' ? V: v . f ^ * * ? | SOCIAL AND PERSON AI o/ INTE Bridge-Luncheon. Mrs. Ueorge B. Peeler entertained at a bridge-luncheon Saturday at the Charles Hotel In Shelby. The dining room was beautifully decorated with quantities of colorful spring flowers and the tallies and score cards were Cleverly designed and made by Mra. Peeler, The guests weic Mesdames Badd Hamrick, George Luttiinore., Phillip Padgett. Bill Kamseur. Jim Smith Aubrey Mauney. B. N. Hurnes. Carl Mauney. Kred Plonk. Charlie Thornasson. M. H. Blser. Proctor Thompson, Jacob Cooper. Wilson Crawford. and Miss Dott Patterson of at mi 'iir'ik' Hamrick. D. T. Moore. Joe Thompi.. son. I Ale Thompson and Hugh Peeler of Shelby. High score winner wan Mm , Proctor Thompson. Second . hitch score winner was Mrs. II N. Bar*e* and low score prize went to Mr* BUI Rarilseur. U. D. C. To Meet Friday The United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Noisier on Gaston street with Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell and Mrs- Neislet as hostesses. Bii-th Announcement Rev. and Mre. B. F. Ormand of ' Crozet, Va? announce the birth of a son April 19th. CALL OR SEE KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. StatJbn PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory ! -J for women and < LOSE Ul Lose double chin, .bulging hips and stomach! No risky drugs. No f inconvenience! Here's the Plan that is appealing to such great numbers of girls and ' women ail over the country to safely reduce excess fat so that the modern new styles wijl fit mote becomingly? i ' Weigh yourself today. Get a bot. lie of Kruachen Salts (a famous English formula). Then every morning before breakfast take one half teaspoonfnl in a glass .of water?eat wisely?cut out fatty meats, butter. Press tfco W|k banoo o Eversharp lUpmrfaag Ptadl ' yowr dtuaab?aod didd It i an points Ilk* mmtMmm The Bvarsharp Fan?with k -Magic had" mads poo mass ; \ HI m B * * V'V * *r. J mm 1. - * -i ''* * <" ?- *'. * ? 9H ' f .- ' ' ' ' f' & V"* ' * *' ?v*l Kings Mount Phones 41 Wmm to EVERSHARP'S / K v*v: f' f; ' * ..v ; ' . *' i 4 T , HAPPENINGS .REST to \ PHONES 10-R AND 88 Legion Auxiliary Meets P"' ^Members of the Legion Auxiliary I mel recently, at the home of Mr*. ' A G. Sargeant with Mrs. Glee A. iindgca as joiut hostess.") Follow lux the Flag Salute and devottoi??ts - a report of the district meeting in Shi-lby was made by Mis. I'aul Muuuey. The ipcal Chapter won the cash prlz< of $2.50 for having the largest number present for the district' meet log. Kssay contest % winners were atiituunceii, with Kloise Kaudali winning first place and I ie leu Itamsey winning second place. Prices will be awarded to * Mcsdutnes T. G. Hudspeth. A. G. 3a>gcant anil B. M. Hayes were ap pointed -as the nominating committee. Mrs. J, N. Gamble had eiv'ree t?r the program and an Interesting talk was made by Mr*. Pau. Following the . business sector, and program delightful refreshments were served by the hostesses. Meeting Of Gleaners Class r Members of the Gleane. s Class x?f the First Baptist Church were entertained?at- the home of, Mrs. Abie Martin on last 'Friday" night with Mrs. Alvin Parboro and Mrs.. J^evitt Hughes assisting Mrs. Martin as hostesses. ) The home was attractively arran