Bthr vsfeD romMiTUBS or all Kinds. MeGlnnls Used Furnltore Co. Phone 322. , IMI: Blsek billfold, with identifT cation inside. Thought lost at Dixie Theatre Monday. For reward retarn to Mrs. Grady Howard, or 1 call at 242-W. m-24. "sai HI stops running fits in dog* or we refund your money. We hnow of no other guaranteed running fits remedy." Griffin Drug Co. a-26-eit-J-l. pd. HXOHBST CASH PBXCB8 PAID For Poultry. See Us Before You Sell. McCarter's Grocery West King Street. 2-14tfc TOB IALE: Freeh hesltlhgiving goat milk. Get in freah daily from H. F. Everhart, 910 West Mountain street. a 20 elt-M-31pd. WB HAVE A mCBBUPPLY OF lovely Scrap Books and Photo Album*. Lee'a Home and Office Supply, Shelby, N. C., phone 853. 1UBUN1NT RAILWAY OFFICIAL: Wishes H rent 5-room house or larger with furnace. See or call L. L Benson at <2 or 356-J. m-J 24p WALTERS FLOWEBS Bay and Wednesday afternoons. Oth?/v .1 ' - ?Flowers For All Occasions Phone 05 SFKNCKR CORSETS: Individually designed - foundation - tnedical surgical supports. Fittings guaranteed. Phone 1878, Oastonla, or write Mrs. Dora B. Etherldge, 312 N. Boyce St., Oastonla, N. C. m 31p HAVE YOUR FUR COATS restyled, repaired, recleaned and glazed by expert furriers. J. C. Mc Neely Co., Shelby, N. C. m-3-pit- J-7 WANTED TO BENT: 3 room apartment or larger. 8ee Faye Boss or call at 2012. m-10-17-24-pd FOB BALE: 12 room bouse with storage room, bathroom, heat, modern in every way. Place known as "Cobb Home" on Kings Mountain -Bessemer City highway. Address inquiries to Harvey H. Elmore, Box 120, Belmont, N. C., or call 371, Belmont. m-10-17-24. TO BTTT OB, BELL FUBNXTUBE Bee Us. McGinnls Used Furniture Co. Phone 322. TOE BENT: 4 room bouse four from town. Equipped with electrieity. See M. O. Neal, one half mile oath of El Bethel church m-24pd TOE BALE: 4 room house located on Gantt street. Lot 70 feet front, 100 feet depth. Sec Warren Reyonlds 117 Battleground ave, phone 338. m-24-pd WANTED: Settled white housekeeeper with health certificate to live in home. Boom with private batik ^ furnished. Write " Housekeeper Box S3, Shelby, N. C. W-24-31-J-7 LOST: Five Number 4 ration books. , Return to ration borffd or C. N. Allmon, 103 New Hill, Dilling mill. m-24-pd TOB BALE: 0 room home, frethly painted, 3 miles from Kings Moun tain on Tork highway, and 0 acres of land ? 4 in oak timber. See Ores ham Thorn burg on W.ells at. ] m-17-24-pd LOST: Silver ring set with purple amethysts at Horse Show, May IS. For reward return to Mrs. Charles Williams, N. Piedmont ave., or ^ 11 - A. *i\ v*' v?u oat IV. ni'fit'dl. . SHS4BTBS FOOT OEUI . How To Km It C*r 80c <( Be%ulxeo Mfeoac pwHtKi ng WrtrOlr . lipoid. ' to ?>od mlToar. |wr 9>etfa?tt HL . tftlBft ftt looet M P? COS* (BOO 1ft?0L) Wo aagfeot TftoL It eontotqo 90 y?r oont. It MMBTUf T1ATB& Feel it tftko hold. Hoot ^rogglete BOW [hare |tt |A \muX{ nvMr )o9 orrtrod *9 Oitffln'o. * TOB IAIJ: one Leonard Rleetrte Refrigerator. Bee Warren Bey loldi ot Beynolda' Oarage. Phone * 388. at-M-p*. ' POULTRY Friday, Kay 20,11 HEAVY HERB | LXOHOBJT HXWB .. .. roostxss, voa H... H * Vacant Lot B?knr ] I Mocksville ] Vc . . ' ?v: '?