. i i i i \ , \ Th# Harald ! And Buy At Mama il " r' ' * ? " VOL, 2X> NO. 39. j State And N Condensed Ii ?National? (dean, N. V., Sept 9.?Young Juin ?s Thomas chugged around his touuyo town today hi hi* 1929 model oil-burning roadster aid told how he had traveled 4,1)00 miles using craJikca.se draining* as tuei. Thomas' old car gois eighteen mile? to the gallon of drulangn and ea.- ily attains 40 miles an hour, he Mid. ' iJurjug most of bis long ctohocouutry tr'p- Thtrtu - uv.ed. In, . coined his fuel freo at filling etatiura, ay.jir (ndji yt Lug ourlnuator and ignition to accommodate it. .Across the car's windshield- is a b ticker: '<1 don't wuste sue.' i Washington, Sept. 9,^-A Senate fight against u big ituuw rivers and harbors bill was hi the making today even before the- measure cleared a Houpe committee, and Senator Clark, Dem? Missouri, called tho legislation - ' tho most colossal pork barrel proposition int history.' ' Katies City, Sept. 9.?Shnultane** ous fires damaged two bridges entering the huge Kansas City stock yards today and nifeoaced the 23rd Street viaduct,, a major traffic artery between the two Kansas cities. While a huge ptle of driftwood blazed bfeneath the viaduct. firemen were called to a bridge carrying switch tracks taito the heart of Y tho yards, and to the Upton Pacific Railroad bridge at the north edge of the yards. The two railroad spans are 300 feet apart and about half, a mile from the vtaduot which skirts the aonth edge of the yards. All cross me K/U-W ttiver. Lock (Haven, Pa., Sept. 9.?A 21 Jfcanf olil former onfi^|Ua ^ Vu-Jt^r vrho state Police Major Charles C. Keller said has signed a statement admit'.i.r,K he slumped eltrht vnnng women in a series of attacks, was called for hearluk today charged with aggravated aaeault and battery The attacks all too place in dark ened streets and highways. In eacli daso, the ef.tacker f^-riously ber.f^ |' Ills victims with his first or club In one instance, the girl suffered a fractured skull. JSdluburctr Scotland.?Sept. 9.? L?ord, Woollen. British food minster eald In a speech itoday that stocks of foods, are better than they were 12 months ago ''despite heavy calls made on our shipping resources for |l war purposes." Harrison, N. J. Sept. 9.?The full epoed ahead signal sounded In the Aitiha plant of the Crucible Steel Co. today with the'end of a CIO strike of maintenance workers which inter mptcd work on defense orders. Ifci Kansas City, Sept. 9.?That one | nickel overlooked by a holdup man In a filling station ittll turned out to be an expensive oversight - It enabled Marlon Nichols, the op errator, to call police from bis pay pboes The resulting broadcast reached . a squad oar as the patrolmen, who had stopped a speeding itaxtcab, were questioning the driver and the paa songer who held a water gun in his ! - % m mi umii?.?u m ? m mm ? n I Laughing Arou With IRVI ji One Old Enougt By IRVIN A S I have several times stated i MJ symposium ? and now repeatatory. * a At a certain theatrical hotel a 9 He was the owner of a troupe of dinner, he was telling his fellow-lo traininor his tinv nets. To demonst took one of his fieaa, while he ea and gifted insect, out of a small I I little chap through his paces. A "Hop East!" he commanded, a "Hop Westr The flea obeyed "Forward!" The flea marched "Face about!" And the flea eommand. But one of the lady boa II 4 was bending close and the flea la .J lost from view. Confusion followed. After mt truant and the performance was r m "Hop East! the man comman "Henry! Hop East!" The f the owner leaned over and scrul TTien, sittinsr up with a start and s accusing voice: "Madam, there hn? been a mi M (American Ne . nrn^aniiiaaflfali i i . * Kings ational News' 1 Brief Form 1' I ?State? ik-aatort, Sept. John E. Wells, [ 45, connected with