ged with Faster lilies, splrea, iris and iilaca. jMra. Wrny Klrby htjd charge of the entertainment feature. An attractive and delicious salad course was served to a large number of members and visitors Visitors In Kings Mountain The following were visitors at the home of Mrs. H. N. Moss and other relatives in Kings Mountain Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Poston of Florence, S. C-. Mr. Eldred Dobson of New Orleans. La.. Mr6. W. I If. Poston and daughter. Miss Mary Lee Poston of Pamlico. S. C., and Mrs. S. Seagle of Hock Hill, S. C. girls who want to 6LY FAT cream and rich pastries?go' light on white liresil nnrl nnlntn^c After 4 weeks weigh yourself again and just see if you haven't lost pounds of ugly fat and gained that "Kruschen Keeling" of greatei vivacity, more energy and improved health' that so often accompany fat reduction. REFUSE IMITATIONS! Demand and get only the genuine Kruachen (the famous English formula) plain or new effervescent, pleasant, sparkling. Bottle lasts 4 weeks and coats but a trifle. Any druggist k" " ^B; hff.' am limliaf MM ? [ mm ?iwi ain Drug Co. L and 81 -tami w ot liavi it* . . > . '. v. V- V ' ." * 1' * *.. .' y '" * i-'j: . ! , ." ' - ; < . .' *y\ : ' v ' HE KINCN3 MOUNTAIN HERALD. THl lllllltlllllllHMIMIIMir ' ' VOMEN MRS. A. H. PATTERSON, Mcllwain-Arnette . Wedding A of, much interest to their many friends was that of Miss r.iuuLviit Ann-tie and Mr. Julian J Mcllwalu of Columbia, 8. C., whicu took place in the bhaudon Presbyicrian Church on Saturday. after, noon. A pi i! la. .1941. at J o'clock, file Ih v. K . itay Kiddle performing the. ceremony .Mia. Tom ripioll of Wihnsboru. 8 organist, rendered a program of prenupilal music including To An KveniuK Star, Warmer, Trauinerei, Schumann, Andaute from Violin I if f if IT'* ^ ? from Othello by Verdi. O Perfect Cove, llarnbv, Ave Maria. Shubert. During the ceremony Lelbeslraum, by Liszt was softly played. The bride was becomiiiKly attired in u dress of highland blue silk print, with a chiffon redingote of matching color and design. Her accessories were of navy blue and she wore a corsage of sweetheart (rosea and lilies of the valley. Immediately after the cereMony Mr. and Mrs. Mcllwalu left for an .xienuea weaatng inp alter wtitcb|BI they will be at home to Ihefr friends II | at 131S Hull Street. Columbia, S. C. I Mrs. Mcllwalti -is the daughter or I the late Mrs. Marie Simonton >AeU' nette and the late Mr. John C. Ar- fe nette of Pulrfleld County, S. C. Sb? I received her education at the Ca thedrai tschool in Orldndo, Florida, I launder College- in Greenwood, S. C. I and Draughon's Business College in I Columbia. S. C. For the past few I years she has been employed l?y. ( the South Carolina Highway ' De- I partment. Mrs. McJlwaiu is a sister I of Mr. Jack Arnette of Kings Moun I tain and lived in Kings Mountain I prior to the death oT her mother. I She has a number of Relatives and I triends In Kings Mountain. Mr. Mcllwaln is the eldest son, of I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mcllwaln of I Lancaster, S. C. He received his ed- I ucation at the University of South I Carolina and holds a position with I the South Carolina Highway De- I partment. Woodman Circle Meets The new North Carolina