ipf^ TWO ' v f Herald / Call Society Editor, I Mrs. Lona McOill, who is spending i a vacation at Bon darken, suffered the misfortune of a broken arm in a fall there last Friday. Mrs. William R. Weaver, and young daughter, Monette, returned to I Greensboro this week after an extended visit with Mrs. Weaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Plonk. / ?0? Mrs. J. V. Garrison is on a trip to Bon darken. Mrs. Hayne Blackmer and Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell left this week for Crescent Beach, 8. C., where they will spend the month of August. ?o? Mrs. Cole of Sanford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Pride Ratterree and Mr. Ratterree at their home here. ?o? Mrs. Pearl Teaguo, of Charlotte, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. I'. Barber. Mrs. Barber is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Aderholdt, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. James Ritrhie ami son, of Chicago. 111., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aderholdt Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Long, Mr. an.l Mrs. Paul Richard, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T). Greene. Mrs. Albert Greene front Scotland Neeh, N. C., is spending this weekl with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Green. rn HEROES ON THE ROAD Corporal JAME8 November 1, 1943 j force, killed thirts through the oopeni That's real Amari ago that reroals slogan "Let's Ba We'rji in o ing that our homi it is a gri "" : to help people to to maintain thein you are planning your present one, : Home l -JM Loan a KJ9 Dr. 9. E. Vtv'BftS'- ' A. H. Patter ilift ^4 i j^9MlMpHBHUjy^?nl| ^ ||?U K9 << MM " St hvcf* jUMiMt! ; **AuBj^BO^Bp^'^1 g 1' > . -7 louae 271, Office 96 ; Misa Irene Gallant baa returned to ber bobe recently after spending her vacation visiting Cpl. Clarence King . and his family in Bristol, B. I. She ' also visited ber sister, Misa Rita Gal- 1 lant in Lynn, Mass., and frienda in Lowell, Mass., and M^tbua, N. R. Cpl. King returned to Kings Moun- 1 tain for a week's visit. * r Mr. and Mrs. W. Grady Putnam, their son, Billy, Jr., ami Miss Mary Kuchta recently left for their home in Dover, N. J., after visiting for sometime with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Putnam. Grady received a medical discharge in June from the IT. 8. Marine Corp. / ! Clarence L. Jolly, Jr., 82c has been visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jolly. Ho has just completed Hospital Corps School and received the rating of 1st Class Hospital appren tice. ? o?Hill Mcdlin of Gastonia. Milto Fisher of Mt. Holly and Mr. ani .airs. .ioe iveuy or uatlney spent the I week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jolly. i Ensign Carol K. Newby and Lt. Virginia Williams of Asheville were the week end guests of Mrs. Fred Finger. s ?0? ! Miss Alda ""Jean Davis and guest Miss lAtrelle Davis of Jacksonville, Fla., left early in the week for a IviaJt with relatives in Georgia before Miss Davis* return home. * I TO VICTORYGURLEY, on Bougainville, , as a one-man attacking ten Japs by hurling grenades ing of their pill box. can grit, the kind of courtbe true algniflcance of tbe ck Tbe Attack." satisfying bnsinesst Believ- > ' 9s are the backbone of our sat pleasure to us to be able own their own homes and 1 : in a creditable manner. If 1 ?/. v..... - i .v uuj a. uome or repair we invite you to *ee ut. 1 { Building & Association |[ Anthony, Tiadiait I Ma, eewteey-Trworer IVHHHMHHMnRi 3RD PARTS. I fin uwrvMng >" I v y??r. '. . ', ttMM||iQtcartoii?tth partrwOdiqtn hiiannrtTI gtvoyoa mttne rora noiecuvt ocrnce ana i Oi?M^nt Axf rvta.,, | ^ MWUfactimcs J ? i ; ' ' ->. - I' >. v* *" + &'{ ?* '* i*" ? '* " ? otor - (Co. I <' ' r'v ..71 h&tii'Lte'*-' ' - '( H ii" vVlj ito. Draea Paalsr ww called to Braamsboro Thvsday when her mother, Mr*. J. a. Flowe, underwent a major emergency operation. Mre. -o? . Flowe'a condition was described as reasonably satisfacti y on Monday. -o L/t. and Mre. George Plonk of Blackstone, Va., are vielting relatives in the city. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Btender, and children, left Kings Mountain Wed nee day for Foley Beaeb, 8. C., where they will spend the next three weeks Mre. J. H. Stevenson and son Harley, of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. Stevenson's sister, Mrs. D. -A. Cline, at her home here. Mrs. Evelyn Price and Mrs. Roy Lynn are visiting in New York this week. ?o? Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Gonzales and childreu of Plainfield, N. J., who are on an exteuded visit in Kings Mountain, are spending a few days i? the mountains of of Western North Carolina this week, returning the latter part of the week. Rev. Mr. Gonzles will fill the pulpit at St. Matthews Lutheran church Sunday morning anl Mrs. Gonzales will be guest soloist. Mrs. Allen llerndon is on an extend ed visit in Georgia, where she is n guest of her sinter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fortune and baby son of Hickory are guests of relatives in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Beattie of Dillon, S. C., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. R. Davis. -f, Chester A. Bowers, relently return e, Misses Frieda Ferguson, WflUsak S.I). J w. ?-n- * ' ? rpu? u ??rj rmm 01 U9 mpUl action oro gnooti of lira: If. ,itU Plonk, this WNk. Sheila White froitf * Guilford (felago It rtntting Barbara Ana Onftun thia weak. Nazi tttk thojr iAB ittan'1 the Young YrtOnda Coafergn( , of the North Chtolina Yearly Ifeetlag wMeh win -be'hold on tho mmpm of Gilford toOogt, from Infant ?th thro tho 11th." 0t Raleigh ' hot tf? g^^ of . Kr. Ooorgo ^ F. 'V"1 >. ; i. JaX? Early, Xing* Mountain major leader now' in the armed services, ^ donned a Washington Seoator uniform Tuesday but only for a work- , . IE out. J According to a story by the Asso- ^ ciated Press, the Kings Mountain ^ catcher was just paying his former teammates a visit. Recently returned from overseas, Pfc. Early anticipates transfer to m > the Pacific theater. 8-8gt! and~Mrs._wT~J! MeGill~Jr. and son, Jackie, of Turner Field, Albany, Ga., have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGill. They were called back to Turner Field where orders awaited him to j report to Kerns, Wash., for training , and then go overseas. S-8gt and Mrs. Jimmy McGill an 1 ! son, Jimmy of Bluethenthal Field, Wilmington, hare returned after a visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGill. I -- : I " Lt. Ruth MeGill Pittenger of Fort; MeClellan, Ala., has returned to her post after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MrGill. ! Mrs. Jimmy Purslev. Mrs. Howard) Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Lerov MoGill of Oastonia, Mr. and Mrs. Wiston Whitesides of Charlotte. Mrs. Lona MeGill, Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble. , Mr. and Mrs. John MeGill. Mrs. Emma Parsley, Mrs. Claude Hambright, ? and ehlldren of King* Mountain, Mr. ? and Mrs.. Leslie MeGill, Miss Janet " MeGill of Bethany, T)r. W. P. Orier, and Mr. Frank MeGill of Clover were cnests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MeGill while their two sons and daughters were at home. .1 Miss Janet McGinnis, student at ( Lenoir Rhyne college has been visit| ing at her home in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Ertle Powers, Miss : Margaret Ratterree, Mr. and Mrs. I E. E. Marlowe and Mrs. Cecil Crook I of 8helby spent last week at Myrtle | Beach. Pvt. Marion Blaekwell who t has been on an extended leave with hie mother, Mrs. Virgie Blaekwell, returned to Ft. Benning, Qa., Monday. Little Mlas Joanne Montgomery epent Monday night aa guest of her grandparenta, Mr. and Mra. D. J. I Montgomery of Grover. Mrs. Virgie Blaekwell haa entered Shelby hoepital for an operation. I la I FOB THE I JUNIOR II New Shipment I DRESSES AND JTJ II ?IN? J Piques and LONg&fAN] ? i HEATBBATSBl >-? *i ' * * * > l i NSW COOL ST? I ' i. i t i i ALSO Oils TOB LAX l . v BIZS8 38 TO' I ??M| poop 2 Bconte rm Camp Honors 7? r_ * Troop 2 Boy Scoot* returned from 45'* expedition to Piedmont Scout ho imp at Tryon with two medals for mi idlvidual performance in the week- pr field day. .. in Bill McGinni* and David Mauney, 3th of the local troop, finished in tie for first place, with MeGinnie 08 inning first honors by virtue of GROCERY ? Crushed Pineapple Gill's Hotel COFFEE Imitation Black Pepper 1 canning Syrup C. J. Gaul Cleveland County's Most Phone 225 . Attenl Men and If you like the good feel ed clothes come in Friday i Clark, tailoring represen Tailoring Company will be ; - 1 i'Y"; measurements for a tailors Plonlc Broth* .. . i .. ;-.".v ..i-,r;rT;CT "Serviag Kings Kovi ' ?: 7,\ *\ ? ' . " ' i MISS Jg HPEBS ;S Voils ::S i ? nr . 128 / AJ M EXCEL] *. ? vi" ' \ jk p iSf ; .ni' ' 1 "2^vf The .ueeeee of the two Be**t? ttita or otrkad the fMntii 'OMMpMMk'. < ? that the troop has brofcjht Vm; ' sore. Rnfnt Huffitetler w#a the sdal lmet year, Sam Mitehem the h| evtona year, and Hoyle Whiteeide IMS. Fourteen Troop 2 Beonte attended mp this year. SPECIALS ; Gal. Can 79c 1 ib 29c 2 03. Pkg.'? 10c 24 oz. 19c t & Son < Sanitary Market We Deliver I ion, Women ing of wearing tailorMid Saturday. D. 0. tative for Hopkina I ready to take your 1 suit. ersr & Co. ntain Since 1899" ft "I;1#! " = at " . y k "m> . 'M i re dbkbsks ? |