RjPFfflfeC ? ' *m4 Tht HeroM i Ami if'. ' r .. Boy At Horn* VOL. SO NO. 32 - State And N Condensed Ii -^NATIONAL? i Washington, July 22.?The number of civil airplane pilots In the In.ted States Increased, more than 300 por cent in the last year. Urigadler General Donald 11 Don nolly. administrator of civil aeronautics, reported today that there were 82,277 certified pilots on July 3 compared with 41.066 a year earlier.; Tlie increase was attributed i 'Xct .jy to the pilot tiaitiine prograhi of the CAA ban" Diego. Ca?itM July 22.r-Vol-unteers answering radio appeals and unemployed men rounded up } on the streets today battled two forest fires. One fire tuejiader tre town' of Alpine. 35 ntiles to the ftostliest, and the other threatened the timbered slope leading to .Patomar Observatory. where tne world's largest mirror telescope is located. Washington. July 23.?The Agri-culture Department announced today provisions whereby fanners -who have wheat In excess of their l 1941 marketing qootas may seed below their 1942 AAA alreage al letineuts und obtain permission to tell tre over-quota grain without paying the 49 sent a bushel penalty. Washington, July 22.?A shortage In book, writing and some other jf . types of paper tyas forecast today by officials of tUe-Qffice of Produc> , lion Management who said also that readers may find before many months that their magazines and books have a yellowish hue. Curtailment of supplies of Chlorine. used- as a bleaching agent, will ( result In less '^brightening" in some kinds of paper, they explained Washington. July 22.?Forty one ,j n uu camps are scneouieo Tor operujf ation in North Carolina until Sept. D 30. Approximately 8,200 CCC enrollees will bo engaged on conservation and national defense work projects in the state during this K period. 1/ ft''.'. Washington, July 22.?Production I of combat planes has increased be tween 92 and 140 per cent for various types front January to June. defense officials siad. I DEFENSE Q. What happens if I s I put into a Defense A. You can cash your ] 60 days, for the full terest due you. Q. Do many Bond own A. No. People want to 1 all attacks. In many every cent they can i and Stamps. Some ai employers or banks salaries in order t Stamps for them. Note?To purchase Def go to the nearest post o . ! "1 * * * ' 1 1 j?????j= | | , % \ j Laughing Arou r with irvi Wm: " " In Accordance By IRVIN , West a dump car broke its * \ down grade. At a switch it wi )' and instantly crushing to death a Nt It fell to the lot of the foremi f. "T~ ' s belonged to render a report of the t n I believe was Cassidy ? at any rat (ot aloof fairly well with his Uteri space in the printed form, opposite t B studied awhile and then inserted th 4 ' -M. "He never made none!" The companion-piece has for a yB' whereon a freight train had killed * Mr. Do gan, the resident-boss, in ten ; and then proceeded to All out a b claim agent who is due time woult B of the company. Painstakingly Mr. Dugan enter stances under which the fatality o< [ l snmed value of the lately deceased < B I from eye-witnesses and from the h i i when hi came to the words: "State i 1 He was stumped, but not for 1c "She was kind and gentle!" (AsMrieaa K?wi 2.1 --Si. I - f I ' > Kings ational News' 1 Brief Form : \ ?STATE-- ; 1 Raleigh. July 22. ?Four meetings ! ' sponsored by the North Carolina I 1 Farm Murcau. will bi\ held this ' weqk to discuss ways In which Tar, ? Heei farmers can assist the Na-' t ion a I Defeettse Program. j '' Lenoir. July 21.?Funeral services ! for MabelCoffey, 10 year old duugli ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cuba M. Coffey ' of Kdgeiuont. who died at u local hospital Saturday night after being ' j fatally bitten by a rattlesnake Sat- 1 1 urday morning while she wan pick- .' 