, * I rour^democ pistori^^B heritage am ^ithout THRIFT THE PURITANS jJA WOULD HAVE ^ PERISHED ON . . THAT "STERN R0CK6OUND COAST."^^ ' &\T r''?;"f]i, v -' I ^HL v~W Fv^rV'jl . 1 iM " 3|^| ..J^HIS MOTIVATING HERITAGE WHAT IT IS AND HAS RESU !; GREATEST AGGREGATE Ol ?I7> BILLION IN LIFE INSI 65 MILLION / I . , ' 1 fjV . . . ' . ' . . '' , / Imperial Kings Mountain, N. TODAY?T , \ Bargain 1 MONOOIAM ftOUtl* T /"' i JUNE LANG... | JOHNNY OOWNS^-JjA j$N??f$ I 4 Also Bob Steel FRIDAY and Double Feati B #> nfl ?'rr~ f-^S^^wopE . -JESS* ?W8BS0N JU.MILMN Also Buck Jones r* A L,art 10c a MONDAY AN Anothe 4%S'4CdLM ItSm EDWARD o?d Oin Jessie G. Costlier) j" ?s- > > < > : > ><- >.5. .j., Bishop Lynwood Ifc'cstinghotise Kyles, senior bishop of the Afrit-ail ' Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. : died at liis home in Winston-Salem ! July 8. 1941. He was one of '.he most ; dynamic finures in. 'American Mothj odism. He iiad recently" celebrated ; his 25th anniversary in the bishopric of the Zion Mothodist Church. Mr. Coleman DuiPont Hippy who ' has been employed as director of the Charlotte Negro Boys Club, sponsored by a civic club of Charlotte. has been called to selective service in the United States Army, -! and reported for -service Monday. 1 Jut> 14. at Fort Bragg. Mr.Hippy is a local young man . the son of j Mrs. Pearl Rippy of Cansler street. Mrs. Jasper Brown was hostess at 1 a birthday dinner on Sunday. July 13. There were 17 guests present. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Oldney of Asheville and ^helr son. Paul Edward Gidney. who is a member of the 41st Engineers Band at Fort j' Bragg, were visitors of Mrs. J. G. i Costner on Tracy street Monday. Miss M. L. Gidney and Mrs. J. G. Costlier have returned from their trip to YoOngstown. Ohio. Pittsburgh. Pa.,' and Niagara Falls, New York and Canada. The people of Kings Mountain share their deepest sympathy with Mrs. Sarah BennPt in the loss of ! her brother, Mr. Thomas Dixon of j.Cherryvllle, who was buried last , Wednesday July 9. at the Philadelphia Methodist 'Church. Lawndale. Mr.. Victor Carroll and Mr. Cliff-, ord Smith made a trip to Baltimore Md.. last week. Mr. Waddell Carroll will leave Monday for service in the United | States Army. DRIVERS' LICENSE REVOKED j Fifty Cleveland ?;ounty motorists ; had their drivers' licenses revoked during the first- six months of this year, the Highway Safety Division reported this' week, compared with only 28 during the same period last ! year. The 50 revocations in this county were a part of the record 3.866 made in the slate. Total revocations since passage of the Uniform Driver's License Act in 1935 now nuraI her 35.524. ! Drunken driving, of course, was , the chief basis for the revocations. 1.3,115 of the 3.866 license revoca! lions this year being based on j drunken driving convictions in Nor | th Carolina courts, and 243 others \ on this charge in combination with | other violations. Another 233 Tar I 61^11 ?1 ul 1 1h*-ii uiitcm luai iiirir uiiv lii^ privilege because of convictions for ' "driving under the influence" in other states. Guilford county led the state In revocation's the first half of this' year, with 227. followed by Mecklen burs with 183. Forsyth with 152. 1 Cumberland with 131 Rowan with 117. Cabarrus with 110. nobeson ; witli 107 and New Hanover with 99 Only one small county, Camden, re! ported no' license revocations the [ first six months of this year. The 3.866 revocations so far this year represent an increase of 40 per cent above the 2,774 recorded in the same period last year. A new process for making cotton and other fabrics mildew resistant has beeu developed by scientists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture .? THE^p^NG WALL &ry\MW jsu^xnrjj^ < W" f vrntitr \ l\ oonfltftent i/m advbktljin^ tolbemovb ^^isy totrudrrie? .' > . ' - ' . . ' ' * / Jc " . ' v.. - . -4 . .- <* >. -dt ml ' ' -t > roeelXAY, JULY It, 1M1 londay and Tuesday ?terr- --r "rfB'' ' k " .* ' ' .1 . . ' ' 'V> Tl , Ecfward Arnold, Gladys George, ' Cheyenne,' showing at the Imperial July 21 and 22. FARM QUESTIONS II . ; * * Q.?When-, should corn up'tl sor-' I ghuitt l?c cat for siluge? ! A. Dairy specialists of ih?>' State t'ellege Extension Service say that crops should be cut for silage wheli ihey conlalu the maximum feed nutrients and at the,same time have sufTii lent- in\[sture to pack well in the silo. With rani, tlic grain should be denting and the shuck slightly .yellow. This stage of maturity Is reached about a week or ten days before the corn is ready to cut and 1 shock. Sorghuin should be cpt when 1 tile' seed in the head are- firm. (J.?What types of vegetables can ( be-put up with hot water canner? j A.?Only vegetalvles and fruits which are "acid" and can be safely , preserved at a'boiling temperntude. 