*, MocksvUli King* Mountain, died in "tYj Hospital Monday trtniiig at (5:80 o '* eloek. Funeral services ware held at the host# on Cannier atreat Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'eloek, eondnetad by the Bev. John Gregory. Interment took place in Mountain Best cemetery. Surviving Mra. Ledbetter are her hueband, J. F. Ledbetter; four children by that union; Aileen, J. L, Melvin, and Charles Ledbetter, all of the home; her father, J. B. Cash, of Kings Mountain; and three children by her first husband, who preceded ber to tfte grave several years ago, Miss Elizabeth Strange, and S. M. Strange, all of Kings Mountain. New Business Firm Established In City Tire 8ales and Bebuilders, Kings Mountain's newest business establish mem, is now open tor Dumness. in the building on N. Piedmont avenue formerly oecupied by B. A. 8mitb. The new firm, owned and managed by Bam Davis, of Oastonia, specializes in tire rebuilding. "Vk have the most modern re-capping equipment," said' Mr. Davis, "and mt enables aa to turn out irtgireaarcsi.vjt*r " a'jy^r"- "fau "pWJfiVfW] invited to visit us to see this equipment. '' Before coming to Kings Mountain, Mr. Davis spent seven years in the recapping business in Durham. He and his wife and daughter are continuing to reside in Oastonia until a home can be obtained here. FOB BENT: 3 room funftlfced apart meni in DficK nomcr.-Tirgiits, water, reference* evcbanged. Mrs. William Hirn, near Lincoln Academy. m-24. COME BY OUR BTORE right away and see onr selection of lovely gifts suitable for graduates. Lee's Home and Office Sup^Ty, 9?elby, phone 833. FOB RENT: 5 room house, 2 acres of land, one mile west from Mar grace. R. F. Elam. m-24. TWO OPERATORS TO BHBVE YOU Call 109-W for appointment. Phenix Beauty Shoppe. 1-ltfe POULTRY PRICES . CASH PAID Heavy and Leghorn Hens 26c Roosters, Ducks Geese i 17c Eggs, Capon, Turkeys and Fryers also Wanted. Local Market Price For Eggs. (We will handle upl L. _ 4 AAA ^ to x,uuu cwses oi eggs eacn week.) Buying hours 9 to 4 each day. WU&K'B POULTRY 00. Located rear Plonk Bros. Store s 0A8H PAID FOB XJBBO Furniture. 8ee Us- Before Yon ft 11. McGinnU TJied Furniture Co. Phi no 322. FOB IALI: 1984 Chevrolet 2-door, good condition. 108 Tracy it., phone 205-W. m-24-31pd j DO^ YOa-KHHD A M6NBOB Calculating Meek in et if so, tee us. We here one (hat in e special bargain at #95.09. Lee's Home and Office Supply, Shelby, Phone S68. YOUHO MAX, l5] formerly with Richmond News, desires local position. Office, sales experience. Write Box T., c-o Herald, m-17-24-pd. Local Markets (Corrected May 23, 1946) Egga, grade A large 40o Irish PoUtoes (100 lbs.) .. (old) $4JOO Hogs, dressed ..? ? 30c Sweet Potatoes (bu.) flAO Heavy Fryers SB) Corn ~ llUo Wheat H.75 Roosters 17c Leghorn Hens, S lbs. op S#e Colored Hans 30c Docks and Oesis 17o Barley, (ba.) #L00 i i LOADITO A. M. to 12 Boon 27c 27c BBSS 18e | fMn^ Shot Shop I Poultry Co. I ? I v.*V o jffiT J -X ' I V'1I?.,?msU fcw^Rw^eemueeto* 1 era, la meeting Monday, Nt Satar- j day, Jane 30, a|"th? day *or a vote , ob the questions of whother or not y the county will boild a hoepita) in 7 King* Mountain, whether it will u- G Mint title and indebtedness to the | Shelby hospital,, and whether or mot ( the Shelby hoepital will then be en-1 larged. ( Legal noticos giving partienlare a- ' bout the bond vote are publiehed in ] today 'a issue of the Herald. 1 A new registration has been ordered for the bond election and the registration books will be open each ^ day except Sundays and holidays ( from June 2 until June 23. The lat- .. ter day has been designated challenge a ? any. , The election will be "against the ( books," that it, a pereon registering } and failing to vote w^ll, by failing to vote register a vote against all of the proposals. , i Funeral Bites Held For Jasper Roper Funeral services tfor Mr. Jasper , H. Roper were conducted at Orare Methodist church Sunday May 13th, at 3 p. m. with Rev. W. L. Harkey officiating. , He was 42 year* old, the son of j the late Mr. and Mrs. William Roper ^ Ballard Roper, a sob, James Derek ! Roper, two brothers, Frank Roper and Ivy Roper, one sister, Mrs. Harvev Smith, all of Klnaa Mountain. . . f The pallbearers were members of his Sunday school class. ' < Church News ; BOYCE MEMORIAL A. B. P. CHURCH R. N. Balrd, Minister 10:00 A. M. Bible School: J. K. 1 Gamble, Supt. Union. ' 7:15 P. M. Young People's Chris- ! tian Union. There will be no Evening 8ervice. ' WEDNE8DAY: 8:00 P. M. Wednesday Vespers. BT. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN Rev. W. H. 8tender, Pastor 8unday School 10:00 a. m. with Mr. W. K. Mauney, superintendent. 4 Church 8erviee, 11:00 a. m., with ] the sermon by the pastor. Janior Children of the Chureb ; 6:30 p. m. Sunday. , The Luther Leagues, 7:00 p. m. Sunday. ] Boy 8eouts, 7:30 p. m. Monday. Senior Choir, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday There will be no evening service, for the congregation will join in the Commeneement Service at the Central High School, 8:00 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I P. D. Patrick, Pastor 9:40 A. M. Sunday School, Carl Davidson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Mordtng Worship. Sermon subject: "A Call to Arms" 3:00 p. M. Sunday School and Ser vice at raxon. J. A. Darracott, hu;. There will be bo evening service in this church, but will worship with the eemotiit; in the High School auditorium in the Commencement Service. 7:00 P. U. Box Scouts* Troop I. Cart Davidson, scoutmaster; Broadus Moss, s ml stan t scoutmaster. CTBhOlt KBTHOOHT CHUBGH Bev. W. !?, Harkey, Pastor 100:00 . M. Sunday school. B. 8. Lyu, 8upt. / 11:00 A. If. Morning Worship. 6:40 Yeuth Fellowship. , Good Milk s ^ V . MADE BETTER BECAUSE ITS PASTEURIZED Wn k?b| | |av\ x kjhbsib1 Mnr . VCf ;. "flkim r. MnS6 JLratry V - - ^ -401. ^.. ii Italy, also spoke preceding the ihowlng of tks film ' "Since You Feat i*ay, at the Dixie Theatre, rhe movie, which portrays the Mie if a typical American family during he war, has been well-attended by inthusiastle audiences. The officer will be in Kings Mountain for the remainder of the week, Kiss Beatrice Warlick [e Claimed By Death Funeral services for Miss Beatrice Warlick, 51, sister of C. -E. Warlick, .J trt. -a r _ l _ a ? . . a h Aings mountain, were neui itn IVIiUy, May 11th, at St. Mark'* LaMiss Warllek, daughter of the late dr. anil Mr*. Albert Warliek, died uddenly early Thureday morning. )eath wa* attributed heart attack. RAMBLING SKBTCHBS OP OAK OBOVB NEWS By Mr*. WlllU-a Wright Memorial tervieee will be held at :he local church Sunday. Ber. C. C. Trowe will have charge of theeerviee rhe public la cordially incited to at:end. Bring picnic luaek. her rieter, Mr*. John Seiam of the Pattereoa Grove aectioa. Mrs. Seism taa been ill for sometime an<^ was arrled' to the Memorial hospital la Charlotte Monday evening for futhnr treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Wray and ehilIren and Mra. Mae Bell of t'liariottt acre week end guests of Mr. and, Mrs. S. O. Bell *n'?T f*mrt? Mr. and Mr*. OsBy Lovelace of ICIng* Mountain (pent Sunday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Leonard Patterson and Mr. Patterson. STr. and Mrs. Q. V. Philbeck ami children, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Canipe and daughturs and Miss Bettie Lou Philbeck attended services held it Mt. Sinai Sunday. Miss Kathryn Ramsey of Kings Mountain spent a while Monday afternoon with Miss Pauline Ware. Mrs. H. T. Wright and son, William, attended memoftn services at New Prospect Baptist church Sunday. Many from the community attendtd a birthday dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watterson and' Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lovelace pf the Patterson Grove section Sunday. The dinner was given in honor of Mr. Watterson who was celebrating his his sweet sixteenth anniversary. V . J 17 D rvr d< ?Sport Shirts t ?Belts and Braces ?Military Bets ?Shirts and Shorts % '\ But the Be: Gift is iv . * - ' j!