1 ins berries near her home, will be 1 conducted at graveside In the fani-' f ily plot at "Eagemonl at 2:00 o'clock c tomorrow afternoon. The Kev. Mr. Barley of Kdgeihont will officiate. ( 11 ; i New Bern. July 22.?Daylight savings time ,wlll be instituted In New ' 1 Pern August 1. "TtT co-operation with other cities and" communities of the i state at the retiuest of Gov. J. M. j Broughou, it has been voted by the * | lily board of alderman. J Gastonia. July 22.?Guy Peuley. 29, an employee of Rex Mill in Gastonia, was kilted while walking .on the old Charlotte Highway, three; miles easf of the Gastonia C'itV' limits'about lu o'clock lust night, abu "Karl .TeTikins. po. who lives | near Bessemer City, was being held last night as the driver of the att' toinobile which struck Ponley. I Mboresville. July .2.?A Lowrance ' .Hospital attache gave out an en, couraging report this morning con-1 I corning the condition of Walter i (Babe) Wilson. Mooresvllle police1 i officer, who was admitted to the K 1 hospital Sunday morning following > < a"b automobile wreck at-Davidson ] Officer Wilson sustained a frac-' tured skull, a broken Jaw and his \ left leg was broken about six in-! 0 ches "Kelow the thigh. I 3 i 1 Riugeerest. July 22.?2600 Sou-' 1 tliern Baptists converged on the ' ' Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly ground s nere hub ween ena tor tno eiKlltn j South^wide Buptist Training Union ' Assembly. Thus was eclipsed last week's 32 year attendance record of 2,500 dele gates here for the Sunday School Conference. " 1 | BOND QUIZ suddenly need the moneyj Savings Bond? Bond at any time, after amount paid; plus any iners cash their Bonds? lelp arm America against cases, people are putting v spare into Defense Bonds re .doing this by asking j to withhold part of their | ? J*- - * : a?_ J . i n i o Duy inese oonas or d " - J r ense Bonds and Stamps, ffice or bank. c . ' h nd the World ! N S. COBB * " J With the Ethics r [ S. COBB " J I coupling.'; and went on a wild trip ' as derailed, turning over on its side ( lexicon laborer. c an of the gang to which the victim 1 rajtedy. This foreman, whose name > ? it waa a good Hibernian name? f irv lahorfl until h? <*ama tn tk/> final he question: Remarks? Mr. Cassidy , ese words: setting a stretch of a Southern line a cow, the property of a farmer.?-"** dewed the owner of the slain aniiTfal < lank for the subsequent use of the f 1 adjudicate the damages on behalf { ed references relating to the circum- ' ccured, also the age, color and pre:ow and other particulars^ as gleaned 1 ereft farmer. But he was stumped l disposition of the remains?" mg; he set down this: " "1 i Pcatarct, lae.) J . cl . :r?jL- -- ' ' . Moun r , \ , . KING8 MOUNTAIN. N. C. Tt Kings Mountain 1 Code Received j Citizens can now tied out f:h?t .hat Is the law iu Kings Mountain , i y Consulting the city code whVctt van received yesterday, and is now y 11 the office of City 'Manager H. | e ... Burdette. The statute of every ,j lepurtment of the city government 0 s defined an<l indexed so that uny ' n irdinance tnay quickly. be located. t. The handsome book was specialty (j .vopared for the Town of Kings t. domtioin hy tlte WPA under the B otpervisior> of the North . Carolina1 j jcague of Municipalities, or which - j< tings Mountain la a member. ii The 'hook TS a loose leaf affair j tnd new ordinance's may be added t. from tune to time and old lawsj ' 'traded thus keeping the law book 1 tp to date. The binder lias y lock .. o that pages can not be taken with ,j >nt first unlocking the hook. ? . . City Manager Durdctte ,iiivltet? 1( my interested citizen to atop by his M iff-lee and. inspect the book which t, ells in plain English Just what is v he law in Kings Mountain. ' .... 