4 Rw4 The Herald ) And aor At Heme ^ VOL. 20 NO. ? State And Nal Condensed In ^ ?State? | bhclby, Se(t 15.?Bull, Folt'iUou. ] 8, son of Mr. and Mrs ,DavId Peter- ves sou of Burl, was finally .injured Hun <iu day afternoon when lie ran against lesi a door with an open knife in bis in hand. The knife pierced a vein to t < the right of his heart. Young Peter- 011 % son wan visiting at 'the home of bin rl grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe ;-,ai Ellis x>f Patterson Springs. He died led about the time he was carried to tip tit. Shelby hospital. _ , wic . v, " ' i ' ;>-til Huteigh, Sept. 10v?Asserting that v'"' banks in North Carolina are lending ^ large sums of money to defense in- ? ?lustrles. State Hanking Commission gen <tr U.umcy P. tlloiHi today released a lite , ' abatement which, he i.uM. 'V>hiywb| my a tremendous leading activity in Tin the state commercial and industrial the banks for the year Pt4u " pri; "Thii report," Hood utided, shows >oU that the banks of the slate aro do- vor ^ ittg their part in fiuaneing all busi- -'hi ^ ness and especially in the making of loans for defense purposes." . ; 1 Hock Hill. S. C.. .Sept. 16.?Edgar j.0|i' Fewell, a Hock Jrftill fireman, lila .j wife and Mise Mary Elizabeth Lowry oif Charlotte were injured here Scturday night itt, a freak accident ' yd Ixrvolving two automobile^ and two pedestrians. All are receiving treat j( , meat in hospitals here for injuries -d * mot oenevea to oe serious. j Cars driven by MIa? Lowry and 1 7 fiamuol Neely of Rock ^Hill collided hau at a street intersection he^e and, ac a f( cording to a police report, the Nee-! acr, ly car ran across a curb and struck ; Mr. and Mrs. Fewell, who were walk ! ^ iag on the sidewalk- They were ' knocked down and pinned under the Ho( automobile which came 10 rest In a j a,>,T vacant- lot about 40 feet from the ' point of the collision. j |H . Miss Lowry was thrown clear of "pp her car. The extent of her Injuries the was not immediately known. |V deh Wadesboro, Sept. 15.?Lonnie ^ ' Ranpom Dabbe, 48. saw mill opera- ** 7 tor was cremated dn his burning home about) ^three {miles southeast . of W&detafeoro last night. The flam- ,s 1 es were noticed about 10:30 o'clock by neighbors who found the house 1 almost destroyed by the blaze when Hat they reached the place Kuil Officers said then they were told v _ that Ilabbs appeared to be drink-j w ? in|g, went home early in the night 1 ^'r and ordered Ills family to leave the l.. T * _ Un J - 11-t.i - J t VOl] in uiuiatm. nv imu it iiK"iea neroft?n? lamp in his room and it is be- J j.' J Ileved thajt he knocked the lamp j i over and was unable to put out tlio Clin resulting fire. j strv [f: ' ' . I for It ... Marion. N. C? Sept. 16 ?Sheriff j ,ayl ?! Grady Nichols said tonight than. s?al Delvert Lewis, laborer, had confess- w '' ed tl>at he was responsible tor the s death of his wife, who was found van dead m a bed at their home Saturday evening Sept. 6. The body of Mrs. Lewis, bound tightly with rop- s es and strips of bed clothing, was Hal . found by Lewis and & .neighbor Ligl when Lewis returned home from on work. I sno Laughing Around li. With irvin s. Hf The Retort Cc By IRVIN S. O AS GEORGE ADE used to tell the sto grew up in the village of Weeping W sisting idea in ' is head that railroading ambitious and energetic youth. When h< came. He got a job as helper to the loca a month. * LiMM -J i -A W<>WA * 1 j w^Years passed. The youth was a yo ^ his fortieth birthday tout still he served tl vfc So well and so truly had he served it tha " had widened the scope of his duties until staff of the great transcontinental syste | ing Willow. He was station agent, dispi | express-agent, baggage-handler, janitor ft As a further mane of the esteem in wh r* fidence it reposed in him, the railroad I [ wages by a single penny. He still drc F " as regularly aa pay-day came around. Yet there were people in Weeping \ I . why it was, that holding so many resi so steady an income the man should som * and irritation verging upon outright i case. At times his peevishness was mo One broiling July day as he sat down his nose and his block calico slee\ soggy upon his wrists the local Bant excessively, poked his head through thi pulpit voire said; "Brother, what tidings of the noon Without lifting hi? head the drippii "Not a gol dem tiding!" ho paid. 