f.W1*! ' I AHi. i wy At Hm*? j VOL. 20 NO. M K Skate And Na [ Condensed In * ?National? I Washlugton. Sept. 2.?The United j States was urged today to extend i te economic as well as political and Ci military assistance to the six Cen- be $-ul Americtan re'ifufbHi).* to assure Hi their continued stability and thus j ed provide added protection to the ac ^ Panama canal. Washington. Sept. 2.?Plans for a SI 'nation wide campaign to educate P< aliens in the prlvtlges and obliga- jet tions of American citizenship will m be discussed, it was announced to-, hi . day, at a conference of educators , in and government officials hero Wed- fo * nesday and Thursday. I ' I ' Ct Washington, Sept. 2.?Senator 04 Bankbead, Democrat, of Alabuma. ad ^ vised farmers today to withhold i w their cottonseed from markets until M prices reached $60 u ton, about $15 j above recent averages. Bankhead said in a statement : of ^ ? that ho bad conferred with Leon 'n .Henderson, price administrator, con ' vi earning recent threuts "to put a la ceiling price on cottonseed oil." , in The Senator said he had informed price officials that 'T believe $60 fo a ton for cottonseed under all exist of ing circumstances would be a fair hi 0 price." He added that he believed th Henderson would not regard this as. a "run-away price situation.' I th I r Washington. Sept. 2.?Expressing displeasure over President Roose- a veit's veto of legislation to freeze y? government stocks of cottou and lei wheat. Chairman Smith, Democrat CI % of South Carolina, of the Senate ag- .-a rlculture committee said today that jii he would attempt to attach the measure to any price-fixing legislation coming before the Senate. j - 1 1 Ju Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sept. 2.' iD| ?Argent^nata new law controlling! the export of strategic war mater- 08 , la Is, as well as other recent moves , T t* accepted by observers here as In-'<1a dicatlng that this country is moving ou away from her policy of strict neutrality in the European war and closer to the United Slates. di lu Valdosta, Ga.. Sept. 2.? Edwarrd pl iPerrell. 24. member of a prominent j ,jt Valdosta family, was instantly km- ]u ^ ed today in the crash of an air- vi plane at the Municipal airport. ! tll Ferrell, flying alone In the plane, | had just approached the field, ap parently intending to laud. Witness ' w< ?s said the plane began descending se then gained altttude before the j crash. . , lu pr ^ Mobile. Ala... Sept. 2.?Weary aud ih suffering from exposure, one of two w< aupxwou neia jqiyers, sougnt ssnce !?? early Saturday morning, was found clinging to a log in Mobile river' at today. 14 Identified as Aviation Cadet Mai- m eolm Duval Holt of Lynchburg, Va,! the flyer was rescued by member* i I ^ of the crew of the tug "Three Broth j \i ?rs.' under command of Capt Lee d ^ . Slmms. t ot U Lowvtlle. N. Y.. 8ept. 2.- State, no Police began a grim search today for the bodies of three children and ! two adults believed drowned when n automobile careened through a ch IA washed-out bridge into a flood-awol he J len Black Riper tributary. Four 00 other persons,escaped. . ! gr | Laughing Around With IRVIN J * T A W T , I n v oice irom i By 1RV1N S. A/f R JONES came home one evening , fond of hie pete. He was n silent of the neighbors had an explanation. * because Mrs. Jones was so conversattoi a chance to speak unless he interrupts interrupt a lady. The pet he brought home this evei ? . dog. After dinner, Sir. Jones .gave th supper of juicy bones. The grateful a trustfully up into the face of his bene by patting the brute on its head. I "Edgar," said Mrs. Jones, breaking interpolate this ouestion, "why is it 1 I dumb animals than you are to your o? "My dear," said Mr. Jones, "Just ( * and see how kind 111 bo to you!" f (AMrto* Km h Blv, k % 1 in" 'Wr' ' - fags itional News Brief Form ?