I Rt?4 The HiraM I And f Buy At Hem* VOL. 20 NO; 96 State And N Condensed Ii ?STATE Chapel Hill, Aug. 19.?Officers fought today two young hitch-hikers who State Senator Thomas O'Kerry of Goldsboro said robbed hiiu and left him tied and gagged near here late Saturday night. He said he gave the young men a life at Graham and one sat beside while the other occupied the back aeat HondersonvllTe, Ahg. 19.?Twenty five W^olern North Carolina counties will be represented ,at the W. M. C.. agricultural and industrial fair Sept 22-26. LexIngToiV Aug. 19.?The annual meeting of the North Carolina state council of the Junior Order.United An*eWicanMechani<js wil open her? tomorrow. Edeuton. Aug. 19.?This historic iown. where Colonial Ladies destroy ed tea In prbtest to George HIV stamp tax, will celebrate its position at North Carolina's Goober Cap ital with its firsr annual ft* tival Oct. 17-18. Concord, Aug. 19.?Elmore (Pete) Tdck, Concord white man. is in the Cabarrus Hospital today (or treatment for serious knife wounds allegedly inflicted bv Ednn Gray, also of Concord, late last night nl frrank Blackwelder's service station near Kannapolis. -C Charleston, S. C., Aug. 19.?The title division of the South Carolina Public Service .. (Santee Cooper) authority's land acquisition department will end its work this month. Scotland Neck, Aug. 19.?The National Youth Administration wilt locate a combination vocational and agricultural training center here.. It wtlf"T>e the first of its type in North Carolina. Ashevlllc. Aug. 19.?Kor the thlro successive year. Basil Case of Ruaeelvllle. Ala., won the Southern Checkers Association championship! yesterday. In the finals he won two yames. Alex Cameron of St. Petersburg. Kla. won one and there were th^eo ties. JHendersonviUe. Aug". 19.?The 5th annual Fall Festival featuring Wes tern North Carolina life. customs and Industries of the last 100 years wil be held Oct. 13-15. Fayettevllle. Aug. 19. -Damages officially estimated at $100,000 were, caused yestevday by a fire that swept through Two buildings of the Southern Cotton Oil Co.. here laying waste 25.000 bushels of soy bcBirs. \ '* . tlaffuey. S. C., Aug. 19.?Sheriff R B. Bryant said today he was holding Jess Mathls, 30 year old store employe In connection n^lth the shooting of Broadus Martin, about 35, who tonight was reported In a serious condition. (ioldaboro, Aug. 19.??Tsliam R. "Bland, 36. of Falson wan injured cri tlcally and J. T. Guy,'41. Mt. Olive Route 2, veceived leg fractures late Saturday night in an automobile accident between Mt. Olive and Fateon. MM 1MWWW 1 m M Laughing Arou With IRVE It Took That Long By IRVIN AN ENTiLISH vaudeville team ca aa American engagement 1 representative of a big eastern circ They told him how clever the] 8b? - w ,t 1n 35^ how fresh their1 Jokes, how splrite their scrap-book of press notleee 1 "Well'," he said, when they we praises, "well give you a try-out you on next Monday afternoon fo Highly pleased, the visiting pei "Hold on," Baid the American B. does your aet run T" I ' ^Twenty minutes," stated the "Thatnf never do. We can't twelve minutes on one of our bills." "Impossible!" exclaimed the si V . jifiinut?6t I ^ ifn? y?| *-> hifoViiryr" -r Afarr iAr*iWasad V Kings lational News [i Brief Form ) Washington, Aug. W;?The hens , of the country are going all out for England lu a big way. With patriotic but pardonable pride. Govednment' poultry experts announced . today that the feathered ! ' tlocks of fanners were breaking pro duction recodds for bolli eggs and chicks. Cairo. Egypt.. Aug. 19.?Large quantities of Egyptian cotton, sche dtiled for shipment to Japan, will | not be sent, an ofTlcial announce! ment said today following upon cancellation of nl navicerts from Japan It g . . V Clticugo, Aug. 19.?