- PJH c "' ?THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1*41 State And h Condensed Ii ?State News? Greensboro. May 13.?The nineteenth . person arrested la the cur rent round-up of alleged dealers' in narcotics securing supplies through forged prescriptions, Neill Fuller ol Durham, has -been lodged in.- Gullford jail after his arrest Sunday at the Slier City prison cump of thi state^iis ^pther, Robert, was un< of those recently arrested. \V. T. Atkinson, Federal narcotic* Agent, said a letter was recently in - iercepted at the prison cnutp, with a grain and a half of powdered nior phlno concealed under the .stamps which were carefully pasted down around the edges, (Dunin, May 13.-T-lA>onar<l Monds. local tilling station employe, is it: the Harnett comity hospital as thf result of an accident which occur her last uight . at the Antericat Urlll filling station, Monds was struck by an automobile while as sistlug a truck^ driver in removing his truck tire. Whlte.villa, May 13.?A coroner'. Jury investigating the death of tw< men who lost their lives early Sun day morning when the Fair Bluf Jail burned tonight found that 'Dev ey Strickland and Robert Dudlej met death from fire in tho Fall Bluff Jail and said fire was startet by the occupants of, the Jail. No ev dence' was gives to show that offi cers of the town were negligent it > Shelr duty." Strickland and Dudley were pu in jail Saturday night on a mino offense. The inquest was conductet by Coroner J, I) Sikes. Wilmington, May 13.?Kolanc Paul Wescott 20, Wilmington laui dry truck drlyer, pleaded not gull ty today to-charges of first degrei murder in oonnectlou with the slaj ing of his former sweetheart. Mil dred Lee, 17, here the night o April 13. Mountain Champior The Kings Mountain High Schoc Baseball Team is definitely on it way to be crowned champions o the Western Conference for th first time since 1935. This seasol tho Mountaineers have taken on th strongest teams in the Western Coi feronee and have lost only oh game thus far while winning si> teen. The lone defeat being to Hit kory on their home ground by th score of 2 to 4. The Mountaineer haven't been defeated on thei home ground in two years. The championship is an assurei fact as the results of two. defeats a Morganton and Hickory. The neat est rival, being Hickory, last year' champs, which has ^already lost games this season, and regardles Laughing Aroi With IRV And Getting W By IRVD 'I 'HE transcontinental flier had p ? run to the coast and the cond passengers in one of the coaches 1 ttz j jul inkE, > the part of a fellow traveler. Thl in his hands muttering to himself low moaning sounds. Next morning, as the train ent even than it had been the night b?l beating himself gently on the bre "oil wr This continued all through tl patriarch seemed so alone in his so eyes regarded him and all on the 1 to soothe him and comfort him. Finally, though, on the next .southern California and were with Ve big-hearted man could contai me seat where the old man sat in -.or<0al hand, he said: "8ir, I do not know yon. I dc . ; ,ui. -Hve, but I have been sorely ' that we am approaching oui ' -assistance to von. Is there nnythi Tears gushed from the old ma "I'm so sorry. Pardon me for t sonal bereavement 7" The ancient shook his head in "Is it wone than that even 1" A nod. "Well, Chen, what Is the mat "Listen, Meester, free days 'al ? I American Ne I ?. V ? "Knigsr ' ' ' 1 lational News n Brief Form ?National News? Washington. May. 13.?The United States government, seeking to close i imi>ortaui gaps in, hemisphere econ i omic defense, announced its inten* j t tiou tonight to negotiate rcclpro cai trade agreements with ArgeutlI ua and Uruguay, chief ineat-produ'? ' tug countries iu L<ntin America. ! ; ?? ? Washington, May 13.?Legisla i tlon empowering President Itoose veil to defer the training of oldor i draft registrants was recommended I to Congress by Selective service , | headquarters today on the ground i ! i hut younger meu are best qualified I tor military duty. 'J'he request, made by Brig.-Generul Lewis It. ilershey. deputy draft, i director, -'In u letter to Speaker Ray burn, did not say at what age the - j 'deferment should start. Present i { draft age limits are 21 through - 35. I London, May 13.'