I* "? ' ^ Society Editor, H F' r. mum illM B?lk is to loses July f nr Lsti'i (Jroes, 0?., wkere ski .1 ' Mto tks sum dm r. Her Mother, lb*. H. T. Beik, is to speed s week Dr. ts4 Mrs. C. J. Helsobuck sud gkogktor, Miss Nosey Jsoe, of Wal ut Goto, wore guests st tks kosM of Mr. isd Mrs. Byres Keeter, Monday KJol. Ned M?nill SI , - r ? ~""f ? IV. H. M., U home od furlough visiting his psrssts, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mr .QUI. Cpl. McOill is s brother of Bgt. James MeOill, last week reports 1 killed ia France. Miss Nancy Plonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Plonk, will leave 8unday for Ashevllle, where she will attend the summer session of the Plonk School of Creative Arts. ?o? Miss Fannie Carpenter returned Saturday from Myrtle Beach where she bad been the guest of Mrs. Harold Hunnicutt. Mrs. Lucy Peterson arrived Friday from Miami, Fla., and will spend the summer in Kings Mountain. Mrs. T. V. Hill and Miss Kathryn Bill have been visiting relatives in 8tatesville. They wore joined during the week end by Mr. Hill. o - - * Mrs. W. O. Grantham an 1 daughter, Mis* Barbara Anne Grantham have returned from a trip to Crescent Beach. The Granthams will have as their guests during the week end Mrs. Grantham's parents of Guilford college. Mrs. Daly Little Wood of Cleveland, ha* been a guest of Miss Mar tba France* McQUl for several days. J Mn. Lloyd Watson and two childTen, of Boone, are guests of Mrs. Lizzie Everhart. Monday night dinner guests of Mrs. J. E. Lipford and Mrs. Margaret Kendrick were Ber. and Mrs. L. C. Pinniz, Rev. C. C. Lanter, Mi. and Mrs. E. C. McClain, and Mrs. D. F Hord. Mrs. J. O. Plonk, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert | Lewis, in Philadelphia. Pa., i* expect | ed to return home Thursday. ' } Sandal NON RATION1 FOB THE WH * Ladies' non-rationed aa and combination cplors$2.50 t CHILDREN'S NON-3 5's to 8's 6*8 to 11'8 HVi'8 to 2's BOYS' and MEN'S N< $1.98 I INFANT'S NON-& O's to 4's .. ( , SPECIAL Ico .coM running * ??s? ^ * B * * -a BjnRLiv JJ TO KiMM MOO) l ' tii 'i 0ersonals WW 271, Office 96 I Technical Sergeant Vernon PC roe by who haa been In Burma and India for the last 28 months and Mrs , Crosby of Washington, D. C., hare I arrived In Kings Mountain for a visit I. H. Diffee and family of Cherrv Point were guests of Mr. and Mrs. rVswi.1 f a *? - I iu U. n*nn?i?T^ ?"? ^ t 1 Miss Carlyle Ware returned horn* last Saturday after a visit to relatives in Rock Hill. 8he was aeeom paaled hdme by {her niecjst, t Idea Stella Patterson and Mr*. Olean Lackey who spent the week end. Miss Sara Beam of Qrover was a guest of Mrs. John H. Beam last I week. ?o? Miss Annie Kell of Bluefield, W. Va., is a truest of Miss Jo Keeter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller were the week end guests of Mrs. Pepper Martin, at her home in* Greenville, S. C. 8gt. Wendell Phifer is home on a ' 21-day furlough visiting his wife,! Mrs. Jeanetto Crawford Phifer, and ! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Phifer. Miss Alda Jean Ltavis, Miss Nancy v;q r??i? ' ?u? wuuny rweior are representing the Young People of Central Methodist church at Lake Junaluska I this week. j ?0? i Mrs. Bill Davis and baby left last Friday to join Mrs. Davis' husband | at Curtis Field, Brady, Texas. They | were accompanied as far as Dallas by Mrs. Gene Redding of Gastonla. , , Miss Nell Deloach, Home Demon-. stration Agent for Gastonia was aj visitor at the home of her uncle, J. B. Davis, Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Jolly, Mrs. Clyde Blackwell and son, Roger, returned to Kings Mountain Tuesday after visiting in Philadelphia, Pa., with Mrs. | Jolly's daughter, Mrs. W. E. Black- ] welder and family. Miss Joyce Black; welder came back with them and will remain in Kings Mountain this summer. Mrs. Nelson Teal and daughter, (Frances, of Bcrlington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jolly Tuesday. Time i 2D FOOTWEAR | OLE FAMILY . 