-Mitchell I let[ man. 4f>. a watchman, was beaten | to death in a Northwest Side fuml} ture factory last night after, itollce theorteed. .disgruntled burglars had i tied him to a post and attacked I mm wnen tney tailed -to tiud any j money iu'the company's safe. j Pasadeiih. Calif.. Aug. 19.?Dr. 1 Dr. Seth B. Nicholson said today ' thai- sun spot activity, abnormally low in April, has been increasing | steadily. ' Sun spot groups averaged 2.7 ! a day in April. 5.2 in July. | The July average compares with the high of 6.50 for the previous sunspot cycle reached in 1028. The j , current cycle has been one of the ; most active of record, reaching- an | average' of 9.0 a day at maximum ; In 1937. ' . . ; j The Mount uilson Observatory as I tronomers said the minimum lit the' current cycle likely would be reach 1 ed about 1944. and that the In: crease since April is only teinpor! ary. The cycles cover periods of | ten or eleven years. Punxsutawney. Pa., Aug. 19 ?Six J ; Children.. ranging lu age from two | to eleven y jars, perished early to j day as flames destroyed their farm-; U/tltxn a* fl - Iht- * ' iiwuru ai uiruhc Ul'ai mm WfniCI II I Pennsylvania community, i Merle Buali. 47. father of the eta 11-' ' dren and a WPA worker, reported ] the fire started from-an explosion of, , soot in a coal stove which he was' ! firing. Bush, his wife and two other children. Elva fourteen, and Cloy, 4 ! escapel from the home. The victim*, trapped in an upstair bedroom, were Leora 11.' Fanny 10. Curt 9, Shirley 7, Nancy 5, tind Botha 2. i ~ | New York. Aug. 19.?-Three women were trampled to death and 00 | | other persons were injured yoster' day as negroes stampeded hysteri chllv on a Hudson River pier after I many of tbrim leaijted they had paid j . $1.25 each for counterfeit excursion j tickets. After 1400 persons had boarded ; the 3.100 passenger boat State of , Deleware. it liecame apparent to offtcalg of a Harlem lodge sponsor-1 lug the oullng that something was wrong, and as the crowd of ticket holders continued to grow a closer , examination of tickets was ordered! Tamplco, Mexico.. Aug. 19.?I*>rt authorities at Tampico were report ed today . lnfestlgattng the posstblll ty or sabotage in a fire which last night destroyed gasoline in auxiliary storage tanks at the Cofernmen refineries. 1 . ; 1 . ' London. Aug. 19.?Wilson Midgley. editorial director of the London Star, advocated today that a statue of president Roosevelt be erected In l/ondoh. " - ? - - - i nd the World n s. cobb ' - - # . ; For The Applause S. COBB ^ 7- t-. *" me over here in the hope of landing 'hey obtained an interview with a ait f were, how new their songs wen, d their banter. They showed him from British newspapers. He was re through with singing their own in one of our houses. Well pat ir the matinee at such-and-such a ? formers reached for their hats. * "I forgot one thing: How long ' ' enior of the pair. give a new patter act more than pokesman. "Why, we bow for ten 1 ' * ' . ; I Moui KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Lions Directors Elect Committee Chairmen Members of the Board of Direc oris of the Kings Mountain Lion Club met. last Thursday evening i the Cabin of President Myron Rhyn at. Luke Montonia and elected coi mittee chairmen for the comin year. Prior to the business 'sessio a delicious fried chicken suppt with all accessories was served. The following committee chat men were elected,: Attendance, J. ' W. Miiam, Jr Membership, Hilton Rllth; Pr j gram. iL II. Jackson> Finance, C. Thontasson; Con. and By-Laws, Pai McGinnis. Sight Conservation. C. F. Stow ' C. P. Oof or lit; Lions Extension. \ ' L. Plonk; Lions Education, Georj j Mauney; Boys and Girls Work. \ I J. Fulkersouf.; Uiz?fnslUp| J. ( j Dnrrucott. Publicity, L. L. Lovell; Connnu ity Battel uicnt. II. T. Fulton; "Ed cation. Jacob Cooper: Health ar Welfare, C. D. Blonton; Safety. A. Burns. The directors discussed at lengt tlie activities of the Club and mad i nlniiu Fi*?? *Ko ">? ; o iwi mc ;vai n WUIH. I Those who