?An Americanr 1 ? 1. i ? uouivjijcn iiiHin it'tir uique -7- especially a super flashlight device - Is proving far supers lor In British raids over Germany ) to anything Used before, an author itative informant' said today. f The flash, this source explained. r. is dropped from the plane, bursts r over the objective to light, up miles r of territory and sets off the airi borne camera simultaneously. I Results and operation of the new - instruments ate watched closely by 1 United States military observers and pictures of bombing results tat ken with the new appartus are ber ing rushed to the United States, he i said. 1 Lowistown, Pa., May 13.?Mr. and : Mrs. Benjamin Brewster. New York - socialites missiifg four days on, a j cross country pleasure flight wero' r found dead tonight in the "Charred j - wreckage of their airplane atop a I f heavily wooded Pennsylvania mouo tain. eers Clinch i ship P~ IT7" * the outcome of Friday night's me with Shelby, the Mountainirs will have wou the pennant of e Western Conference. Complete summary of the past sea o son's record and a picturo of the a champs will be published in the e next issue Of The Herald. * t- Coach "Red" Smart is to be conj gratulated and highly praised for a (lot'olnnlner thb V! nit nfninnoro intd O UU ? V I'itif) vuv mwuu?uiuv?t U iuv^ a a pennant winning club in two r years. Every boy on the team has given his best and with team work d and proper coaching the locals >t came thru to ihrlll diamond fans. | r- True Chomps they really are, and s Kings Mountain chalks up another , 3 "first" to the satisfaction of cltt-1 s zens of the Best Town In the State. and the World INS. COBB 1 X orse All the Time N S. COBB J mlled out from Chicago for the long ? uctor had made his rounds, when the o became aware of signs of concern on K .,il ; Iv was an elderly man with his head 1.; Yiddish and at intervals uttering * ered Kansas, his grief seemed greater t> 'ore. He groaned almost continuously, it ast and at intervals exclaiming: ist day and the day following. The rrow; so completely desolated. Kindly rain wished they might do something 8 w afternoon when they were crossing tl in a few score miles of Los Angeles. at q himself no longer. He approached i a huddle of misery and extending a > not w* h; vou to think that I am in* K movr ' :ur distress and perhaps | dest- T can be of some small ng It!" 11 eyci, .t. ne mutely shook his head.. asking, but have you suffered a per* * n i the negative. a terf J reedy I em on der wrong trairP* n MMUM, IM.) a . i. '.* . 1 - ifioun * ? V KINO* MOUNTAIN. N. C. VOL. NEW TOWN OOUNCILMAN WARD 1 B? ' ' W ' I' w. K. MAUNEY' KINGS MOUNTAIN w '^H V J. H. TH< COUNCILMAN WARD 3 sal Bu ?i ' ;:-" :Wmm jflg ????? ? - ) I Po Organize Alumni Chapters The directors of the Boiling Iprlngs High School and College Jumnl Association are askiug that 11 graduates 'and former students f the school in the vicinity of' lings Mountain, Bessemer City, rid Gastonla, meet at the Mountain lew Hotel in Kings Mountain, May 0, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. for the urpose of organizing Alutnnl Chap srs. Under the leadership of the new resident, M% J. R. Cantrell, the chool has enjoyed one of the best ears in its history. Every Alumni i gratified to learn of the many mnvAuamonto mnHa r\\\' fho KtiilH. Il|/I W 1 WIIIVM IliUUV VU \UV ??* < lgg and campus. The directors feel that by organsing these alumni chapters, we can eep in closer touch with the lifo nd progress with the school and ith the most important element of ie school?the present and former tudents. IOUNTAINEERS PLAY SHELBY FRIDAY NIGHT On Friday night at S:00 the Meun sinesrs will take en the Shelby ilns for the second time this year t Shelby. I This will be the first time the seal beys have played under flood Ights, and a large number of fans re expected to accompany the earn to the Cleveland Capitol. * ^ ' ' , If tain H 27. NO. 22 OFFICIALS E COUNCILMAN WARD 2 T | ?""" '?"7 ? ? - - - | jj Til CLYDE BENNETT . , 'S NEW MAYOR . V'^ a? . * ?. ?