-State Jdncolnton. sept. 2.?Dock Lanc&s r, of Route 3, Charlotte, and Mrs. uytou Watson. also ot Charlotte, ith' were reported to be still in se3us condition from Injuries receiv Suuday morning in au automobile cldeut. Statesville, Sept. 2.?The city of :utesville has taken over the old j >st Office building, which was re rtitly purchased from the governent for $31,100, and repairs on the lilding are expected to start dur- , g tbo coming week, in preparation . r its use as a city ball. Hickory. Sept. 2 ? lteavls Kirby of tldw'ell county was ordered bound er to Catawba Superior court untr $500 boud when probable cause as found against him in Hickory ' unicipal poui t yesterday on a char j > of manslaughter. Kirby was arrested as the driver] one of two automobiles involved ! a wrecp on H'Khway 70 in Long j ew July 20 in which James Wllrd Powell of Valdese' was fatally lured. Manteo. Sept. 2-.?'Tonight's per- i ruiance will close the fifth season " the "Lost Colony. Paul Uren'a storlcal drama of the ? founding of _ e Roanoke Island settlement. t Green will speak briefly before " e last performance ^ Sew Bern, Sept. 2.?Alex Norrls, Beaufort night policeman, died sterday in a hospital here of bul I wounds which Corporal J. K. ay of the State Highway ' patrol *' id allegedly were inflicted by Geo. i *11 ay. a nlglitwatchman at lieaufort. | . '! fc ! T .Shelby. Sept. 1.?Boiling Springs c( inlor college open Tuesday morn- v g for the 1941-42 aesalon. I pi (Although formal openiug exercis- J u] will not be held until Friday, reg (>( tration of students wilt begin Tues fl iy morning and ooutlnue throughl it Wednesday. f ! tl ! c Italeigh. Sept. 2.?-The wage-hour ( <| vision of the state dep&rtmeut of' bur sent inspectors to the tobacco ' ants of the border belt today to J dennine compliance with the fair i I bor standards act. report wilful . olatlons and educate employers in e law's provisions. tTlie Inspectors were ordered to >rk across the entire state as tr?i ason advanced. * b Auction warehouses and buying. * nulling. steaming aud redrylng' s oeesses are classified as seasonal i ? dustrtes. In which employes may >rk 12 hours a day for a total of hours a week with time and a tl ilf for overtime. Howerey. oper-1 , Ions must not last for more than' tl weeks a year. The Industry's tl inimum wage is 20 cents. i p * It Washington. Sept. 2.?The War 't e.p#Vtment annountHs the ' ^warl^ < i a $4 .612 contract for cotton cloth j w the Rhodhiss Mills company ot lodhlss, N. C. Delivery date was it disclosed. | la I " i ....... .. ... .. .. I cl mil, m-pi. z.~ uumeran enures of the North Carolina Synod 8 ive beguu. a drive to raise $:<0u,0 for a building and expansion pro am at Lxniolr-lihyne College.' (J " p 1 the World r: ?. cobb at the Silence w ol COBB fr with a new pet. He was very man anyhow and for that some They said he taiiced but little sally inclined that he vais-iv ??">t G d her?and he wee too polite to S J j |> s aing vm a forlorn-looking stray pup a bath, a rub-down and a nimal wagged its tail and looked v factor and tne patron responded r off what else she was saying to & that you are so nfuch kinder to v ro wife?" U you try being dumb for a while tn v tews. Iae.1 t( Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH W H A tatfs iTeM; In ONt yeAr? o.S to A Po<HT Which HK7l< Atmcvec ~ity Council Me Jul winkle To [ Address Kiwanians ' ?- ' !, Congressman A. I>. Bulwlnkle of astqnla who is home for a few , tys from Washington will he - the < jeaker at the Kiwanis Club meet-', ig this evening at 0:30 in the Wo- | a?8 Club Building. The Tenth ?Is- J . let Representative will discuss feign affairs and the war situation ; he program committee is to be mgratulated on securing Con. Bul-|( inkle who is. well versed on the . resent day International affairs.! id- a large number of members will e present to hear the latest Veport J om the national' capital. President W. R. Blakely and all k* Directors and several members ( re pi it II11 iiig 10 ntx?n<i iu?? iviwunis onventiqa in Myrtle Beach Sunny. teeter's Store Being lemodeled The intterior of Keeter's Departlent Store is undergoing remodel)g and enlarging. Stairs have been lit through to the second floor there the ladies deportment will e located. The shoe department) ill be moved to the rear of the lore and considerable more space, ill be available on the first floor. Mr. Byrun Keeter slated that bus less is still going on regardless of ' le remodeling. When the remodeling is completed j le store will be much more attracve and more space will be avalla- j le rio that better service can be I an do red Kfn^a Mjountain shopper, aeks and dressing roims have been isLaUed on the second floor, A new Billng and floor has been installed, hich makes the upstairs modern in i-ery respect ''We decided to remodel and enrge our store to take care of tt>*. reusing business, and we invite toppers to visit us and see the tangee that have been made," ated Mr. Keeter. 