m?tmrn? . n?4 Th? H?tM AM Buy At Horn* ??? 11 11 1 ' .1 ?M? . ' ' H VOL. 27 NO. 24 State And N Condensed Ii ?State New? North WUkesboro. May 27.?Two moil ami two woman from Valduse r ware injured Sunday afternoon when their car failed lo make a curve, cut down a telephone pole, ami. finally stopped head-in at" a large tree on the "rounds at C. M. Jlnlebor's residence in \Vilkt*8t)oro. A I>. Kin lei . ur.Her, who suffered the least injuries, was jaile \ in u 'barge of reckless driving. 'hllipllifton, May *'27. ? A' special session of tin State Legislature * " will be sought of CJovr .r. M. Rrougii i<m by the city of Wilmington. New ilahover coifllty, and civiv organism 'ions ,of this area for ilie pu pose of creating enabling legislation lesign d to meet tlie district's many defense-inspired problems. One pf tlie prime Considerations Tor. the, call; U. II. Page. defense .round lchaiiman said, would be ler islatloti enabling a county plutiuing t, commission with broad powers to control the mushroom growth ot outlyng district's adjacent to the 'ity ot Wilmington Kdenton, May 27.:-Miss Ann Smith. 21, of Sunibury. who today was to have been married to Johii Trotman, 22. of South Mills, was killed instantly Sunday nigh when the automobile In which she \vas riding with Trotman and two other young mon ran off the road. It Was reported that' Trotman suffered a fractured skull and was taken a hospital at Klizpheth f!ity. Tho two others In the car were taken to a hospital at Portsmouth. Va. Ralclftli. May 27.?The Jones-Oils low Olectrlc Membership eotrptrratlve has applied for a Federal loan of* $1,800,000 with which to Install two power generating plants to sup ply current tor the marine base at Jacksonville and a mariuo ait base to be built near New Pern. ' . Wilmington, May 2?.?Wilmington's auto tralter camps, where 326 white and colored famHJcs Employed by the North Carolina Shipbulld ins company will be housed pendlug completion of permanent homes for them, will bo dedicated and opened Friday. They will be the first defense camps of sonte '27 planned throughout the United States to be put to use, and high officials of the Fai^mi Security administration In Washington and Raleigh arc expect ed to be here to participate. Sylva. May 27.?The waters of Glenvllle dam claimed its first victim late Sunday afternoon as Richard All port Breodlovc. 17, of Glenvlle, became exhausted-while awim mlng and was drowned. Breedlove son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Breed love, was said to have been swimming In the lake with a small boy on his back when he called to one of bis companions on the bank to come and get the child. Salisbury, May 26.?A young man . about 24 years old giving the name at Clarence Stetfeds. JformotTy of Kannapolls,. was.arretted . by police officers Sunday night on charges of conducting a one-man crime wave here during the week-end. I Laughing Arou With IRVI 4- * The "Beat". . ' By IRVIN of the stars of tl.c old Wc on and off the stage for his rea engagements he made the acquaints w shall denominate by the name < help pialting the acquaintance of Um For tills Jcnea was a uerson w) W?y. with or without an invitation. Where theatrical people were assem! ti^?;--'e?but his chief social drawba ou/ grojp he proceeded to take ent drowning out all competition by virl mrni on In a loud strong voice for so Am D| persons who HVeJ to si vtiBo, this habit militated against Vt>wh mi Js persons. Wc'J, you ha ** this contender. In His field he tnahv \j* became known?and shuni Strolling on Broadway me day, gun asXlng abont his acquaintance i- * "liy the way," he rn'd, ".Tones has a usted ear-drum "Whoso?" answered the 0'I (/.? ' -in N'-KI ti- . . fj V"" K/. . , L mm f Kings lational News a Brief Form * . r ,1 1 ?National News? Ottawa. May 27.?Mot*- than 8 I 200 United Status citizens have J joined Canada's fighting forced. informed miliftlry quarters initiontuyoil today They said there likely wort- many more' because, for various rea sons,, nvanv vidunrt'.