FIRST BAPTIST OHUBOH -V* L. C. Pinuix, Pastor Sunday school 10:00 A. M. Rev. J. L. Teague, Hupt. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. . 'Sermon: "Keeping Our Youth." Training Union 0:45 P. M. K\cuing Worship 8:00 P. M. ai AK1' church. Midweek prayer service Wednesday 8:00 P. MRoy Scouts, Troop 0, meets Mon day, 7:00 P. M. C. 1). Ware, Scorn master. Cuh Scouts meet Thursday 4:31 Mrs. D. Ware, Den Mother. BOYCE MEMORIAL ASP Dr. K. N. Baird, Minister Sabbath? 10:00 Sabbath school, John L. Oan ble, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship. Sermon b; Dr. W. M. Boyce of Charlotte. 8:00 Union service with sermon b; Rev. R. E. Craig, )*stor of Pisgal A. R. P. Church Wednesday? 8:00 Prayer meeting, followed b; Choir practice LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. II. Steuder, Paster Sunday School 9:45 A. M., with W K. Mauney, Su|)t. There will he no church serv> Sunday due to the fact that- Rev. Mi Stender is pn his vacatioq. Children of .the Church will mee Sunday at' 3:30 P. M. Junior Children of The Church a 7:00 8nnday Evening. The Luther Leagues 7 P. M. 8ut day. Women's Missionary Society 3:3 Monday. Boy Scouts will meet at 7:00 Moi day. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. P. D. Patrick. Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday school, Harr Page, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship, sei mon by J. H. Bogie. 3:00 P. M Sunday school and sei ' ice at Dixon, J O. Darracott, Supl 7:00 P. M. Young,People*e Vesper 8:00 P .M. Union 8erviee, ARi ?Whuje 1 I 1 IK AUTOMATIC, 1 I Cigarette I $5 ?ONE-DAY WATC1 I Garli y CREDIT Fa ai >_!. > rnieg ' N * . On that well-remember March, 1933, we were t that the banks would j following Monday, and could withdraw the sm them. Our reply was that we together. ; Today we hold that sa] tegrity 'of the offioers i I M _ A a V a* uongrauuftuons vo ton G. W. 0a> -K : 'jhmmmmmmmm Aboard The UMErttt U The', WaaUTn Pacific. Trod Hi, Spencer, j steward's mat?, second class, wboMi" wife, Thelma, livea on Ro&te 1, Kings Mountain, N. C., fought for 90 days; aboard this destroyer off the Japanese homo islands and the Kynkyus chain stretching southward to Oki- . iiawa. ! Three Japanese planes were shot! '.own by the EHBEN '8 guns. Her crew also helped destroy 14 others during pre-invasion strikes and operations against enemy's island stronghold. Rescue missions performed by the_ EKBKN saved the live* of 25 officers and men, with one rescue taking place during an attack by two enemy planes. i Highlight of the destroyer's cruise came during a Fleet strike off Kvu- 1 shu when five Jap planes were destroyed in as many minutes. With j J other ships in her unit, the ERBKX! , was ready for the attackers. Three | of the plane* were shot down in short order into the sea. ' The ETtBEX won credit for knock ing down the fourth plane, which headed for the destroyer. I>ut veered from its course when badly hit by t gun fire and landed in the sea 100 yards from the ship. An alert lookout spotted the fifth plane, whicn . was shot down before it eonld fulf* I fill its mission. i >. 1 PLONK IS HOME Cnpt. Hal Plonk, Army Air Farces, is home on leave following his return from the European Theater of Operations. Capt. Plonlf is via iting his wife and children at their home on Gaston street. He is the son of Mr. and.Mrs. C. 8. Plonk. church. Monday, 7:00 P. M., Troop Ona, I Boys 8eouts, Broadus Moss, Scoutmaster. y Tuesday. 