'American NVwi V?? L ?1 King] tional New: Brief Forn -?National? Jrunswlck. Mil.. Sopi 10. T1 t Mi a l John 11 row a.- the In.uini list, wore ito' his hanging at Oh town. W. Va.. some 80 . yewr^j?i worth $50? and the State of Ma d Is going to collect u u?k < (hat valuation. lie vest, a then-stylish brov iiuMit with red dots. became tui up jn litigation when it bobb as part of I lie, .estate of a llrut k uiai\ Orphan'* court offkiu !i-l in several experts to fix ll lie of the item 'ra.ig Field; Ala.. Sept. 16 Si nt Nolean ,T. Woodfin could 1 prototype of the hero of an a ale on the- Horatio Alger then highlights of his rapid rise th ranks; enlisted Sept 17. 194* rate .first cias? Oct. 16. if*4 rth class specialist Nov. 1. 1*>4 poral March 1. 1941; sergca y 1. 1941; staff sergeant Aug. 1; first sergeant Sept. J., 1941. 'biladelphla Sept. 16.?A rook conian chased a 15 year old b< a mile through North Philadt a yesterday and then coliapsi a heart attack on 'top of his <iu; ne youw was ope or tnree wi [ from a stolen automobile aft ltul clashed Into two parked on 'atrolmea Wm. J. McCaffrey ra after the one boy. he boy finally dropped of e istion on a sidewMk. McCaffre aw steps behind stopped, then f? o.,s the youth. I .ew is ton, Idaho. Sept. 16.? E. 1 Iman didn't know he was In tl ly until he got his honorable d rge. [offman, a bacteriologist, said 1 Ued for a sergeant's rating I army reserve le was advised the>re was son ty. so be forgot all about it unl got a letter yesterday from I r Department inclosing his di rge from a year's service in tl iy. Now, the letter told hldn, 1 sllglble for the draft. (lrgstreo. 8. C. Sept. 16?IV n Smiley Wright, 18. pleadi Ity in general sessions court t to manslaughter In connectk h the slaying of his father S Ight. at their farm home Align Judge Is. D. Idde sentenced tl rth to two years' imprisonment rvharlesrtwn. S. ('.. Sept. 16.?'T! irleston navy yard began co irtion on another flehtinsr sh tile /U. S. nnvy today with tl Ing of the keel of the dowtrovi nley, a 2300 ton warship thi be commissioned next year, imple exercises marked tfie t but the public was not adml eattle. Sept. 16.?Clare:-', f e and .Conrad P. Opltz. 8eatt lit Co. employees, froje to deal Sourdough Mountain In a sudde w storm Saturday. the World CODB >urteous OBB try, there was once a boy who rillow, Nebraska, with the peroffered the best career for an 5 was eighteen his opportunity 1 station agen^at forty dollars J?-U?mLUl I I uth no longer; he wan nearing lie railroad, at Weeping Willow, t step by step, the management now he was the entire resident m which passed through Weepitcher, ticket-seller, train-caller, and porter, all rolled into one. ieh it held him and of the contad nerer seen fit to reduce his n down his forty "a month just billow who could not understand lonsible positions and receiving ctimes show signs of broodiness nelancholy. But such was the st marked. I with the perspiration coursing re protectors growing damp and 1st minister, whom ne disliked ? ticket window and in his best train?" ng misanthrope made answer-* tores. Inc.! * i Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH , ,b ' . . m* i sJ.fl.lsenhower Dies Suddenly . ' 1 Kuntnal nervines were held at ; ;ie i eleven o'clock Tuesday morning at Udneuraht Lutheran church" in Cottar : ever tor John Abel Isc'.thowei, wlto go nl*d suddenly Sunday noon, rv Mr. 1st iihowrr. one 01 CuUtwlsi jn i county's ino.sA prominent citizen#. ! waw stricken with a heart attack ,-n last Tuesday night, troiK which he jg never recovered. Kitty-nine' years ol , Bil. age, he was -the oldest, son ot the/ is-: ate i olid K. and Margaret ' StHie^. i. ' in.. .u.?s.... in ? in ...v.,,n/?