- ? - , '.vwr>..- -=.^ . . r . . -? -, ?;; "? " '. '. : ' '" ' ..** ' f" - - V. ' ' V. ? ' 1 Social and personal of INTE1 / MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mrs. V. Li. Hinson has announced the marriage of her -youngest (laugh ter, Eunice Ann, of Cramorton and Kings Mountain to Mr. A. K. Mosrlvey,. Jr., of St. George, Maine. The marriage took place on Pri* duy, September \2, at ,Gaffi??y, S. C., with Rev. A. Mo-wards 1>. U., pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. The yride wore a becinning ' na\ y costume with white accessories. Miss Ollie Wright of Bessemer ('it. , accompanied the Couple to' tlaflney. Mr. .and Mrs Mesrivey are at liunte for the present at Hotel f'minepton. DINNER GUESTS Kev. niul Airs. It. Church . of WlntAon-Sulem ahd Mr, I>. A Kulton were dinner guests of Mr. and t and Mrs. C. L.. Fulton Monday. Kev. Mr. Obuivli, who was a former popular pastor of Central Methodist church, Kings Mountain,' s now conference evangelist, and Is at present engaged in a meeting at .. Lincoln ton. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Horn to Mr. and Mrs-. Hill Ware, k. a.son. Ted William. Sept. 10. HOSTESS TO SOCIAL CLUB MEMBERS AND GUESTS Mrs. .1. M. 1'uvfeison entertained |in mbors Of t.he Social Club and invited guests at her home oil WestMountain street last Friday night.1 The rooms were arranged with lov?t" ly mixed full flowers. School ! There's nothing like gett " ' . " '* ' " "! ' _ _ ' * V" The three undersigned d ing New Prices, due to t with producing and pro< \ ' ' ' I; Quart Milk | 1-2 Pint Cream Quart Cream Qt. Cream Buttermilk Arc t. . S? 1 I . " ' i D_ ra - ' '. v.V' ;/ - - - ?. . -r\ \ e . . ' n HAPPENINGS REST to ^HONES 10 R AND 88 Kiv? table* of rook were "In play with Mrs. It. I.. .Mauney scoring high aiitl Mrs. -M- f<. Plonk, low. Kuril received attractive prizes. At -|In; conclusion of the ftanie u S.WI et course was served. Invivctl guests . included Nfjss Mary Itlakely and Sllss Beatrice Heron of Chester, house gut-st of .Mrs. \V K. itlakely; Mesdutues Arthur Hay, Will Bird. ChnrloA Catftphell! tiller I'lonh, K. L. Campbell. Klnir-e Nickels ami Hrady King. BRIDGE AND ROOK PARTY ' Mr*. Jt. I.. Atauney entertained members of' the Adelplvltui Club and Mrs tinrlaiid Still was hostess at bridge" oii last Thursday afternoon < at the home of the former, on Pied- < 111 a All f itVPlllli' Hoses uml other fall flowers wore J artistically uiratiKcd throunhout the rooms of the lower floor. ? i < Mrs.- f'arrie Wllblns. true si .of Mrs < C. K. Noisier. seoty?d high in rook and Mrs'. .1. H. Davi*. low. Mrs. \V: K. Mauney, Jr.. won high '. score in bridge and Mrs . lun-. dcs. entertained the presidents and ' department eh'aitm>-n of all clubs of. Supplies | I 1 ing the youngsters start . ( See that they get the I tildren like to use good i It they do much better J drug store merchandise ly Rexall School Supmakes it possible to prochool supplies, and yet \ you buy inferior mater-. ck their needs?it teach- V t your share of big sav. j i ain Drug Co. >rs' Prescription t - .1 and 81 ounceir 9 airies serving Kings Mounta he mounting cost of all c cessing milk. \ * ..17c Pint Milk 25c Pint Cream $1.00 Quart Butten 17c Qt. Chocolate hdale Fan Effective.Sept. 22, 1911 . iT\ < cterson uai * Effective Sept. 22, 1941 inrise Dair ' Effective Sept. 15, 1941 . V " ' * ; " , ' IE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAU) TJ1 K)MEN ' t ? - * ! . . * ' '*/" *' MRS. A. H. PATTERSON, ' K 1 t]ie district at a luncheon in the Woman* club House Friday, Sept.. 11, at 10:3a o'clock- Tito a roup ??t women t ds'etit. