAL MODEL "A AND OTHER OLD WILL GO AT ONLY 1933?PLYMOUTH COAi 1935?PLYMOUTH COA 1935?CHEVROLET MAS 1934?CHEVROLET CO; 1935?CHEVROLET CO^ 1935?CHEVROLET MA! 1936?CHEVROLET CO J 1937?FORD (60) 1936?FORD COACH 1936?PLYMOUTH SED; 1937?PLYMOUTH COU1 1938?FORD COACH 1938?CHEVROLET CO^ 1938?FORD COUPE 1938?PLYMOUTH COA< 1937?CHEVROLET CO; 1940?FORD COACH Any Reasonable Down P: Balance Easy Terms. EXTRA SPECIAL! 1937?Ford 60 H. P. Good Tires, Spot Light, To Run PLONK MQTO - I Here and There . ^? Haywood E. Lynch) Every week, I plan to start wrl ng this column early so that It wi te real long, but I always wait unt he last minute, her* it is late Wei lesday night, and I have just beget ieveral of my readers tell me th inly thing wrong with this pniffl s that it it Is not long enough, * ine of these days I am going to g< tarted on the first thing Monda norning and maybe by the middl if the week, I will have the colum ull. All of us like to be complimentei nd I am no exception to the ruli So here's a few that we hav icard lately: I met Mrs Week O nartd in Logan's the other day. an he sa'd that the weak I was ot vhete near as gocd. as when I ' ai the job. ' "hen I waiked out o he street and met Quin 'Wells, he I me of our RFD readers. He sal hat the Herald did not come Thur lay morning as usual, and it was < out all he could to to keep .froi Iriving all the way to Kings Moui ?* ? ? / I n??v ? w as er he finished reading the pape le put in on top of the safe In th litcher. and saved it until Sunda iihen his married daughters cam ome. as they all scrambled to rea he paper from the Best Town i 'he State. Another nice exprtessio hat, has come to our attention, Ca| ain O'Farrel told the madam th nly thing wrong with Lynch's co imn is that it is just too short 'hanks, Mrs. Ormand, Quinn Weill nd Capt. O'Farrell, because we d ry harder when, we know our e 6rts art- appreciated. Mr. Gu& Mauney was in the offic ast week and I told him thathe ha i fine preacher -at his church. M >us. with a twinkle in his eye. said It's not a bad trade when you ca wjj>a ham for a fish." A. B Cobb has the most unusui nitials in town, A. B. C. Now ome one will just come along wit C. Y. Z. we'll have them all; ; When Ladd Hamrick does somi hlng he does it in a big way. He i in the jury this week, but It's n< fown. County, or State service. It' :ederal. If you don't believe Don Blanto an spell CAT ask any member ? he Lions Club. And George Maune ;ertainlv knows the occupations < lis brother club members, he hs AND SAVE fMAHCt SALE ' FORDS A?|| MODELS 2p5U CH * $95.00 CH $195.00 5TER $195.00 ^CH $185.00 iCH $210.00 STER $225.00 VCH $265.00 $275.00 $295.00 * \N $295.00 PE $325.00 $395.00 iCH $415.00 $445.00 : CH $425.00 VCH $425.00 $600.00 ayment Accepted, and Coach. QC Ready fDJ|%Fc9 s - ? * R COMPANY Phone 138 i Mountain, N. C. M n 'ii ? ' iiairtlrir - I*H? KINGS MOUNTAIN HVRALD. TI Tom Fulton sized up right when ho uld ho woo on the WPA, and ha a won Q4c for hla knowledge. .The train }>uslrteee ia now euiH-> _ Ing. Jack Arnette of the Center Ser t- vice aaid that ha counted six trains II the other tay within 30 minotes. .The il Stone quarry haa added trcmendousi ly to the railroad business here. the way, that new streamlined j e engine came thru here Tuesday ^ night pulling train number 40. I did not get to see it, but it created quite a sensation among those who le did- v_ "Land of Liberty's'" Cast j. Of Thousands Includes s. 139 Famous Hollywood e Players d AT DIXIE 26, 27 AND 28 -rn i i 1 ' 11 t I ' l.atfd 'if l.llHi ly, tl?