4 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE] I . : Kf. J, . ! BRIDE AND OTHERS HONORED AT LOVELY TEA . Honoring Mrs. K. ('. Etlteridge, nee Miss Dorothy ' Patterson. a June Lridc. Mrs. J. It. Davis was hostess' t ) entertaining at her homo on East Mountain street. Friday aiternoQii. The tea which was one of the largJf est and loveliest social affairs of the "A season also complimented a number i . . of other bjides of recent . months, and out-of-town visitors. The' entire lower floor was arrang P . . Ml with, gladioli, roses and. mixed garden flowers. )i x Guests were welcomed in (lie entrance hull by Mrs. M. A Ware. Mrs K. W. Grigln presented them to the receiving line composed of the following': Mrs J. R. JJavis, the hosiess. wearing pink lace and chiffln, Mrs. H. C. Ktheride. wearing whfto silk jersey, with trimming bands of bright red silk Jersey and corsage of bright red glads. Mrs. A. 11. Patterson 11 pink monsseline-de-Soie with lace bodice. Miss Emily Davis ., of Shelby, wearing a quaint ruffled dress of printed muslin. Miss Nell DeLoach of Shelby, in white - marquisette, Mrs. George Plonk. nee f - Miss Margaret Cooper, in 'blue mar quisette with luce. Mrs. Harold Cog gins, in pink organdie, Mrs. Humes Houston, wearing powder puff muslin. sprigged with yellow rose buds, Mrs, -J. L. SeVtleinyre. .lr:, wearing vi llow laee over yellow foundation. "... Mrs. Ivan Rosenthal of New ( York City, in aqua chiffon and Mrs .fosse Kiser of Charlotte''ill black chiffon and lace. . Mrs. Myron Kliyne and Mrs Grady King .directed to the .dining room where ice cream and 'cakes de.coru?)/ - ted with dainty valley lilies, mints * r and salted nuts was served by Miss es -Maude Plonk. Dorothy Hoke -and guest, Miss Menefee Bennett of Mor wood. Janie Davis of Shelby and Aida Jean Davis assisted by Mrs. F k E. Finger, ,Mrs. T. (J. Hudspeth and Miss Annie Mae Ware. Tlie dining table.was spread with i Imported lace, with floral decora1 ' tions in the bridal motif. White candies in crystal holders on tabid and buffet completed the appointments of Die diuitig room. " Mrs. l'roctor Thompson and Mrs. W. II. Howard- directed guests to / the den where the register was .kept by Mrs. j. S. Norman and Mrs J. 7. Anthony. Airs. Charles Tlioiiiasson and Mrs W T. Weir received ill the sun room where refreshing punch was served by Miss Mildred Lowrauce of Mooresville. Miss Louise Morris of Charlotte and Miss HlizabeWii Neill. Mrs. M. Hi Biser and Mrs. W. M. Cantt directed to the east porch where goodbyes were said by Mrs. \ i. B. Goforili and Mrs. B. S. Peeler. Mesdaines K L. Campbell. L F. Neal, 15. M. Ormand. M. !>. uousev and H. T. Fulton entertained on the lawn. .Delightful piano music was furnished throughout calling hours by; . Mrs. Percy Dialing, Miss Mary Foust Plonk and Mrs. N, F. McGill. 