- ?Md The Herald And I Buy At Heme A ? VOL. 20 NO. 30 State And I ' Condensed I ( ?NATION Al Washington, July 8.?Names ci the newest draft registrants ? th 21 year olds who were signed u July 1?will be luixod in with thos of older men registered a year age This wus announced officially t< day by Brigadier Geueinl Lewis I , Hcrshey, deputy d,lre^or of solec tive service, who said it had beei decided to integrate the names o the new registrants, instead of pla htg them in a single group, eithe whead of or behind the list of th Tnen previously signed up. f V Washington, July 8.?Seeretar P .of Agriculture Wtckard aunouiioel R today the creation of farm defeus I * boards in each State 'and every ag I ricultural county to help adininiste programs designed to adjust cro supply to the speclnl needs of th> ? national emergency. Seattle. July 8.?Prosperity, sal Jailer James Collins, must be bail I / V Collina booked 253 persons, mos ly on drunkenness charges, in 4 bours between Thursday uiglit an yesterday noon, The tank becain so crowded that 171 men were r? based without benefit of court pre i cedure. just to make room for net i Arrivals. ? Collins .said no such rush had oc f? carred in the juil since the lus I , days of 1919. \ Washington, July 8.?Early ei \ pansion of the nation's already vat ^shipbuilding program has been rei omraended by the .Maritime commi tsion, it was learned today. Unformed gourdes said the Cou mission submitted to Presiden Mooseveit some time ago plans fo ?n1>nHM JOic ?^ w w w oiuj' );iugiaUJ and that he was expected to glv tils approval soon. tHavana. July 8.?President Fu gencto Batista today appointed Oi car Grcla Montes, former secretar | of financed as a special represent! tlve of the Cuban treasury in th I United States. Financial circles expressed th opinion that the appointment shot V ?d Cuba's desire to complete detail J' of a-projected $25,000,000 loan tror fche Export-Import bank. M Washington. July 8.?Insurano. companies and Federal band Bank i topped a list of big benefit paj ments the Agrtculture Depart men reported today It bad made to farr operators for complying with mnjo phases of 1939 crop control pre grains. I DEFENSE I Q. What is a IT. S. Def< A. This Bond is proof money to the United v national defense. Yoi I the rate of 2.9 percei turity (ten years). Q. Why should I buy D A. Because money talks defiance.. To friends "Here's my hand!" Note?To purchase Def ( ro to the nearest pos for information to tl cd States, Washingtc 1' i - - // . Laughing Aro With IRV ? ? | It Was Pro f By IRV] t| TN THESE days of nightclubs a best bo appreciated by those v pale haze of tne metropolis. "a n} ??< In Derby, Connecticut, lived Damon and Pythias were none ? on affaira relating to the fair se "I have a very delicate and pera a girl out for the evening and six ^ on the way home buy her an ice-c her when I tell her good-bye?" "I should say not," answer? You've done quit? enough for hei rl (American N. .. Kings **' !'" 4 . .V' V ."-.J National Newsr n Brief Formjn -state- ii e Kort Bragg. July 8.?Colonel Char 1 p lea tt. Klliott. OSC, who ha* been ! e serviug a* chief of staff of thciM ( Ninth division here, has been des-' J," j. ignated as' post commander of Kort I j Bragg and will' Immediately tu"ku ,[ charge of administrative affairs of ^ a this big army post, relieving Major. ^ ,f General Jacob L. Devers from these y t. details In order that the general |s r 'may devolc his full energies to the a| .'command and training of the Ninth , I division. t I Colonel Klliott will also acl as rf y commander of the station com pie- J ( I ment troops stationed here. tti v HI : ' tr r' Charleston. S. <'., July 8.?Begin gi P nlng Monday morning. South Caro- w ? Una's erect lieu 1 curtailment will ho at i lifted for a period of oue week. |X James .f\ Crist. vice president of ai ? the South Carolina Power Co., an- c; t- lio^tuvd Sunday. (-oi it b< 0 -?? ? | It j i .! ( Asheboro. July 8.?Burnice Brise I tow and Dewey Tolbert, both ot j' , Asheboro, are in Randolph hospital il here beeausp of injuries received ' v I when they were struck by .an auto- ^ ' mobile driven by Wayne Curtis : j' Routh of Route 1. Sophia. while l,' T - they were walking southward on United States Highway No. 220,.; T about two miles north of Asheboro, t.. at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. *i n is ' Charleston. S. l\, June 6.? Two ' i soldiers were drowned about 0 a in Q l-1 today at Station 12. Sullivan's is- (1, ,t; land: They were: Corporal Ben F\ ^ r Trlbble, 20. of Greenville, and John j ^ t. O. Segtira, 25, of Gonzales. Texas j ^ e Both were attaches to Battery G., Jn of the 263rd coast artillery- j c I fi ! u 1- Greensboro July 7.?James How- ] ;ii j-1 ard Williams, 32, of Spray, was in- j y i santly killed and Henry M Shelton j a t-1 21. also of Spray was seriously iu- j c a ,1 , I, r.i i, ... 