1 ndals, in whites, reds, 0 $4.50 RATIONED SANDALS $1.98 I $1.98 to $2.98 I $1.98 to $2.98. | >n Rationed SANDALS to $2.9$ ATIONED SHOES 09c to $1.94 NOTICE k a Mi* n jL^HBMiHV^HiMH' #} v* >jp > 11' ~ ^ 'i\ Vr"*L' :%i rrxnt fornix* *mnms>x*> itmn I Retiring officer* and member* oi the board of director* of the Klag Moantaia Lions club and ineominj President Holland Dixoa were din I aer guests of William Plonk Man da} | eight. I w a m T> ar ? * ?* * an. n. d. ngwioo reiurn?xl U Csnfcord Moaday after spending I week witk her alater, Mr*, C. J Ganlt, Sr., and family. Mr*. Clyde Blackwell aad ?on, B? ear, returned to Oakridge, Tenn., to day after rUitiag her parent*, Mr aad Mr*. J. C. Jolly. | Mr. aad Mr*. Bill Htte, aad dan' gkter, Linda, of High Point, spent Sunday with Mr*. B. S. Plonk and family. Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Ormand are spending this week at Crescent Beach with friends. J. Calvin Plonk went to Charlotte : Tuesday night to attend the Ouilford! inn dinner at Thacker's. Mr.. Plonk ' is a former student at Ouilfird college. i ??? | Joan Stryker, of Winston-Salem, is | spending the week with Garland Still, Jr. Mrs. Frank M. White, who before her marriage was Miss Grace Ledford, is spending a few davs in Kiel1 J tr _ ?.tit w* ? uiunu, >who Air. and Mrs. Koy Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ruth, anil son, Billy, are to return Thursday after spending a few days at their cottage on the Catawba river, ?o? Marine Cpl. Charles A. Black is now stationed op Okinawa. He is ? son of Mrs. J. B. Self. James E. Black is now taking his boot training at Bainbridge, Md. At present he is a patient in the Naval hospital. Billy Diffee of Elon College has been visiting his aunts, Miss Oracr Davis and Mrs. David L. Saunders.. Miss Dorothy Oaffney- of Blacksbnrg, 8. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Oacney. Mrsf Ford Sarabon ^and cffiildfleti, Mary Catherine and Ford, Jr., were guests of Miss Matilda Dedmonj last week. Miss Margaret Dedmon of Shelby, spent the week tnd with Miss Mb tilda Dedmond. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mauney, Mr and Mrs. Harvey Williams, Miss Jette Plonk and Shirley Houser left last week for Crescent Beach, where they will spend sometime. Staff Segt. Mr. and Mrs. E. T,. Lowtv have been spending a few days with Sgt. Lowry's people in Birmingham, Ala., and also a few days with Mrs. Lowry's people in Kings Mountain. Miss Lowry was before her marriage, Miss Sarah Ledford. 8gt. Lowry is stationed at Cherry Point. Mrs. Jiles Oornwell and Mrs. James Houser have returned from Washington. D. C., where they spent . a two-week visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fulton. Miss Marion Patterson, of Raleigh, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson. Mrs. T. H. Crawford, and sons, Bobby and Jimmy, have returned home after a visit to Augusta, Oa.. I where they were guests of Mr. and jMra. Lawrence Crawford. Birth Announcements Sgt. and Mrs. Engene Gibson announce the birth of a son. William Barry, on June 20 at 8helby hospital. 8gt. Gibson is stationed in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Craig, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, Naney Lambe Craig, on June 21, at Memorial hospital, Charlotte. | Girl Scouts ' Members of the Kings Mountain Girl Scout* held a picnic at Lake Montonla Tuesday afternoon, the pic ale following a swim. Mrs. Otis Falls contributed four watermelons. Grand Ole Opry Will Show Here July. 4th ' Jam'ap wd Jlooey, radio's funniest MssMsce comedians and their W8M Grand Ole Opry tent show, with Oarty Fax and Texas Baby and thei* Foxhanters aad Uncle Dare Maeom, grand old man of the Opry, are eoas? lag to Kings Mountain oa Wednesday, Jaly 4th for one performance oa the Baker lot sa King street The how starts at. dark. ,)( - VWa awhile salt of the *a?*d folk afh ra4Po_shos? which originates la .