enjoyed Mr. Rhyne i hospitality and were present for tl ineettug included: H T. Fulton. I 1). Miller. Carl I.. Mauney. Lee Ro | eris. W. n. Thomson. John Caven; ' W. K. Mauney, Jr.. Hilton Ruth. V ; J Pulkeraon, George Houser. He land Djxon. Haywood K. Lynch. Members, wives and invite guests will go to El Bethel Methi dlsl Church this evening at seve o'clock for an out-door supper to t served by ladles of the Church. Thl community is well known for cout try ham. and a large number Is e: oected to be on hand for the su| per. The Church is located to th left of the Shelby Highway abot four miles out. Defense Savings Stamps Sold At Railroad Ticket Offices Atlanta. August 19.?An announc inent from the Passenger Traffi Manager of Southern Railway Sy tern advises that defense saving stamps are available to the publl at principal ticket oflices of tne ra way. Emblems advertising tl'# sal of these stamps are on display c counters' and in city ticket off It windows. This action is in line with tli Southern Railway's desire to coo erato with the United States Trea ury in every way posslile in furtl M'lng tlie National* Defense Pr grain, it was stated. Written Application For School Transfer The Kings Mountain City School wish to advise all parents that will be necessary to make writtc application on or before Aug. 29t if they wish to transfer their chili ren from one of theKings Mountai City School Districts to unotht (districts involved are East, Wes and Central Elementary.) Thi means that parents living In' one r the Kings Mountain ?Sy Blemei tnry School Districts, desiring t send their children to one'of th other city elementary buildings should make written application e ther to the Chairman of the Boar of Education or the Superlnteuder _ a' ei.i -i ui acuuuis. This ruling hap become necessar in order to avoid overcrowded das rooms. It is hoped that very fei requests to transfer pupils will b made, since it is the desire of th school that all children go to th building designated for their dii Irlct. ; This ruling applies only to chili ren living in the Kings Mountal City Administrative Unit. Soldiers Transferred Prlvute William J. Mcuill, Jr. T Kings Mountain. N. C., recently ha been inducted" into the United Sti tea Army at Fort McPherslJh. Ceo gla. He has oeeil sent for hutv t the 66th School Squadron at Hark dale Field, La. Private McGlll is Selective Service Trainee and wt accepted for inunction from the i< cul board at Kings Mountain, was Inducted into the United &ta Private Lloyd J>. 8tyers of Rout 2, Ktigs' Mountain. N. C.. recent! es Army at Fort McPherson, Ceo gla. He has been sent for duty t the Headquarters and Headquartei Squadron, 49th Pursuit Croup. Mo rlson Field. West Palm Beach, Fit Private Styera la a Selective Trail eq and is the son of Mr. and Mr Joseph Cleveland Styers, of Rout 2, Kings Mountain. SCOUTS ATTtND CAMP King* Mountain Scout Troop Fpu is attending the Piedmont Counc Camp at Lake Lanier, near Tryor this week, which is the last wee of the camp's most successful set son. With an average of 200 cami ers present weekly, the total for th Summer la more than 1,500, a ne< high record. . uriilHtmYWm itain 1 THURSDAY. AUG. 21, 1941 I Defense Bond Committee j Meets Monday I County Chairman, B. 8. Neil 18 | called the local committee for th n sale of National Defense Bonds Fr ie day afternoon to make plans for tb M sale of-Defense Stamps by reta 8 merchants. " The Chairman appointed the fc lowing to .contact the merchan | and distribute advertising materli r" ,Mrs. F. R. Summers at Waco; I ! K.' Lynch and J. B. Thomasson i 1 Kullston. l^awndalc. Polkville. C ?