the Investment division ot Uk lite insurance company in AtlaaJti. Oa.. the last six years diwi yosUjrday from carboh uuonov-1 ; :de. . Sheriff C. O. Holland said Wells found in an automobile near the ortdge to Herkortj Island, conynltI ted ttuioide. A hose led from tihe exlutuet into the car. > _ i r Lenoir, Sept. - Macon Will fauns, : City Clerk, has announced pious for the b.illdiug of a new bus ata&ioa on W. [Harper Avenue here for the i '^iieer. City Coach Co.. of Charlotte aiiid sAid that the terra Inal should be lead" for occupancy by Jan. 1. *j Mvjtle Beach. S. C.. Sept. 8.?i>is itriot Kiwaidaus officially opened their annual convention today and as soou as tbe preliminaries weens | completed, called upon the lieUte?? ' ant-govemors for tlielr reports. Wives of Klwiiuiane went on a sight I seeing trip. Prograhmned for speeches were Frederick M. Barnes, international ' trustee of Kiwants, and Dr Julian j Miiler, editor of The Charlotte Ob(server. Captain Noirman R&wson, i London, Or.it.. will speak tonight, j Approximately 400 delegates had registered. Winston-Salem. Sept. 9 ?'The case of William Thore, 19, Ml. Airy ?oldi0r}t held on charges brought in connection with the 'slaying of Olcnn Crltz Windsor, was expected to be called today In Superior Court Sheriff l}iah(t Slhorc j hid Thore told him he killed .the Winston-Salj cm youth when Windsor resisted an j attempted robbery. I ' - M ii rifMi?Sapi?B ?1 m-il?iuui?>.ur?. sufliorities sought today additional | clues In connection with the suffoca tioai - slaying of Mr*. Delbert Lewia 65, found tn?her bed Saturday night gag?vd and bound. She and her husband. a coal and wood yawl worker, lived alone on the town's outskirts. He found her when he cauie home and physicians said she had been dead 12. to 14 hours. Although her bed had not been | disarranged, another bedroom gave evidence of a struggle. Her spectacles were on the floor and locks on; two trunks hud boon broken. Lb wis said Ills wife's purse and his, pi.-tol were missing, officers report / iDunn, Sept, 9.?Chief of Police O. ' A. Jackson was in the Harnett coim J ty hospital^ l^ere today as, the,resultI of 'fnjhrles received last anight when j a prisoner resisted arrest. The vet-! eran police chief sustained a frac-! Itnipd shoulder' trnid other ii^Jurtew, the extent of whi Jo. could not'be de ; termined immediately. Gas ton la, Sept. 9.?James Johnson 20, white, and Arthur Avery, 24, no gro both of Stanley were killed Sat urday night when the automobile in which they were passengers collided with a truck on) the Dallas-Stan ie> nignway, a row miies iram jjai-" las. * nd the World N S. COBB . ? i to Merit Respect..... I S. COBB in offering a veteran yarn for this ? antiquity should be no bar to a vaudeville performer was stopping, performing fleas. One evening, at dgers hew he went about the job of rate, he cleared a space on the table, lied Henry, an especially intelligent m>x, and proceeded to put the lively i ad the flea hopped. L. : ' L ' ' VT UN IVU IUW VIIV (Ml W VAWMVv "m,W rders, in the intensity of her interest, nded in her hair and was instantly t jch searching the lady produced the esumed. ded but the flea refused to move, lea remained stationery. Surprised, tinized the performer more closely, taring at the lady, he said in a stem, stake ? this is not my Henryl" r* Feature*. lac.) : \ .