1 PEARSON-FALLS Hubert Fails, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Falls. ' and Miss Marie Peason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson, were married Saturday, August 3. MOSTfTSS TO SOCIAL CLUB / Mrs. L. C. Parsons was hostess to members of the Social t'lun and invlte<l guests on last Thursday evening. entertaining at her home on Knst King treet. N lxiveiy summer flowers v'ere arranged throughout the home. On arrival of priests a delicious salad course with accessories" and a sweet course was served bv tho liostess assisted liy her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Rosenthal .of New York City. Mrs. 15. M. Bridges. Mrs. B. A. * ilan-111 and Mrs. Blanche Poplin. Mrs i). O'Farrell was presented trophy for high score in rook. SCOUT TROOP ONE CELEBRATES ITS FIRST BIRTHDAY Cllrl Scout Troop One celebrated DONT BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-REUEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY Whan you M fatty, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowelt, do at million* do?take Fttn-A-Mlnt at badtlma. Next morning ? thorough, comfortabla relief, helping you itert tha day till of your normal energy and pop, feeling like a million! Faao-A-Mlnt doatn't ditturb your nighf rwt or Interfere with work tha not day. Try Faan-A-Mint, tha chawing gum laxatiaa, yourteIC It taataa good, if a iaady ?d aconomicol...o family mippir coat, only x s FEEN-A-MINT ^ .. . - TH . . * > HAPPENINGS REST to W PHONES 10 R AND 88 I its first tuittlvtjt'sary in stout ing * last Thursday in the recretuion hall t of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, v The Scouts wire dressed as "kd?." Sunflowers and a huge cake decora' ted with one lighted cundU formed e tlie table decorations. < A toast to the* committee mem- . Iiers was given by Scout UlMcspio ( an.I n:'s|amded To by Mrs. Philip \ Maker. Jr. 'I A ' resume of the Scout procedures for the year was given by the Scout Individuals. ; ' n Ktnelyn Gillespie received titc i Handy Woman's Badge and the iiousenei pcr s nauge. .Mary Aim Crouse, .lauet McOjnnis. " Evelyn "S Edvus - and Mildred Rippy, received t d-cond class ranks Ethel Carroll, .* Nancy nolliuguv. Mae Jackson and Charlotte Jenkins. Tenderfoot rank. The troop was presented i. 'roop 'I flag hy the Myrtle Derrick Mis- i slonary Society. ' J Nursery rhymes and a scavenger hunt furnished the fun for the lift-, ernoon after V,iich the Scout sen- t jOyed cake, ice creatn, salted nuts 1 and Coca-cola. j t Invited guests were the Commit- I tee menf^Ts. . .Misses Rebeknh Smith of Slrclby and Hetty jean Poplin of (lastonia. - ' " 'r , .. * ' > * 1 x BtRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. ;\Vru.v Plonk an-, i-titi'ri the birth of a son. in -City, Hospital. (lastonia. Wednesday, j July :!0th. "The baby's haute Wray Augustus Plonk. Jr. ? HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Geo. ., Peeler was a charming hostess at s a small bridge party at her honto. , The rooms were arranged with howls of lovely summer floWers. Before the game, the hostess ser ved a delicious salad course with ^ punch. " , . i >.<>? <> ..HTn.nnt ? .. h(?> (1 Jll?il swimc ti n ti i u nrm Iu Myron Ithyne and low score award '' to Mrs. C. K. Thomassos. rjETING OF HOME ARTS CLUB c] Mrs. Myron Rhyne entertained s members of tile Home Arts Club j and invited quests on last Wednesday afternoon. Vne rooms Were ar-1 ranRetf" with colorful gladioli. N Mrs. Oradv King.- the {ires/dent,' presided' aiuT during the husitiess j session 01T1 ~TTe\\ member.' Mrs. Lit-j the'- .('unslri'. was elected. Mrs. .1. E. Herndon had charge ! of the program which consisted of 11??