'asses At Polkville George E. Greene. prominent. far? er of Polkvlle, died Monday roodnig at 2:30 o'clock following an ill- j ess of eight months with heart and ret- ailments. Mr. Greon was bom Aug. 23, 1878 id was married at the age of 21 ? Florence--Short. who sudvives ith four children: Paul and 1 Zeb t Polkville. and Mr*. Vertie Linger >lt and Mrs. Blanche Gilbert, both r Hickory; ten grandchildren; one! ister. Mrs Etta Eskrldge of King* iountain. and two brothers, Joe reene and and Martin Greene of belby. Funeral services were held at olkville Methodist church Tuesday fternoon at two o'clock, with ser ices in charge of the Rev. T. H. wofford. interment followed In the hurch cemetery. NTER8 COLLEGE Charles Alexander, son of Mr. and [rs. L. L. Alexander, mid Roy mlth, eon of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. mlth. have entered college In Ashe | Hie, at the Blanton Business Col* ge. Both parents or the two young ten accompanied them to Ashe* llle for the beginning of the school lrm- - 1 ....... ... tain fi UR8DAY. SEPT 4, 1941 ^ ^ I >HK vRcrotr?oM hm PPAO?- ! i > CMLV APfe-A fW* Vfwi sets Mon. Night r Members of the Town Council I , met Monday alight. transacted rou?j ( tine business and hoard several re* | ( porta. All members were present for! Ihe meeting with the exception of j [Ymnciltpan Clyde Bennett. I ( City Manager H. L. Burdette re- 2 r>ort< d to the board that he had can .1 'erred with WPA Supervisor Ruck- I sr of Sliolby in Tegards to the High 1 School Stadium project and theyY< recommended that the WPA street ^ project be suspended pending the J irrv ial of materials and open the stadium project. The board approv- , pd -this recommend at ion . 1 4 Mr. Burdette discussed with the ( Board highway maintenance within the city llmit<s of Kings Mountain' and Informed the memibers that the State Highway DepaHment hud a ( greed to include the Cherrj ville Highway beginning at the Overhead , Bridge and also the Waco Road , whhin the city limits. H. E. Noel. ( Resident Engineer of the State , Highway (Department, is to confer , with Mr. Burdette shortly in regards , to taking over more maintenance 5 work In Kings Mountain. I J The State Uighwav DcDurtment ' has been maintaining about five miles of high-ways In Kings Moun- j! tain and with the additions of the 1 Ch'erryvflio and Waco roads the, 1 total now will be approximately 7 Vg j miles. 1 1 Hoard members discussed town ,J projects that could be put in operation at the completion- of tlie aar riojiaJ Jlcfenee Jprogram to relieve unemployment. The Federal Gov- j 1 ernmem ha? requested towns and I cities throughout the country to be i planning on projects that would use > meav coming out of defense work. Officers Burns In Harrow Esca Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS "THE Worst Joke I heard today A was a Scotch Story. England ' couldn't get along without telling its daily Scotch story. A Scot from Aberdeen waa head orer heels in love with a Girl he had left behind. He eould stand It no longer, so he decided to telegraph a proposal of marriage to her. La ease she refused and wttlrifVje Scotch caution, he did aot pW ay the reply. but kept oalling 7. the Telegraph office all day to eee if she had auewered. Night arrived and at last a message arrived and be feverishly op seed it to find that she had aeoopted him. Overjoyed I _? ?-?