8:00 P. M. Praver meet] ing. Margraee Community House, r- conducted by H. Bogie. | Wednesday, 7:00 P. M. Choir praey j tice. I., Thursday, 5:00 P. M. Den Four. I *! Cub Scouts, Mrs. Grady McCarter i i* and Mrs. James Houser, Den Mothers. rHEY LAST 5 )ZEN I HPOBTED S?fr&S * 1 - l!: > Lighters a '.SO I I REPAIR SERVICE? I "x C & and's I ith j ad ( ritjr... Bd Saturday morning in old by Mr. B. 8. Heffl )robably not re-open the that if we wished to we * all balance tre had with 7 ' . would all sink or swim " * * - ; . me confidence la the inaid directors of ottr tank. ? in their new home. i " j ? . V : '-yf ' : . f. lung s .' Rates en -^rnSrt^mTia*#^ ? viou, 2^ cents foe the spcond lnaer I. t luteal tor. This moans that a das | t8 titled ad can be ran tbree times i 3] for 75 cents. To simplify bookkeep lug lbe foes ere- p^y-ible In advance ! ei except to busiuen flruu carrying ' b accounts. For tbts rate ads arc ilm , ci ited to 25 , words. r U1 ciabslfibn, advertising must j< be in ike' Herald ojfire by 2 p. m vv Wednesdays to toa"'* p-blication y, as tbj locowinf Tbmsday edition. j| r e FCJR SALE: 4 room bouse, with kit j, rhenette, batb, lot 75x200, $2,250.- ^ 00 for quick sale. See Warren Rey- q( nolds, or phone 338. a-2-9-pd t, I'WO OliS.i'l'o3S TO SERVE YOV ^ cull for apiKiiutmeut. Phe A nix Beauty Shoppe. 1-ltfc " WALTERS FLOWERS J Flowers For All Occasions m Ourlng the summer, closed on Sun- K lay and Wednesday afternoons. Oth- \\ *r days at 6 P. M. T Phone 95 J BUY oSEP FURNITURE 01 ,T> all Kind*. MeOinnia Used Furni ture Co. Phone 322. FOR SALE: One good saddle horse ay See O. A. Bridges, or call at 187. fOR SALE s~iPeaches"-at L. D.~ Hard iug orchard 6 miles south of King' Mountain, on 29 Highway. Peachc* also for truckers. No Sunday sales. june 28?aug 16-pd. : at FOR SALE: '36 Ford pick-up truck k< aud '34 Master Chevrolet coach, m See at Horn's Auto 8hop, Shelby re highway. Phone 306-.J. a-9-16. tt ro BUY OR SxLZJ FtTUNITUR.' a1 See Us. McOinnis Useil Furnitun C?. Phone 322. I JASi' PAIu FOR USE") Furnitv.> See "? Before Yop S-11. McGiuniUsee! furniture Co. 1'hi ne 322. SPENCER CORSETS: Individually dc signed - foundation - medical surgical supports. Fittings guaran teed. Phone 1876, Qastonla, o: write Mrs. Dora B. Etherldge. 31 N. Boyee St., Oaatonia, N. C. a-30j> BLOl'IEB PAPER: We now have i stock high quality blotter paper one-side glazed. Eight cents pe sheet. Herald. Publiahiug House, eitufn-pd EXPERT SEWING MACHINE BE- I PAIRING: Any make or mode>. Write Walter S. Smith, route 2 Kings Mountain. j-19-26-a-2-9-pd MAILING TROUBLE?: Perhapa yo> ( cfc.. solve it with 6x9 manila en U| _ ->v elopes. 2 for five cents, 1$ foi a< 25c, 50 tor 90c. Price for larger a quantities on request. Herald Pub b! iahing House. d< P' FOR SALE: 5-room house and lot. at #1,500. See Dela Mclntyre, * Sadie li x Mill or write P. O. Box 165. a-9-16-pd. < < ? . ? G FOR SALE: Choice figs. See Glenn ** Payseur, E. Kings Mountain. ?' j-25-a-2-9. . Oi It WT h( I pay wh or trade for El ' I new furniture for E 1 same. We buy all Kb ji kinds of old antique | I furniture. Also buy K | I any amount of pou-H 8 I toy at esfflng priotfcfl I Bale of imtiques by apV HACK'S POULTBY B **u aun mure: Lup > r mmmXd. Long or amall tirafJ- Lmr' Opt rotes. A. B. Bates, Box Gentonis, N. 0. j26a-10-pd. VAMTBD: One mil TrieyeM for three-year-old. OnlJ B. L. Otattk . pkost 167, or write Box 101, Xiag? 'Mowntain, N. C. U Local Harketa ^ ;tl ' -V' v?.? ' ?' ]fj ' (flwiml Ainu l, im?) $ Bm ma# A in?# SjMet Potatoes Oat) ?*> Beery *?yw (OPA OeBtna) _ g tef .: - ' "' 'SB Wo jet i n ..? It# SS^iuiir ??WtiVi ?frttM7 wfi i?9Wie?i) th(|i week claniflcatlc v 25 regiat ra n t *. ' The announcement covered actio Jfen ?t the board meeting of Jv The men, the'r previous and pr it classifications follow: oyce Bi Dixon 10 lud 1C Dis. lyde D. Blanton 1A 1C 1 avmond Littlejobn LA >hs H. Schinck 1A 2A ( 'alter B. Dixon ' 2A rood, Lerov 1A 2A ( imei A. Gamp . 1A 1CI dward P. Mullinax 2A srther Adams 1A im Smith 1A eorge Stevenson 1A 2A ahn C. Tnman IP Tnd 10 P om 0. Ettdrs 1C Tnd 10 Di ohn W. Dellinger 4F 2A( ndetson Hayes 1A 10 T eonard B. Phillips 1A 1C I imes C. Mullinax 1A TO T harles H. Philbeck 1A 10 T tack F. Oomp LA 1C I dward F. Hover 1A 10 1 i. ureuory ia h i bepdore Cash . 