1 Drive For British ? Ambulance Plane To ! * [iegin Soon > Citizens ot Kings Mountain \WH1 ? lave au'opportunity to contributelto |, re Old North State Fund wh^h j; vas organized for the purpose dC sl iresenting to- England au ambulauceS j lirplane. A house' to house drive is I s o be started Montlay and Mrs. G. ( \. Bridges is chairman of the corn- s nittce. The plane will cost appro*-: j, matefy $75,000 and. Cleveland coun y's Quota has been set at $2,000. v Gov. J. M. Broughtou ts honorary a huirman of the State Committee to 'a aise funds for the purchase of the r( ncrcy ship. ; _ ^ocal Marine Home i> >n Furlough p CI Private Willard O. Cranford, sou f Mr. 'A. F. Cranford of Kings n ilountaiti is now ltonie on a tenday uriougli.. j Vrivate Cranford is a graduate of he Beth-Wat'e Jiigh School and at-, ended Clemson College for ,two; v ears piTOT to Ills enlistment in the j darlues. He was accepted for enlistment at1 he Marine Corps Recruiting Stat- J oil in -Charlotte and ^was sent to! . ialeigh for final enlistment. From ' taleigh Cranford was transferrea o the Marine Barracks, Parris Is-; and. S. C., wliere ho received "lis i ireliniinary "sea-soldier" training, i, iVhile stationed at Harris Island - i *111310 Cranford fired the rifle ' n unite and qualified as an expert s rlth the hand grenade and bayonet, md as a sharpshooter with tre rifle! Hid pistol. He will now draw $" a'' () nonth for having qualified as a f( harpsliooter with tre rMc. j ? After ho completed his recruit . ^ raiuing he was transferred to the | v, rlarlue Corps Institute. Marine Bar- y acks. Wasrington. D. C., where he p - ill attend school. '% , j p Private Cranford' has done very, cell in the short 4ime he has been t( n the Corps. He enlisted the 29th f Apiil this year. Ho has hopes or leeoming a 2nd Lieutenant. in the ! s rlarine Corps as soon as he has the equired amount of service. The Marine Corps Recruiting Of-, bl ice located in the Charlotte Post " )ffice now has an unlimited num-; er of vacanyHes both for- the reeu- j ur service and for the Volunteer rlarine Corps Beserve. Program Discussed For Vfeihnriist fiirl Scfint? At the insular meeting of the. ( Vlo.thodist Girl Scont Troop Monday ivonlng flie entire program of Sec- ] >tid Class Activities was discussed i ly the leader. Mrs. j. L>. Settlemyre ' T. Since 'most of the .girls In the ' roop have alreaHy passed off the ( I'onderfoot requirements, it is hop- , d that this discussion will help the Scouts to pick the activtles they 1 ire most interested fh and start work on the Second Glass Rank rm ! nedlately. After the program the Scouts ga-! hered on the "lawn of the Metho-i : liRt Church for .nme active games. At the next meeting. Monday .luly :8. the scouts are asked Ito bring Werners for a welner roast. The j ] neeting time will lie changed to j I:SO instead of 7:00. < 1 lUDGES AT BE88EMER CITY < JEAUTY" SHOW I "^fesdatlfes W. K Mauney. Jr. and , ( leorge Houser of Kings Mountain md "Mrs. (TarlSlTfl Still of Wlnston-.alein who Is visiting her parents. > Mr. alfd Mrs. R. L. Mauney, went lo Hessemer City Friday night where they- served as judges for a seauty contest sponsored by tthe yatwl Flooaterg Club of that place, rne Club cleared JlM.OO and furnished a gplenffTu " evenings entertain me6t- 1 - ' . * ' tain H iURSDAY, JULY 24. 1941 tiasons Enjoy 67th O Anniversary Supper l3 Over 10b Masons, their wives audi nvltVd guests intended the 67th j I .nnlvcrsary of the, founding of I all-view Lodge No. 330 at til Jleth- { 1 Methodist Church Tuesday after' i 0011. P. I). Herndon. Past Master f the Lodge presided during the SB leetlng which was thorough enjoy-; d by all present. Prior to the on*-' oor picnic supper which was sorv- the d by the ladles of the Church, the I'let roup gathereU" in the church. Mr. j 1)o1M Icrndon called oil several out-of- tnov jwu guests-for short talks, includ- thoi ig Dr. R. D. Hunteh ot Charlotte. Ony Itjn King of