- ? ?? * i' nis fwa ioriun?, no told the 1 Girl at the Telegraph office all { about ft. "Yea," said the Girl, "aha kept you waiting hero *11 day for an answer. I would think twice bo- ' fore I would marry a person that- ' would do that," ' * "That's whaur ye're wrung, Las- ' ale," replied the Scotchman. "She's 1 been waiting for the reduced night < rate?she's the lass for me." 1 < a?rteea Mewt Mwa H iiiMi|-aiV*iiliir.iii<rtn> i imirn-isr.h.-irf i-i.'ir I - ' [erald Schools Opene With 1,318 ,3 )6 Arrests Made |C lot During August ; 1 . ' Ninety persons wore arrested by " !lu> Klnf* Mountain POlloo Depart- :ui' ruii'.t during the month of August 11 representing an tacreas? o\er the !uJI |vrkw month of slight!* more ttutn ,>ai !0 percent. Due to the fac t that ,'t'1 nor? tluin on? charge was brought Mlt igainst some of the person*, arrest- ''K d there was a total of 9? charges. iiSi l/risnks larrrtsted ociStuhtcd for < nor? thaji half the total arrests tUido during the month. A recapitu 111 alien of the charge* foHciwa: Affray 1; Aiding Escaped Convictvv.< U Assnul) 5; Assault an Officer 1: no Vs-ault with st Deadly Weapon 1; If raking and Entering 3; Cuplas 1: op Aanvage to Personal Property 2: Mi Hsorderly Conduct 4; .Dunk 52; Es. tt-i -apod Convict 2; For Other Author- du ties 2; illt acid Run 2; Indooent Ex-j su )ostire 1; lnsnue 1; Investigation 2 ( to Son-support 1: Operating Autotno M< ille intoxicated 4; Peepiug Tom 1 1 3peeding 8, Violation Liquor Daws go I. , ' .1 C(V I Pu During the montli of August the following cases were investigated hv j ^ the Police JJepswUnont in addition t to" the ahove listed arrests, concern- vn jig which no arrests were tniule: j- r(r Breaking and entering 5; Wrecks f'' !; Suspicious Persons'5; Igirceny | " !; Igireeoy of Bicycle .1 trecoveredl I da (Ctminway G-lrl 1 (returned home); ; 5,0 Discharging Firearms In Town Dim- j ts 1; Theft of Automobiln 1 (recov- ' ;red); Disorderly House 1; Disturb tig the Peace 2; Insane I; Fighting ? I. ' 1 " C Merchants Ass'n. f4 Committees Appointed E. C- MoC'laln, President of tlie ^ Kings Mountain Merchants AsRocia tlon has announced the two Imporlant committees he was authorized | * I T J to appoint at a recent meeting of' ' ihe association. Jltlton l?. Kuth. Chairman. O. 1). Blanton and Hay- ?: wood E. Lynch' is the committee to make arrangements (or the Kail liar m< rest Festival, which is to be span-ored by the As-oeiation to attract fall trading to Kings Mountain. O. 0. Jackson, Glee Bridges and J. G. 1 Darracott have been appointed to supervise the -street lighting aud irhristmtis decorations for the busitess section. . * i Lions To (Meet This Evening . t The King* Mountain I,ions Club I ',c will meet this evening at a place to ' "a be deefguated by Uie program com-! IV mlttee. A member o( the committee j n<! will call (or the members and escort : them to the place of the meeting, i a j (K> And Sheppaw no I llinrht ipc Lcioi nigiu I j Chief of Police .Timtn.v Mums and Deputy iSherlff , Chart!** Slieppiinl bad a nanow escape last night. (C whtvt their car overturned, eri'route! un to yhcib* with two negro prisoners. ' Officer Hhoppard suffered a hack in-jury and is confined to the Shelby j Cf Hospital whore he was rushed im- 'h mediately after the wreck. He was ' * ' no' thought to l>e seriously itijurod, t us f'h|ef Burns miraculous!* escaped j be without a scratch. In Deputy Sheriff Shcppurd was dviv ; lug hia Chevrolet, when his car" M slipped off the rtghl side of the road ' ?r and In an attempt to get. his ear he baick on the highway met a car. In wi which- five soldiers wore onrout.e to en Camp JlavLs in Eastern North Caro- ex Una, and sides wiped it and turned ; up hte car over. (Both <?r* were coma id- ne erably damaged, and were towed U> the O. W King Oarage last night, co Fire Chief Orady King and Editor la of The Herald J lay wood B. Dynch j wc went immediately to the soeme of ( ha the wreck. Mr. I.ynch drove Chief j eM Duma and the prisoners, who were a an in lured to the tthetbv ta.ll City Officer Karr. immediately ef- ? ter being notified of -the wreck.' ne -uehed Mrs. Shcppard to the Hoepl- on Lai to he with her husband. The two prisoners were .T. T. ,H< Nichols, charged' with a crime a- Its tainpt nature, ami Robert L.00 Saun ro iers charged with an attempted o?