-rs refrained ! I ' ' | from giving their real home ad-1 dress. . M The breakdown of known Ainer | j eat) enlistments in Dominion service ' included 0.400 iii the army. f>oo act-1 | lug as staff men or ferry i>ilots for ! ' tlie air< force; and "1:300 air crew students in lmining service n v. . . | ! Baltimore. May 27. -it Knclami is j crushed Die United States must j I either "become nnri ,?r t1,,? ! riau system or fiulitDonald M. Nelson. director of purchases of the (Office of Piysdurllon Management, j said tonight'. | To avoid these alternatives, the j (lPM chief declared. United States industry must find a way of boosting military prodpetion to 3f> billon dollars'a year, us compared with ! the five billion dollars spent on ! arms in the last 12 months. ? t * Chlcaro, May 27.? -Leon Hwider-, son, Federal price administrator, as i serteil today that tho .United States could maximize produfcion "without, letting prices rising sharply and without putting unnecessary burdens on the industries Involved." Ho stated at a defense conference sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers and the 1 Illinois Manufacturers association that American industry will be call cd upon lu make adjustments "in a nuclt nearer future than Is generally recognized." Washington. M?>' 27.?Acting up ! on the request of the Post Offico j dei>artdent. the Civil Service com- j mission today took steps to obtain a list of ellgibtcs from which new postmasters at Rockingham and Windsor, N. C., will be named. Tho Rocktngham position pays $2,800 and the Windsor posit ton $2,400. London, May 27.?The Free Fren. ch radio ut Brazzaville French Equa torlal Africa. announced tonight that undisclosed numlbers of French W.. ?v<w>via VWIIUMUU W UIUP^ I 11*3 Syrian frontier into Transjordan aur Palestine to Join the forces of Gen. Charles ho Gaulle, it was re* ported by the British news agency Reuters. Washington. May 27.?Enlistment men of the army and defense workers fa the Camp Croft vicinity will will be accommodated by construction of 120 housihg units toy the Fed eral Works administration, Rep. Jo' s.eph R. Bryaon of he Fourth Southe Carolina district was notified today. Phoenix, Arix., May 27.?Five Hopi Indians, the only members of the . tribe- subject fo selective service who failed to register, were sentenced today to serve a year and a day In prison. V % i i ? nd the World I N S. COBB I of the Drum S. COBB ber and Fiolda show, was famous dy wit. During one of his Chicago I nee of a resident of that city whom uf Jones. He eonld not very well i gentleman. to made a specialty of ramming his > but generally without, into places bled. He was not lacking in intelck was that immediately on jcining ins charge of the conversation ana, us of his superior merits to tslk on leng ss ho had a listener left, i? s word of their own ia once In a his popularity. You ,mey have vc never met one who was the equal wan the world's champion. Evented?among all the show folk. , ho met a friend firm Chicago. Ho cs in th? City by the Lake. Jones?" ' aid the Chicagoan. rmur. . . i F .tuni, Inc.) -( \ ' j, v ; ( Moun KINOS MOUNTAIN. N. C TH AFTERNOON CLOSING BEGINS NEXT TUESDAY The first afternoon closing will begin next Tuesday, June 3rd, at noon. The Kings Mountain *ores and business houses are cooperating so that employees may enjoy a half holiday during the summer months of June, July and August. Arrange merits for the closing were made by the Kings Mountain Merchants' Association. ' Housewives are ashed to remember 'the closing time and o their shopping .Tuesday morning, as merchants desire tc close promptly at. noon. I ICUillUlIl l/I ug Store No w. Op an ; TllC PiedlllOUP I StOr? K t!!K Motu^taiti^s thiril drug k establish inent is now open for