* -V '< >. < War Bom ? ? v. . ';;>V ?V , "ttorrtai "winner* of the poster contest were uuaMtd by Mr*. B. a Hasting*, 1 (iilnut of this Jiri*io<; end ?he reported that the three judge# found ; the decisions very difficult. 1 "There were mnny very fine poster#," Mr*. Heatings Mid, "end the judges found it so herd to judge 1 them thnt they decided to givh * ' third priM in eeeh eehool. In addition, ell chifdren who entered poster* received thceter ticket*." PtIm winning poller* ere on dlspiny in the window of Hord Furni- . ture company, end the other posthr* ere in display in the city hall. First, second end third plaee winner* received prises of $3.00, $2.00, end $1.00 respectively Following ere the winners from eeeh achool: Central 1st: Dermouth Blanton, 8th grade. End: Billy Worthen, 7th grade. ? n a * * ts.__._j a n\_ ^. ara: Arnold njuru, oia jnut. (Also prise of $1.00 to Joe Costner Tth grade, from Paul Mauney for poster on Margraee (luck.) Bast 1st: Jo Ann Britt, 7 ill grade. 2nd: Poggy Miller, 6th grade. 3rd: Evelyn Short, fth grade. West 1st: Jack Hord, Jr., 6th grade. Sad: Dick Webb, 6th grade. Park Orson 1st: Bheta Mae 'Gamble, 6th grade. Sad: Evelyn Hnffstetler, 6th grade. Srd: Earline Neel, 6th grade. Davidson 1st: Johnnie Wallaee, 4th grade. 2nd: let Grade students. Srd: Charles Perry, 4th grade. Announcements concerning Kings Mountain's War Production week ob?USED < 1941?WILLYS 4 DOOI For sale as 1940?OLDSMOBILE 4 Radio an< 1940?STUDEBAKER 4 Radio, Heater, j One iy% Ton 1989 CHE Two 1084 FORD 2 DOO! One 1933 CHEVROLET ?We Do Radio WARREN REYNOLD] 117 Battleground Ave. Frc Plonk B ? Fo . ? i ; ?Handker ' - i broiderec ?Compact .. iflh tan, ?Ladies ] on. ?Pockettx / V ?Lingerie ? f ' . t - *' v.--v"'*? ?)< * WW"PWKS?ei lv ^ | #'.v, ,i - ' >.^'>' ?. '? ' ( #/' ".. - /.v ' - -lii be beard en 10 ft. WL, Friday between i p. m., and Saturday between 8t4d^ .. o 9 a. m. / - '' We believe that much haa ba?a keeompHahed daring thii campaign, '' ind believe that more will be aeoompliihed during the remainder of thei week," Ladd W. Hamrick, chairman of the committee, eaid Wedneoday. "We know that a /all realisation of 1 the /act of King* Mountain's impor- m tance to the war effort will make it* citizen* re-doable their efforts to keep the snppliee flowing to tho Pacific a* the war swings into tho final phase against Japan." CONSTIPATION; Is the causa off |< much surround rected will nrial it impair tne d col to , Symptoms associated with adrano- | teg coostlpatlon are km of appetite,, heavily oosted^Ui^ruOl'MjW^if | p^SioedL to a^^ 'oaee^^^^Sa i ?*jca nMtttr how may otter bmA* itim yon may bare tried for cooses&ffioV s."U? aundlo. On B-L PREPARATION ! moat tains you satisfactory results or your taooej bade. Oauuon: Uea ' only aa directed. ^ Kings Mountain Drug Co. JARS? I SEDAN i is priced DOOR SEDAN d Heater k-DOOR SEDAN ust overhauled VROLET TRUCK RCOACH 2-DOOR COACH Repair Wark? 3 AUTO COMPANY Phone 838 ~ I m Mothers r Girls chiefs, plain and em- " L "> s, in green, red, Britand black. lillfolds, assorted col \ ^ K)ks. i : * Zk - A, > 'y . Hv ',-J W^JtM

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