> KpeetaruUir ' ; !M< ruri" sh?ait>K next WnliiPlday, j * j Thttrvdm iinl Friday, at' the Dixlo | I Theat re. hold.* a record. Ac*vml)it <1 ^ I / *.., II > r " , I . ..j ? .,11 11. iiymniii lrum i.vuu.nuy '[ ftfct of- film made available ?>y 112 l?t attire pictures at.d -short subjects turned out during the pa?i twentyfive years. It is estimated that the picture would cost millions of dollars if it were to be placed in pinduction today in Hollywood's studios d Showai originally at the New York n World's Fair and the San Franescb Exposition, the Motion Picture Pro^ ducers and Distributors of America decided to sponsor it as a national I product All sales profits from this film wilj b'e' donated to, war emergen J ~ cy welfare work. ' Describing in chronological order the history of America since the white man first arrived, up to tho present, the film includes countless e historical episodes which includo j the Declaration of Independence; r> the war of 1812'; incidents' leading up to the Civil War; the fight .for j n Cuba's independence and the build- ] ing of the Panama Canal; our Declaration of War on Germany in 1917 il and events which have been of naif tional importance during the past h NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION The Hoard of Commissioners for s-4 the Town of Kings Mountain has oris dcred that an election shali oe held >* in the Town of Kings Mountain on ' Tuesday, May 6, 1941, for the purpose of electing one commissioner from each of the five \\%irds in said n town and one sch|ol J r us tee for >f Ward No. 1 for a term of six years y and it is further ordered that the >f following shall be the polling places is for each ward: - Ward Place 1 No. 1 " City Hall No. 2 C't'y Hall No. 2 Phenix Store No. '4 Kings Mtn. Manufacturing Co. Store No. 5 Clevelquld Motor Co. The registration books shall be opened at each of these polling pin ces for four successive Saturdays' preceding said election beginning on ! Saturday April S. 1941, and closiug t on Saturday. April 2t>, 1941. from i seVen o'clock A. M. to seven'o'clock P. M , for all persons eligible to register for said election. The registrars and judges are a9 follows: ? Ward Registrar Judges No. 1 C. L. Black Howard Jenkins J. E. Herndon No 2 &. A. Crouse T. P. McOill L.Arnold Klser No. 3 Boyd Putnam B. A. Smith ,D. C. Paysour No. 4 W. F. England George White J. R. Roberts No. 5 E. L. Campbell B. M. Ormand E. B. Olive The polls will open on election day at each voting place at seven o'clock, A. M . and will close at six o'clock, P. M All candidates, who desire to run for commissioner or school trustee, are required to file at least five days before election, his or her announcement in writing with the City Clerk and pay a filing fee of five dollars ($5.00.) By order of the Board of Commissioners for the Town of Kings Moun tain. Bright D. Ratterree, City Clerk. ?adv?aprll 10. POULTRY Cash Truck Wi PLONK'S In Kings ] - - Saturday Morning from March ! The Following Cash HEAVY BREED HENS LEGHORN HENS ? p< ROOSTERS ? pound Do not feed Poult R.P.MW Lincobi IURSDAY. MARCH 20. 194J 1 1 I l l tew years. No less than. 30,000 persons appear i in Its cast, Including 139 stars of stellar rank. Fifty one Hollywood i studios contributed scenes to the picture. I Among tho stars aeen in the pro| duction are Don Aineche, George ATliss, Edward Arnold, John Barrymore Monel Burrymore Warner Baa ter, Wallace Beery, George Brent, Bob Burns, Claudette Colbert,-Gary Cooper. Bettc Davis. Irene Dunne, Henry Fonda, Joel McCrea, Frederic I March. Robert Montgomery. Anna Nt agle. George Rati, Randolph Scot James Stewart, Dewis Stone, Margaret Sol}'.