- ed mult on a white female. Officer* 1 ' Hums and M. C. Hoover had arrest-! mi ed the two negroes earlier Wednee-1 tin lay. ^ 1 ps The wreck occurred on the curve j th Watch Label On Y?ur Paper Anal Don't Let Your Subscription Expire I , ' : -? ? | FIVE CENTS PER COPY d Yesterday j Enrollment I Kin** Moiyvta lii white schools I'Ucii > e stent ay moiiilnn with a :s at enrollment of I.'JIS which was less tluwi opening day last year xirdtrg to Supt. U N. Jiarnee^ hoot officials throughout North rolina had pxptxrted a decrease it the it Ices here wore aiitleipaI. The three elemetitury schooltt il a total enrollment of 064 com- .j red with 960 lust year, making a crease of It pupils. The enroll ml of the three schools yesterday > -j Mt'iiig- were; Central Pie. - lOiud. V. and West 19.4. The enrollment the High School was :i7"_' coiu!<d with 38'.' lasl year (or the st day of school . maKing a dt? ??> of 10. Tig urcs for the ooldcod settooA re not complete yesterday after011. . : .' / . ' < ' All teaclver* were present Cor tlio " ';! oni'in day w ith the exception of sr Katharine Pool. first grado ichor of (iihson. who was absent e to Illness. Mis-s. Kli&nbeth Will hstituted for her. She is expected in- ready to begin her duties niday. Supt. Uanitis . stated that school r off to ? 'kooi! ' start, with less nfuskfu than In previous yours, ipiis were assigned to their clasH mis. and schedules were assigned. , gular < hisses will begin today d the full schedule will be in opition with the exception of tho * Rt graders who will be' dismissed moon. during the hot weather. Chapel program will he held fri y moniihg at 10;:!0 in Central liool AiKlilorhun. and parents: are rdially invited U> he present foe formal opening of school. 1 To Leave For I m. D ur I l. oragg frea. Kleveil young men will leave next ednesdav morning. Sept. Intli, for >rt llritgg io enter Uncle Sam's my from the local Draft ivoard. lie list, iMcludcts two vohitfltoem. io selecteos will leave Kings, junta in after being .set-veil breakst by bus that depart* 7i::i A. M. istern Standard Time. The list oi rn and their order numbers fol*": V-81S: Fred McCoy Loft in.. I!?i8: Hugh Jqsluta Dillingham. Jr. Y-83b: Winsldw Grady Spurllng. 1174 .lames Wood row Elliott, ISXI: Jacob Marvin foc.kroll. 12H'_' ('has. Edward Strickland. l'.'.l'H: James William Wiiltc. tSilfc: Amos Oliver Beatt.ie. 1X50: Kroderick Eli Finger. 1417: Spurgeon Eugene McSwain. 14Xt>: Doris Lee Burton, hightech voting men were exametl by loraj doctors at the clinic Id yesterday morning in the-Gymaium Another clinic, to examine gistnuits will he held inext Wedsday morning. The Draft Hoard has nut' received call for Oetolrer yet, but one is ?xctod shortly. / ^ m yrxn * - >plnlons Expressed In This Colin Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.' Although the dramatic lloosevpUturchill b'ea meeting lias teudeil to ro'W Domestic news into the backounil. it has at the same limn t<?.ed attention more strongly thaw fore on American defense efforts the light of the statement l?r >rd Beavcrbrook, British awVP'T Winter, that Britain needs "tnorre id more of everything." offinilato) rf ?av thnt nfir Hnfonco nrntrrnm 11 be expanded "from beginning t? (T The fact that It will probably ceed all "previous estimates brtn* again tlia problem of "bottleck busling." One of tSe bottlenecks that 1? mine In from more consideration that of discrimination against >rkers who want to work and who ve the necessary skills bu\ who ther btcause they don't belong to union or because they can! Jofn (Cont'd on back page) > J _ . ur the Midway Service Siatlon the oast skle of Buffalo Creett. The Herald called the Shelby vspitftl at 10:30 last night aixl trued that Deputy 6heppar<l was sting as well as could he expectant! that mo hones were Imokeo. Those who saw -the two cars imxllately after the collision thought *t It was miraculous that only one rdon was slightly injured out of e nine passengers In the ct^na.

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