> i , j un viiwh; nir v? ?i?rui ie -it ' oiipvir vvliere his interests tverc ' varied. Ills "early manhood was ; spent in ilie . tiierrurlile business I with his lather in the I'. E. Isen^ liower it lid Son story. Later lie served tlid county us sheiiit lor hree ir,e.) .1, ins n, I'mlrr his leadership the CIti/.ens I,, bar k was organ in n. which he survi I'll Ui picsiduill !|lt! eutite 111111' Ml-' ?. j til his tli ath. iii-wus mayor oi Con t ; over uen y onrs. The. last several j - years his inter* si, < were principally ' j us owner ot <1 lie' Catawba- lee yiaj ! Fuel ecnpaiiy and the N'ewlon Bond jc td warehouse and for tears he was yy pre.sitii'hil of the Hideaway Hosiery .j. mtUi. (' really Interested in edtica-- ' ioitt he served oil the boa I'd ot Oon!lr j eoiilia college and the Cmiover iiub , j lie schools. io Mr. Isonhower was a lifelong mem er ber of Concordia Lutheran church, in pre side in of the congregation and j ,C-! au elder at 'the time of his death. j |le is survived by his wife, who was ' x-1 formerly Miss Susie Jordan of Con- ^ y, over, five sons aud two daughters, j ill Horace J., Samuel Hotmail.' James j Phiio. Joe Andrew and Stlnc, Mrs. | Wulter \V. Saunders, all ot Conover, . Q and Mrs. John, J lain bright of Lan- ( ie" caster. l'a.; four grandchildren,, and jg three sister, Mrs. Edgar V. Little of j Conover. Mesdaanes S. A. Mauney and A. R. Cline of Kings Mountain. >e A distinct shock to Mr. Isenhow'n cr was the sudden death of his bro- 1 \ ther. Herman E. Lsenhower, and his wife of Salisbury, also brother ot dl Mesdantes S. A. Mauney and A. E. Cline, which occurred from heart R_ attacks an hour apart * at their homo '* In June. j 16 Quite a number from Kings Mountain attended the funeral services j of the outstanding citizen of Ca-' , II- tawba county. sd . Commenting editorially on the o- death of the prominent citizen The m Hickory Dally Record had the fol-. Id ; lowing to say: st '"Catawba county lias sustained. i te the loss of a Vct'v (topular and most", useful clti/.eti, in the passing Sun* | day of John Abel lsenhower of Con-j ,0 over. . . I 'Que has but to think back over lllp the wide scope of his activities to j 1p realize the great contribution which !>r Mr. lsenhower made to the. growth not only of the -town in which lie I liu/1 Iwioii n mnfintr unirit clneo thn I < % n??\* l".v It II HIU ? Mif, Cfii IV Oiliv\< via*' g. tlayB of his youth, but also to Caa tawbii county at large. , "As Sheriff for three terms, he , enjoyed public confidence anil was ] generally credited with having rendered honest, efficient service. Like- , 'e wise, he was drafted to serve as ( Mayor of Conpvr for ten years. 'a "As president of the Citizens Hunk in Conover front the time that institution was organized many years ago, until his untimely passing, he aided materially In the extraordinary development of one of the fastest-growing communities to be found in North Carolina. "As a business man of Conover He.always was ito be found on the side of progress, energetically boost ing every worth-while project. "As a citizen, he was always cheerful and enthusiastic and stood tour-square for civic and religious causes. "The Record joins with the hundreds . of . citizens who while mourning tlie passing of John A. Isenbower, rejoice in his achievements." Little Theatre Meets Tonight . TllOl'ft U/i 11 ho o raontino' r\f f ho Kittle Theatre tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of Mian Mary Frances Hord, Director. AH persons Interest ed In the work are aaked to be present as no i)ew members will be accepted after tonight. Plays are now being read and one will be jcfxosen %tvd presented Immediately. Try-outs will begin tonight Willie Oliver Rescuer < Willie T. Oliver, an employee of the Kings Mountain Mfg. Co. waa the volunteer who descended