' Mm Paal Mcutty and daughter,! Kite Kitty J?4e, of Charlotte, were | t gaefeta of Mr?. V A. Ware thit week, j v O? j c lira. Elbert L-iuges, who oader- j j, Went a terlona operation at Shelby! hospital last Wednesday, was report-1 ed this week to be gradually impror y lag. j ( Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Plonk and i ?awl1u mw*A U/ 1 DU-h Q I t?* 11 j | huu if u. A ivun spcuv auu* j day in Asheville. Miss Nancy Plonk j remained in Asheville to attend the , tumraer session of the Plonk 8chool j of Creative Arte. Mrs. Hayne Blaekmer and Miss Nell Patrick have returned to Kings \ Mountain following a month's stay at Crescent Beach. Miss Clara Plonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Plonk, left Monday for Asheville. She shrill attend the summer session of the Plonk | School of Creative Arts. Cpl. Menr.ell Phifer is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Phifer. while on furlough from Eglin Field, Fla. Pfe. Sam Hamrick and Mrs. Hamrick returned last week after a trip to White Lake and to visit relatives in the Eastern part of the state. Pfe. Hamrick recently returned to the United States after being liberated from a Nasi prison. Mrs. William R. Weaver and daughter, of Qreensboro, arrived last week for a visit with he* parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Plonk. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Harris are visitinir Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hord la Miami, Fla. TA and Mr?. Howard Jackson, of Camp Hood. Teats, are visiting Lt. Jackson's mother, Mrs. W. T. Jaek OB. Mr. Jm? Yarboro and family wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Bookoat In Gastonia Sunday. Miss Shirley Tarboro remained for a week ' Hit. Mrs. Patrick Cnrley and children are visiting relatives in Washington, D. C., and New York City. Mrs. John Gamble spent several days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Paul Kennedy in 8helby last week. Miss Libby McGill of Morven is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Lona McGill. Mrs. L. D. Shuford of Forest City vi*!ted relatives in Kings Mouptain ! this week. Mrs. Thomas Jenkins of Spray was i a recent visitor at the home of Mr. j anl Mrs. Howarl Jenkins. I PROTECT YOU Fir* can make your future try di but you can protect that future w erty that can bum, you need tnsui The Arthur 1 (Now in temporary offlcea over H "All Kinds of : 1*^ I Water & : I Were I On Th i t ^ A PAY EARLY AND , I MINUTE > ,;A Wator and Idg ersonals I W >71, Offio* 96 ' . K Mr*. Pulton Everbart, who ha* een visiting her parent* in Gaiaeeille, Ga., will return home soon ae- 1 oinpanied by Mr. Everhart who ^ oined her in Gainesville this week. ? Tommy Garst of High Point hat >een visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. 1 lloria Rawles Garst. * D. F. Hord who has been spending t three-weeks vacation at his home lere, left recently to take up h1? 1 lenior work at Emory University ichool of .Dentistry, Atlanta, Ua. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ware of 1 Monroe were guests of relatives ir :his section during the week enl. Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Spake an> Mrs. Lallage Hord of 8helby were recent guests of Mrs. D. P. Hord. Miss Ruby Fisher of Landis has been visiting Miss Christine Still. ?o Mr. and Mrs. Rawlston Ware of Miami, Fla., have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Ware. Mrs. Stowe Miller of Waco. Mrs Amanla Wilson and Mrs. Tom Rob sits of Shelby were recent guests of relatives in Kings Mountain. I Mrs. Bill Howard has had as heT i guests for several days Mrs. H. G. i Fisher and bohnny Fisher o? Landis. H. G; Fisher, Jr., who has been a < guest of'Billy Howard, Jr., for the past two week returned hime with his mother. Lt. Carroll Barnes whg has been I at General hospital, Camp Pickett, J t,?,- trriveil home for a three- | weeks stay. o Mrs. J. B. Youngblood and daughter. Mr?. King of Savanah, Ga., were recent guests of Mrs. J. E. Lipford and Miss Margaret Keudriek. ?