business oii North Piedmont Avenue in tin building formerly occupied by thi Homo Store. A complete Hue 01 quality drugs will be carried ?t :<li times along with u full stock of ltexnll products. The building has been reipodeled and a njjoderu soda fountain installed to serve patrons in the northern section of Kings Mountain. Mr. Johnnie McGill, who is well* known to drug patrons of Kings Mountain, will be assisted bv Mr. J. C. Williams. Mr. McOOl will maltain his iute.est in the Kiugs Mountain Drug Co. Mr. MctJill said. "We extend a cordial invitation to everyone to visit us, because we are here to serve quality merchandise at reasonable i prices." The uew store has made arrange- ] monts with the Kings Mountain Drug Co. to fill prescriptions, so t prompt, accurate service will be maintain;*!. The ilerald wishes the new firm ' well, as citizens of the north end ot 1/ inoc VI mi til r> * .. !*... ! iut/uitkuiu ITIU a|'}'ir,:i?vf n<** . Ing their own drug store. Sophomore Cfoss To Cany. Daisy Chain m _ __ Greensboro. May 27.?Following tlio traditional custom, membevs of the sophomore class at Woman's college will carry the daisy chain for the graduating class for two e? vents of the 49th annual hommeuceincut program. May 30?June 2. With the leaders wearing regalias of the senior class colors, and with nil members of the sophomore group wearing white, the students will form two lines for the seniors to pass through on the Front campus for the Class Day exercises Satur day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, and Will again form two lines for thorn in front of Aycock auditorium Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock when I the graduating exercises will he held. Sophomores carrying the chain will Include Miss Dorothy Hoke, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hoke. Local Officer Gets FBI Certificate Kelvin Hoover, mem(bcr of the Kings Mountain Police Department was one of 52 officers from Norib Carolina to bo awarded a certificate of completion of the seven-day train tag course for law enforcing officers which was given by the Fcder-1 al Bureau of Investigation in Cooperation with the. Institute of Government at Chapel Hill the past week. * i Hugh H. Clegg, assistant dlrectlr of the Federal Bureau of Investlga Hon and director of the National Police Academy, addressed the law enforcement officers at their final session. Governor Melviiiv J. Bron ghton awarded the certificates. Chief of Poltco Jimmy Burns who received his diploma last year, attended the closing day or the sctaoot and returned Sunday night with Officer Hoover. League Climbs Mountain The mountaiu-cllnbing Senior Bpworth League, Central Methodist Church, did It again. Last Saturday night twelvo young people scaled the heights of Kings Mountain for a picnic lunch on top under the bea cpn light. This ambitious group plana to do more climbing in the near future. CLASS OF '40 TO MEET" { A meeting of the Senior Class of '40 will be held on the acboolhouse Btepa next Friday, June 6. at 6:30 p. m. for the purpose of planning a class reunion. _ * c * . v ;-' J ? 4 tain t * *. i UMSOAV. MAY 2*. mi Champions Jr Wii J MH ^rr? I Klng.s Mountain's Conference Winning Baseball Champions will bo entertained along with other high school athletics and band mem Lers. at the Kiwanis Meeting this i,'.eni tj. and by the Lions Clu> next Tuesday evening. The Mountaineers lest only one game out of 18 played in the 15 f school conferGraduation 1 Begin Sunda Annual' Commencement Rxelvises will begin next Sundav night', June 1st., at S:o<! o'clock when Dr Lutliei J.ittle, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of CTlhrlotte will deliver I h>*. Uuccalaureut'e sermon. Pr. Little who is an outstanding speaker wui be introduced by Kcv. A. G. Sargeant. Pastor of lite First Baptist Church here. Sixty-nine . seniors are eligible for graduation, hut