Into the well and rescued Marvin 'Styers. The Herald In reporting the account of the rescue In the . last Issue was unable to secure the name of the rescuer, and Is now happy to .10 know ledge that Mr. OH ver was "the tmftn who' actually brought the unconscious man to the surface of the ground. . .... - ? - . I " - ;*r;' y, itain H UR8DAV, SEPT. 11, 1M1 Mauney Scholarship W. K. Maun,,', proiiunu.it TeiCle Executive, announced during the Phe|>el exercises at the opening of school recently that some boy or ^ girl from the graduating class each jg year would be awarded a scholarship, valued at $150 per year, aty % U-noirdfhyne College', Hlcjcoi>/'[ fj Kules and regulations for the scnol- j pi arship are to be drawn up by Supt. 1 p It. N. Haines \rith the approval of 1 $ tlie donor. Applications for the sehol -t urship can be made any time during fi the school* year. /(!tcria Cmnweib daughter of Mr., j \ S and Mrs, c T. cornwell.' was awurd-j/ ij id.tlie scholarship for tliis yegof |3 Tie- coveted award will be present-, ed to some boy or clil from the 1 cridua! on class each yeai for outstanding Work and 11 the winner -!.i-api de-ire ;}|e coin rs h ip will I e j e .teinut'-L for tour, years at Uenoir ftlwna .. ,.o..i -? .... i - UPUli VHIU1' Ut , I StilWUO. ?*. ! 'I'iii! ? . has been tu effect! I lor tin past two, years. I>ut was just . in;, li puhl'c |-n -i'litly. I'll-' public-sir'riled Kings Moun- | i i- :i business msTn. who is making . n. ihp -cholm-ship possible, Is- a grad- nol ul' of I.eliOii Rliyiie, and memberj i>f *t;o Itanl of 'I'nistei's of ihe Col- a* !'H? has long been affiliated | uat with the growth anil progress of , Set th'? instil in ion and this scholarship ! is Just one of the many contrlbu-' lions he has made to his Alma ; Mater. ? I 1*| Supt lJarnes was extremely well j pleased with the public announce-,''^ ment as it will not c" proanot^ (1(i) keener competition among the atu- ha} [lent body, but at the samo time (.0* ivill euable some graduate from the ,,.t Kings Mountain High School to con ,'.H, tinue their education. ' ' >* II the Ben Bennett And Companion Drown tro . Benjamin Frankllu Bennett, 38, pes rr.d Sa nd ford Maxic YandJe, 32. of Kii Charlotte, were drowned in the Ca- ine tawba rtter near Groat Falls, S C., ed Saturday nlghL about 8:30 when the < motor boat in which they wore rid irg capsized. . . eat There were four men in tho boat, set but two of them, James C. Hartsoll me of Rock Hill and James Day of i Great Fails, managed to swim a- wo shore. The water was 25 to J10 feet we deep where 'the tragedy occurred. wo Mr. Bennett. who had been working at the Republic Cotton mi lie of *? it Ken t Falls for some time, ami who was residing in a 'cabin on the riv- Ti er. was returning with his cpmpautims from a trip to the business sec- < lion of Ureal Falls to buy groceries. ' alien tln> motor on the boat .choke 1 ,||( and died. In endeavoring to restart the motor the. boat capsized, proelp- j Hating tlie four men iiito the wtej ter. I far! sell and Day swam ashore J and Yandle. the Charlotte num. ai-' ha( most made it. He became exhauster! and drowned about 10 feet from j j thore. ' ' thi Funeral services for Mr. Bennett <, were sold Monday morning at 11:00 , * o'clock at the home of his parents . Itev, S. W. Johnson, pastor of Grace Su Math od 1st Church, ofTIcflaited. Inter- jj ( nent was In Moontaln Reat C?me- |)() ler>- . .ai 'Mr. BenjVett U'a\ip? his pfii^ejits. |Ul Mr. and Airs. 'J? W. Bennett; his nil wife. Mrs. Mary jDavls Bennett, and four ohlldren, {Catherine, Nelllne, : " lw art William, all of Kings Moutitalu; two brothers. G. O. Bennett of wa Kings Mountain and ' Hunter Ben- tl.'( t: ett of Great Falls; four sisters, Mrs. B. J1 Ganlt and Mrs. J. H. flar " j mon. both of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. R. R. Black and Mrs. P. B. Queen, both of Shelby. 