-'iaiat Ezax<_ ^Sr j j| A S i' I.I >1. I-II 11 I Mil i . ' - : ; - < < r ' , , oi to a/ in the Soath. [ Jamnp and Honey themselvee( ' (Bunny Biggn and Honey Wilde,) have been catting capers on the Grand Ole Opry for 14 ;*eara. It i thin eeaeoa'? ehow, they clog eeveral i of their old hit eongn -raeh aa "What , Are Little Bo ye and Oirle Made Oft" and "The Ueed Car Blnee," pine eeveral new oaee. The burnt cork roaaice alao epeat several weeka last winter perfecting , new humor rootinaa which are sending spectators late etitehes of lane* *11 K VUI i J M VA UU iruv DVDJ NO 1 their Poxhunters, ft flee string bend, rejoined the WBM Grand Ole Oprr' several months' ago after a threeyear absence. Texas Ruby, reared on * ranch near Port Worth, Texas, is known from coast to coast an "Radio's Original Wodellng Cowgirl," while her tall, slender partner, a < Tenntssean, is one of the nation'* i outstanding old-time fiddlers. CARD OF THA2TK8 We wish to express our deep ap- I preciation and thanks for the kind- > ness shown us during the illness and , death of.our beloved mother, Mrs. Ella Oore and for the beautiful floral offerings. The Children. ' j-28-pd. Stitch It On Yourself "ABT-Lenette" I 4 sizes ? 4 colors Washable Shrinkproof Belk's DEPT. STORE I makeHI I ICE CREAM] -hZTZr^Z, ^ir- - I' *" ? *> i3< p^>t. I St - j -* I*' 1*.1 *- *-torn- I pu ofltr, or buy from yovr grocar. I lAhVIAnilciina I fewMuuiiuinn^ i tnmd Momemo^e U? 0?xn STABIUZCR jny.J ^ . MSj^O\ i i ir CH^*5^3B B5BS^^2JB K?Du VAA4M IK I W^lri^W^I iKVV^MSVQ < ImbzL ^CVSBI^BMUUIBXBW \, pr^^'v^-? --ir ' ' more About . Lions Officers ^'(Cont'd from front page) ?0, with Liona Kyle Lynch, B. T. Wright, Charlie Mow, Joe Maunry ml Billy Hooter receiving member hip keys. s Other items ia the activities re port: ay?end #eft bell teem, donated glamee to eaderpriTileged children, amiated with playgroead project, porch need six pairs of shoes for high school football team, deaated KiJO | bi R*nrU? Vm ' ' ... ? l Tii' * r~ -? no? to MTTifi B6i, donated $00 to U80, |U to schools for lnnrhoa for underprivileged, $15 to Beth Ware school for cafeteria fnnd, donated $50 for Central school playground project, donated $140 toward teaea- 1 er of Bible in eitr schools, purchased'$740 war bond (purchase price), j entertained out-of-town school teach srs, presented 14 baskets to unfortunate families at Christmas, sponsored .safety patrol for school children st street crossings, gave $29 for kits to give to men entering service, donated $18* to Miss Edna Keller for Idind work, purchased four pairs of j crutches to lend to persons needing FLY SUNDAY [ AT [ KINGS MOUNT | Flight instruction by a I &w?-.4r-v' ?ZJ& QU^2jrj _ Ptpti-Cola Company, PBP8Z-00XA BOTTUNO ( As featured Iji 8pP Designed to deiij - . apepl silhou^-A A winsome in a "Rosewood white on aqua, ros Sizes to t them, began eh?b aVfiMk atUn<tkH?a <?* ?* <* #16 toward hospital bill, donated $16 toward Boy Soout banquet, donated glaaoeo to several elderly persons, donated $28 toward air-marking city, preeentod Community Sing and Womanleae Wedding, entertained Stanley club, donated $6$ to state association for the blind, donated $100 to Tontli Center, neenrod program in laaaeklag of go-to-ekurak campaign, and bold a joint meeting with the Klwanla club. I We wink to expreeo oar thanks nad appreciation to our many friends far the kindness and sympathy shown ua at the sudden death of our lovod one. Also for the many beautiful Floral tribntes paid. We pray that Ood may bless eaeh one of you. lira. Harry Bridges and children Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Bridges and family j-28 whxtb wnra awabd The Silver Star has been awarded to Sgt. Frank M. White who is serving in the European theater of operations. He has also been awarded tho citation. I ? AFTERNOON II ? 1 - I AIN AIRPORT I . Licensed Instructor. t ^N. jn. >-r'. ?* r^ynn rj/,?w r-i/? v v O, OP OHAfcLOTTB, inc. tm Hi ^ii i niaaMMMBWMM?? ! in CHARM V-' * '*=% & lk ^. ?> ^Ss^fvl5: < ~ .<- .{? '/+; i> r gfc\\, -A 'jfcgj H 5*. < L^w **.- ' ' ' f 4V. V" '.. : , I CHARMIR... jb* ... with a Birr of um to soften its slim j^NE EVANS frock I" rayon crepe Frosty e. blue or aunbronze ?18 |5.96 ' . 9 1 ' , - , Stflf^ \i/A i i A-US" rSSi ?T"'' ^ HN\ ):' . Hn-v *

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