The Herald was unable to ohtain a final list of the graduates, as. examinations are not completed and the exact mMitlber is not know;ff. The complete list who will receive diplomas will be published in the next issue of The Herald. hear Dr. Little Sunday night and School Officals are expecting an overflowing attendance for the first session for the 1941 graduation exercises. Rev. Sargeant will be the speaker for the grammar school" closing which will be held next Thursday evening, June 5th. Hon. John Lang. of Raleigh, State Director of the National Youtli Administration will be the speaker for the Co'mincncpmcut exorcises to be held' Friday night June 7th. GRADE MOTHERS .TO ENTERTAIN GRADUATION CLASSES Mosdames Paul Mauney and Manley Morebead, grade mothers, entertain members of the graduating class at a wetner roast at Lake Montonia Friday. The eeventy mem hers of the two home rooms along with the past graduate students will enjoy roasting welders and playing games as guests of the two grade mothers. WW Rogers' Humorous Story I I ' - 1 By WILL ROGERS W7ELL. young people courting are w always fanny. You never hear folks laughing1 and making jokes about the red birds or the blue jays or the squirrels courting. And still I bet they're all Just as bashful and awkward about it as human young people. And the inore the young WL people get modern, the less they are basnful ebout courting, too. A fellow meets a girl he's been trying to make a hit with, and Lt> says to her: , ''Say, can't I coma and see you at your hopes?" She says: "No. What for?" "Why, to keep you company. Don't you sometimes get lonesome for somebody that can be a companion to you?" "Yes, that's right," she say.*, "t guess you can come and see mo, since you understand me so well. 1 am awful lonesome since my par' rot died, and 1 Hot. you can take his place some evenings." Aosrlcar. t;?w? Feature*, iae. ?? lerald . I. t -. . Kip Mountaineers To Be I jj Jfek / w C JH jE^NM '^BRSw f^^S^PHBHr^SSi-:! *" ence, Charlie Ballard, star pitcher i I struck dut 156 in 61 innings, John r j George got 26 strike-outs in 18 in- P i nunc lam^e r.ihenn ?" 'M " "ilia I I , .j_. ....... y.."" ?- 1 ov. .r?v" ; outs in 18 innings, and Foley Cobb' ; struck out 8 in 8 innings. ( The pennant winners pictured r j above are: Back row?left to right ? I ?Coach A. E. Smart, Charles BalIxercises 1 y Night ' . | ; MRS. MTA. WARE NEW I P. T. A. PRESIDENT ' I ( Mrs. Moffett Ware has been nam- 1 I ed President of the Central School ' | Parpnt.-Teacher Association for next i year to succeed Mrs. Haywood E. i Lynch who served during the past ' year. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney will be ' Vice-President and Mrs. J. L. Settle myre has been selected a6 secretary ' and Treasurer. The newly elected 1 officers will be installed at the first meeting of the school year next ' 1 September. ' I ' Kiwanians To Entertain Band And Athletes Members of the Kings Mountain I f j Hand and tioye and girls who quali- 8 . fy for athletic letters will he guests a 'of the Kiwauis Club this evenng at s 6:30 In the Wonuins Cub Tiuildiug. t I The program. will bo In charge of u i lioys and Girls NVorit Committee, of t | which Paul M. Nelslcr Is Chairman.i Mr. f) V MlUvk'nof] nf C.drnlnnn whi\ 1 has made a name for himself as an a amateur magician, will be one of a the feature attractions of the pro- ^ gram. Coach Bob Allen of Charlotte i , Central High School has been secur e ed as the speaker of the evening, r Arrangements are being mado to ? take care of approximately 176 l guests and members. y J _ r TO ASSIST PASTOR " * Mr. Charles II. Ilixler ,student of 1 Columbia Seminary ai Decatur, Ga? * is expected to arrive Friday to assist Rev. P. D. Patrick at the First Presbyterian Church during the v summer months. ., j * Three Bicycles Stolen * And Recovered N 0 Three bicymes which were sfolen 8 from Central School have been re- ? covered by the Kings Mountain Police Department according to Chief of Police Jimmy Burns. Two of the bicycles were located in Bessemer C ity and one in Sholby Clarence Clack was picked up by officers In Mountain City, Tertn., and admitted tho-thefts of tffe bicycles. Officer C'arl Short and Deputy Sheriff Charlie Sheppard went to ( the Tennessee City Tuesday and returned with Clack. Clack. 