> reading of A lire Duel- Miller's "White Cliffs of Dover" beautifully given by Mrs: Myron Rhyne. At j intervals throughout the reading. ; Miss CoTTeen Camphell played appropriate piano selections.' A delicious salad course and hofifT "nfa.ie ice creum and cake v;us served. T. E. L. CELEBRATES 25th ANNIVERSARY On July Ilia the T. E. B- Class of the Kirst Baptist church celebrated Its 25th year of 'organization with a party held in the T. E. L. and Eunice classrooms of the church. Mesdantes C. A. Qates, Earl Bedford and W. C. Bedford greeted the members and guests as they arrived, direetng them into the party rooms which were a'ttefulJy decorated in white and green. Mrs. C. A. Oates, president of the class for several years, welcomed the guests and Mrs. Monroe Rhea, president of the Eunice class, responded. > Mrs. Earl Bedford had charge of a very Interesting program which inAlminil I h .<Tn xn <1 T"> ?I t B A vuii i u nit' i:i?iar* upiui ? auu uir recognition of tbo charter, members who were present. Misses Sybil Davis and Gloria Cornwall entertained with several vocal selections and Mary lleth HorO gave a reading. The cake, a beautful crtation in > while, was given to .Mrs, \V. S. j. Mnuliey who Is the oldest member} of the class and also one of the j charter members of the church. At (he conclusion of the program j t> tasty and attractive salad 'course . was served. Among the many guests present for the occasion was Mrs. Nye. a! former teacher of ,the class who basj been away from Kings Mountain for several years. Personals Miss VifJTTe Harmon was a visitor in Charlotte last week. Miss Klla Harmon who has been ill for several days. Is Improving. Paul Pa'tick and his motiher. Mrs. P. D. Patrick, are vlclting relatives in Florence," S. C. . Affks Wnnlfred Fulton spent Mon_? f A a. _ ? a _ M *, ? _ _ i _ any in i.incoimou Kuesi 01 aer sinter, Mrs. Hugh HoVe . Mrs. Rimer MoOIll and batoy of Albemarle are guests of Mrs. ??na McOUl this week. " f .# . ? - - ?- -/ - 1" "v ' w \j. /? ' ? ?? f ( Mis. (Jeorge Moss hud as guests I'uesday. Mrs. Hill Fitzgerald, nee ' diss .Bessie l.ec Rogers and Miss ernidine Rogers, both of Albemarle j Mrs. Hen Phifef is spending a t nnnth at M % tie Beach as guest of v ley sister. Miss Oertrude Ware, at ( he Ltiutano; ?o ? Mrs. Jimmy Allison and- Miss Sa- ' a Allison ?!" d Miss Ella Harmon ( ,vere guests, last Thursday of Mrs. 1 '. K Russell in Salisbury. ( Miss Elizabeth Plonk returned i I,-tioir Rli. ne College Monday i norniiig after'.spending the week- t md with her parents. " I o Sam Faultier of l.eyiigten. N". (' , former Kings Mountain resident,, i pett^ the week-end at the Ttoihe of i dr. and Mrs. S. It. Sttber. i ?o? ' Mrs. it. F. Ktheridge. Charles' Vuriiek. Jr.. Hunter and Johnny i Vatiick have been spending a few * lays this week at Fharleston and i 'oily Beach, S. C. ?o ? -t Mrs, Batne Barn.hatn and little 1 laughter. Betty Sue. o? Charlotte o pent-last week with her parents, \ dr. ami Mrs. John Hartsoe. ti CwuTTToiii^/'J THESI ARE BUT A ^^Jf? KW Of UK MORE THAN ^ 200 BIG VALUES DURING THIS ! |X*Iaa2ZS? A*l!liC2A i i WITH THIS FULL PINT \ / F Mi 31 Antiseptic) 4 SOLUTION ( of YOU MAY OBTAIN ( A ? ANY ONE OF THESE \ CUMk THREE ITEMS. Oil J3L 3a /^LrMMX\ Simply gi't or Rexall i Deodorant Cream A Retards as well as masks perspiration odors. Ecbnomical. soc sit* OQc tf 1 R*.*ii O y L a BjFivafi? i i ? ? ??j?? Wonder Package J STATIONERY , A The year's big sta- / ~ tionery value. 