11 .... an.atl. ^ ? ? l iuivu tuitcn ovum ui ui ccua* I ! boro, about midnltfht Saturday I e when they were struck by an auto-1 i(1 k mobile that crashed into their car j p s while they were repairing a flat ' tc n tire. , ti B r Lincolnton. July 8.?Klying in a ; F e low ceiling and unable to locate the ' s airport, an Atlanta couple set their M j airplane down in a field near here j E t; yesterday. In it were Max Small- j 11 wood, the pilot, who was slightly In : e , jured. and the owner, Elizabeth i tli > ; Mortsinger. The plane was damag- h' ?! ee. w iONDQUIZ I ense Savings Bond ? ^ that you have loaned ! States Government for u g ir Bond bears interest at nt a year, if held to mare uc efense Bonds? ^ i. To dictators it speaks ! "J of Freedom, it says, [!ja in I ca 'ense Bonds and Stamps, 1 H< it office or bank, or write he Treasurer of the Unit- 01 >n, D. C. i ,1 til und the World ~J rIN S. COBB I ! , , -.1 in bably Mutual s! DN S. COBIi ind expensive theaters this story cr-r. oI fhosc kind lot it is to live beyond tfc< w tb llJE __rr?'l I -u d two brothers who while not exactly L he leas prone to advising: each other x. "John," said one of the brothers, tonal question to ask you. If I take P> m her a good time at the movies and el ream soda, do you think I should kisj< pi d his brother. "Don't you Idas hert * "I Wi PeatwrM, l* .) Q] c * .. . . v naTil I^fci Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH (own Tax R? r ' Mississippi Tourist o Stop Here Monday Approximately 200 visitors from ilsslssippi will arrive here next [onday about noon to visit Hindis ountaln Battleground. The tour- ; ts from the southern Btate will j rrive by train and unload at the i?ot. f'larenetf Kuester, Executive Sec- j 'tnry of the Charlotte Chamber of: oiuynercfe made arrangements for I i? visit. Citizens of Kings Moun-: lin are asked to furnish ears' to ansport the party to the battle-1 -lllinrl "illfl tliull in i'linnlntln * "u,'? IU V IIUI IUl|C. I\ 1 , oi?4? anil Lions Club's "arc co*operling to furnish as. many cars as wsiblo. ' but more will be needed id any citizen who can furnish a if Is asked to notify \\\ E. Blakely r Myron Rliyne. The group will ? served dinner at tlV historical nttlegrhund. Kings Mountain has "an opportuny to show true southern hospital* y to southerners and it is hoped int sufficient cars will be secured ir the entire party.' Approximately ) ears will be needed to transport le visitors. ' i HEY FISHED, BUT AUGHT NO FISH There are at least rour honest shermen in Kings Mountain. Chief r Police 'Jimmy Burns, his son. Inimjj. "3r.. Deputy SherifT Charlie heppaid and George Wotnack fish J part of the past week-end near [yrtle Reach, and after their retrn to Kings Mountain report they id not catch any fish worth bringg home. Here's the complete score hlef. one" eel. one shark, one catsli; Jimmy Jr.. one toad fish; Dep ty Sheriff, three very small fish, nil Groeerman Womack, no fish. , TTENDING TRAINMEN'S ONVENTION John H. "Ware, native of Clevtnrt County, and now with the ennsylvania Railroad iu Washing- ' ?n, D. C.. is a delegate to the Na- j onat Convention of Locomotive rotherhood being held in Denver, olorado. Mr. Ware is a brother ot ornier Postmaster. Jimmy Ware. ( AUNEYS LEAVE FOR XTENOED TRIP Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney and! iroe sous. .David. Miles and Ernest ft Tuesday for New Orleans, j here they will join with the Thotn ! i Tours fot?n trip to Alaska. The j ip will be made via the west, >ast and will take over a month.! he party expects to arrive in the I iper part of North America about | iguat 3rd. V N REYNOLDS MAKES HIGH RADES IN SCHOOL Parents are proud of their childn and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rey-1 >lds have good reasons for being oud of their daughter,' Jan. She is been on