19 J" I UI . Will Rogers' ' Humorous Story m\ - ,ai By WILL ROGERS Ui< "THEY'RE telling another about ' "* the fellow looking for a job j* and telling his history. The fellow lH said he guessed he didn't exactly Prl have any recommendations with eve him. * ' one "Well, how long did you stay in your last place?" 4 < "Three years." ch "Well, you can't be so bad, at that Thr/<? I. - I?? ?: " ctI / ?? ? ?n h IVH| HIIIC. "Right-o, boss, a long time it is." 5 "And how long did you stay in soi the place before that?" Sir "Well, I stayed pretty nearly five <jai years that time." ' tor "CfOod. You must have given M( better satisfaction that time even than the last time." -' *, "Well, no, not exactly. But. the 'jc last time, you see, I got more tinio E. off for good behavior." bol Am?ri??o Nowi FW'ii*? inc. dl'< ini.aiiayMitaliii i 'iriitfTilliiBiiar' erald i Announced 1 BENEFACTOR j K. Mnune'y, who recently an- *\\ inceo a $150 Annual Scholarship ' Leno'r-Flhync College for a gr'ad-' e of the Kings Mountain High , loot. i A adium Project ' j ^ jmporarily Delayed ! a < "" ! h \rtual work on Ihe Kings MounII School Stadium WI'A "project 'l i been temporarily delayed acdlivKUk City Manager H. U llur-| ti'^wio has received word from ,, Charlotfe WTA office that it uld be uuadvlsnble to suspend s 1 street project, as'.tar for sur-[ e treatme-fij Is expected shortly, e Oh-aStof le offkle notified Mr. w rdetto that tar for the street | auncnt was expected to be ship- ' I this week, ami should arrlVe in iKs Mountain next. week ;ind all l' r,' on W'PA here would be need- ' * for the street work. I , Completion of the streets has u >n delayed from time to time he- a ise the l\i\t had been unable to t. ure tar for the > -surface treat-. ^ nL , t "was thought the street work e uld lie completed in about two d i-ks. and then the stadium project ti uld be. started. C tl iss Robinson, Music iacher, Resigns i K diss .lean- Uobnson. of Lowell. V iv I y elected music teacher for,)'H ' Kings Mountain Schools. lias iriHi! <>ii account of ill health j s! ordiiu.' to Bupt. 15. N. Ha riles i ss Robinson had already secured * large cass of pupils when she I to return home on account, of { c kllcss. She has been advised by ; _ r plivslclat!. not id rcsu.uie work 1 s year.- ' ; . . i ?upt. liurues has been attempting fill .the vacancy, but at the pros- ' t, time has been unable to do so. I pt. Barnes . said last night, "t E ;'t know exactly what we will 11 if we can't find someone to "1 ie'Miss Itobinson's place we may ve to discontinue the work for i( s yea r.-" b dr Barnes' stated that he was 8 ry sorry that Miss Robinson's; u dgnation was necessary as she j ? s a talented musician who would a ve meant a meat d.?;il- m Kine-sl n nintaih pupils and also to the ^ tool. ^ CI ? i( 42 Ply mouths Now 11 Display .Mr. J. li. Rowland, of Rowland as. Motor t'o.. extends a cordial i ilat'or. :o citizens' ol" Kings Mottn j n to inspect the new Ply>ut!i which Is now on display in, show rooms. The local Dodge-, ( mouth dialer in dlscussiug '.he ' u rwing of the new car said, ''Hero j a beauty without equal in the low ce car. and I am anxious for. e >rj'otie to Bee Chrysler's number: It > car." h . - c rs. W. F. Smith Dies t K <rs. Will F Smith. 69. died Thurs * f afternoon a<t her home here afan illness of a year. Funeral aer- ? es wcr? held Friday aftemo<#i at j >'clock at Macedonia BaptUt^ ctourand burial was in Mouniair K< nt ' netery. lurvivtng are the husband; three a is, Leonard Smkh, Clarence t] ilth, all of. Kings Mountain; three h aghters, Mra. F. L. Farley of Proc Mrs. Bmmett Koas of Kings t (untaliL, and Mrs. J. I.' Coble' of c stonia; the mother, Mrs. U. A. , dalnd of Andrew*, two brothers, n A. Holland and wJ O. Holland, ? th of Andrews; and 11 grandchll- <. I v- ^ "V.'i ' li i rn vriV p IB Watch Label On Your Paper An* Oont Lot Your Su&ecriptlo* Expire! " " - ' 1 _________ FIVE CENTS PER COPY to Organize !ivic Defense ' 1 llepresentfitivus {rain the civic ubs and other organization* of ihp-. M'l'.intiiin met Monday night i the City Halt and ])1r<Ipm1 their I'd-a en-opr.rutloii to the. local. uli- I'ifc -< Urogram which Is j i rug organized hern. This home de nv < iguniz.tv.on it- hcljlK per,f?