of JNTERES1 \; PHONES: House 271; Offi< <! u flMMHMMM 111 Margaret Louise Plonk Bride Of Lt. Anderson Mil* Margaret Louise Plonk became the bride of Lieut. William Lee j Anderson, Jr., of Kearney, Neb., and , Winston-Salem in a ceremony of , <tarm and beauty Monday afternoon , at 5 o'clock at Myers Park Presby-^ ( teriaa church, Charlotte. Dr. James A. Jones officiated as- ( sisted by Dr.. George Mauze of Win- ( ton-Sal em. Before the ceremony James Chris- , tian Pfohl, organist, played. ? W. L. Anderson of Winston-Salem was his son's best tnan. Ushers were ] W. B. McGuire of Charlotte, Harold ] Daisy and Edwin Anderson of Wins-!] ton-Salem. I * The bride was given in marriage ^ by her father, T. M. Plonk. j Miss Betty Scott Barber of Pitts- i boro was thd maid of honor. i 1 9 i Miss Mildred Plonk was her sis- i ter's junior bridesmaid. Later the couple left by plaue for Kearney, Neb., where the bride- j] j groom is stationed. N Mrs. Anderson is the attractive ,J \ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T M. I ?' Las. ? ? - - juwe, ma granddaughter of Mr*, i Bufna 8. Plonk and the late Mr. If Plonk of King* Mountain. She attended the Woman'* col- I* lege of the University of North Car- j* olina in Greensboro for two year* an I is at present a senior student at Queens college. The bridegroom is < ^ the son of Mr. and Mr*. W. L. Anderson of Winston-Saienn. Before entering the Army Air Corps in 1W43, he attended the University of North i Carolina at Chapel Hill and is now U stationed at Kearney, Neb. J' Among King* Mountain people at-1! tending the wedding were, Mr. and | Mrs. Hugh Ormand, Mrs. W. E. Ale*- 1 ander, Calvin Plonk, Misses May i Plonk, Eva Plonk and Maude Plonk. 1 Sybil, Sonny Bl&lock \ Have Birthday Party < Sybil Blaloek, age 13, and 8onny Blalock, age 11, whose birthday fall i in May entertained a number of their young friends at a joint birthday celebration at the home of their par- i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blalock, last 1 Thursday afternoon. i . Kings Mount; Phones 41 Listen to JIMMY DURANT on the "Rexall Radio Show." music, song and laughter. Ev See this newspaper for Sratioi FAMILY BUt DIAPER PANTS .... DIAPER PADS TO FI 9 , ?nir~ W&OVC DM THESE Ik TESTED HDD | yww H TOM T99M TIM ET i E* Ttexott I BABY COUGH A plesssnt curing, mild syrup for 9 i-O*. Sis* Graduated "Its W NURSING BOTT Stock up at this low price? limi ^5pECMLl^^m 9 Mm y? I i^~W M^A / ? NmS Aaliw 1/ flf .'jfM Full Pint ecom jH> vf^^n sure Antiseptic I 1 Bj 1 KmMMD mL ?i<1?"' !^NCci^KfSnwlwKifi<4'!v* ** *0^" * < r Liberated From N&xia 6gt. Ben H. Bridges, eon of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hudson Bridges, and Pfc. Paul A. Luckadoo, husband of Mrs. Margaret F. Luckado, have been liberated from German prison camps. Sgt. Bridges wrote Ibis parents, in a letter dated May 3, that he was at a repatriation center, aDd bound for France, a ship, and the United States. Only reference to his stav in a Nazi ! HAPPENLNGS || 'to WOM ie 98 i: CRS- A. H. PATTERSON. | After bingo wai played Bhe children were invited into the dining room where a beautiful birthday cake, with lishted candle. wa? ?1ia ?<niA nt attraction. The cake iced in white was decorated with delicate pink rotes and tftie two names "Sonny" and "Fib" were done in pink in the top of the cake. After singing "Happy Birthday," the children were served ice cream, cake and candies and given minature American flags as favors. Following :his they were carried to the Dixie Theater. ? Guests included Walter Griffin, ' Bobby Gofortih, Dicky Webb, Dick McMackin, Paul McGinnis, Donald * flowers, Bobby Martin, Jake Hord, iimmy Yarbro, "Bud" Ware, "Bud" iVray, Reginald Murray, Joyce Biser, Donald V. Cook, Joyce Dixon, Jean, ! dcRae. Jo Anne Walls, Phillis Ware i dary Hayes, Peggy Miller, Frieda Viae Blalock, Joanne Falls. i tfesdames Cloninger, Slack Entertain Mrs. Hilliard Black . Mf.