* QUICK RC*ULT8 ? LOW COOT , HERALD Classified Ads I 2c a word for first ln?ertlorhalf prlca tor aubcequent Intertlone. Mlnlmirtn charge 26c. Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. If error ia made, The Herald Is responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer ia responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of'any corrections needWant ads are always cash in advance except \o business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE: thousands of nice* long stems. cut gladiolus, lc itiul 2c eaclf. All sum liter. Wo cut dully, no Sunday sales; M (Swain's Flower,Garden, lip. FOR SALE: Brick Home, with large * shady lot .near Central School. riiunu ir PEACHES WILL BEGIN TO ripen between July 15 and 20. j Georgia Bella, Elbertas, Champ- i Ions, Slappy's, Indians. Peaches i are fine this year. 50c per bushel. here ii) the orchards. Apples ana j 'Grapes later. Close Tryon High School. -N. L. Ho??jor, Bessemer City, N. C, July 17. WANTED: One to three room apart : - ineiit, down stairs. with, private entrance. Call Herald Office.' july 17. FOR RENT: Immediate possession ti room residence with hath at Xol Cold Street. Call Jim. I,. Ileal Castonia, Photic 142-14'!. 7-17-tfc: j .. ' -m . . '' . ^ j WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices tor- Wheat, Corn, and Oats, j or will exchange I-'lour. Feed,! Meal for them, l'hoite 2-:ll65. lit; terstdte Milling Co., Charlotte, N. C, aug lc REFINISHING Furniture. Fphol-! storing and Tuffting a Specialty. | Phone 228-11 for Estimates, ittd-c BPOlll An ne. BAkiAkix esrti bp ncuuunn ?c orui i for only 15y Saturday Only. KIiiks Mountain Dru't Store LAKE MONTONIA LOT FOR SALE J. K.. Davis, Kln^s Mountain, N. G, tr. " c I CALL OR SEE | Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE No. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory i IffHvUflmOllnll I <1.00 Value-Only I5< I AM llwT?yi?r^pin ???. ?wy? Mi, KIMc, VM. ^ryrten*Wj^w^clM?eSe??fr#*wctlJ | PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 . 20c SUPER SUDS ... 3 - 25c KLEK 3 - 25c HOM? STORE THE CLA ' n I?t&tff -frfri Mj$U,'- ?' lU** . /..VI n THIS 'N THAT By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section July 14: Preaching will be next Sunday at ScaD- A. M. Sunday school Immediately after. 15. T. U. at 7:45 P. M Teachers meetiug each' Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock A cordial ins iiatVon come und worship with as. Our pastor. ItcC. J. \V. Suttle. who has hceiPTJil his * vacation is expected to be with us Sunday. Mrs. J)nn Bridges', who iias beeli a patient at the City Hospital, Gas Ionia, is expected to come home this week. . Mi;s. ItiTl Seism. ..lias been- sick and Confined to bur bed for tie; past several- days. Air.' -and Mrs. J. \Y. Carroll and family had as their guests Sunday .Mr. ami Mrs. Walter King of Hesse liter City. Mrs. George llaneohk and < mini en 01 sne.u>, ami .mi . ami Mrs. Kvaits Gt'ecne of the. I'.ienix Mill. Mrs.. Greene is spending this week with them. Miss Kilna Bridges spent Tuesday with Miss Juaniiu liurtou. The Children of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Seism gave a surprise dinner Sunday in honor of their motlier's birthday. Their family is one of- outsection's largest and when they all get together there's weather because storage space wa lacking. ' ; '> ... If ghod rams continue, farmers i Ar>son County wjil get a fair, ero of lespedeza this year, reports . \V. Cameron, farm agent of the > i C. State College lOxtension Servic It. C. Peuirfnginn of SUtrgill I Aslie County, savs money investe i in sheep will pay to ever 1 j of money invested in cattle, aceor I ing to Assistant Par in Agent H. 1 j Quessenberry. | North Carolina, | Cleveland County. In The Superior