the honor roll everv onth of each 'year since she enter[ Central School four years ago. n lias also been presented a Read g Circle Certificate. ( . Her report ird for lnet year shows all A's. J titles being very smart in school ( in is a talented young dancer. I t N WESTERN TOUR Mrs. Howard Jackson. Miss Mar- | a Frances . McOlll. Miss Mnuile j llliams. all of Kings Mountain 1 id Miss Daly Little of Cleveland. | , 0.. arc on a tour of a number of i estern States and Canada. The party plan to visit Yellow-1 one Park. Spokane. Wash , and i .made while away. RESBYTERIAN BIBLE SHOOL The Daily Vacation Crurch school.! the First Presbyterian Church \ 111 begin Monday morning at eight ilrty. Mr. Charles Bixler will have targe of the school and has a splen d faculty to assist him. All children who attend this 'hool are urged ta be present for te first day so they wilt not miss te day of this splendid opportunt BW JERSEY PASTOR AT UTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY Rev. Joseph Edward \ Gonaalez. tstor of St. Peter's Lutheran churIt of Platnfleld. New Jfcrsay,, will reach at the 11:00 hour In the Luteran Church Sunday morning, ev. Mr. Gonzales's subject will be: Clamael, the New Testament Lib* ' r rt. nr w-'t S r <i? - n ? ' *.? I tain h URSDAY, JULY 10, 1941 site Tentative , Minister On Way To Wedding In Car Wreck The Rev. Kred It. Chenaull, will known Southern churchman. and members of lis family were injured late Monday, night when the automobile in which all were proceeding from Birmingham, Ala . to Rich moud for the matrlage of his daughter next week, turned' over twice near here. r All or the injured were carried to Danville, Va.. in ambulances. l)r. Chenaull, who was driving the car. was rudely shaken and bruised, Miss Emily C'hetialt who next week is to become the bride of John Garber. \\*.is slashed across the face by a. sllvvaj of glass. The car is being repaired ill a local garage. Town Dog Tax Now Due Owin i* (if do^s in Kings Mountain arc notified that a special dog tax must bo paid before August 1st. Male dogs are taxed $l.uu per year and female dogs $2.00 per year. A number nu'.ul tag is issued with every permit sold by the towu and must be worn by the dog. No lags wilt be sold unless the dogs have been vaccinated. Tags are now On sale at the city hall. , and owners are asked to secure their tags as'; soon as possible. " . )>abor Shortage Fails To Deter Farm Defense . i North Carolina farmers are iuov-, itig under full steam toward increas ed production of all foods and feeds j grown In the state, according to G. Tom Scott of Johnston county, chair mail of the state AAA committee. Chairman Scott made that statement last week in a national radio : broadcast from Washington, D. C., where lie and other state farm lead ! ers attended a national AAA confer ence at' which provisions of the 1942 AAA program were drawu up. Scott* said that - at least 150,000 Tar Heel farmers are participating in the emergency food and feed for defense program, all scheduled to produce at least 75 percent of the food and feed needed on the farm this year ?'"all this despite the presence in the state of four large military cantonment building programs which of necessity have caus cd a mild shortage of farm labor iu central and eastern sections." 'Some, farmers have had to aban 1 don their homes to make room for the cantonments, but have moved to new sites and are gOiug abend, are ' growing vegetables, furnishing 1 meat, butter and eggs for the sol-, diers," the MA chairman" added. ' j-.1 Quarry Begins Operations t The Kiugs Mountain quarry be- ! gan operation this week and a ton-j i siderabl? amount of stone has al-1 ready been crushed^ Machinery has been set and adjusted atid the quar I ry will be in full operation next i week when WPA get back on the 1 job. The quarry Is powered by a 1 gasoline motor Und a new crusher i has been Installed | ; * ' I Will Rogers' if Humorous Story |> .. .4 , , By WILL ROGERS ! ' "THE Worst Joke I heard tooay 1 , "* was told to me by Nora Ilayes. J , You all know Nora. Well, she is : over here and is a big hit in I.on- ' ' don. as usual. She has her new 1 husband with her, the one she mar- 1 ried on the Leviathan. You know I Nora hud rather get married on sea than on land. She say3 that the ones you get on sea seem to i ' stick longer. T asked her about 1 this new law where they were going to annul all theee sea weddings 1 721 ?i < that hare taken place on the Levia- ( than. She said, "Well, it can only hurt my laat one, thata' all." i Well, Nora has a lot of Gags and J Jokes. We played a benefit the ( other night down at Brighton, and here is one of hers. "There was an argument in an English Saloon or Public House as they are called, i about the closing law. They close < at 11. One said it was too early; t it didn't give a man a chance; it ( was a sham on liberty. The other , remarked, "Well, if a Guy ain't drunk by 11 .o'clock he is not fit to be a man in ft saloon." 