*. sar. and L.a?tlmore; J. L. Herndc P atid B. F. Bird at Grover. Patter*, ' springs and Karl; L. W. Hamrii j at roiling Springs. Molresboro ai e- other points lu Nos. 1 aud 2 tow V*! ships; -Harry Page. J. II Thomso 'e W. K. Mauncy. and ArnotiJ Kiser V- the mill communities of Kini Mountain. The e.ut.lrc coinml^ti will promote the drive among tl h- uptown stores. u- J. B. Thomasson and \V K. Mat id ey wpee named as a Speakers Co J. inittee to arrange foe meetings different communities foe the pu h pose of acquainttig the poblie wl le the reasons why all citizens shoo I tnvoRt in National Offense Mont All tin *? ailivitles wilt begin i 10 soon as all tile advertising materi is received from the Treasury O 11- part men t in Washington, y. Chairman' NclJ presided dur'/i V- the .meeting which was held in it '1- Directors' Uootn of the First N tional Bank- and Mrs. Summers si id ved as secretary, u- Members of the . committee pr< n em were: >D. M. Haker. Haywoti B. Lynch. J. B. Thomasson. Hart Is Page. W. K. Mauney. L. \V Har ?* . rick. .1. Jl. Thomson. Mrs. F. 1 ** Summers and J. L. lierndon an 0- It. F Bird of Grover. le Penalty On Excess Cotto Placed Cents Per Pound The U. S. Department of Agricti \ turc has ct the penalty rate on 19i , cotton marketed in excess' of tt e farm marketing . quota at seve Ic eeuts a pound. Torn Cornwell. CI s- velarid county cotton farmer an ;s' member of the state AAA commi Ic tee. announced. Ip The 1S40 penalty rate on excei in coluSn was three cents a poun ,0 Tlie 1941 rate was provided by Co i gress in an amendment to the Agr ie cultural Adjustment Act of 193 p. This legislation, set a busio cottc 1? 1 loan rate at 85 percent of the pai I,, ty price and provided that the pe 0. ally on marketing, excess should t ! otic-half the loan rate. In view of the cotton parity pri< j of 16.49 on August 1, the loan rat ; for 718 inch middling cottou | 14.02 for gross weight. Thus tl lH 1 penalty rate. which will apply t jj all excess cotton marketed th ,n year, will he seven cents a pound 1. Mr. Corn well said. The Cleveland County farmer r n minded that while the penalty ral !r has been increased Just four cent M a pound for violations of marketir '* quota provisions, the loan rate hi >**' hecn Increased by more than fU ' cents a pound ? from 8.9 cents i ? 1940 to 14.02 this year, e , i, I Cotton growers who knowingly ? i- j ceed their acreage allotments ma d i rorelve government loans at a in it of just 60 per cent of {bat offer* ! to grocers who planted within' a y ' lotments. The 60 percent loan wi is * he avallafle only on that portion < iv ' the: crop which Is subject to penn e : ty. however. Mr. Cornwell added. ? ! ~ ~ Will Rogers' - ..? i" Humorous Story ; ? By WILL ROGERS "THE Worst Joke I heard today was told to me by Major Scan" , Ion, of the U. S. Air Service, at? tached to the Embassy in Rome, i- He i3 the Representative of the i- 1 Aviation in Rome and they have 0 ! sent him over an American plane, i and he was good enough (if you 1 J ly ! might call it that) to take me up r' ! and fly me all over Rome aad out 0 to the ocean and over the liounr" tains. He is a real Aviator, that r- bird, and this plane he has is a i. good one. t. If you really want to see Rome, , i why, don't overlook that way of do) tan it. We saw mors in 80 mln utes than all the Romans did in two thousand years. Rome is quit# a village. I told him If we must drop to please let her down in the Coliseum so we oould go like the r other Christians, il A little boy was told he musl i. go to the Hospital for the removal It of hie tonsils. "Well, Mamma, 1 i. ain't afraid. I will go. But I an j_ not going to lot them palm off i Baby on roe like they did you whei you went there." Amrieu News restart*. lea * , . i.jlc, ,?v ierald Water & Lig : Rate Reduce ti .. ; Police Recover 2 of is 15 Guns Stolen ii. - . H.! Chief ol Police Jimmy Burns and lit Officer Melvin Hoover relumed a- [ . ueseay trptu SpurtuifburK wherr >n j they recovered two of the fifteen to firearm* stolen last Thursday nigh' jk from the home of Charles Billing ou i i f-Kiug Street. Mr- Difting's home, was n- i broken-t?U> last week while he aud n. his