f ZffifTEREST. ft?-, ;; PHONES: House 271: (Ml'ice ! mk> r < ! ++++ ?* *5* *> v % v v v v 'i* %- ;* ; Miu Nelline Qault | n< Wed To Sgt. Stroupe j, (ur A marriage of cordial interest throughout thin section ton]; |.lnI "a"' at the jPlrat Baptist i-hurrh Wotnc- i day afternoon at 5:;to o'clock. wi | "'n" MIm Wilma Nelline (iault hc.-atnc th.-j bride of Staff Sergeant Franklin A. I v Stroupe. j I' Bev. L. C. Piuiiix. pastor of tin- sheO church, officiate.], u*ing .]:< Ionl.lej < >ring ceremony. Tl The altar was arranged with ever- l"'n greens, ferns, palms. white glmloli shnu and white aster*. Cathedral tapers in Th white floor eandelahra completed the Mrs. effective setting. I'ews tor special I'ark guests were marked with honi|uets voiin of white gladoli and lcrn? tied with s'u> white satin ribbon. high _ A program of nuptial nuisic was s 1,,ir: rn.i.lnso.1 Is*. MI 1,1 ^ .v w. * . i iiniiv. orjfiui* iat, ami Milton Fi-lnr of Mt. Holly. ","11 soloist. Mr*. I'iniiix played Claire T' ?le Lune, by Debussy, Keliubert '* Sim- Mrs. . enade anil during the i-ereniouv. renei J Behubert's Ave Mnrin was played Air softly.YThe Bridal Chorus frotn l.ohen and and Mmdelshohii's Wedding March the | for the recessional. Prior to the cere- j in T mony, Mr. Fisher soup "Because.") en by dellardelot. and "O Promise Me" by De Koven. For the honedii'tioii. he sanp the T.ord Prayer, by Ms . 1 lotte. Mrs. Pinnix wore a blue ,jer?ey town with shoulder or?:t-te of red roses. , -hem1 1'shers were I'onwav .1, Cault. dr.. *'ro-? brother of the bride. ; 11.i ForrestWarlirk. of Shell v. b-ntbo- in lew of i. the Itrb'e. Tt'e 1 ?' ' i*>> bi> ?T, J best man. Irs broiler. Mr. Robert Stroupe of Oastoii's. j j Miss Franees Hunter of Charlette. ' wa, was maid of-honor and Mrs. Clyde , aj jj, Jolley of Kinps Mou:;tnin. "i?*er of ^ver the bride, was matron of-honor. They wore indention! dresres of pink mar- ^joul quisette, fashioned with fitted bodioe jawn three quarter lenpth sleeve, sweet-| *" heart neckline and full skirt. Theji-'Ou front had a lace trimmed peplenn j Mrs. and a tailored bow was rrranped lit F. I the hack to uiv-p n ntilirl a..?lU a*. I feet. They carried old-fashioned j ? ' 1 noseirays. j Rook The bride was given in marriags j tur?? by her brother. Bovce H. Qanlt. She Hill, was radiantly lovely In her wedding. and gown of ivorv satin, fashioned with and fitted bodice and full akirt with lives & \ : : \ H PATTEKSON.* ! n. Tlif 1>-?? was made with drop j It.it and yoke of marquisette, j lered witti si-allopa ut' satin. Full* j th "deeves ended in points at the: is. Her fiiijjer-tip veil of br'dm j inn was held with a band of tiny i ers Hlu' carried a white prayer | s. In pel with a shower bouquet vliito orchid*. ?e bride"* mother wore navy hive r with matchint; accessories and . liHe of pink roses. !, ic hrniejiroom's mother wore eoblue with blue acceasorle* and j bier corsape of pink rose*, le bride, a daughter of N'r. ami ! I'miWiiv .Jackson (Jnult. Xr.. of or street, Kiugs Mountain, is a' g woman of oulture anil ohnrin. is a graduate of Kings Mountain school ami for a number of lias held a responsible position tie office of the Kings Mountain ufaeturing Company. 