75 , sheets ? 75 enve- / /^fcrH lopes. Enough for (/ long time size R*??ll Quality ==Puretest i ASPIRIN TABLETS A Dependable aspirin k for ' ouick relief of /OjJ| simple headaches, discomfort of colds, l|^B etc. 49c O/VlM^SfJ k*?*n Bettu o< Qu?i;ty loo ** S ^ Full pound Kexall Theatrical Ct sii ' THURSDAY, AUO. 7, 1M1 ~~f Mr. and Mrs. & D. Houser of Clo er. S. C", and son .fcmmtc of Coltmbia.. S C?, visited relatives and i'iends here StTnday ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Uoon Roberts spent >st week along tile 'ftorth Carolina "oast and took tb the Lost Colony >lav. . ^ o -' . Mr. and Mrs. I,. II. Simmons and wo children. Nancy and Lee, of | ilineolu. N. Y , have returned home ifter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Haysood K. Lynch and . family. Mr. Sim. lions is a brother of Mrs. Lynch o- Misses Kiln Mae Malhfs of (Ireeilill*-. S. Cr, and Mary Xi-ll l-'loyd of ?anta. S. have returned- homeifter visitint? M,t. and Mrs. Kugctic ,Intllis . :.-V. l-'levd Wright of Washington. . 1). has been on a visit to his paints. .Mr a pit .NTl's. sauce Wright' nd otlie.r relative*' . ,'' . ? o- ? .lack Parsons, medical student at few York I'nTvefsity. has been visting liis parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. ' ('arsons. ? - ?At)? Lynwood Pnrton and Eugene. (Soortli of Port Jackson, S. C., were* eccnt visitors at trcir respect ivo . in Kings Mountain. . ?o? Miss Fanny Carpenter has reurnfd from a (rip to Lake AVnocannav nncl a visit to her sister. Mrs. ). R. Long, at Council. ' Mrs. I.onn MoOill was guest of! oi on. Leroy Met 111 I and Mrs Mc-1 ill. in tiastoni.a for several days i. i ast week. .! , ; o - . | t*i i' v 1 m r. Knit on. F|ijvd rSev^'ifw,* and Piiiftjica .Smith 6'f h?.v Ki'i-ss MouHtaiu Ki>e . l?eparf neir are attending the X. (' State renveii's Convention in Aslvevlllo. \ . ?o? Messrs l.'en" l-\ Iteatn. Mn"ager. : n::t .T. .It Moore. Agent. are attei.nl- ' ny a nneiing of the imperial Life iisurane?" Co.. in Jacksonville, Fla, ?o? Airs! Ralph Northcutt and sqn, i la 1 pit. Jr.. of Dal ton. (la., are on in extended visit to relatives in Cings Mountain. -?- s Mrs. J. D. Ilord and Miss Ruby tun-age were ealled to tlie home if their parents in Cfiarlottesvii>?, "a., recently on account of the ill-f less of their brother. ^ THE SUMMER'S f $ BLUE RIBBON -I RVALUE EVENT Ba,pa . offered W^m' utt Pint Rexall ULK OF MAGNESIA ull Pint Pureteit WBBtNG ALCOHOL COMPOUND )0 Purntest \SP/RIN TABLETS j te pint of Mi 31 Antiseptic Soiu- jjj tion for only 59c and with it J you can have your choice of i any one of these other three J; i items at no additional eost.i 84c TO 99e VALUE J 5 aa i r ' \''' ilKijlZ!!*1* sro Puretest CASTOR OIL Sweet nutty flavor take. Made front care- // ffpftfrnx I folly selected beans. 1/F^^f ' A S*J" *7 CARBONATES A VC~/ compoundJSSSi Pleasant way to neu- "< tralize excess stomach acidity is the GE-7'flLp>7J way. Quick, effective. Jf S7c Site ^ Or Purefest Brewers' ~M YEAST TABLETS Easy^way to Ret Vita-^*P^jj?fl ?l the 2SO 50c the lOOjIT^StVa 69? 37? mm Rt?#H Quality UD CREAM * AQr i ' Miss Mlkle Barber of Atlanta, has been visiting relatives in K Mountain Miss Barber was g soloist at Central Methodist C (.h Sunday morning, singing a 1 tiful arrangement of the \a Prayer. -O?