Court | Willie Childers. Plaintiff, Vs. ! Harold Childers. Defendant. NOTICE The defendant, above named, wi take notice that an action entitle ! as above has been commenced i the Superior .Court of Clevelar County, North , Carolina, wherel the plaintiff seeks an absolute tl vorce from the defendant; that sa defendant will also take notice th; he is required to appear at the Cler * oi rouri s unice ai me rounuous ! in said County in Shelby. North Oa olinn. within twenty (20) days aflt publication of this notice, and , an wcr or demur to the Comphiii now on file in the Clerk's Office i snid action, or the plaintiff will a ply to the Court for the relief d mantled in said Complaint. This 8th day of July, 1941. E. A. Houser, Jr. Clerk of Superior Court, -?adv?H?aug 7. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Cleveland County. Allen E. Fayssoux, Plaintiff, Vs. .. Mabel Fayssoux, Defendant. The defendant, Mabel Faysseu will take notice that an action ei titled as above has been comtnen ed in the Superior Court of Clev land County, N. C., to obtain a d vorce absolute: and the said defei dant will further take notice thi | she is required to appear at tl I ocice of the Clerk of the Superb ' Court of Cleveland County at tl j Court House in Shelby. X C.on i i before the 26tU day of July, 194 ! and answer or demur to the cot plaint in said action, or the plai tic will apply to,the court for tl relief demanded irr the complaint This the 25th day of June. 1941. Max llamrick. Jleputy Clerk of SOpevior Court Jos. M. W'riRht. Atty. ?July 17. ffnrf & Sharp Barg^i . I BM V*.f - .. " I . ? ?.'* . sV HURSDAY. JULY 17, 1941 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as admintstrs tors for C. K., Putnam, late of Clev I* land County, N. O., this is to notif; i- all persons having claims agaiusi !. said estate to file same properly ye s ified with the undersigned on or b< i fore July '2nd. 1942, or this notie r will he' pleaded in bar of any r? '. eo'very. All persons indebted to sail f, estate ^ill please make Immc'dlab payments, it This 'the 1st day of July, 1941. e J l.andrutu Putt*.in, e 1 M. C. Putnam, J J Administrators.' J. R. Davis, Atty. ?adv-?7-24 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE e>. Having qualified as. administer ' trix for Mrs. \V. A. Wit re/ late n i' ClevcVsi/i'd t'du, ty N.'C. this is . t - notify ail' persons having ch illis r ir ..niie t ^.iill \ tati to tie same pro erly vetfflei^ with the iltdle.rsigtU' on or before .lime 23rd. li'4'2. o 1- this nu'ieo will be pit adcd ill ba s' ol any recovery. All persons itulebi *. ctl to said estate will - pleas- *>tiak v | immediate payments. i This the 9th day of July. 1941. J Delia \V. Mctiill. Administratrix, s ?adv?ang 14 r North Carolina, Cleveland County. * | In The Superior Court g B. C. Hamrick, Plaintiff I- Vs. Maggie Jlamriek, Defendant. ' e; SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION it The above named defendant wil 11 t'llio nnfirtA fhot on aelinn few , .fin, v?*-?. tnui an av nuit lui v? n j vorce on" the grounds of two year t ' separation- has l>een commenced ii 1 the Superior Court of Cle.velan if i County, North Carolina; Said <1< e fendant will further. take notice thu a she is required to appeal' and am s wer at the tiff Ice of the Clerk of Si I period Court of Said Coutitv in th 'Court House at Shelby. .North Can . ,lina. on the 3rd day of Aug us ' 1941, ' or within the time thereat't* j albnVed by law. or the i'luiptiff wi , apply to the Court for the relit ^ demanded in said complaint. This the 3rd day of July. 1941. * - E. A. llouser, Jr. V Clerk of Superior Court. ' Herald B. Goforth. Attorney 'j Cor F'lain'.ilT. ?adv.?July 31. J. I NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under and by