10 i roleornom. a son of %^r. ami ' Robert J. Stroupe of Gastonla. veil his training for I'. S. Army ( Service at Barksdale Field, Aala. Albuquerque, New Mexico. For j iast forty months, he has served Soglar 1. arriving iii the States ' itlv. j, e young couple left soon after ; ereinony for a wedding tr'p. The ] donned for traveling a black twopreee dress, white gloves. ' shoes and bag in blnek. At her ' Ider, sne wore a white orchid her h*'dnl bouquet. P. Bookout Honor at- Picnic Dinner F. Bookout of Rock Hill. S. C? j. honor guest at a birthday dinner le home of her nieee, Mre. W. R. ( hart on Sunday. August 12. A ie -I'nr.er prepared by his Kings itain relatives was served on tnj ie?ts inclnded Mr. J. F. Bookout. Lueile Byers. Mr. and Mrs. H. I lookout and daughter, Corinne; 1 H. F. Bookout. recently returnTrout the European area, Edwin i out. T7. 8. Navy, recently re- i id from the Pacific, all of Rock 8. 0., Mr. and Mri. -Hugh Hoke i eon of Lineolnton, the Everhart ' Fulton families and other relain Kings Mountain. < it i r -t " T> ment Deceived ; 1 < A SUIT-ER I I ' J 1 ; & . 1 % FROM THE PAGES OF . t CHARM ph i I - ] k i Saddk-ttftehlng' ' pv- crfu cromt the i }ack*t front of thfi " / . ^WiWWi # 0 J\ fn Wacfc Atfcntfc | I Ration Creml # wvVSWf ^ fla. I4H to XWkl 0 10 * 't . ii 0 !> |S Si)0|>r}A: ' ,T- #" 1 1 ??? l Mrs. Jcihu 11. Hilling, nee Miss Jarolyn Carpenter was honor guest j it a delightful .bridge party on Thurs lay afternoon, before ber marriage, < Alien Miss Nancy Nickels entertain- < il at four tables at the home of her < sunt. Mrs. Joe Thompson. jl Hosts unil mixed flowers adorue I !1 (he living room and dining room. The bride-elect and Mrs. Tommy I llHrper, a recent bride were ^eaon t presented gifts and Miss Clara Mao J i Uantt was presented prize for high t wore. ' | 1 A delicious salad course with a<-- ). -essories was served. i Quests included the bride-eleej, Mesdames Tommy Harper, Pan ringer. Joe ITeddin, Jones Fortune, Miss iusan Norris of Charlotte, Miss .Dor- i ris White and gflest. Miss Kdith Mooneyham of Hpartanliurg; Misse- ! Clara Mae Gantt, Sara l!#crndon, i Helen Ramsey, Margaret Ratterreo. i T..~ II U ! _ f- >' - i - *-? t 1 nuniiiin lowaiii, ? O IMTier, l*,OIU10 Kcofer and Peggy Bak^r. Mrs. T. Carpenter. Mrs. O. P. Lewi*. Mr*. G. W. King and guest. ; Mr*. Anna King Billing. of Knnnap olis, were invited in for refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Gault Entertain wedding'Party . Mr. and Mrs. C. .?. Gault, dr.. enter. . taincd at n cake cutting at tUe-? | home on East King street Tuesday i night following the rehearsal for the ' pault-Stroupc wedding. The home was arranged throughout i ' with lovely eut flowers 111 the dining room the hridat mo tif, white and green, was observed. The table was spread with an emliroiderefi linen eover with inset* or laee. A three-tiered wedding rake, dc'/iratod with dainty flowers land topped with minatnre soldier bride/room and bride yaeod the table. Lighted white tapers in crystal holders completed the table appointments. The hostess was assisted in serving iee erenm and cake by , Mrs. Bovce Geull. Guests included the bridal party J and the families of the young couple. J Mrs. W. K. Crook Hostess To Club Mrs. W, K. Crook entertained mem bers of her bridge club at her home ast Friday afternoon. Bowls of mixed flowers were ar- I ranged -in the living room and muste ' -oom. I Airs, viauuine rayior wno na? tieen j ? house guest of Mrs. .1. K. Herndon was presented an honor gift. An iee course with cookies was sc.red. Those playing other than club mem* , ers