<>? Mrs. F. E. Finger has returned home after an extended stay with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren, the latter her daughter, in California. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bumgardner and daughter, Mlti Hue Jane, have been visiting relatives in Kings Mountain. ?? I Mr. and Mrs. Hunter V"??e v ' I daughter, Mii* Betty Ware, ar ! needing the week with relatives in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. James McGill of A [> thens. Ga.. were guests of Mr. anil j I Mrs. W. K. Crook for the week end. .< Mrs. MoGill was the former Miss | Doris Hood, of Atlanta, membeer of | the Kings Mountain school faculty j Mr. and "frs. L. L. Benson hav had as their guests their daughte? Mrs. Goodnight and Children of : Kannapolis. R FUTURE irk within a few minutes, hut ith insurance. If yon own prop, ranee. Hlay Agency out Building "?s Assn.) Insurance" [ A .v.; Light Bills I Due | H 'i e First 1 i H i J A.VOID THE LAST 1 BUSH I; I 1 % VC IWI Yt 2k V* KjjH; ^MkWJMMUb?M|HJP^UB^^B KjaStfEg?4LJZAS'-* *'"'' I - 1 . i '? |Mt of kw Mi, Mr. kUi owwi sad lira. Powers this ?Mk , ' *<j *' Warren McGiU of Little Rock, ,rk., > visiting relatives Mt King* | [oun tain. ?. ' I Mr. and Mri.a Bill Seunders ol iemp have been visiting Mrs. Baun | lers' mother, Mrs. R. 8. Plonk and ther relatives. Mr. and Mrs.^Jim McQUl of Kanapolis were guests of relatives in tings Monntain Sunday. I. .Mrs. Clay Poston of Baltimore, Id., ia visiting ber mother, Mrs. M. j j. Houser. ' j Mrs. Pinkney Stokes and children J >f Reidsville are guests of Mrs. Itoke's mother, Mrs. M. L. Houser. MEN IN SERVICE BACK TO DUTY Petty Officer second class Arthur Invton Wright left June 21, after .pending thirty day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kassie Wright of ljute 2. for the Recruiting station, t if-iloigh, N. C., whfere he was a-1 assigned to duty. He is now ill i sail Francisco, Calif. Wright had | ir.ed 10 months in the South Pa-'.fie pr'or to his arrival in the states. BLAXiOCK IN STATES MIAMI, Fla. ? North Carolina) verseos veterans from widely scat:ered battle fronts continue to pour into Air Transport Command's Miami Army Air Field a part of 50,000 j returnees ATC is flying back to the | states each month. Among late arriv-1 sis is T-4 George O. Blalock. 30, 104 1 v'ity street, Kings Mountain, N. C. | The majority of the air evacuees under the Army's "Green Project "j lavwl at IliU nrn c n i ' - 1 ? wv ?.? ?%av dud ami I v t. re >eent to Camp Bland in*/. I Fla. From there they go to distribu- I tion centers nearer their homes Tot release or reassignment under the Amy redeployment plan. &XPPY CITED Five soldiers from North Carolina, all members of the 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th ("Qolden Arrow") Infantry Division have been awarded the Meritorious Service Unit Plaque "for supeftor performaee of j duty." The award entitles them to sett the Gold Service Wreath on the right sleeve of their uniforms. Among those re-eiving the pb < ?* Is Pfc William C. Rippy of 200 Gaston street, Kings Mountain, N. C. HOTFSTtTLBft DISCHARGED Army Hdqs., Poa, Ft. Shafter, T. H.?Cpl. Marvin T. Huffstetler, of 1245 Floyd St.. 8. W.. Atlanta. G*1 has been returned, under the Army's readjustment program, to the contl nental United 8tate? from the Pr chic Ocean Areas cimmond of lit. Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr. M'> mother. Mrs. ~M. J. Haffstetler lives in Kings Mountain, N. C., route i. Uig wife, Mrs. Marvin Huffstet Oeorvin. Cpl. Huffstetler came into the Army on March J8, 1040, and had been overseas 50 month*. He was with the Infantry and later the Military Police, and has been stationed on Pan?mn in Central America and Oahu in the Hawaiians. Under the readjustment point system, hie score was 100. In civilian life, he was h farmer. MOBOAH DISCHARGED AUGU8TA, Ga. ? Honston K. Morgan of Kings Mountain, N. O., has received an honorable discharge from the Army for medical reasons and has returned te his home. He was a Corporal with the Infantry Corps overseas and wais discharged at Oliver General Hospital at b Letter To Editor ??? The Kings Mountain Rescne Mis aion was established in February, 1044 for the pnrpose of bringing to ] Kings Mountain a mission ball to serve the people spiritually as well mm maieriauy. you people did not tiki to the Million m it *>* hoped you would end back it with your prayera, mean*, and presence. Since the minion wu ettabliihed a little more than a.year ago It wai forced to'give up the idea of helping the people materially, but itill aerving Ha purpoee ipiritnally. In Dee. 1944, a Sunday achool was rganited for the Miaaion and on Sunday Dee. 84th there were 09 people at the Minion for Sunday achool Sinee then the attendance haa been 9 and- down. An email a number aa 10. But en Sunday, June 17th there vera 00 at the eehoo! and on Sunday lane Mth, there was 00 preaent. The tfieaios doea not conflict with other , thurehea. They have their eervieea at I p. m. The Miaaion ia non-denominational, but a^T denomination* are eeleome to wofihip there. The Sunlay achool ia eompoeed moetly of children and 90 percent of them do let attend ehureh elsewhere. So yea m the Miaaipu ia atlll aerviag it# nrpen ia JDib Mountain, mdvtt*. *P*d*1 invitation t<* j L in to U otatev' -, woi|tlk ''?, i*. OSQW W?. B. ?tendsiv\fistor Sunday School t:45 -A. M. Mr. W. K. Unity, Bupt. Church SirvlcM 11:00 A. M., with the Mrnoi by the pastor. Sunday:? Children of the Church 3:30 P. M. Junior Children of the Church 7:00 The Lather Leagues 7:00 P. M. Union Service 8:00 P. M. at the Central Methodist ehureh, with the terraon by Bee. B. E. Craig. Monday:? The Women's Missionary Society, with Mrs. C. Q. Rhyne, Leader, 8:30 P. M., in the Ladies' Parlor. Boy Scouts 7:00 P. M. in "? the Boy Scouts' Room. y Church Council 8:00 P. M. in the pastor's Study. Tuesday:? 5:30 P. M. the Girl 8couts. 7:30 p. m. Toung Women's Mix sionary Society. Wednesday:? 9.AA T> VT Ue.Ws.l UUaVaw. lit. I .w A iu. unci tu i iv. ucui mmsionary ClreJe, with Mrs. Dewey Falls. 8:00 P. M. Senior Choir rehearsal. "WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Paul E. Allred. Paytor J 0,:45 Sunday school. 11:00 "A Boy and His Dinner,"? by the Pastor. 7:00 Class meeting. 8:00 ??Is Thine Heart Right With God," by the Pastor. 7:45 Wednesday, prayer service. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN opUBCH P. D. Patrick, Pastor 0:45 Sunday school, Harry Page. Bupt. 11:00 Morning Worship. 8ermon by Mr. Jack Bogie. 3:00 Sunday school and church * Kings Mountain, thought we .would let the people know what the Mis aian ?mm Aryl n ~ ..... V-... oiv" twma uwiuj^. ktviiic v?i > viu urv < wondered what the mission wan for Since Sunday, Jan. JL thru Sunday June 24, there hae 763 presenfor the 8unday sflfcol ot ,1 p. m There is an enrollment of 101, with a,n average of SO preeent. There hae been ?even professions of faith in our Lord and 8aviour Jesus Chriet. So you people that love the Lord and want to see hie work proeper here in Kings Mountain, pay the mission a visit and help put them over far God. Rev. John L. Gregory, Mission Supt. Rev. Howard Martin, 8. 8. Supt. C. E. Morgan, Jr.. Teacher Mrs. Ruth Martin. Teacher Mrs. L. N. Sisk, Teaeber L. V. Sisk, Secretary I POST-HO All HA'. I IA l-Z PRICE C Now $3. to $8.9 ? w \ jBM 1 \j i ^-y.^M c r- *w %!>*y. . * ' */ rr*. f ?.j'rttft.fii^?'i. '^'K^LVT^V/j 3 ^fi^ji^'Ktif i^' Tf ^^vwjlB?f Dim*. J O. DmmM, 0?pi. ' 1 , TtN T?M| People's -TttjlM, JMk| itnHni I 'tm Mwteji Boy Boout meeting. 