virtue of the powe { of sale contained in a deed of trus Riven by J. C; Bridges and wife, i E. Bridges, on. the 22nd day of Oi tober, 1932. ak will appear on reeor in the Register of Deeds Office fc Cleveland County in Book 120 t page 173 to the undersigned, rs tm " tee. to secure the indebtednet ] therein mentioned and default he 'n iiig been made in the payment < same and at the request of the ho 'n ers of the note secured by sa u. ....... . . . - : | ueeu 01 irusi .ana by oraer or n i Clerk of Superior Court. County i 4t | Cleveland, North Carolina, to r k j sell, the former bid having bet : raised. I will sell for cash at tl L1' j Courthouse door in Shelby, N. C >r Cleveland County, on Monday, Jul s" ! 28th. 1941, at 10;0- ' M. or with 11 legal hours the folio..nig describe 11 real estate: P" Beginning at a Spanish Oak on tti e' Bust side of the Charleston road i Wyatt 11 arrill's line and runs wit his line N. 85\ W. 45.78 poles to a iron stake; thence N E. 12.7 poles to an iron stake; thence 1 85 1-4 W. 12.72 chains to an ire - stake in 1j. Y. Putnam's line; the ce N. 5 E. 11.48 poles to a stont tnejice N. TL E. 44 poles to a stal CALL OR SEE X, KENNON BLANTON Ct At Terminal Ser. StatJbn n* PHONE NO. 10 ? STERCIII BROS.' 3r ,1) Representative n- * ; ' ' ' 10 in Kings Mountain Territory ~ _ ?. tTCwAN.'THtS \ WAS NEVER WORTH A/ ^DQllAR-- r ^ *f/mmm/a/> -| |MH ga^^xS , .*: - ._. ' J" . ' , ' * ' N I in the Charleston Road: thence i- with the snici road N. 3 14 \V. 30 e poles to' a stake in said road; theny | ce S. 10 E. 3.34 poles to a stake;, it i thence with 'the line of Mount Sinai rj Church lot N. "JO'* E. 35 poles to a 9 stake; thence N. 1 K. 13 1-2 poles c j to an iron stake; thence X. _ 45.10 >-! K. ti "poles" to a Chestnut' -and ijton'e I thence S. 57.10 K. 30 poles to . a e stone pile. Wva'tt llu: i ill's corner; thence S. tklf> VV. OS poles to a. white oak (downi: thence with the said llaiTill's line S. 7s \\". .'0 poles to a maple; thence X 02 \\\ 17 polos to a !4J>.iiiisii O.-.k: thciico X-. ' S6,.? \V. 32 poles to ti e place of ; Meginni'iK < oiitaiiiinn 5!) 7-Stn^ tieres, more or. less. The bidding will begin at *2150.00. if " PALMOLIVE I SU SOAP > S| a for 20c 3 KIN|GS MOUNTAI1 si i| "Let The L; mi'. Bt'T .... "I , * Be sure-you net the lat v ? V ii X both machinery and p< IX t service. | WE ARE HER I NEW - W il' % - Castonia's Oldes ,r t Branch Office 292 'r 4? I* * Jno. R. Rankin, Pi es. ,s | "Send Your Dry Clear ot % Phones 166 and 811 id * ,d f~- . ie + of < ** >*"> >* > > > : > < e- ~~ 1,1 5! !! FOR NATIONAL DEFJ ly ' > ' in ' '' w ; &** h . 2 r -? v DRINK P] ORDER Y Archdal Phom 1 1 M| Lj r?R *' ... ? Twas ion ^^^lwHeNIT MAO ^^^^Biadcs in IT.) r^. , . .* " *>' ' > ' f " . . . ," '? . . s subject to prior eucuihbraaraf Thin the 11th iluv of Jut* tsi . J. R. Davis, TruKVK ?udv?July24 ?i Have Youj Eyee ; Glasses Fitted . ' { ?By? I ' DR. D, M. MQRRISOX. 1 Optometrist Eye SpeciaifAK 1 Will be in Kings Mountain fiKtesf on Every Tuesday and F-c.<3ar;l j afternoons. Hours 1 P St. 'ta 6 P. M. ? . in I FiV j f|1 [7il J Tfe aECSEHiZEiffiHHle 00 Value-Only 15* \ pi or Wrapport from Palmollvo, KUK, \ Cryital Whilo or Octagon Soap Product*. 1 FREE ORDER BLANK..J IKLEK for 25c 3 for 25r S MFG. CO. STORE I aundry Do Iff 1 t ;j #?S- ? 1 ? Hi ' ' ; iiulrv that's equipped vu.lh $ f " A .Msnnnell to cl?> f'ir-t iiUsfr" * %< ' -a ** 1 ' ^ v; :3 >, . .x : 1 E TO SERVE YOU X t"' f LAUhDRY% - t. Largest and Best 1 -294 West Main Ave. tJ as. W. Rankin, See. % ling With Your Laundry-" ?Gastonia. XL (L. 2*; SNSE . . . . 1 ' Keep Your Energy I J At A High Mark ^ xt I | LENTY OF . ? | I OUR TODAY I 1 le Farms I e 2105 A ?HUSi Uv L. CROSBY "" * **?(*? - ^ |K(r^i V ;',j x . ;'3 ??w- ^ " ' J -> k ' "*'3H % . "' S ' . t'3l