included Mrs. R. C. Ktheridge and I ?rs..CUu,' suest, Mrs. Claudine Taylor, of Oris- | :any, Va. ' Lovely summer flowers were ar'anged throughout the home. An ice course and coffee was Berv Ml. !' ( , I Miss Ratterj-ee Hostess At Pre-Nuptial Party Miss Margaret Ratterree was host- , *ss at three tables of bridge on last , Monday afternoon. The party was given as a lovely pre-nuptial courtesy to Mrs. John Dilling, nee Miss ' Carolyn Carpenter. ' I < Lovely summer flowers were ar> .' -anged in the rooms where the ta- i jles were placed for the game. ' Miss Nancy Nickels scored high, ' eceiving a trophy. The bride-elect ' rag presented a gift and Mrs. Tom- ! ' ny Harper, a recent bride, was also j emembered with a gift. A dessert course was served. ? ? , Quests included the bride-elect and . ' he following: Meadames Tommy Hat ' >er, Joe Hedden and Dan Finger; , Jisses Eoline Keeter, Betty Patrick. ' 1elen Ramsey, Nancy Saber, Mary l 3velyn Ooforth, Nancy Nickela, Cla- , a Mae Oantt and Fay Mom. j' Itrs. Claude Bhyne Entertains Book Club Members of the Thnradav After- j loon Book Club and invited guests' rere entertained at a most interestng meeting at the home of Mra. Claude Rhyne .on West Mountain itaeet. * ' The rooraa were arranged with owl* of rosea and eolorful mixed 'lowers. After the business aetsion Mrs. J.' ). Plonk presented the study, based m an article in the American Maga ' ;:tie, "I Live For Tomorrow," b; 'aptain Eddie Rickenbacker. Mra. f, 8. Norman, Mra. M. L. Harmon ind Mra. J. M. Patterson asaiated In* he presentation of the topic. A fen- J ure of the program, creating unua imi interest was an elaborate display r if artialea, most of Which were pur- t hased In the Middle Knst aiyl sent ( lira. Myron Rhyne by her hnaband, iajor Rhyne. f Mrs. Rhyne was insisted in serv- c ng a tempting salad course by Mrs. L'T. De dinger ||d ' Mrs. Myron a thyne \ " , I Iavtted gaests Included Mrs. O. M t taberts and Mrs. B. C. Etberid^s. Bride of Ambrose Gray > Miss Rosa Mae Strieklin. only dau jhter of Mr. anil Mrs. K. N. Strick1 in, ami Ambrose Kslev Gray, younjt eat hoii of Mr. an.I Mr*. 11. '/.. Gray . jf Double Springs, Ala., were marre | . M. Rivera a: Gaffney. S. i ] M'.'a. Gray is a ^ra.luate of Che |; raw, S. ('.. hinli s.-hool ami until her t liaeharjie was a member of the Wo | 1 wen's Reserve. V. S. Naval Reserve. | | Mr. Gray, a graduate of WinHton County bi)fli srhool, Double Springs. | < Ala., is a veteran of Worl.l War II ! in.) is now employed at Clinton En- j irineers Works at Oak Rid^e. Tenn.. | where they will make their home. i' I * I OPA Personnel Guests At Dinner Last Week The perMMntol of the Offiee of Drive Administration and others were ^ enfbrtnined at a ehieken supper on I he lawn at the home of I.. I.. Alex under. )>i>irmiiii of lln> Food I'ri'--Panel. -ft Wednosdoy iiiyhf. A ili'lirimis chicken supper with a- ' ,-c?soiies ami watermelon was served. Guests included W, K. Blakely. Mr. J mi,I Mr*. Mill Maker, Mr. mid Mrs. <\ B. Warli-k, Johnny Warliek. Mr. an I ' Mr-. Atihrev Mammy. Airs. Neil Thomson ami Miss Annie I.nuri ' sunmiitt. i Miss T.otherow Weds Romie Huffstetler i The Mountain View Baptist church i was a beautiful srenh Sunday ?t I kijih noon, when Miss Guldie Totlic- i row l??nine t!ie bride of Moinie Huff slot lor. Ilov. Floyd Holler, the pastor I ho-*-,I tb? vow- . < 'I'lio altar was flanked with