- - Mrs. K. Wattorsou and ! Joyce Biscr were guests of .Mr. . HI Subsc To The lit 11JL $i AH .V r m m 'wings Mounta: ins galore for everyone in the ftn I on this sale are not manufactu:< ?rchandise is produced expressly f >tee ot satisfaction. Hurry f??r < i 3 cakes Lorie BATH SOAP For regular home or UC guest use. Delightful . f fragrance. . uiououaiitt Elkay's White Shoe Clecner P0L1SH*PASTE*S0AP For all kinds of * m white^shoes. . J # ? ?f?Atl QOAlfTY S f Cape Cod $1.25 OUTING JUG New value. Vitrified stoneware jug. Holds r heat or cold. mxau. ouAtur Rexall Milk of Magnesia TOOTH POWDIR !5? y.(v, A formula that your dentist could ap- J gC ' prove. IUAU ouaott ? Rexall Milk of Magnesia TABLETS The economical way ^^\r to get these quality g tablets. ouaou \ Defender BATti and SHOWER SPRAY For Hair washing or O f\r as an extra shower. ^ Value. ' ?i?au oua'lrv r El bay's FLY KiLLER A Use thi^ kilift' with tr tested killinir power. For Hies. moHyuitoes, .^^8 ??< f\S wj 25c 'Apt. REXALL X# / ' --d quality * f I HANDSOME ?-T~ri i simF*0^?, AT NO EXTRA COST The year's Mr value Veil y?t fillt . i/.e handsome shelf bcitti' vpth chase of any one of these t? rr.s. Kt clearly' marked with the name of arution. FULL PINT FULL PINT FULL Puretait Pureteit pmoi RUMING Minmrnl ALCOHOL Mineral g COMPOUND. Oil w* trr% Eft 7C JES j .' . v Ga. Mrs. Jesse Kiser for several days tnas last week. They were accompanies uest home Friday liy Mrs. KIser who 'hnr- remained for "a few days visit, beau i ?o-mi's Mr. and Mi's p. k. ,Hord had ao ; Kuests duritik the week end Mr. Hold's Sister. Mrs. T. IttimttaidMiss tier and dautlhter. 'Miss Sue Jane, and of KtwfTt. Ten p. :ribe [RAID 1.50 'EAR r. - .. in Drug Co. oily. Although *omt of Ine iti n".?<J in jh' /local! Fj.ctenys, all of /.? t>, J . 11 ir " ? VI ikt'Aitil ctHU l'?J J ' >j Hit- JiCX&U. ?!t values. Hostess extra pi & SALAD SET VALUt' Choice of folnr. ^ Gay, colorful ? for / %kMC your table. 'A Co/orex pint sizi VACUUM BOTTLE^ For sportsmen, picnickers. Strong, well M %JC made! Value. gtMti QoAirrv * w JASMINE CREAMS CIEANSING, VANISHING <* NOW COIO CREAMS Only Rexall can give you this big value. ? * * ' muui t*?i,0 Gardenia *?c FACE POWDER Naturelle, Rachel Light, Rachel Dark. ?UC Soft, satiny. Ull OtMlill 1 29c Stag Bay Rum fragrance SUA VINS CREAM and 25cstag AFTER SHAVE LOTION ^ l?l?39* Klenzo Cocoonui Oil*&t <rr? SHAMPOO 00 To five your * 3 - 1 proper < i<.arsif.j*. w -v** Brings out lu>trc, m*ah v.i*v'*|,? . > ?.* ! . Klenzo rt*k SHAVING CkiAY, I e IN AT IONS / the m.r- gsf | PINT FULL PINT PtUt7k*? ^ imT Mi 3) Klenxc I Anliu\ 19c BA9c EL'4?ef 11 1 . 11 \*H- il * ' * ' "-*J ' ' '' ^ ' 'm ' IE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAIJ) : rOMEN j ilRS- A- H. PATTERSON, , j Miss Vera Phifer o( Kings Mouu v ain jind Charlotte is spending her i ueutiou in .Miami, Flu. <? ? Mrs, H. N. Moss has hail as Her _v ruest. Miss Unity Falls of Otiieopee, Inoinin. , fa Martin K. Harmon of Allieinnrle vas a svsiior in Kings Mount.ti l I'nosilay, s ( r / ? . . 4 Miss Mary Ellen Koss of Hesse- a ne!" City, wgs a guest of relatives n Kings Mountain this week. / .? ? . u Mrs. C. W. Gillespie, Miss Elite yn Gillespie and Mrs. I .add Ham- ( are guests of Airs. Jlutttttr deisler at Ptierrv fs-m-n ir1, c e

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