Liim-aster. .1. P. Dixon .T f llouler City. Nevada, a.ud District tlov Jeputy Weathers. {l" Mr. Merndon presented Rev. II. .C , |K priuk'tc'. Pastor of Central Metho- " 1st C.hdrch. who made a very in- 1,1 ercstV.i'g and inspiring addie:J-w oli" lev. Sprinkle stated that Masonry' 1 'V ' ould live TTiVough the .ages he- ul ' a use of the Tiigli principles on 1 rhich it was founded. , 11 : wrt*! ion flyers' Dept. Store J wi" 'o Be Remodeled r ? - M< The \V. l\ l-'ulton building located c_. r. the corner of Mountain and Cher kee streets which has been the W( ome of n retail merchandise estab slunent for many, many years. Is T 3oh to unhorgo extensive remodel-; thot ng and enlarging. according to er lagc h'ulton., The building is now had ccupted by Myers' ,r>epartment_+..*e?i itore and' Dress Shoppy-A1 mwdtrfn ' mec ront is to be iustalle# and the bun uilding' is to be made deeper which wer rill greatly add to Kings Mountain vari s a shopping center. A conBidera-, J hie 'slim is to be expended on the' Jr.; ^novation of the building which Is; Dor landniark of Kings Mountain. i.peu The actual work is to begin short S and will be completed as soon at?! '',c ossibie.. ' | ^tu> _ I abel Myers Department Store announ* . es iti tills issue of The Herald In a nil page ad ar emodeling' sale to' j lake room for the painters and t arpcliters. Mr. O. W. Myers, pro-; j ^ ietor. said. "We are very happy! liat Mr. Kulloti is going to enlarge nd remodel our building because rith out renewed store we can bet-j er serve our growing patronage." I Bi ' ! T. 1 Selectees To : M ^eave August 19th . i ??? , i i wa> Tito local Drnft Board has ret|eiv| (1 a call for eleven white nteii to e sent to Fort TfraK.tr on A'tcust ^. !?th. The men to go Tsrf the year's s lllita'ry trainiog have, not vol been ^ olootofl according to Mrs. Kugenc ^ lathis. Clerk of the local Board I ' ! anil Seven men departed Kings Maun .u [tin last Friday about noon by bus ? >r Fort Bragg. Prior to tre depart- |$al] re a short service was held, in the j au\ iraft Board olTice in the City Hall j -jith" Rev. P. D. Patrick in charge. thjli [r. Patrick made a short talk ana resented each selectee with a Gosel of St. John. Arthur Hay. mem- ( er of the b5ard was also present tr the meeting. Plans are being made to have the : 1 liort exercises before each departre. In tlifc future. Citizens are In- ?''' ited to be present and see tlio ' ( re ?yB off" ' ! dint . i ,,a*" WOl Rogers' ! !"" J Humorous Story j By WILL ROCEHS i VIS CINCE Americans got interested | LU^ in battlefields, from visitmg Prance, they say our own battleields in" this country are getting a ittle more of the tourist trade. The will people that go to France get taken Mai >ut to the battlefields, and they see ing iverybody else going, and thoy get j nov I notion that going to see batt'o- j ^ fields is pretty near as good aa ; seeing art galleries and cathedrals. u?, So there was a young lady that had done all the battlefields in Europe, and was ldnda trying to 1>f" cover all the points of interest at nth home too. She was wandering he around at Gettysburg, and she met a. a young man that was trying to ?>fiC make a hit with her. "Yea," says the fellow, "this la .. a mighty historic spot." "Is it?" "It sure is. My grandfather lost AU a leg here." "Now, ain't that a coincidence! ( It must be a terrible place for los- ,\o< ing things. I lost my vanity case pl(, out here yesterday, and my aunt . lost her umbrella today, and here's your relative losing something tool Was it always that way?" | 'he 'American Neve Feature*. loo. ~' i he - I thl % erald 0> - . couts Begin P ollection Her ?ns Endorse Daylight i T vings Time ? T in I he Director* unci members of "> Kings Mountain Dions ("lull lion ige their co-opera Iion 'and sup- Car I to Ciovernor Broughtou in his clia o to place North