State I 'Manager, ajid Nath'n.'H A'-.sistanh I Attendant of the Woodman Circle I Miss Blanch Eakin of \;mrrj;ie. I and Field Worker, Mrs. G. V. Byrd I of Shelby met with Kings Mountain I Grove No. 146 Monday night at the I home of Mrs. T. G. Hudspeth and ' I laid plans for the reorganization of [ I the Grove, and to secure new mem-'| b"rs. This is a Fraternal Life In-11 surance Society for ladies only. The I following members were present; Miss Helen Fayh Cash, Miss Ja- I ntc Jackson. MntC^P. tloforth. Mra |j T. G. Hudspeth, Mrs. Blance Poplin I Miss Geneva Hudspeth land C. P. Gofortfa, the only male member in I town. fThe Grove expects to increase 11 I ita membership at once. The Grove has some 20 members and 8 Juvenile members on the roll. Spending Week In Washington |Crji. D. C. Mauney Is spending the week In Washington, J). C.. where she Is a guest of her sister. Mrs. R. E. Rldenhour. Nntionai President War Mothers. Mrs. Maun ey attended the meeting of Daughters of American Colonists Tuesdky. Mrs. Mauney was accompanied to Washington by Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mauney and Mrs Billy Mauney's mother, Mrs. Simp son of Hickory, all of whom were en route to New York City. The party plan to return via Wilmington during the week-end for a visit to some gardens to be open at that time. Attending Presbyterial The following from the First Preabvterian P.hnrrh Klncr? Vnnnl tain, are among those attending the I Presbyterlal in session at Relmont|l| today: MesdameB Paul Mauney, fi, ill N. Mrss, P. D. Patrick. O. C O'Far 'I tell, Hayne Blackmer, C. E. Neialer ff Sr.. George Burber, ' Paul Neisler, I pon Blanton. Joe Neisler, E. A. I (Cont'd on back Page) RUPTURED? DWM?W tinm r*? *) Mltka #JipM MpMlteMaMt ? TM Mi# #4 tfc### MlMtMdM #fci MB imirtj tted ?a try? #1 Man mIt f te4 Hm# m mm rajUTjMUMlM tkm #te i?itl ir4if i4i. i( ^^^il il l? r#U#t Mly tm ^ -qi 2c mcmm**!#**" m-Ct !'t^T Entr SlOaa mm4 aynpatfcatic tin itnaiay. wliUlt te?ob May MM d ' jSRTtCr^eM### tea'It M##%fcM Sp#t fa4 tew., AkB.M 1 b_bI teppartccB/Ptete IIMllBI Ar#CBB< #t#? KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. I 'R8DAY. APRIL 24. 1941 KEETER I AFTER Annual Cle Of Desirable Sj OUT TI D ^ 2 n Thursday - Fri 3 Specia SPRING $7.95 DRESSES NOW ONI $4.95 DRESSES NOW ONI $3.95 DRESSES NOW ONF | ALL SlfKl $16.50 SUITS NOW ONE-H V 1 , " ' - - " - ' . ' $9.95 SUnS NOW ONE-B ALL SPRE f- . " . $16.50 COATS KOWONE-l ?9.95 COATS NOW ONE-F ?7.95 CO?TS NOW ONE-I $5.95 COATS NOW ONE-1 ONE BIG TABLE Spring Hats Values to $3.98 Out They Go $1.00 Each No Exchanges ? No Refunds Keeter's I Value For Value i- ' . . ; V* - .-rr.-T''r' .' >? ' ~".r ' ' \ - - Wt ; . 'S EASTER arance Sale pring Styles In Wtsr-"Strits HEY GO RICE1 I day - Saturday I Groups DRESSES 5-HALF PRICE-ONLY $3.98 I S-HALF PRICE?ONLY $2.48 I 5-HALF PRICE?ONLY $1.98 IS NG SUITS ||| __J ii [ALF PRICE ? ONLY $8.25 I [ALF PRICE ? ONLY $4.98 | NG COATS"] I ALF PRICE ? ONLY $8.25 || IALF PRICE ? ONLY $4.98 jl IALF PRICE ? ONLY $3.98 I IALF PRICE ? ONLY $2.98 J I SWEATERS and SKIRTS < j D _ J? - - J i iveuucea ;? $1.98 Sweater and Skirt Now ! $1.49 ! : ] ? No Charges ? All Sales Final )ept. Store Never Undersold jf. / - , . x . i ' t ?/' ' . . , * ?. . -i'. + : > ' t .