1 AuMiieaa Hevi ftatWM, Iaa, 1 < * t' ... * ' i < ' - t "0 f '.'j Irt ! r<irtb>kaift.llk? 1 ft'*-' ' - 41M" !?> [eralc ly Set At 1 70 Arrest Made Durin7 Ju 0vim* half the total number o rests made by the police de meat for' the mouth of June Cor drunkenness, according io monthly, report of Chief of Pc Jimmy Burns. The total arrests the month was 70 with :>S beini drunkenness. The report does include offenses, reported aud ii Heated for which no arrests, made. .The number of .other ari follow: iUrnnkenness 3H, Larceny L I! itig and Knterint; 1. Fornication Adultery H. Violation of the Hi Laws 1. Larceny of Auioniobij Speeding 6. Highway Robber, Assault with a doadlf Weapon 3. posing of Mortgaged Propcrt Disorderly -Conduct 4. t'apln Peeping, Tom 1. Assault Viola of the Prohibit ion Daws 2, Son port ,2, Investigation 1. Death Claims Mrs. Lawson Final rites wfere held Wedtse afternoon at 3 o'clock at the 1 ieheni Baptist Church for Mrs. . Dawson who dleil Monday nigh 8:15 in Shelby at the home of daughter,. Mrs. ('. M. Pauther. Rev. W. CI. Camp conducted funeral -service with burial in church cemetery. Mrs. Dawson was visiting her ghter and became ill Just a. hours before her death. The o of her death was described as 1 trouble. She was 64 years of agi A native of Dawrenceville. where, she was a life-long met of the Plesant Grove Baptist < cli, there, Mrs. Dawson, the foi Mrs. Ida Moon Williams, cami this county three years ago Sit survived by the following- Her ond husband. J. B. Dawson ot K Mountain*, two daughters,- Mrs. K. Panther, of Shelby, and 13ud McDauiel of Kings Mouni three childveu bf her first hus Mrs. Arra Butler of Atlanta, and Hubert and Spurgeott Willi of Athens, Ua.; two step-uaugh Mrs. \\\' H. Pheagin and Mr- ! Mac-key. of Kings Mountains brother. L. A. Moon of Atlanta, ind 21 grandchildren. INFANT DIES IAt?tle- Anno Whittingtoni daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Whlttington died at the home of grandmother. Mrs. J. P. Pre near Cora Mill village on Wed day. June 20. of pneumonia, was two weeks and one day Interment was. in Bethlehem c( tery Thursday, June 27. Surviving the little girl are, t win sister, Jane, and her pa ret SERIAL NUMBERS AWARDED 2ND REGISTRANTS Members of the local Draft B< save completed the shulTlinp of tames of the 109 registrants registered July 1. and serial r >ers are now being given each strant. according to Mrs. Kuf Vlatthis, Clerk. Civil Engineer Employee Mr. George K. Weant. Jr.. of kshnry, civil engineer of if ale tas accepted if position with I'own of Kings Mountain act on o ("itf Manager Ji. I/, llurdetnl iVcart is a graduate of State lege.* Italeibh. and" hits had eon .'fable experience i:i em: it.ee tvork. The new engineer wifl be nanently located lunv and iave charge of till constine KUI h MM 111U lUWIl, I I *J v> a 111 >er of Ihe graduatfhg class of 1 JNION SERVICE AT ST. MATTEWS LUTHERAN CHUR ITuion service will he held I lay night al 8:00 o'clock in Matthews Lutheran Church t llev H. C. Sprnkle, pastor of ( ;ral Methodist Church bringing message. The public is cordially ?ited to be present for th>? tl neeting of the two months sorb Kiwa*?vns To Eat At Crmvders Creek Kiwaninns and their guests neet this evening at 7 P. M Irowrt'-r's Creek for another loor supper. Crowders Creek s known for quality and qu&u oods. Those who do not know .vay arh asked to meet in ff\>l he Woman's Club Building and tscort will be furnished. ? . ? ' *'<1^1 t . *1] ' I. ; ? Watch Label On Your Paper An4 Oont Let Your Subacrlption Explral . FIVE CENT8 PER COPY >1.60 For 1941 m * ~ j . _ v ^ . ^ . __ . ' Menlbers."of the Town Council iu ii special meeting held .Saturday night In the City Hull studied the ] budget for the coming year anil ten _I" talively set the tax rate a $1.60 ne which is tlie same as last year. All members were present except f Coiuii llniat! Clyde fleimett who was part- <n" town. Mayor Joe Thomson was Presided the - <1ty Matt.ii;er .11. L. Burdette pre dice, s,'"ieil the budget for the coming for V at and careful study of each Item S for wa* made by the Council. The budnot R*'t \vas tentatively adopted subject ivcs- lo later revision. When finally- a- "were tlopted a summary of the budget rests will be published for the information _ ; of the . taxpayers of .Kings Mounreak * ?'