Carolina among der <c states whieli are- observing ers light Saving sclietlub's. due lie Dions urge ttint, should the eve or not* adopt the proposed eiiahg-* eol] persons, industries, and employ- mm ot Kings Mountain pledge to gin iperate with the Suite otliciuls i f'iieir attempt to add North Car- "ate I 10 the list of States doing nig r hit to help out iti this time win National emergency loai he move is designed to prevent , to ll-catctied power shortage in this iha t and it is hoped that hy adopt- the of these schedules more power p.,s be available to those industries ,>u?t essential to National Defense. pju | tliel ;thodist Youth To {"" onsor "Youth Crusade ,0" eek" j ?. ' I'ol he young people of Centra"! Me- tjb? list church. are planning unotli- uOJ "Youth Crusade Week, as they last summer, to be held the >hd week in August. At a joint ^ iting of the two Leagues last day. ' the following ' chairmen ! 11:11 Of)t) e appointed -to take eharge of ' ous phases of the program: r lorning Watcli. I. Ben Ooforth ,na Noon-day Prayer for Peace,! othy Hoke; Bespertb, Meek Car Ac ter; Recreation. Dorothy and , .r. inde Plonk; Evening Service for ; Public, Carolyn Prince; and quet Tor the Young People. Ellz p th Nelll, Vivian Prince and j-ny tnonsee McDantel. j Mm his* Youth Crusade is a summer Dak j advance of Youth in Worship -j rl WneL' uttrl Dluf It tun't lti?? -* J ?? wi l\ UIIU I IK inu I. C I I I I lll'Q to MethodisT youth, "and young wnj pie of the other denominations |,.a, asked to join- in heartily. . | t 1? J led ble School To Close j n.r ! ler. 'he Daily Vacation liible School j the First Presbyterian Church' T ics to a close Frida>. The school j "?*d been well attenled. The work Ass e has been highly satisfactory, j he closing exercises of tie-; ool wilf .be held in the ' Fellow-' D > Hall of tin Church Friday ev- ica; ng at ?:30 o'clock. The 'children "eh all four <le|>arltnents t?f the - Arc ool: Beginners. Primary. Junior, hotl luterinediates will ha~ve a part tow the service. ' spo . special feature will lie the Toy j ker> t1 under the direct ion of Mrs.; Pov ivCy Clay. "I Nf" he- public is cordially invited to Ron i Bibb; School Commencement. | Kin j Wal MAND REUNION TO BE ' Met LD SATURDAY ! of ' -i T be annual Orniand Reunion will held Saturday July 26th at the j '"K Furnace place on the Bong! ,ner ek - Bessemer City Road. The to ^ *e is ideally located for a picnic rter. The Reunion will be an all-'j Tn* affair and members of the Or* "f ' id Family and friends are look-j ' ftl forward to the enjoyable event. I r<V' topewall Durham will be the' Mot n speaker and Burt Orniand. ner' her of Contain Meek Orniand. Is (1 Irtnan of the eontiniMee In , re I'go. * , will ?? - ' uiei ITING PASTOR AT | iUls rHERAN CHURCH ! ?... \. J ev. \\\ A Riser of Cicero. 111.,., a preach"Sunday morning in St. thews I|ithernn ('lunch, accordj s to Rev-. H (J Fisher Pastor. 1 W Riser is a native of Cleveland 40 inty and is a brother of A. S: t Br and an uncle of Arnold Risen I c public is" invited to hear the ; ting pastor. I I fair t rest tfANIS TO EAT AT EEK Members of tin- Rlwutiis Club. ir wives and invited guests win . lor this evening to the Greek ' k on the Linw'ood Hoad for an er out-door supper which -win!' T served by the indicts of PiatsaJi ; ,h Tl. P. Chtyrh. The supper) will ! 0'' In promptly at 7:DO P. M. and j ,un members arc asked to be on . moi ' wis DIT COMPLETED j As , I pap leorKe Emery. Certified PubWc, | 0,10 ;ountant. of Statesville, has coin l)0U ted the annual audit of the ' ^nc rn's books and his report is nowv has preparation for presentation to '?8' t Town Council. The report win 1 completed by the latter part of cor s moufh, _ J": '-^f1 -J^UIIPLJI . ' * . ?: :* ' V "*_ ' ' *5* ' '* ? :. Watch Label On Your Papar An4 Don't Lat Your Subacription Explral ? . ' ^ ' .'v'. ' "V. ' ' p ' ? " ' " \ FIVE CENTS PER COPY aluminum e Friday lit- fire siren will blow Friday rnoon cullinjr all Hoys '.