family were out of town. and at ! hi'vcn rifles, seveh shot guns and jk ene revolver were stolen from his ?e j valuahk eolleetion of firearms. Tht :io thief or thieves at firAt tried to en "ter the house from "the front door in but failed'to gain entrance, brokf m in through tin* back door. In I Tht local police department start ir- ed a wide investigation and as the th result; recovered the two guns in Id the South Caroltna rCity where tliey s. had been pawned for $13.Ob. us Robbers the same night entered at the "home of W J. Kulkcrsop on the e- same street and a pistol was taken, , Local officers arc of the opinion ij? (hat the "same party- was responsiin hie for both robberies, a. B> Oxford Singing Class Herfc ? Tomorrow Night 'v Kings Mountain citizens will Have an opportunity of enjoying one j of the best programs of the year to^'.".morrow night when the Oxford Or* - phanage Singing Class presents ' their concert in the High School Auditorium at 8:00 o'clock. Messrs S. A. Crouse. O. P. I^ewis and B. n M. Ovinand have beeu appointed on the committee, for the appearance | of the children from the Masonic . ! Orphanage. An interesting and entertaining lR program has been arranged and the n public Is cordially invited to ire R_ present. No admission charge will [(] be made but an offering will be . taken. ' Kiwanians To Eat At :a - rt. Bethlehem Church n- ' . 1. Members of the Kings Mountain 8 Kiwanis Club. their wives and invi,n led guests will go 'to Bethlehem j. Baptist Church this evening for the n litial out-door'supper of the season, )ft according to President \\\ E. Illakely. Belltleliem Church is located to the right of .lite Shelby High:e way and it is well re me in he red as a te place for bountiful meals. and- a Is large number is expected for the ie final oul-door supper. i,. Rev. W. M. Boyce To Preach Here Sunday e Rev. W. M. Boyce. former pastor | of Boyce Memorial A. U. P. Church ig will preach at the morning hour , Suuday. This will be Mr. Boyce's i first preaching assignment in Kings n Mountain since he left here almost | two years ago for Charlotte, where i he accepted the pastorate of the * j First A. R. P. Church- there. 'V ! Air. Boyce made many friends dur ,e lug his stay here and they will wel , come an opportunity to hear him a' gain. The ptiliiic is cordially invited to ltear the former pastor Sunday morning, t - ' Kings Mountain Laundry Under New Management ! The KSngs Mountain lauiodry, which was recently operated h> ( Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hughes bar 1 been purchased by Mr. K. II. Me j Corkle of Charlotte. Mr. MtCorklt j stated Unit lie whs well pleased i with the outlook for the laundry business in Kiligs Mountain and tliat lie was very happy to have n part in the business life of the i llest Town In The State. The new | proprietor is owner of large dry j cleaning business in Charlotte. Mr, h j Satn C. Melius, of Charotte. who has had years ."oT experience in the hiundiry business has been seeuved as local manager, and is looking [forward to serving patrons of Kings Mountain. Mr. Helms said "We desire to please laundry customers and we are equipped to do first elass wVSrk. We will be glad to have ! citizens to stop by and inspect our | plant, because we are here to serve Kings Mountain." The laundry is being well patronized and Mr. McOorkle Is axerting every effort to render even bet| ter service than iff the phst. COUNTY METHODIST , TO MEET Tne Cleveland county Methodtsl ' Youth Fellowship will meet Friday August 2iat fc:00 P. M. for a wa J lermelon least at Sharon Church j Young people of Central Methodist Church arc assed to meet .at th< Church at 7:00 P. M. whero cart will leave for Sharon. ? ?