21 year old white man, Is known locally as "Depot." t Brought Here For gl Burial The body of Mr. Glenn Fifleld, of \ Pottsdam. New York will arrive h in Kings Mountain at noon today a and burial will take place sometime Friday ?t El Bethel. s Mr. Fifleld died at his home in c New York Tuesday morning. Mr. Fifleld is survived by his widow t who was before marriage, Miss Bes J sie 'Phifcr. ripmber of a well known r family of the El Bethel community. IMMiilliidigfiiiBMtiftatfimi tin f-ft i ;>' ?, v .\vi . v.'. . ">1 Watch Label On Your Paper Art Dent Let Your Subecrlptte* Expire! .. . FIVE CENTS PER COPY Entertained u m t^Baatfeg^v JBi Vji ; nrd. Fin vH Smith iflvH Parlw I'm. nie 'Willis. James Gibson. Herbert rtitc'ham. James Alexander. Dean 3ayne, Bobby Early. Frcnt row -? left to right?John ieorge, Eugene Wright, Curtis Gaffley, Foley Cobb. Luther Ware. Ei/iene Tignar. George Womack, Nonnan Roper. ... tiaywood Allen Is New Policeman According to-Cbipf ?>f Police Jimay'liurns. Haywood Allen, sou of dr. alul Mi'-'. Irvln Allen, has been mployeil as a member .of the Kings kbunuain Police .Department to re dart- Johnnie Jones who resigned several weeks ago. ^ The new lemier of the department has already * ' it-en measured for his uniform and s expected 10 begin active duty iuuday. Mr. Allen is married and la planting on moving to Kings Mountain omorrow. The new addition to the 'olice Department is following in he footsteps of his father who was ortncrly Chief or Police of Kings ilountaiu" and Sheriff of Cleveland ,'ounty. Mr. Allen has been employed re.:eutly at the Archdale Farhts. prolucers of Goldeu Guernsey Milk. IOILING SPRINGS ALUMNI 'O MEET . The Alumni Association of Boilug Springs college will meet Frllay evening May 30 at Boiling Springs. The banquet will begin at :t)0 o'clock which will he preceded it 7:u0 o'clock with a business Ses ion. All former students are Invied to be present for both divisions >f the annual meeting. .OCAL UNIT ORGANIZED Alumni of Boiling Springs Colegc from Bessemer City- .Gastouia, nd Kings Mountain met last week t the Mountain View Hotel and rganized a unit of the Association. <" eighteen former students of the nlli'ftf* M'pro nrMint for th?> initial n?<?tlng anil the following officer* . era elected: President, Mrs. John Head. Vtce-PflMl/dent, Mrs. Ralph ^eatherstone of Lowell, Secretary., ilrs. Arnold Kincald of Ressemer Tty and Treasurer, Mrs Glee A. trldgiw. " ' .j .IONS ENTERTAIN MOUNTAINEERS ? The Rings Mountain Lions Club rill be hos* next .Tuesday evening o the priie-winning High School lase Ball Team, in the Woman* Hub Building. The Mountaineers nade a remarkable showing In the Western Conference winning 17 out f 18 games to cop the championhip. - The entire team will be luests of the Club. (Pulhutqftbn wQnupthcU James PreStom_. Opinion* Expressed in Thla Column Arc Not Necessarily tha Viawa of Thia Newspaper.) ' . . * ... Only a year ago on May 28 did he defense program really get tinier way with creation of the Na lonal Defense. Advisory Commits ion. On the first anniversary of that vent, .many people In and oat of Vashington are asking: "What ave we accomplished?" What lies head? , 1 , The first question is easy to newer. The seconr much more dlfflult. " \ . . .3 Official figures tell the stoiy of he remarkable progress since ifessra Knudsen, Riggers, Stettlilus, Batt, and other businessmen, (Cont'd on page two) J

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