1A 1C T >hn J. Thornburg 1A 1C 1 enry E. Smith 1A 10 I R. Crosby O 1 Don't use too much soap. A su tout 2 inches thick has proven be ir washing clothes clean. Twelve I'o'oncrstivo lr?s'< pies ?i r ?he direction of the fttate Col 5 Extension Service have been h< Clyde, West Jefferson. North W ssboro, Burlington, Tarboro. ,P outh, and Elizabeth City. Farm< eeived about $8600 more than le lambs had been marketed a f : a time locally. tasiness man or lady own and operate Ron of U. S. Postage Stan Machines. No selling. O ly few hours work wee ly, 100 machines pay i to $1,200.00 month. Noi inal investment require State Phone No., ai best time for intervieBox M., carq this pape a-9-}6-23-30-pd. JPSET STOMACHS YIELD INCHES OF OAS AND BhOA "l was ?o fall of gas 1 wife M burst. Sour, bitter ubsta|^p'*ri p in my throat from my upttt' sti| -h after meals. I got INI^EfB-AJ nd it worked inches of gas a loat from me. Waistline it w own now. Meals are a pleasure.' raise Tuner-Aid to the sky."?this a actual testimonial from a m ving right here in Kings Moynta INNER-AID is the new formi >ntaining medicinal juices from reat Herbs; these herbs eleai owels, clear gas from stomach, ? i sluggish liver and kidneys. Mis t>le people soon feel different rer. So don't go on suffering?C iiner-Aid. Sold by All Drag. 0 8to: ere in Cleveland County. wm I. * . .. ^ yj&JfJb fej I '' V. . > ' | HOKDAY* ATJOUBT ^ I rd ' We. Bufus Bell la spending hit ? 'recuperation furlough with his pur1B# ents, Mr. a?d Mr*. B. ,1. Bell of (jy rout? 2. Pfe. Bell is a veteran of the European Theater and was awarded pg. the purple Heart for wounds received in action during, the liberation o< .jt> Paris. He also Wears five Battle Stars on 4pjhis ETO ribbon, the Oood Conduct Medal, and Pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon. I^ His division, the famous 4th Inf) fan try which landed on Utah Beach n>l on B-Bav. is at Camp Butner wher< H he will be stationed for an indefinite period. v P , ? ,, ! DOVER WINS AWABD i MIAMI BKACH, FIh. ? Pfe. Wil gp ' Phiii L. Dover, husband of Mrs. Ar ft rie Dover of 312 Cansler s/reet n,j Kings Mountain, N. C., has been a n(j wnrded a Meritorious Service ITnil n<1 .insignia at the 'Miami Beach Service ?,l Base of the lAir Technical 8ervie< Command. n,j Pfe. Dover ' is assigned to Main ni| tenance. n,j The Miami Beach -Service Base n,l which handles all base and related ,?j services for more* than 60 militarv IA installations in Southern Florida Was awarded the Meritorious Servle J Unit Plaque for 'superior perform < anee of duty" by AT8C, Headquar ' * t ter*. Wright Field, Dayton, O. The insignia is worn on the right sleeve of the uniform. ? ' County Agent J. A. Marsh ha? le- started a 4-H Hampshire pig clut tld I chain in. Lee county with 6 gilts and 51- ! 12 boars purchased from breeder* ty. in Wilson and Wayne counties. % n J HEROES .* ON THE ROAO ip .. ? EB ip IH i B m w- W * . H During the batl HENDER80N, bomber squadrt w'*h ',8 'oa<' c of a Jap carriei oui freedom. nThat wo furali Lofton to fly? here on the ho l~ \yetearans to bor fiome. If von mg home loan* I'.fc* ' see us. There i most happy to man get started I Home I Loan * i ' '.yf .J V W&?s?^&fB* ' M' ' ' w m Mm Big BHOWB AMP EIDER Sh*V ICaA th% I4tfv mot HoU^A %**! * m ftM.wui EVERYBODY OTTrtBD fajrtATFa Jttf\VS:&/jn'pAA'^lj2& i i y^i'jp-^* I will MnM rVHK^fef# mid I ^ *?** tVT tOf*ffii| Often I b?ck tomorrow If not pleaiwd. l^Xjp | 'Uy '* ?rtffln ^ jpi Center [ m 5 Service fl Phone 62 Ha ' I TO VIC7E57- 1 ^ter* I - Ti 'iimi jb^sra v, tie of Midway, Major LOFTON commanding a Marine Corps >n, dived bis burning plane if bombs into the smoke stack r, sacrificing his life to protect H > h more planes for boys like W -is that asking too much of us IP me front? f I of Rights" permits returned row money to buy or build a wish more inforpistion regardunder this bill, come in and s no obligStion. We will be help any az-servlee man or wotoward home ownership. Building & X Association 1 E. Anthony, President 'attersob, Sec'y-Treasnrer wssmmmmsmmmmmmmmsmmmmmBSBSBs % pg| ^ ^ -A 07 ^ I, AUGUST 18 I 1