- ? ___ 1 Watch Label On Your Paper An# ' -k Don't Let Your Subscription 1 Explrel FIVE CENT8 PER COPY ;ht Minimum i To $1.75 I Water ami light rates-lor Kings Mountain customers were reduced at the meeting of the Town t'oUu1 ell held .Monday night in the City Hall. ^ The new rates which will , [ uiean a savins ot approximately 1 I4.000.0U per >ear to customers are now in effect and will apply to the bills tor the month of August. I water initUmum was "cut to i $1.00 instead of the old rale or i $110. The customer will still re- , I iVivf L'.ooo gallons for the uew mln, iuium of ll'.OtOdOther rates were re-" , tuuced proportionately with the . smaller brackets receiving most of . tin benefit. , The light minimum was cut lo 75o , instead of the old rate of 85c for 10 kilowatts , A new combination rute was added for the use of customers who have both light and cooking. Tim new rate calls for only one meter and the minimum has been set at $3.on for 75 kilowatts. The power rate wus. also revised with small reductions in the larger , j brackets. / -3 The hoard members discussed at length the auditor's report which ; was read by Town Attorney J. It. 1 in vis. \ condensed summary of the , audit will tie. published in the next issue of The Herald., according to City Manager 11. L> IJuidette. The hoard Adopted the new city code which was .received recently. . . All members were present for the meting, and Mayor Joe Thomson presided. . .. : <1 YOUTH CRUSADE BANQUET , The successful "'Yulh Crusade , Week" at Cetitral Methodist churI ch 'was eelehrated by h banipiet la the church basement last Friday bv t Vn'ing. Food, served by ' 'ladles of Mrs. (5. F. Lattlmove's circle, was i cooked "'plantation" style. As 'corn , master,' 11. C. Moss kept the folks lttlll* 1? 1 n'?? * k\'urvnltf. inlr.i/1 1 I $ , .wwnu.mn> '^viiivw iiroi ?u,r j tn t.he singing of southern songs lod 1 by 1. Hen Goforth, Jr., Meek Car* | penter and James ThronebUrg, and heard Jack "Laiwrenee Silbet" j I'rinee sing a soug of a Southern Stream. The highlight of the eveltj ing was a talk, "'A Kittle Bit South dt North America.' given by Mr. Hlxley, who was horn in Brazil. About forty five attenled ths bann , quel. SPECIAL SERVICES AT DIXON lie;. IV iD. Patrick of the First i Presbyterian Church and Assistant I Pastor H llixlet are conducting i special services at Dixon School I House this week. The ulietidunt'Q j has been exceedingly g<|'d and the i pulilie. is edrdially invited ty the sor j vices wlijch will continue through Sunday night Services are lield 1 each night at K:BO. in the Dixou ; School House. ' THOMASSON REUNION TO j BE HELD TODAY The 18th annual Thomasson H<? union will be held todav 'at Union -:v Baptist Church near York. S. acI cording to laila Smith, Secretary. ] Friends and relatives are invited to lie present for the annual affair which is greatly enjoyed Mr. Charles F. Thomasson ts pres idem of the group. kf Jam eS PrkStoii^ i i (Opinions Expressed <n This ,Col umn Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) INFLATION in the "little man up Ji on the stair" in Washington these i days." Some observers say that he is already clearly visible; others af gue that lie isn't there right now, f but that he soon will he. Hot what ' ever they may think about the im1 mediate picture, most Washing I tonians agree that the subject of >' inflation is probably the biggest one at. the capital at the present i time. Demonstrations of this belief Is i the fact that hearings on the Hen' derson price control bill have been : the best summer box office attrac| tion in Washington. It is nnuauat for member* of Congress to attend , I any hearings but those of commit tees upon wnieli they serve, bat in this instance two rows of seats fci were reserved up front In I he hear | Ings room for the solous who desir j ed to attend?and those chairs were ; filled regularly, t In addition to Congressmen vlr?' ttially every department or agency i j of the government had its own offl- ' (Cout'd on back page) i&riiir - ' . -Jl

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