*an. spencer Tracy and i.orett Young. The local Chapter of the D. A. R. Is cooperutltig with Manager David Cash to make it possible for every cw to see illis historical picture. Mr*. Era ik Summer*. President. i i Aurkiiu with the schools of Kings Mountain so that every child may MMaiaMiMMM ill a body accordtug to Supt U. tiaiiivl. at the , *p?s i?l price of.&c each which Manager Cash I* niuk-. ing to school children. Most inexperienced desert soldiers suffer gastric disturbances because of the great quantities of dust they arc forced to swallow. Classified Ads WANTED: Hoy between 18-21 for ~ regular work. Must furnish reference. Address E10 Herald, or call County ' 2104. Gastonia. apr 3p FOR HEN.T; Furnished rooms. 416 C'Hy Street. Telephone 177-M. NEW SPRING TAILOR-MADE Sulta Only $3.00. and $1.50 per week I>aVes Credit Jewelry, next door to Imperial Theatre. 2-27-tf FOR SALE: Colored Card Boars Herald Office. LARGE STOCK LOGAN'S GEM Furniture Polls. Kings Mountain I Furniture Co. 12-12tf < I REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get oue of our delicious Banana Splits for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. FOR SALE: Good farm mule. L. W. Mi-Swain, Route 2, Kings Mountain, N. C. mar 2?p FOR RENT: New 3-room apartment $2.50 week, Shelby Road. Pinkie Randall. mar 27p OfiMCADit Dinnirc ? w ** w 1% ? i w b ii # ? Why does Laura Linton look like a lark ? BECAUSE she's ?o hoppy with her baking trl. umphs since the started using RUMf O*0 Poking Powder. RUMFORO contains no alum . . . never leovee a bitter taste. ftfC. Sand for NEW booklot containing .dozont of bright idaos to improve V?ur baking. Addressi Romford baking Powder *om K. Romford Rhode Island mggneimiium CALL OR SEE KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative ^ in Kings Mountain ;; , < ? Territory ;; * ? WANTED I Paid ill Load At 5 store Mountain 8:00 until 12:00 o'clock 22,1041 Prices Will Be Paid i > 1?pound 15c rand * 12c .... 8c :: try on day of sale :lellan iton, N. C i'; ' ??- < * ' * % V - ... . .. ; s rWiiinf i-.'1! i iir fti-'-i i r T '' i i v?w.vi.-ww1 ?i,. w.jwi 111 I-? , v - j JI> ? - v. - f'\ ? ^USTJUMA^ ^ ByOBWt CAtm e. -few* QgR ^ J "I Guess I'll Let That Express Go By!" ^ - ^ * * GOLDEN GUERNSEY IS QUALITY MILK ? Golden Guernsey Milk is of high quality. By that is meant that it is richer in- all the factors that make milk a highly desirable food, and a delicious, body-building beverage for growing children, infants, and grown-ups. Golden Guernsey \ Milk has 4.60 percent or more butterfat (legal standard about 3.50 percent) and more of the solids. Archdale Farms Phone 2405 i ? I ?~ .1 IF YOU NEED MONEY? It Makes Sense To "j Borrow From Us /-V 1 /% 1 1 1 ? * i^uick connaentiai loans tor every personal need. Monthy repaymets. Signature or collateral. Come in for further information. First National Bank 2 PERCENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ' v,* . \ . . , u*is \ CLEANING- | uJU. || wm& J9B6W-C I a |b>> NEW- WAY LAUNDRY i > Gastonia's Oldest, Largest and Best ' Branch Office 292-294 West Main Ave. J no. R. Rankin, Pres. Jas. W. Rankin, Sect -Send Your Dry Cleaning With Your Laundry" i i v 4 > Phones 166 and 844 Gastonia, N. C. 1

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