* Pi j ' j sen Ori " I ?.c 8tU giv ' ' i foil I Ml .1 ta Be 1 tor ' j bl? 10 3MSON rl< COUNCILMAN WARD 4 ] - 1 ^ ?v Jt I K fl V Jk fct. I 1,u ul r i . Inf nnn Is ^J vU I WB' I1' as ml C. ft. WILLIAMS Li Ti < > .I i . ??J Will Rogers' "! Humorous Story ' wi <1 ' 1 ' 1 bei By WILL ROGERS ^ " pHERE was a guy running for ">< A alderman in one of the big Lii towns lately, and on election day pri he hunted up the fe'lows and be- l)0 ?an handing out five-dollar bills at co] the saloon. Irt One guy didn't take the dough. rm m s i I ?J? "What's tit* matter?" says the !?' politician. Ain't you got sense? ,ni Here's Are dollars, and you go over po and vote for me." wl "I can't," says the other m. "1 fust cant take your dough, BilL My dad raised me to be honest. 0( even if I don't ever get rich. I wt just sold my vote for ten dollars to g,( the ruy thst's running against you, and T couldn't do him a dirty trick and sell out to you for Ave. No, 1 Bill, IH stav honest, like ray dad m< told me. It'll take o'-rven dollars be at least to get mo '.o change ray ue mind." . ' be Amartcap Newa TWlarar Ins. bci of 11 erald ? ... t ? r c 4< : V < " * : ' ;', V * : .1 landWTnsl 'wo Ones Ai tores Close tart June 3 According to Iv (' Mct'lain. IVcs'l nt of the Kings Mountain Mot--1 i J its .V-oclntioll an ovi .-Wheltnniajortti Of the iiwn^ihers' vot< il : close each Tuesday ai 12; (to J lock during .loue; July ami A tilt. The Hoard oi Directors met i t lliahl for a < a|lc<l session to I irove i lie vote o( the members I 1 the Hoard unanimously adopt- j tile 'I'tW'- liLy , cloning date. I'lio first half holiday will"" bo ] ic :u !. The Association .inaugurated tin; j csday' afternoon closing last stttn j r, and the stitiic day and months i being followed attain this year. ' iViitdow cards will lie furnished j -ticipatilig morchanta us soon as isible. ano Recital Vliaa ,T)oit>tliy Carsbn will pre* it Hetty Patrick in a High School tduating Piona Recital next esday evening. May 20, at S: 15 lock. Sara Herndon, dramatic dent of Jliss Hetta Ifyar, will e two readings. rhe program will consist of the lowing numbers: Duo: Matushka?Engel; Evening Song Schumann: Betty Patrick and ss Carson. Davottc in H Minor?Bach ; Sonata G Major (1st movement) ? ethoven: Betty Patrick. Dramatic Reading: The Bishop's Candlesticks- Vie Hugo (Taken from Les Miserais): Sara Herndon. Vrfhiins?Schumann; AVnltz (Noa and 11)?Brahma; Golliwogg's ke-Walk?Debussy: Betty Patk. . Reading: Patterns--Amy Lowell: Sara llern h. Duo: , >Danse. Negre?Cyril Scott; Diana Eduard llolst.: Betty Patrick and ss Carson. err Scott To Address iwanis Club U'hi'p Spot! f,niBini4?lAnr>r <1f th#> >rth Carolina Department of Ac ulturo of Kuleigh. will be the eakex hi the re*;uyrweekly meet ? of the Kiwauis Club this even; at 6:30 in the Womans Club tiding. Commissioner Scott is outstanding leader in agriculturactivities and he is a practical mer. The club is very fortunate securing Mr. Scott for the meet!, and a large number is expectto be present. . The Agriculture Committee which In charge of the program has ln:ed about, twenty leading farmort guests of the club to hear Comasioner Scott. ions To Elect Officers tiesday Members of the Kings Mountain ans Club will meet next Tuesday enlng at 7:00 P. M. in the Woins Club Building.-A unique proam has been arranged, which II be most enjoyable to all memrs. The program chairman stated it he wanted the nature of the ?grain to be kept secret so that onbers would bo surprised. * All ons are asked to be, present jmptly so that the meeting will ?- ? - - i 0 tl,,? I DO UPiayea m nniccrs n?r immlng year are to bo elected prior the program. ounty Union Meets Cars will leave Central Methodist lurch at 7:15 P. M.. Friday, May , to take the young people of that urch to the Cleveland County Uni meeting at Central, Shelby. The stallatlon of officers will be an Ira rtant feature of this meeting, llch will begin at 8:00 P. M. Oastonla, May 13.?R. Iy. Clemmer Hickory, one of six applicants, is chosen by the county commlsraers here today as architect for new county building to be erected Is summer at a cost of $100,000 or jre. The new county building Will erected on West Franklin avenI west of the city hall, and will four stories in height. Construction of the building has tn a: f'ciuated here since the sale the old Oastonla post office. ? . . -?