212 degrees R, many be canned with a hot water canner, says Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris, Extension food conservation specialist. This list includes tomatoes, fruits, frestaly1 gathered. young. tender string beans, and a pre-cooked soup mixture containng a large proportion of tomatoes.' Such non-acid products as corn,' peas, beans, spinach, okca and squash require a pressure can iter. Q.?When is the best time to seed ' ? permanent lawn? A.?Except for the Mountain sec. lUn ? I*" 11" j uvrn. ucai icpuiis arc usuutiy j secured by seeding grass in tlio "arly fall. John H. .Harris, Extension landscape specialist of N. C. State College, says even . in the mountains, at elevations of less than 2,500 feet, the bust time to" ! seed a lawn is in the early full. By ' seeding in (he fall, the grass will generally become well established before winter, and in the spring '.will have a good start on weeds and. undesirable grasses. Marketings of livestock and total j meat production so far in 1941 have, been about as large as in the corresponding months of last year, reports the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. ' WHAT MAKES US 1.UCKY OR UNLUCKY? Why are. some people always j lucky while others never get a i "break?" This and other interesting | questions are answered in an abI sorbing illustrated article revealing . the results of experiments by noted : scientists. Look for this feature in 1 the July Z7th issue or THE AMERICAN WEEKLY ! the Big Magazine Distributed with THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale At A? Newsstands J ^Waiting For'lf Sail Thr Mndrrn Merrhnnl Doesn't wait for SALES HE ADVERTISFS twc>/r what 7 a/0 **** letterheads out.f ? @'iL WHEN THIS i HAPPENS, PHONE (JS and We'll Print Some For Yon In A Hurry!! BY WAY OF MENTION (By Lola Beatty) SBBMa?B^Si ! 1 Mrs. K. L. McGlll has as he guest .this week her son, Mr. Rufu McGlll of Gveenwood, 9- CMiss Lila Mulkey spent the pas week end with friends in Johnso: CUy. Tenn. >ir. Cline Barbert spent the. wee end with friends in' Somerset, Va. Mrs. Maude Wilson lias as he guests this week her graudchildrer Masters Buddy and Eugent Wllso of Gaffney. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Parker, had a their guests last week the latter4 sister. Mrs. Urover Melts and dai gliter of Gaffney*. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rhodes hai us their guests for the past week , i covers PALMOLIVE I Si SOAP 1 f 3 for 20c 3 PAULU " "A Picture i ??i? #SH?\ During lrjjfHjfl more of 11 l|\ up enerj M?1 %\ to eat h M,iM The ,o^ tm*m of fresh which ai feMl DRINK I|yj2|: which is a]Jy if y, ITS PURER Sunris Phone 1468 _j__ >;'* f\ v.- ; v" : *5 v. f. ' r ifriiiitliff r ittii ilt 1 - "fif'1 V ; - 4 B T. A. Ayera of Roan Valley recently received a 15-day milk cheep for 4124, the largest ever received B by a Mitchell county farmer for the r sale of milk In that period of time *1 reports F. U. Woodard. Mitchell . county farm agent of the fi. C. Bx1 , u tension Service. k ! A TO CHECK A Q I A y^'6 i1 HOLE y smoke! i " < '1.? A hole in your sole? Let cs renew your shoes for you while you wait. We t use only the finest mai. terials. Come is today! t \ Foster's < t SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE I ' = '! Phone 154 '^SBIbsb: Seltzer!%Jfl Ik With Smllml nily say this? j ou have never given Alka-Seltzer bo have used Alka-Seltzer are ; say it is, you want it in your medcost you a penny. We will refund user who is not entirely satisfied. 4 9 icltzer sooner and more often than satisfaction or money refunded i its use in all conditions listed beon Stomach, Add Indigestion, Heart* 'Morning After", Muscular Pains, NeuHcadache, Distress of Colds, as a GarMinor Throat Irritations. "oo VaL-Ofl/y I5^| fteflasellua |/|a|, IPp* VVIwppVTV n?lW r VWV HI ( AIVH| I, Cryslel WhNs as OrSsgsw tsag Hsdstls. I 1 Mil Q?P** BLANK...! 'SSt IKLEK for 25c o 3 for 25c ME STORE . i . ?, of Health" hot weather you need the vitamins that build jy. Yet you do not want eavy, hard-to-digest food, cal solution is to eat lots fruits and vegetables, re in season now, and MORE PASTEURIZED MILK always in season, especi)ur milk comes from ITS SAFER e Dairy Gastonia, N. C. i .' ? > _ i