? and . The- budget- calls for an expend!tallh ture of approximately', $1:10,001) f. J, which is about fl.ouo more than v i, hist year It was explained that Ills prices for supplies and material* y i, used by the town were advancing s j and tli?s increase would lie itecessury " , ition to fiTeet the higher prices. -sup. pin of- tip- ?i:h>.otii) in the hutigot approximately $">!*.00n would lie ti.-ted for debt service and the balance*.of $72.000 would lie. needed for the operation of the different depnrtm? tits of the town government. The budget of $130. would" be raissdav ,.ti by $60,1)00 front taxes." $60,000 doth- front water titid iigb' revenue and I Ih the balance of """a. jt) wottld lie se it at etirrd from licenses, back taxes and ber {'other miscellaneous sources.The budget also included the saltllC 3 1V- nl nnnthor nnliro ntYifPr wlin the iian boon temporarily employed. j With the addition Of till* new officer dau the personnel oT" the Police Departntent will include five men. ause The board ratified the purchase leart of the Sipes property, and ordered s- ' i the Town Treasurer to pay $3,000 G".i for the property at the corner of nber . Parker and Gaston Streets. This :hur- property will be used by the King* rmer Mountain School " system for a vo& 10 cation training department. The 10 is, deed has now Been delivered-to tin* s?c* Town and the town check presented iings the former owners of the property. taVnV Lions To Eat At band I^njf Creek Oa., j, iainB i , . , tors i Members of the Kings Mountain <oi'a'! '-'onH flub and invited .guests will one j?'n w'th member's of the ilcsscmer Ga. flull for the first out-door sup '[per at lying Creek Presbyteriau j. Church next Tuesday evening at 7 i 1*. M. All members aiid guests are urged to in- on time for dm joint ' mooting and suppnj 1/Otig t'rook is twin a|)(,nt ;i inilo off to tin- loft of tlio , Iteesotnor City Highway, lior i dell. nes- FARM Ano HOME WEEK sh(,": R EG I ?T R AT IO N BEGINS ol<l.; , ?me-; Miss UuMi Current. Suite homo | demonstration agent, announces her that registration for the annual its. j Farm and Homo Week at X. 0. State College has begun. She invites Home Demonstration.' Club .women to make their room reservations at onou to insure desirablo ,ard iuaiters. tho Farm and Home. Week will bo who' '"'M this year front August 4 to |U|TJ. | S. Three thousand or more farm j.e- men and women are expected to at* 'ene ,f,hd and enjoy an educational vara tinu " i. Miss Current said that room roservationa may be made by pending 1 ?1 fee. to Mrs. Nelle Meacham. State College Station. Italeigh The rooms Sal', will be assigned iti the order that ' * igh. i te,|to ji.s -at",j received. Miss Curiho I rent .?sni t that money will be refundHng ed if reservations are eaneelled he- > , Mr, fore July >?;. 411 ' (upmione cxprcssoo in i nig v^oiumn CH Ar? Not Necessarily the Vitfws of This Newspaper) Washington is still fumbling asu J round la its search for means to *" '1 end defense strikes ? without hurt *ltlliing anybody. _en- There also are fears in some Con fhrt 1 ] gressiotial quarters that uuless pro~|j gross is made ca^ioualy the nation may surrender the very things it Ls , building defense to protect. 1 On the first point, the legislators are a-dithor. Many of them Ihiuk it unfair for the government to take over private property just because, allegedly Communistic, w/itators per will | sunde workers to strike. Such ae. at I tion, they believe, punishes an Innoout-! cent bystander. is J What these solons would like to ttty do Is simply forbid strikes; in dethe1 fense plants. But that, thev fear, of would be wrong because it is dlfflan cult to comgwl a man to wor^c a(Cont'd on back page)

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