greenery ami on eaoli side were floor has 1 ts of jrladioli and dahlias. The hride ehose for her wcddinu oostume a navv Idue dress with inateh in)! hat ami a shoulder length veil, j with white arvessories. Her eoraage was of pink rosebuds and orantre blossoms and she earned a bouquet ] of roses and sweet peas. i < Her brother-in-law, Lawrence Fob- ' ( ter. j!ave her in marriage. T'ne pianist. Miss F.stelle Pruitt, , rendered the wedding muRie." The hride had as matron of honor. Mrs. Wilms Sellers, who wore navy blue with white aeeessories and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet 1 [ ( as. ~ The bridesmaids were Misses Cat letta Foster, Anita King, K?lith Bookout, Margie Barkley, all of Kings Mountain; and Miss Virginia Culler, der and Miss lla Murvberrv of Mountain View. They wore navy blue with white accessories and carried uos?. gays of roses and sweet peas, matching the corsage of the matron of honor. - ^ The bridegroom had as best man. Richard Price, and the ushers were J. W. Webster, and Lorn Barkley. The bride is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tutherow, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Huffstetler. ' After the wedding a reception was held at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Foster, sister of the bride. The guests were invited into the dining room where the table was covered in linen which held a three-tiered wedding ?ake topped by a miniature bride and groom. Mrs. Foster was assisted >- rviiig l>v Mrs. H. C. Bellinger. After the reception the couple left for a wedding trip through South Carolina, after which they will make their home in Kings Mountain. Miss Betty Neisler Hostess To Schoolmates Miss "Betly Neisler entertained a {roup of her schoolmates last week at the Neisler home in the eastern part of tstate. Among the houseguests present were: Misses Carol Saulsburv of Hanover, Penn., Jan* Prierson of Greenville, 8. C., Shirley Yestal of Little Roek, Ark., Joan Bennett of Searadale,. N. Y., Nancy Raycroft and Bess 8tallinge of Durum. ICrs. Franklin A. 8troupe Honored At Party Mrs. Franklin A. Stroupe, who be'ore her wedding Wednesday waa diss Nelline Gault, waa honored on Saturday night at a party, at the iome of Mra. Clyde Jolly. Centeets were played with prizea foing to Mra. Stroupe and Miss Car>lyn Prince. The bride waa preaented in'honor gift. An ice course was served to the 'oilowing: Mrs. Franklin Stroupe, ifesdames C. J. Gault, Jr., Bill Eng* lab, Jack Clark, Bruce Cash, Royce 3au!t, C. J. Gault, 8r., J. C. Jolly, ilyde Black well, C. L. Jolly, Misses >iana Gamble, Naomi Edens, Carolyn 'rince. Nina Cole, all of Kings Moun ain, and Mrs. Forrest Wnrlick and ifitfs Peggy Warllck of Shelby. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dwyer anionnoc the birth of a baby girl, Pa j rieia Dianne, on August lat The 'hicago Lying In ?spital I'niverslj of Chicago. Mrs. Dwyer is the ^roier Mia* Lillian Hirk*, 'of \bi? 'ty. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Huffet inkier irtiwmnee the birth of a son, Miekael Inrry, on Anguat 12, at Shelby hoapv *1. , Mr. and Mas. Fred \V. Plonk an ' ' ' ' ^ ^ * MHr th? birth of a *on, Bober Ferguaon, at Memorial hospital, Cbai otte, Wednesday, August 15. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. K. I?. Kvhiim, auil dau thter, F.li/abeth Gainmill, are visit ng Mr. aud Mrs Ben F. Ream. ?o-Mrs. K. A. Milkiniel. Fr? .1 Me' aniel anil Bobhv M. Daniel spent ist week in Alexandria, Yn., where hey were guests of Mr. ami Mrs, P. G. .Jarkson and Miss Carolyn Me >aniel. Miss McDaniel will entei 'lege in Washington, 1). C., or September 4. ?o? Mrs. .1. C. J'ainter, ,lr., and daugh er, Koline are spending the week rith Mr. and Mrs. Fulton KverhaC, ?o? Mrs. Hulda Goforth left Tuesdav or a visit to her daughter. Mrs iVill Jenkins in Winston-Salem. Sgt. Bobby Subfr gild Mrs. Suber pent the week end with the former*? arents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Sober >gt. Kulier is an instructor at Officer 'amlidates school at Fort Benning la., and came for n \ isit with hiicople on the anni\ersnrv of the re eipt of a letter from one his corn ados telling the Suhers that thoit inn. then a prisoner of the Germanivas alive. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Hanihright ol h Rethanv section hail as their ill* ner guests Sunday, the following rel ttives, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ITnmhrifrh of Roek llill. S. P.. Mrs. V. 1. an. diss Retty lininhright of Vork. 8 ami Mrs. K. R. Prain of Xasn i ilk*. Tenn. ?o? Rev. ami Mrs. John O. Hick* ol Spencer. N. P.. spent the first of thi.veek with Mr. and Mrs. .T. O. Uiek' itnl family. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs R. R. Yarbro were Lt. Joe R. Rickeri )f Welch Convalescent hospital, Ray :ona Beach, Fla., and J. R. Dicker? and son, Larian, of Central, 8. C. ?o? Miss Mary Frances Horil, Misi Maud Eunice Hard, and Mrs. Charle< Thomasson left Tuesday for a visit to Miami. Fla. ? Kings Mountain We Fill Any Do Phones 4 W-Tt.i QpU( iKU?VE?Kt ^arr ^h^|l ^Mj|j^^Sj|fl||^^Ksv^H w-r^ CaW** t0 M'* J * ?? ,..,r-^-vr;>' Insect Repellent Creai Half Pint Thermos .., Isopropyl Alcohol ... Jar Klepxo Shave Ore Gypsy Cream Gypsy Sun Tan Cream Portfolio Stationery Ladies' Bill Folds .... Rexall GYPSY ( fomoul ?OOth:ng, cooling relief for of SUNBURN . . . Ponon Ivy . . . he Chofirg . . . hivet . . . ncr pofionou inject b:?e%. A*> for Resell Gypr CrtOTi todoyl The Rexoll romi OMu'ti you of tailed ond opprOve< high quolity olwoyt. A REXALL Puretest ASPIRIN TASin Ut'i liitcn mnd lawf h I H'm Hf "I Mdmy Nlffctt ?C 1 spiSlliijp /^~Vt?, tAtVH* Alt HTowU ciASiinTo^ ^AO ^TWjr^WtW ClMIIKU hy. TO.J ? J j -JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167? DIXIE TurATOP i nLA i i\c i THURSDAY "Without Love" Spencer Tracy t Chr. Boyer rRIDAY i!.a SATURDAY "Road To Alcatraz" j Robert Lowery - June 8tory t and > ' 'The Phantom Speaks' Richard Arlen Lynn Roberts MONDAY and TUESDAY v "I'll Be Seein' You" Ginger Rogers Joseph ^Gotten Bhirley Temple WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY : August 29, 30 "The Cheaters" i Billie Burke < Eugene PaUette , t " i Drug Company ctora' Prescription 1 and 81 SfARCH?-8* IN TRIBUTE to the heroes of science... unheralded or known ... we dedicate this event. To those whose labor with test tubes, white mice, guinea pigs, never accepts defeat. To those whose unselfish devotion never slackens that a woy may be found for their fellow men to live healthier and more fully... we offer whot honor we may bestow and o grateful solute. r n 35c $1,00 40c am 40o 50C 50c 49c $1.00 up :REANl~& di? ?l ro?h . . . r,^wx:T otui A Or ' %?$ J Of K? if 7* | la leaf I Or*f Sammar Harffe Show" >, too?t.fo-??o?t {a ir'1?v ,* ;< .V'