-j sHnci?civ/llJlijfsi'F "Wire hostesses to nembera of Circle Number Four of >ntral Methodist churiti entertainng in the recreation room in the >aseraent of the Cbas. Gofortb home 1 in Gold street. Mrs. Fred Wright, JPl. conducted tie devotional service and Mrs. J. G iVinkler presented the study, "The Vord of His Grace." After the business meeting a social lour aand weiner roast was enjoyed. | ?n???? lira. Craig Hostess ro Circle members Mn. Bill Crisig wii honfe** to mem >ers of her -church circle Monday light at her apartment on Wwt fountain street. Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg, eircle chair nan, presided and the study for the ivening was presented by Mrs. E. W. Iriffin. During the social hour refreshnents were served. The shortage of fats and oils is tot likely to be materially eased be'ore late spring or summer of 1946, lays a Washington report. ain Drug Co. I -t -v. and 81 E and GARRY MOORE A hilarious show ? full of ery Friday night on CBS. i and time. VET SALE 60c T $1.00 ^ u *? r 1 Sy j k3 * tIBl($M MOT...) SYRUP 19" A relief of coughs doe to colds. H LES Special y ted time only. A= "la +* *v.? % m n V.". y m Siby l?-Nl W lille ^ VineUnd Spring (Tonic $1.25 Ptonamlne ... $2.09 ' ' JL j.-Vv^rV- . > : i .' -. '" ? . prison wit that it had been a pretty tough winter. Pfc. Luckado was captured in Italy in May, 1944. Auditorium Filled For "Climbing Roses" . Members of the Junior and senior classes of Kings Mountain High School presented Eugene O. Hafer's three-act comedy, "Climbing Roses" to a crowd that filled the auditorium last Friday night. The cast included Jacqueline Falls, Betty Gamble, Avis Warlick, Nancy Dickey, Myrtice Weaver, Emelyn Gillespie, Betsy Tol- 1 leson, Gene Miteham, Jimmy Spivey,1 Harvey Bumgardner, L. P. Stowe, Jr. . and Albert Huffstickler. Eadh character jjortrayed his role with ease and a degree of rfaturalness seldom exhibited by amateurs. The members of the cast were well-suited to their characterizations, which were within the range of the ability of ' bifirh ktHoaT - y'} 'yr.,; --MriT,>,r * fo""*enjoy tTkeir part in the production.' (Entertaining between pets were Jean McClean. pianist, Jack Prince, vocalist, and Gene Titnms, trumpet soloist. In Play GAlNESVIlyLE, Oa. ? Miss Joe Ann Walker, freshman at Brenau ; College and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Walker of 10X Parker street. Kings Mountain, N. C.. was preseut*>, I 'n the Shnkesnenren n Plnv "Much Ado Aliout Nothing" on Friday, I May 4. at 8:30 P. M., under the. di- ( re<-tion of Maude Fiske LaFleur, Instructor of Drama. She played the part of Balthazar, follower of Don Pedro. i Third Annual Music Festival Scheduled The city-wide music festival H which all children from Eaat^ West, and Central schools will participate, ; is to be held in the high school auditorium Wednesday afternoon, May 23, at 2 o'clock. The festival will feature miAic of the United Nations and dances from China, Hawaii, England, Russia, Scotland and the U. 8. A. A small entrance fee will be charg i*u IQ ueiray cxpeuecB. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neisler^ Jr., announce the birth of a son, Paul Maun sy Neisler, III, at Memorial hospital, Charlotte, Thursday, May 10. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Craft, of Gaffney, 8. C., have announced the birth pf a son, James Hord Craft, at Gaffney hospital, May 2. Mrs. Craft Ts j the former Misb Ruth Hord, of Kings j Mountain. Mr. anft. Mrs. Jesse Tarboro announce the birth of a daughter, at their residence on West Mountain itreet, last Saturday. Feed the dairy cow grain in proportion to the milk she produces. G. ). Ritrel of "Orange County aays this practice saved him 100 pounds of {rain feed a day last winter. DIXIE THEATRE aAa-XAAAAAAAAA. FTTWWW^WWW W V w 1 THOUDAT . . "Horn Blows at Midnight" Jack Benney - Alexia Smith FBJDAT and BATUKDAY "Orizsly Millions" Paul Kelly and Virginia Gray and "Booking in the Rockies" Three Stooges - Hooaler HotMonday - Teeeday - Wedneeday "Since Ton Went way" starring fflaadetta Colbert, Joseph Ootton, BkMey Temple, At tfea tad tf Met rtiialiig. IA-OoL L T. lftekla, Amy Urt flet Foreaa, who witXI ta Vtm- tf, will saki ? dwrf talk fta MhaU of Kta?i Mountain War hMietka Waak. . ' > . " i*. ^ Church. News BOYCR MEMORIAL A. R. T. CHURCH R. N. Baird, Minister 10:00 A. M. Bible School: J. E. Oamble. Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and Sermon by Rev. P. W. Ijherrill, Blacksburg, 8. C. 7:00 P. M. Junior Christian Union. 