* V . ' V " . / *' ; . ' ' ' ' *' - ' / ' Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. THU Lions Endorse C T. B. Sanitorium S For County K Member* of the Kings. Mountain Lions Club a-j their meeting held ' itu last Thursday evfljiing in the Jolly Kl Lunch, in Ctv-ttonla. unanimously en "'1 dorsed the movement now underway ! gr for the construction* of a tuberoulo- no sis San Ltorium in Cleveland County.' :i> [>r. ,C. H. Thompson of Shelby, ex-' trl plained the dire need for the ?anl- ou torium for the proper treatment of as T B. patiervts. The Club appointed OoorKe Mauney and Jacob Cooper pi to serve with other club representatives in the county a*; a committee an to sponsor the project. ; ga Vembers of the Club voted to de^ tn tnouetrate then' patriotism by pur- en. chasing Defence Stamps with all lr fines collected by the Tail Twister. M Civic minded individuals and clubs on throughout the nation are asked to purchase ' .Defense (Stamps and tli MoiHjB. ar*i lh?- mons v iud was gioa tn to. co-operate in this movement. *'iHubcrt Aderholdit, Karl Sawyer, tli and Hilly illouser, were welcomed in lu to the ciul> as new membci-s The at new meeting of the club will be pi next. Thursday evctndng at seven w; o'clock in the form of the annual yi family picnic at Luke Montonia. n< Wives and sweethearts of the club in members furnish baskets ladetm with tried chicken and other good things if to eat, and a large attendance is an expected to the animal event which th always is enjoyed. ! vtc fThe monthly meeting of the Direc tors of the Club will be held this da evening at f7:30 Ha Blll(y Mauney's dt Cabin; at Lake Mlontonia All Direc- on tors and officers are reminded to be I-.a present for tWe meeting and' Mr. h< Mauney's hospitality. te V ; . - i d' " i t as Lions To Play Gastonia . ' v< Tomorrow Night ,h p? W,ith moro than 1.600 tickets already sold Tuesday. i< appears that a large crowd was assured for the " third annual chairitv baseball game between the Gastonia Liono Club and Kings Mountain LIUls Club to w be played at the high school stadi- m um in Gastonia at 8 o'clock Friday night. - * . | tt'ltl. ....... -f .?t. ^ * .ImK I V\ nil IIKMIRVQI1} VI Iiutf IWU t'lUU doing the actual playing, the event w should prove more of a first, rate connedy than a serious game of ball. The games ill past years have fumLshixi the spectators with plenty of ''' amusement. ^ Proceeds from the game will be 1,1 i'sod by the two I.ions Clubs m its , al work among till' blind and those ^ with faulty vision. The clubs sperad a large sum annually on tltis work, most of it going to purchas glasses lor school children whose parents H are tillable to buy them. Tickets- for the game may be secured from any members lof the I.irC'is Club. The Kings Mountain Club will have charge of one of the 'icket booths in Gastonia and all clt 50 izens from hero are asked to please ? purchase their tllcket from the local booth. hc In addition to the game itself, in 'Jliere wjill be other. ertJerttainmemit " tientuues at the (stadium, including ec music by the Gastonia High School , ^ Hand, a drill by the Gastonia com- ( pany of the Nonth Carolina State (f Guard, amd the presentation of priz-j es to spectators at the end of each , Inning. ! n A ivnrtial list of prizes to be pre- t|, sentod during the game follows: w Kord convertible coupe, 1934 model. radio, burial policy, case of mo- j? tor oil, case of cold drinks, five dol lars worth of merchandise, box of |.? grocerios, 10?> poumd bag of flour, three suits cleaned and pressed, one pair of shoes half-soled, one gallon of lee cream, one i,lol,lajr's wortli of bafrbor work, five dozen "doughnuts, one bouquet, car washed amd greased. 100 visiting cards, ' smoking stand. There will also be other priz us, it was announced. ? : 1 Sister Of Local Man Dies Mrs. D. P. Griggs, 85. of the New House community died Saturday night at the home of bar daughter, Mrs. J. 11. Petty. | ] Funeral services were held Moft < day morning at 11 o'clock at the ltebobeth Methodist Cchurcb, conducted by Rev. Mr. Swofford. Burial was in the church cemetery. She is Jrtirvlv?H hv five rfanirhtnra L Mrs. R. C. Covington of Double! ' Springs. Mrs. Raleigh Fortune of Forem City, Mm. George Whltaker Mrsw J. B; Potty, and Mrs. w B. Potty of Shelby, route 4> three sons \ Qrville OrtggA of Iron Station,. ISd Griggs of Ltaoolntou, Oscar Griggs 1 < of Shelby; 50 grandchildren and 31 BrttKvt-KranxlchHdPOTi; two sifters, 1 Mrs W. W. Jenkins and Mra Wll- 1 llam Wanton of Shelby; two broth-j ( era, George Wolf or Shelby and Law ranee Wolf of Kings Mountain^ * ! i ?Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps? IBMtfBeaiifiiw'ijtiittliiirBliitiitidif- ' ' - tain H rsoay. sept.h, mi !on. Bulwinkle | peaker At , liwanis Meeting ;' Major A. I*. Bulwinkle. Congress- ! an, spoke to the members of the I iwanls Club Thursday night on v 'he Situation Todny." The Concssniau said. "We can't help it * avoid iu we know what (lerina-' lfas done to those other coun- i les. Tho situation is indeed -seri- b s. lie we realize vrtial It means?" t (J ked. the Congressman. 'It' worries mo when t hoar pooe complaining about little things such' as gas shortage. The Govern t nt is asking people 'to conserve v s because of tho lack of inmspor tier; The. railroads have all they a do. Fort liragg requires a train ^ ad of gas a-day and the Fall aneuvers will require n treniend- ' is amount of gas. "There are those who vrHtolae e defense program by saying ere is Utile being done." The > ukf-r assured his li^td:iar. In some cases, he said, entire 1 *' >W factories had been erected to L* nke defense materials. "We hear much about the morale w I lie army but there never was 11 i .army ?*1 criticisms and fall in line with * -e majority to make this a united ' ople. ... j Major Bulwinkle praised Norm E irollna as having the most patrlF < i'ir.eiis he knew. Congressman Bulwinkle waa in- ll in!need by jaidd'. Hamrfc J;. whot e as ii member of the program com- ' iwee. #t?n t'.oforth. .Ir.. and Eiigene 1 uihis, Jr., reprcsedtatives to Boys 1 late will give a report of the: ' tek's stay at Chapel Hill to mem- 1 i?rs of the Kiwanis Club this eveng at the regular weekly mcefttng '' . the Woihans Club Building at ' 30. The Kiwanis Club was joint ' mnwnru /if f Itn VAii niv miiti'c o I.I nM A / ? ' I w > ,1 v?? / VUllg JI1CU S3 U> 'IVUU ico at itoys State which Is held inually u>nder the direction of the late Department of the American re ion. : " _ I t 200 SOLDIERS TO PASS THRU ERE FRIDAY MORNING u 4,200 officers and men of the 13th f ield Artillery will pass through ' :re Friday morning enroute to art Bragg, from Shelby where the ' ildiers are to spend tonight at (he ' leveland County Fair Grounds. j he soldiers are returning to "their ime base from practice maneuvers : ? Pisgah National Forest. Approx- i lately 600 army cars will be load- ' I with soldiers and officers, when ie Brigade passes through here riday morning. I * ? j " 4JURED IN FALL If Tho many friends of Mtes Katie j 1 ruTett of Welddtt will learn with ; < Ki t4 that she is a a patient in j t ic hospital at Koanoke Rapids t here she is being treated for a 9 aetured hip. Miss Garrett was in-j red ir.i a fall at IMne Tops, where ; s s was visiting the family of the i te fid Barnes. J i> __ I 11 ?-t i'; Will Rogers' ! Humorous Story V *??? - II*By WILL ROGERS J! COME of the happiest guys just 11 ^ naturally don't know they're 1 h bums, and so they don't worry a- I1 bout it. And then again some of the most righteous fellows in the 1 world worry so much about their Mm: that they ain't aver very " happy. . The preacher came around to sea John Blight, a stonemason, and the r prracncr w*s bwitt uisb ?ionn was u sovnear being dead from having a n rock fall on him. The minister ( souldn't forget John's bad life r "Wt.ll," he says "I'm awful [ sfrai-i. John, that I won't set. you in heaven." > "la that right?" says John. "I'm twful sorry to hear it, Parson. 