8:00 To?fay, prayer ??tof M Kugrut. 7:00 Wedaesdhy, ehoir practice. JTBST BAPTIST CHTJBCH L. C. Plnnix, Pastor 8unday school 10:00 A. M. Hev. J. L. Teague, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Subject: "Tending oor Own Oarden." Baptismal service 4 P. M. Training Union 0:48 P. M. ! Evening Worship 8:00 P. M. (t Central Methodist church. Midweek prayer service Wednesday 8:00 -P. M. Bey Scouts, Troop 8, meets day 7:00 P. M. C. D. Ware Scoutmaster. Cub Scouts meet Thursday 4:30, Mrs. C. T). WaTe, Den Mother. OBNTtlAL METHODIST CHURCH J. Q. Winkler, Minister 10:00 A. M. Chdrch school, B. H. Peeler, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Sermon by Pastor. 7:15 P. M. Young People. 8:00 P. M. Union Worship. The Rev. R. R. Craig of Pisgan A. R. P. church will be the guest minister. Wednesday 8:00 P. M. Midweek service. BOYCE MEMORIAE ABP Rev. R. N. Baird, Minister 8abbath: 10:00 Sabbath school, John L. Gam blc, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship, sermon by vRev. Rursell M. Carr. 7:15 YPCU. 8:00 Union service at Central Methodist church, sermon by Rev. R. 'E. Craig, Pisgah ARP church. Wednesday: * 1 8 P. M. Prayermeeting, followed *by choir practice. FIRST CHURCH CP THE NAZARENF Rev. W. Blanchard Home, Pastor Sunday: 10:00 A. M. Sunday School. 11:00 A. M. Preaching. 8:30 P. M. NYP8. o;<?i r. ta. rrt*cmng. Wednesday: 8:00 P. M. Prayer Service. MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH C. B. Bobbltt. Pastor 8. 8. 8upt.: W. Delbert By are. Training Union Director, Mrs. Lloyc j McFalls. 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. I 11:00 A. M. Worship Service. _ IIDAY SPE( ?r FS 1 . J )FF 98 fj 5 II So * *y M ^r V V' i , v . . * .*%'' - j Umr.il DtmAian-fk iwmiWWO. m CMUHCM WITH A tBn , COMB TO ALU" i O&AOS MSTHOXUST OHUBCH Ktv. W. I* Hark*/, Pat tor 100:00 A. 11. Sunday tchooL R. 8. Lynn, Bopt. 14:00 A. M. Morning Worthlp. 0:45 YoutA Fel lowthip. Sgt. J. D. Montgomery Is Awarded Citation i _____ Htft. J. 1). Montgomery, ton of Mr. and Mr*. D. J. Montgomery of Oro. ver, bar, recently been cited for ?pI perior performance of duty yrhlle nerving with the 35th mobile reclamation atrtl repair squadron in I. ? J t..l? ion I. nurupf i rum uuij * ?-* ?v of that year. 8gt. Montgomery ie the hu"' sod o* 'he former Margie Blackwell of King* Mountain, N. C. I 8he ami their daughter, Joanne, | make their home with her mother, | Mrs. Virvrie Blackwell. i The citation given the Qrover man , commended his unit one of the first {to reaeh the continent, on its task of ; commencing immediate operations nn iler difficult conditions. 1 "With abundant energy, untirng devotion to duty, the men and offi* ? i cers worked consistently Ion# houn I with little rest and recreation, throu ghout the days preceding - and subsequent to St. lx> breakthrough the organization returned many battleecraft to combat statue, enabling their assault upon the enemy." The group was awarded the meritorious service unit plaque by genI eral orders from Army Air Force# I headquarters. Cnl. Charles Black Wounded on Okinawa Word has been reeeved by Mrs. .T, I B. 8elf that her son. Cpl. Charles A Black, who is with the First Marine Division, was wounded on Okinawa Jnne 12. Cpl. Black entered the service Mar : oh lf?41 and served in Panama for i 27 months. He wa? sent to the Pa. dfle in Mar of this vear and was j :n the invasion of Okinawa which was hi* first battle. Opl. Bleak waa I hit ? by a mortar abell and suffered ' >hrapnel wonnda in his right arm, I right leg. and bark and several broken ribs. Msny former Coast Guard surfmen are now getting the landing ^ craft through to the Pacific beaches. :iAL SALE | aL. V ,.- .- j.- < , , ecial Group OF <MLT ^ ,' - . ' ;. i; &. < . . -a.;V &/. a'" 5 :J. <v '! * * 5 . < > . ' '

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