7:00 P. M. Intermediate Christian Union. 7:15 P. M. Young People's Christian Union. There will be no Evening Service. MONDAY: 3:30 P. M. Minnie Alexander Circle with Mrs. J. M. Garrison. 3:30 P. M. Mt^ie Stevenson Circle with Mrs. A. J. McQill. 8:00 P. M. Mary Kennedy Circle with Miss Ava Ware. WEDNESDAY: 8:00 P. M. Wednesday Vespers. 8T. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN Rev. W. H. 8tender, Pastor THE SACRAMENT OP THE LORD'S SUPPER will be administered at the Service, 11:00 a. m. an I the entire congregation is expected to be present. SUNDAY SCHOOL, at 10:00 a. m., with Mr. W. K. Mauney, superintendent. MISS LAURA PLONK, director of A * At C* * ? - ? - - * * mr creative ocnooi or Art or Asheville will b? the gue?T speaker for tho (oabln?< BIM? TtrgtlJif ""Huiidaay School hour. All the member* are invite<T to <hear Mi** Plonk. AT 8:00 p. m.. THE H'TMKH LEAGUES will render their annual Public Life Service Program an.I the pastor will bring a special message on "Life Service." Children of the Church meet 3,:00 p. m., Sunday afternoon. The Junior Children meet at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Boy Scout* meet Monday 7:30 p.m. Senior Ohoir 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. WE EXTEND a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P. D. Fatrlck, Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday School, Carl Davidson, Supt. 11:00 Morning Worship. 8ermon byRev. John D. Smith, pastor of Presbyterian church, Forest City. 3:00 P. M. Sunday School and Service at Dixon. J. A. Darracott, Supt. 7:00 Young Peoples V|?pers. 8:00 Evening Worship. Sermon: "The Saviour of Sinners.* Monday? 7:00 P. M. Boy Scouts, Troop I, Carl Davidson, scoutmaster; Broad us Moss, assistant scoutmaster. . ... * ' r .r f ' > f UC1IV d is ' .V EKBUm ? < v 71 ^ I Yh, Mm tevewHi War Lam i Thar* are new plana* to t tanks ... new ships. All to I an earlier close. Oar fighting men will do t must do oars/ And right now, the most we have is to meet our perso 8eventh War Loan drivel Those quotas are big U $7,000,000,000 from individu For this loan is really 2 in there had been 2 drives in I! by this time. So now - we've to do a two-loan job in one. Br IF ALL OUT FOI a m mmmm MM Ana Jungs *ou d_Hn lOH PLOHK TO TBAOB MIm Lturt Plonk, director of the Plonk School of Creative Arts, whidh will present -two programs lo Kings Mountain during the weekend, will teach rtie lesson before the Men's Bib't- clsij of the Lutheran church Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. POPPY DAY Members of the American Legion auxiliary will conduct the annual sale of poppies for tffie benefit of disabled fighting men next Saturday, May 20, it was announced this week. Further details are to be announced next week. I '/' % Myers' Di ?Secom W IAR II vnii hi SON! on right howl - Bat America: ? built ... new * War Bond * wing the war to now! So find c meet it! heir job. But we r???? BND YOt t important job ? roue avteaoi nal quotas in the mcomi m month tfa ncle Sam needa $uo a la. =?n Ms-*ae fE *"? teoaoe ~Mk l.lil.MMilil L? <% It THE MIGHTY 7* ntain War Production Wee! epartme lEBr?Ton Always Save At fcs ' ' . vj . . ' * ' . TAQM warn I in'min ;l Um RiIim Gas 1 Water Heating 1 i Refrigeration I Space Heating I "Altar Tha War la WaaT IPUL4NF I Charlotte. N. a Ph. 3-MC ? ? ? ? ? >0 4 0 ?t? m .*!. \ I V FROM THE PACES OF Vogue b'r? l .\' Coo/ c/tormor in ftoraf Ij%. printed Enka Rayon Shear... w \. ? // fabric looping forma if I 0 "oft#r'n9 *v* y?k*< dp?* ill sleeves 0* A. / I pita ft slenderize An exchtime 4 ^ Morlho Manning print J 1\ Jn French Cerise, Sisline Hut, d* California Green, or Navy Blue. Sizes 16'A lo 22\L ? 1 - ** em. ? - ?fi* ress Shoppe i Floor? 1 ?? ^ 1 JAN j as have never (ailed to meet nota yet?and we won't fa3 >ut what your quota it?and ?????? ft QUOTA ... AND MAKE IW X I YOUK MatOMAL MATUCfnr war bond vaio> am , quota hi 7th war 1mb (cash vaiud eowot ao?r > tut ' ? 1MUW -torn ! 1i1jh 171 i 11uo in wji vn rut iea *7.50 m 1a.75 s _ i ^ 1 ? WAR LOAN '"j < ? Kay ai?3* ait Store BELKB j i 4 Vi.d. i' .

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