1 Won't see me in heaven, hay? - y What kind of devilment you been c up to. Parson?" AoieiKua N?w? Veslurj*, Inc. . _ ' - erald 1 . y > > \2 Boys And < College From x)cal stores unite / n savings stamp* veek , ^ ' ic-l A million stores frotn coast to , oast thai Kiugs .Mountain stores -j-^ ro Joiokr.w with are selling J>-fonae tavlngs Stamps in >tJie bittnt-st reill sales effort on record. " |js A report of tills nation-wide cx- ^ M1MOII Ol rolUll OUUdS tor me HHP ,, f 'Savings Sfuwnp* wam .j-j utile to St* rotary .\Ion4-.ntluiu tiy |}J 1st J. llenjamln H. Namm. Chairman ,(1. f the Twsimvy's Retain, Advisory Su onimitxn*e*. This committee. which jl( eludes representatives of the "14 j, itsuit nati the Trtsnurv in connection, with (.j lleUiilors - loi-Oefi-n^e'' Week, in titutlujg tlue sale of Stamps m s?tor s everywhere. c ,Ditrtug next week ? frojrt Sep r in her 15 through Sept. .20 - spec it demon strations including pn iu [ides, band coucons, fireworks dis lays and numerous other events re piaiiiud for communities in ull eotioius of, tin- Nation. 4o mark ttie ( tiatlgu ration of Defn.se Stamp ales is a vast national program by fi(, lor chants everywhere. * In liis report to the Secretary,, lajor Narum pointed out that the uwn>eii,se increa.se to the number f retail outlets, for the sale of Deease Savings Stamps means that tore ttian two a/tid one-half million mployees of retail stores have enlisted iu . sulrsmeu for Uncle Sam. i'ltli retail stores in every city, own and hamlet selling U. H. JX*i nse Stamps. Major Naiom declard that the tlov eminent has ot.list I vi1 r iimaa m wjhui m dtie iins |n uct in retail history." M*>'r Xamra aid.- "\\> cannot under estimate lie itrnmoadous part which the rw , IK all store employees are playing inhls Important undertaking All of is are making it our patriotic duty (( o have tliose stamps available for lurchasc by everyone. We want to S| uake Defense Savings Stamps Ihe us'.ost possible product to buy. 1'hese Stamps, as everyone knows, an be saved convetiiwitly in handy llaujis and later exchanged for lefense Savings Bonds." 11. S. Neill. County Chairman of he sale of the iDeforise 1 loads and '.amps stated .that local merchants hrough the Kings Mountain Mer hants Association. would Join. in, his special week bogiuir.iiig Moil- . lay. Miss Selena I'arton. executive Secretary of the Association, has unified participating merchants to lave a supply of the SUuups on land for the ectat nioncc ot their u.stomers. i3 Local Young Men Now i [n Selective Service I Fl A total of 8:i young mfin from the Mn?u VfAn-nt.'itn. Tlrsift lln.'ivd jiro k'UO" ? '? " * ? ? |g, iow in the Army according to Mrs. higene Mathis, Clerk, to the Local toard. This number docs not in- . Iude the 11 selectees who left yeserday for Fort Bragg, and if all of hem are accepted the total will be * ' Ki Out of the 107 who have been ent to Cnnrp only 24 have been recqttel. which ir approximately 25 i rc<>|!? which i.? what was expected g y .Draft Officials. The next call for ' ten is for October 14th for 15 white electees to be sent to Fort Bragg. i call is expected between Oct 20 r.d 30th for colored selectees. The local Board has tinder conideratlon the selection of a local itizoii as lteemployinent Committee j tan, who will assist men released ram, the army in securing reein-1 > toyment. The person selected will orve as laison agent bt'tween re- j ' liming soldiers and employeers . j | lames Dickey At _ _ . j un ,atawba Salisbury. Sept. 8? James Dickey, tr; f Klngw Mountain. 20 year old new of omcr to the ranks of Catawba foot uc tall players, is making a determined ed ight for a berth on tho 1941 edition iot >f the North State Championship i?i: oottoall team here, The Indian*, havinxr sixteen letter eo nan on hard for a tail camp sched- bo lo. Sfevuld be at a peak this "oaaon nc rhe will probably make up fa he wtariin?