%vqut* Killjts Moilnt(Iill to the City Hall laiijii ii 'tlie drive for the rollersi of aluminum for s. Defense. I I >ti \ id son has beeii selected as innaii of the loea.l drive and-buhls leadership with' oilier scout " assisting: Hoy Scouts will con-, t a house-to-house canvass of ry -lioni'e rfi Kings Mountaiu to eet .file metal that means so ill in the national defense proin. lousewives are asked to co-operin th" town wide event by liar their old pots and pans Tecvd_V ui the Scouts arrive Scout lers desire for Kings Mountain po over tin* ton in th<> pnmniitm i is l??-ill it cpuduetcd throughout l'uhed States Kings Mountain been divided into sections with h troop rosjionstbjo for a certain t of town. Housewives may leave it aluminum contribution .or. the it steps' To aid tin; Scouts in the cotton ... spti.cc lias boon allotted in froiTt * tli.e l-'itst National Hank near the Ice Depart incut parking lot for aluminum d"p' sitory In case ,* Scouts tniss anyone thoy may in tlioir donation to this place, t lie cause is worthwhile aud gs Mountain always doe? her t~. so citizens will soon have a.n ortunity of seeing a mammotb 1 of pot's'and pans that will help te Atnevioa safe fot American*. i, ?... i i ^ tivities Flourish At nj?s Mtn. State Park air weather, ha? favored th? TTtaactivlties oTTered a"t tlie Kings intain Stafo' "Ttirk located at o Crawford. "uesday. PTPtfTng at 7 o'clock the t Community Sing of the season t hold on the largo stotle ktepa ling to the bathhouse. Mr. Clel'.lackwell of Kings Mountain the group of 175 singers in mar faiuiliar songs. Miss Helen Mil* n member of the camp staff the pianist for the evening, ho following program was- planhy Mrs. .1. 1.,. Settlemyre, Jr., istattt. Sttpt of Recreation, and s Miller for the entertainment an inusc who attended: ay Is Dying in the West- AtnerIn the Bveninc lty the Moonf: Horn Solo: Hon ftoforth. .Tr.. oinpaniment. Rachel Mct'lain. i of Kings Mountain: Do Oatnpn Races; Old Kol,ks at Homo; rial Numbers i?y Camp CliprnV ; l.et M'o Call You Sweetheart; itn hv the Old Midstream; Row. v. Row Your Boat ? Sung in luls; Reading. Nan Joan (Sunt , gs Mountain; Tlio Morry Widow Itiz; f/0?-k i.ornond; Special Trio ssrs niRCor.-Mood and Faulkner staff: flort Tl*? sa "America; Taps, ho Community Slap will bo a kly feature, each Tuesday evenfor the remainder of the siim . The public is cordially invited oln in the fun. Torsoshoes Were lii the spotlight >sday afternoon when Rav Sorvis llessnmer City. N. won the io tournament, oyer a group of Y3 testants Fred Wright of Kingst intnin. N. C, was the close runup. it Tuesday, July 2k, Miss Bern-| Salisbury. archery instructor, cortiTuch- a local -archery tourua it for all those ilTlerestcd In ; sport. tyuAhrnqtcn wyiapsncu y James Preston he important llnusf Military Afs Committee.- headed. 1>v Rop- , 'illative May of KetTTscky. tiuma 17 Democrats ami 11 Keppblls In its membership. Hut it roso ve pai'ttsanship and reached jhts of real statesmanship in the orlt>; report on defense which it ie a short Hme ago. he document in question is wor serious study by anyone interestin. the defense situation. Unforately it didu't receive much in- , , 1 attention, for the - Committee, re serious - minded than publicity e. made it public on a Saturday a result, it appeared in the nets a .??.< tlm fnlloiitlii due n ml 11 r? ?i rm in*- lunwvi'iii^ u?,i . aiiu mi/r i who lias ever tackled a tnreond metropolitan Sunday edition >ws that any single piece of newn a pretty good chance of getting I and- buried there, 'he report is u big affair, the outgo of many weeks of caretul Cout'd on back page) . .V ' t . j

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