*'tI throvgh' the United Stales eo , llit' A'ih lieu will lie icttiiv tor ativ nti rgenev. The American legion in ? o- i.l tlio nfiviiiii'!>t, iitnl I'iist oitiiii.uider Jim Suiith presided dur ic the no'otilit; and iMroi'.taad , . 3 N' --li". Ji . i h.firman of i.o <-m si Unit explained -the purpose of i- lui/uiion. Mr. Smith then .t Vd Jolili I'lovifi. olle o'.' the.. t spotters. who i spluinod :. derail dow the . "nilizatbi:'. wont I . ,9 k. . .d its duties. Mr. Ulovil a.sk. .iopri reiuntivo lor their co) . :. and called for \<iitirit''of? w _l liour watch for niftdant. s. _ . mi v til m-itm uci. ?iin a?C lust .r :ui.nr. In days. 's .till Mauney .s assistuM- to- Mr. '. .ill -', and tin: oilier three spotters' -id< n Mr Floyd are I'eroy Oilling. iibrey Mauney i::ni Charles Dilllng. h< duties .of the spotters will, bo > huy.e. iwj persons oa duty 1:4 ours u day for the lH-day period no to is port inuau'diatfly u> Army eadquarters pianos passing within .to of Kings Mouutain. during the rtny maneuvers, beginning next icntli. i ' . The observatory tower for tho auti will bo the old Presbyterian, hureh building. Stops are to be con (.rueted. to the tower uud a telehone is to be installed Mr. J. If. 'homasson will have charge of the ork o? '.ho. observation post There will be 400 similar posts in orth Carolina and eight other oborvation places in Cleveland eoun- ' f. George Wray of Shf-lby CouaChairman. (The Boy Scouts of Kings Mouniin will assist in this undertaking ltd two scouts will be on duty at 11 times. Mr. Kloyd suit til that, be ween 40 and 60 men will be reeded uring the 18-day watch, v Volunteers for the 24-hour watch an register with W. W. Souther, own-town. J. D. Smith, at Phenl* till office, and Jl. L. Burdette, at 'ity Hall, giving their address and he'period they can serve Representatives were present Ionday uight from each of the fol>wing organizations: American L?i ion. Scout Masters. Klwar.'s. l,ion* '*^1 [..sonic. Schools. Town Council, lawk Haven, and The Herald. Another meeting will be held iiortly and complete it su u< tion aicii as to the exact duty of each, otunteer. ted Cross Urges Speed n Knitting Garments Hast, week the Kings Mountain hapter of the American R?d Cross ent !*l!i garments to the Red Cross Ixport Depot at Jersey City, N. J., nr shipment to Kngland at an early ate. TheWar Relief Unit Is very unguis to complete the Spring Quota efore dispensing materials for the econd quota. This cannot be done ntll all the knitted garments given ut last Spring are sent in. There re a number of sweaters Which ahe ot in yet. If you are knitting one lease complete it as soon as possi1? J J a* s ? w # ?J is t * a. it! iuiu ?fiiu uiu mr?. j. n neijion, head of the War Relief Unit or this Chapter. , by James PreStok Opinions Expressed In This Colmn Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) The recent shake-up in the govntvmcnt defense agencies is a lead >K topic of cloakroom conversation ere? and a great deal of comment enters on the widespread confuson that led Ito the reorganisation, 'hose familiar with the situation aree that In the past the entire demise picture has been needlessly luddied. To substantiate their tory they point to 'numerous examles. r 'The manner in which'Various gov rnment agencies compete with ach other for available suppllbe of sw materials furnishes them with case in poiujt. While the.y admit irat proof In hand to obtain, they ave a strong suspicion that some epartmoWta are buying larger quan Itles of strategic materials like opper and steel than they ea.ni acually uso. This does them little Im iedlate good, and It frequently rorks a hardship on many private idustrios who* are unable to obtain (Cont'd on page two) Vj| , "

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