- --. . . V- . ' ' ' '.'* ' OmM Ui Vour l>liiHp>ln Kiptnl MM PIVI CKNT* PIN COPY 'atings Of id One Two ,. The KinRR Mountain School Band returne dhome Sunday morning by Southern Hallway from Hichinond. "Va? where they were awarded the high ratings of one for competitive drilling, one for sight reading and two for concert playng. The three nienthers of the School Baud who .elitrrcd tho open class solo 'contests aitd their ratings were: Ernes-t M.tunej .Bassoonl. Miles Mauney, l>hoe'2. and Baxter Wright. Jr., Ba? soot) it I'llts. . The band members and others iiitikina t!i<* tr-ip departed last Wednesday iiioruin'g and arrived in- Rich : uiui alioti^ V.'.tt. The < 1 i'i 11 ill con* -icsi was licit! Thursday night.- the .not rt ami sight reading contest# ?i n1 held Friday morning. Tho i.i.iujiKiili siv<??'" parade with iiii liaiiils taking part was held Friday evening. . Tin , pir; loft Kitlhinond ShUii*day morning a: 7:00 A M. fdr Wash iiiuion. f>. where they enjoyed the day sightseeing. Tile group viiv | itcd Congressman A. Ij. ISulwinkla wlio spoke to the musicians aud Vlaiwj'd. ihem every douPUiay. Tho trip to tins .National Capitol was made iii three special busses. The tired but happy party left Washington at 5:00 1'. M. and arrived back in Richmond about' 7:00 1'. M. Tho happy throng departed from Richmond Saturday nlglit at 11:25 and arrived home Sunday morning at 10:25. v ; ' Murphy Hottl was headquarters for the party 'in Richmond. Tho group hud their meals in the Langford Cafeteria. Mr. Leslie McGlnnts former Kings Mountain citizen, made arrangements for the meals and -was very happy to assist citizens of his former home-town. The band received the same nutnher of ones and twos as on the West Palm Beach trip last year, but the ratings were on different subjects. Last year the band was award vd one on drlllitig and concert andtwo on sight reading. Principal D. M. Bridges who a*> ! conipanled the group was in ch&rro oi ,iiiiancr.il mailers, i\u liauuleo the business end of the trip. Charles Thoinasson who was in charge of the concessiun stand' re- . ' ported that a net profit of $7.1o was , tnade. one of the highlights of the entire trip was the amusing personality of ' tin* diminutive enwsbatch ou thu traju. "Shorty" who had spent 32 .of liis 43 years as - a news butch 1 greatly entertained the travelers j Willi Ills high pitched voice. The Itund made a creditable show iug and every citizen of Kings Mountain is proud of tlie boys and girls who did their best uuder tho .capable direction of Paul E. Hen* dricks. Several among those who have followed the Band from the beginning several years ago, said, "It's the best band we'vo had. they. * ' made an excellent showing in Rlchi rnond and we are proud of them." St. Petersburg, Fla.. May 13.?dins Kell CofTin. 63, magazine illustrator and portrait painter, died today * bout an hour after he plunged to the ground from his third story hoa pital room where Coroner John ,T. Fisher said, he had been confined with a mental illness. (fflmhuiotort $S&namhcU James Preston^ (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Washington officials *"? particular ly those connected with defense ae. tlvltics ? hope the nation got as much inspiration and comfort ea they did out of a recent develop, ntent which illustrates what a free nation Can do. It Involved - steps necessary to call into ful opelratlon all of the nation's tremendous industrial pro* ductlve capacity so the country ca& bo made so strong that no aggree? sor will dare attack It. The "ism" method Is to send % horde of agents from factory to fao tory. Many of these agents know nathlng about production methods. But they give orders as to what I the actorles must make. One reason why American produd Hon la a few short months haa speeded up as much as Germany's did in several years is that the Unt? ted States method has boen differ, ent up to this point. The men who know what their factories and tht (Cont'd on page two) a

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