^tB? in town for the ci ipentag tilt. m - ?t- - in ?Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps? ..., i'liinfaii . . r^mm * Watch Label On Your Paper An# Oont Let Your Subscription Explrel - FIVE CENTS PER COPY Girls Enter Kings Mtn. Kiupp* vjonrlaln wjll ? be well presented m a number ol colle&mi several sva-jes u.uriug cue eow < term as fc2 boys und girls Qavo t or -piHtm rig u> lea.ve shortly to lor places cvt' higher education/) ' , lia number' is ^thought to be the ... thi history of Kings LHinUviu Th School Kiiperintcudesh's office, le; list nuty not bo cooinploie. arid o or two may have been over- i iked., U' so l'!e Herald apologizes, line families wilt be representcd two or in.or?- colleges or. universl s at tin -ame time The llsfi so mpllod ! y Tip Herald follows: Prom lk>yc?* Memorial A K P. lujflt ano Sunday School Phyllis Ptittereon, fcrf-kine _ Margaret, Italter+ev, \V. t' U , N. * #vjj Juntos Itatt-?e? U. N C. .luaxilla Hudspeth. f'harlotu- Uuaoss .College, Clara Kchols, p. N < JhP.le 11 f Jr., Appalachian. Prom' St Ma.it.hews l.uUu-ruin lurch and Suoday School:. .Miles .uii! Kmcst Mauney, <_"<->*irvafory ?>f Music, Oberlln, Ohio. George Mauney. State College. v Roy Kiser." State College. James Gibson, Appalachian. Isouiee Kaiser. Appalachian. Peggie Haker. W. C. V. N. C. .Richard Maker, I/Oioir Rhytio. Prances Cronse, \V. C. T Prancos Oettrotw. R retard. Col>?e George Ploak. C N. C. Clarence -pionK, Jr., I*. N. c. Clara Plonk, I/Cnoir IEhvne,. Jacob Lackey. Southern Lutheran mh i nary J^roni Central Methodist Church < id Sunday School; llacliael Smith. Meredith College. (biffin?FidatnaL Miluany stiture. Carolyn Carpenter, AppalachianCharles Alexander, lilanton Buwi ss College Baddy Williams, Statu- College. .Dorothy and Ned Hayes, Hoyer'a as in ess College. Clara Mae Guntt. W. C. T. C. jsle McGinn Is, W. C. T. C. Bill Gantt. W C T. C. .>.? Corradlr.e Ms>*?. W C. T. C Dorothy Plonk. I! S*. C. '"J Mary Julia Pollock. W. C. I' N.C. Dorothy Hoke. W. C. 1;. N. C. Maud'- Plonk. Greensboro College. Charkvs Carpenter .CIctus011 Col- , * ..3 sc. iDrACe Peeler. WofTord College Hal Olive. Wake F'oreM. Prom First "Presbyterian Church id Sunday School; . Colleen Campbell. Flora McDonald Nancy Niueksl, Montrent. A?uo Ruddock, Appalachian. Alice Betty Matiney. \V. C. U. N.C B?'tty Nclsler. Mafy Baldwin. iBetty Par rick, Peace. Elizabeth Plonk, Lenoir-Rhyne. Billy Ruddock, Cletnson. Charles Thomasson, University ot orida. Jitnmle Dickey", Catawba Buck Wontack, N. C. Stato. Jack Parsons, N. V. Medloal Colge. Jim Nickosl, Davidson. Jim Darricoit. Davidson. Ik 1 V* _ i _ I _ ?* r\. I J .1 i aui .xfiMcr, ,ir., jmvinsou. Lawrence Patrick, Davidson, flcorge Thotnasson, Davidson Charles Hixlor. Columbia Theolocal Seminary. Sara bee Harrill, Atlanta Bust s? College. ; From .Firnr Baptist Church and inday School Ben, Bridgets, Catawba. Juntos Edward Amos Mars 11 ill-. Kolille KcetCtv Mars Hill. (Cont'd on hack |wk<') Iplnlona Expressed In Thte Colnn Are Not Neceaaarlly the Vtewa of Thla Newapaper.) As consumers throughout the court y are beginning to feel the ptoch shortages In liuuty of the prodits they were formerly ac custom to buy freely, increased attentn is being given here to the probm of substitutes. It Is a complex and considerably infused problem-a* present. , TO one observers at least ' tub. Itecent actions of a w of the officials now worU-tng on suggest that they are exempting solve It somewhat In tho matvnsr tho man who Jumped on a horse id galloped off In all directions. Those holding this view point to io fact that throe months ago gov nment off lota la were urging alt anufacturers to use leas suic and Oak- copper. But now copper ta (Cotfi'd un back page) j \ ' / ?; \ ' " ' -