? The Kings Mountain Herald Established 1889 Published EvSry Thursday HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE. Haywood E. Lynch. Editor-Manager kitered as second class matter it the Postofflce at Kings Mountain. N. C.. under tre Act ot March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.80 Blx Montbc 76 A weekly newspaper devoted to A* promotion of the general wel tare and published for the eukghtment, entertainment end benefit of the citizens of K'ncs Mountain and It* vicinity. TTT^rtn7*^1 -* * North Carolina / >ttSS ASSOCIATION 5) W. K. MAUNEY Tin- Herald has always been a lieIt-vi>r in nnviuif 1 i-i kill T.. to (hi* livinir as well as the dead. The odor of flowers is not fragrant to the dead, hut the living can. fill their nostrils 4 with .the perfume created liy nature. W. K. Mauney is a big man, not in stature, but in the things that really make a man great. He is a busy man., yet he takes time to render service to his community, his church, his fellowmnn. He is a real father, and is devoted to his five sons. He is happy that three of Ills sons are away from home at college, yet he is sad that they are not stiil little boys that can run in and out of the house, and be there to greet him af U*r a busy day., . A'lrtiotm'fcwieiit is made in this .. sue of Tin: Herald of tin* Maun* y SehoRirsliip at lienoir Tthyne. wliicli will mean a great deal to the Kings e 1I.A mviiiiuiui iT ni??fi K l till till * t*S* MM III*" yirars to conn-. Mr. .Miiunc\ is 10 oe comiralulated on hi-s generosity and hi* desire to aid the youth of The Ihjsi Town in the State to 'Secure higher education. A NEWSPAPERMAN'S DREAM Dream* do co 'true., we know because we were to) the middle of one yesterday morning in the Shelby Star'* new plant. Publisher Dee Weathers ha* dreamed for years of a building thut would be complete in every respect. and now that dream has developed into a reality. . . ' We had the pleasure of inspecting the modern plant with friendly Henry Weathers, son of the congenial Publisher, who is celebrating his ItOth anniversary with Jour nyighboring newspaper. Not one tiling litis been onittcd, that could have been added to make the plant more complete. The building litis every tiling, any newspaperman could desire, nut \tr are cxtreutelv happy to add our congratulations and best wishes to Dec Weathers ami his staff oil the accomplishments ? that have been mil lie. TRUTH ABOUT COAL SHORTAGE . iNews storied. have been circulated indicating that ahere Is fear there iv ill be a shortage of bituminous coal due to inability of railiotitis 10 transport sufficient '' < /. . * ?1K THE RINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD T ;. "1 don't know what your clot rales are." she said, "but this should be be tnoiiRh until I get back?" It e_ took all of Sally's will power to h refrain ftoiii looking at the money. *W urvlii 1 now client had Veft. When, den a* )f? did. ehe found three " one dollar Mils. ?>" At the ffltylhia Okifa Wnen Bill phoned to announce ft that he waa bark on the district hac attoaireyW payrol. Sally said noth- r|_) Ilnr to him about her client. She bea [did though, eagerly accept hit autr- |n 1 1 reafion to celebr-iW hla new Job that nighv by stopping out. ? (HTURSDAY, SESPT. 18, 1841 turn back to tha time I earn* to Kinga Mountain ilmott sev en year* ago. They ware juat young boys. In the fifth grade at chool and now they are young men in college. "** ulU Hayes At First iapnst Sunday C-ulil Hayes, a graduate in muslo id religious education of the Bap- i st Bible Institute, of New Orleans Itl be present In the worship ser- j ce Sunday morning at the First iptist Church. He has a beautiful uined voice and will render a *clal solo as a part of the wor> l,P- . j -will you take me to the Skyline ub?" abe asked. Bill laugncd !.:* ilgently. "You're'a little goldfger," he told her, "but I'll ts ke u. Remember, though, you taka . n e regular dinner. No a la carte . iff." b fhey stopped at the bar for ? h Ink before dinner when they ar- o 'ed at. the club that night. Sally ' a ipected the crowd and saw thai e Fraacr party had not yet aired. The one drink led to another d still another before Sally saw s Fraser party enter and would b ree to go to a table. She n-.aneu- 0 red the head waiter until he .u;ned them to a table, next to the .iscrs. A ihe had so id nothing to Bill, of urge, about the Fraser comnifrn nor had she informed him that ere were three crisp hundred dol bills folded in her purse.' C mtutntly, he was a bit perturbed len, ignoring his admonition, Uy. went to town with an jelab- __ ite a la carte prder.' She tried." top it off by ordering wine out II succeeded in stopping that. Nick Shane, owner of the club d a big gambling operator, ipped by their table and greeted II. "You're Just the man I want see." Bill said. "Will you cash check, for me?" 