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT . Horn to Mr. and Mrs. .fun Medin". :t d:iiipi','*r. . Judy Ann. Tuesday. Si pt. H5ih. >HIFcR-H ELM ENGAGEMENT \NNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Margaret 'hlfer of Kings Mountain and Char otte to Mr. Otto Helm of New York "ity was made by the mother ofho bride. Mrs. "lien 1). 1'hifer at a ' larty given by Misses Vera 1'hifer iazel small and Margie Isifterty in ( he Gold Room at Hotel Barringer. , 'harlotte. last week. The marriage will |ake place at; hi early date DAUGHTERS OF WESLEY I ENTERTAINED r( Me miners of the Daughters of Wesley Itibie .Class of Central Methodist Cbureh were entertained"' it the home of Mrs. E. W. Griffin' in last Friday nlRht with Mrs. (). [) . Jaekson and M.rs. Griffin as hose-'sos ?s * . . ! The itouse . was arranged with jeautitu! fall flowers.' Mrs. R. I)avis had charge of j he program. : Officers for the coming year were}! dected as follows: Miss Marie lane j Jerger. uiuVr; Mrs. David E. Saunders. ;>flcpidentj Mrs. H. H lent \ . in announce the follow ommodities connected iftc 50c milk 10c Milk 17c I. US - I iry i y ' ; I . 1 *1 _ Jv - Ul'RSDAY, SEPT. 18. 1941 Parto'n, vice-president; Miss Ethel; Roberts, treasurer;' jfir*. ^1 \ *ey UiiUna.' secretary; Mrs. E. W. Griffin and Mrs. Hunter Ware, assistant j eaclvrs. I .Delicious refreshments were . ved. Twenty members were preseDt Personals -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomson spent \ the week-end at M>rtle Reach. ^ Miss A line Welch left Monday for Vliarloite were she entered I ai olift'J ItU-Hilless College. 1 ?o'? . Mrs. llixon Lesshe of Lesslie. S t'.. spent the week end with her par ent<-- Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ware. | - 'o? . .'. " . Miss Gertrude Ware who has been manager of the Luutana. at Myrtle Reach, for the past s-.-a'-uY. returned to Kings- Mountain Sunday * *' Mrs", p. I.) Ilerndtiii was in til enville. S t', Tuesday to visit h-i daughter. Sarah, who lias liei-ii ill and unable to eritef G. W. % . t Misses Mary lt!aki?l\ and fh-atrice Ill-roil of the t'lg-sfor school faculty were week-end guests of Mr. und Mrs. \V. K lllakely. o - 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. "L Mauney, , Mr It and Mrs. Gut land Still and children. -, || were guests of Rev. John D. Maun- ' ev at Hendersonvtlie 5?inrf?? r ; . - -o.Miss Sara. I/ong of Spartanburg. S O., spent the week-end with her sister. -Mrs.- A. II. PatteRion. and other relatives. j Miss Ottle "I'ttt" White with, a party of friends from ShelUf rp-nt last week in Florida. Mr. Vernon - ? . . Crosby joined them at Jacksonville.f?^ ' / Miss 'Phyllis' Patterson left Ttos(lav .'hi' Wiinmis College. line West. s where s]e is a senior* Mi-s Patterson was .accompanied to Duo West by her mother.^ Mr. and Mrs. J. ! '. CantweJI. Mr. . i.i( Mrs Jaipes McGiil .and Mi's. U. M. Mobley of Columbia.. S.. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. li Patter son Sunday. o Mr. Arthur McUill returned to his hoine at Jacksonville. Vorida. i after spending a few days at the bedside of his father, Mr. A. J Mc [.ill, who is .critically ill at his home an West Mountain, street. ? u--- . I Air. and Mrs. C. (}. While s|H.nt i i lit- past w'eek-enjl at Myrtle Beach. They stopped enroute honie to see 1 their daughter. IXiris. who is a student at C'oker College ?o? Mr. .lames ha' terroo will have this morning for Winston-Salom to attend the state meeting of the Young Democrats. He ift Treasurer of lite C. Nl <'. t'luh of Chapel Hill. Kollowir ? -'lie meeting lie will depart for Chapel Hill where he is a .-lud< r.t. I i r" 0 ' .Howard Metlill of .. lias. T?-\as. has lieen visiting his parents. Mr. j and Mrs. A. .1. Mi Hill. Air. Metlill ! 'time* especially on locnunl of the illness of his failter \ The boat investment you can find Dt_feu.se Savings Bonds and Stamps ' Buy them regularly. ?Buy Defence Bonds and Stamps? . ' ; A Dab a Day keeps P.O! away! ('Underarm fersplretlen Oder) "miw ! DEODORftnTCRIRin ? Iin't stiff or ttickyi Soft ?it spreads lika face cream. , ? is actually soothing! Use right | after shaving?will not irritate. ? haslight,pleasant scent.No sickly J smell to cling to fingers or clothing. ? will not spoil delicate fabrica. Yet tests in the tropics?made by nurses ? prove that.Yodora protects under try- ' ing conditions, fa tubee or Ian, tOc, 25e, dOc. WrlfenoeHittHler, BriJgmpatl, Ceea. DON'T BE BOSSED by your LAXATIVE-relieve' CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY When you gassy, headachy, logy due to c!ogged-up bowels, do u mi/'iona do-take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next j morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourtelf. It tastes good, it's bandy and ecooomical... a family supply costs only I FEEN-A-MINT 1 ? \ . Nliss Dorothy Hoke left Monday Tor W. .if. N. C. In- Greensboro. . Miss Hoke is one of eighty . tnemSers of the Junior fluss who lias jeen selected to greet incoming reshineii and to serve in a big sis-r advisory capacity. n Mrs Ifayne Hlacknter and mother Mrs. G. t'. O l-'arrel, tuid nurse. Mrtjs Imperial KI\<;S MOli? PHr MUcUa* wgmn/i Also* Buck Jones and Jan Garbcr') 10c and Plo a cfi ( ' rvtno P QI m. ivaov vv?nv urn MONDAY AM Another Sw IT'S MUSICAL MAI . A LAND 0 M Sl I ? fllHf / ?* m N1&I t'o> Mrrfor* Grant Original Story, f? Or??n Aitornt* ftwJuMr, K? GcM?? ? Also New# i 10c ar c . i . Delicious Hot P , ... / -jH liaisy Humphries have returned from C re seen* Heaeh, S. ('., wheeu they, spent the summer at M*:. | l'laekmer's cottage. Jlev. I*. I). Patrick Mad Mr. Meak 1 winand my reapresetvtin g the Kir# (:a Presbyterian Church at Synod huh* lug at the Orphanage in Ituriuu Siuings this week. Theatre j ^TAIN, x. c. j IE 134 On Daylight Saving Time * 1 URSDAY i 1 ! ?, ' * , ' ./. * Walt Disney's j| 1 "PlXOtiO" J W V L" \TIJRI)AY,. . | I ature Show ft THE WEST! X***? V I 1 yV I ^ ?V?I ttilti FUZZY KN!GKT BUTCH ^ BUDDV JS^lfe The K,NGS MfN Wv JEANNE KLUY ' and NF'l Q'DAY iciate Producer: Wfll COWAN I PICTURE I KtMfif. ?|iyi? i * I ""iinttitlMMtfli I M iwy.pty?:] If iUilttf Serial No. 12 s Orchestra 15c - ' ' - ' | rly For Seats t> TUESDAY ell Show J DNESS IN [ I ^ w pIJ ' . 1 Joint) Go- * lM lo?oru? . _ .a OKOclod by Cb?vnW? icmoM II n.th ? A UMIVtkSM WCTUW U md Comedy J jf f. I 15c ; V I. /[ I | | opcorn Daily 1 % * * - ' . .... . * ? - V .1*V?".A 1 ' ' v ' * * *