'Sure, how much?" Shane asked. "Twenty-five bucks. My wife has veloped expensive tastes tonight." 'Better make It fifty, dear," Sally errupted brightly. "In case we nt some wine." Shane gave BUI the fifty dollars d took his check. He ordered a nk for Sally and Bill. While J s two men were talking Sa'.ly in- a scted the Fraser party at tho joining table. Mr. and Mrs. || itatr unu iuiss uainoun sne rccnlzcd readily but It puzzled her Identify the other man in the rty who had been drinking more in a little. She finally recognized n as Jerry Marlowe, a woaitny |f .V H9 wM H |r\ Hkfil mm eaveiope to Anno, ices Drake, Joan BlondeU ^ up las.) _ ing playboy who was one of the f nlww lloUt. - M ^ arf . . uiu uguui ok c&ie Boaeiy. ?, ihe recalled, waa engager to ?e Calhoun. She listened to Ma.' and Ix>la Fraaer as they talked lie Anne danced with Mr. Prasor wonder if thoae two are putline thing over on us?" Jerry mbled. A MyslerlvuK Envelope ally transferred her attention to te Calhoun and Walter Fruiter > were dancing. As she watched in she saw Fraaer slip an j?- , >pc from his pocket ar.d paoi U" Anne. She slipped it into . hj it of her dress. ally jumped up. "I waul -o ce.' she anii'i'jncod. P. Bill joined her on the a..,i- u r and Sally immediately ?ojit lead a\vay from hlni, ,;i..uiu? Ir steps until they were lancing t to Frasor and Ann O?!!* he music stopped and Sally a., le excuse herself li.?iii . I head, for the lnd'-iV ?c or. hout a word Sally leit Bit' t. < awed her. When M:.;s C tc out again Sally was right u. d her. Nick Shane canto up a.. ? eted Anno Calhoun. V , R, Mr. Shii.-.e," Anne md .. i extended her hand to h.n'." y shook hands Sally su-v [> envelope Anne had roc \ i m Praser had been ulippe, ., > me. Shlly walked on and ricd to Bill who was thdy?y..;*i? , rusted by thin time, inne rejoined her party a .? * ments later. "Did you thotn ras lost?" she Inquired. Tarlowe. still nng:y and ?> soils, plated a? her. "It wvjsdn'* the first time Fraaer lost ?o.i, ' aid. ntrrlly, Fravr leaped to kji*- ;?. .-J hat do you mean bv ih?'"' hit landed. * Marlowe ro?e. .oa [U tall voU wv.it I men i- 'a- If i "Anne'* engaged to na > v.. I( HI kill the flrst yviy that !k.i nllv, who had tilted hn eh-.' I k to hear the conve.vat'on. tf ' it over backward* wh?-n II to Marlowe'* threat.' fvcrv.,. o II the Freeer party ytaicd a* ?'<.. (To be t?tnitittc Got Da The American Ship of ?*ate will j ever be sunk if we have enough I attlesblpK for defense. You canei|? build them by making a habit f buying Defense Savings Bond 4 ud Stamps. Argentina industries controlled y Nazis Are listed as worth $455.nn.ooo. "Notice M "I have purchased the in Kings Mountain. The in up-to-date repair and ih^ the best of work and pay highest prices for cc We will haul cotton to.th charge. Remember, this i management and new ow youj' business will be ap| PAY BY Your checking account helps y keep a permanent record of e*pi ditures and the cancelled chec furnish indisputable proof that pi ment nas been made. Money kept ii> tije bank is s: from loss, theffand fire. Accounts in this Bank are insur up to $5,000.00 through the Feder Deposit Insurance Corporation. First Nati< 2 PERCENT PAID ON ! iPP J(Sy and Ca) Not only are 1 SHOES styled v distinction but they a lully made. That's wl you more pleasure w and deliver more i Belk's Depart REMEMBER ? You AT f a.ifci w n ?? ? ?? CARR^ ^ " on Ya on hi?r/>rt Fiftu rVimin' aM ' ' f I Wav Won't Do Ya No Good." . iSlnce 1870 fourteen major industries have been developed In the United State#, giving direct employ ment to 1.259,200 people. The figure for indirect employment created by tliosfe Industries is considerably higher. ?Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps? r. Farmer" W. A. Ware Gin located machinery is being put we will endeavor to , do strive to please. We will itton and cotton seed. le gin at a reasonable Kin is now under new rnership. Give us a trial, ireciated." jLPUTNAMT^^^ CHECK >nal Bank SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ^ 1 tejjtee. Comment! OM TERRY^?jSjj2 /ith an air of K \ re more skill- J1' | ^*9] ly they bring / f r 'V a[4^' ith each step ?ps per pair. ^ :f^9K//y ing help you j9mm ^ a need a pair , HS 'j/f 9 This alylo in ^ ? Black or Brown. TJIT Many othora to yt/? Jll cHoom from. :ment Store *, -x"; vTT r-4'- " ?." ways Save At RELIC'S > MiiifcililMiiaaiiaAinirTti i mil i i