Bp - I ssssrvss K?ts<n its 'lT r| UHgeres tuid ob nilitntMH ? J'Xl >y?%r*lf, *0. 87 "1 ' . ' i'Vtf ? ? ? ;| Local News Bulletins ;y ' ; -M . . TOOTH CENT EH OIiOBBD The Youth Ceuter which operati iu the Woman's Club, is now eIos? ?.Vv ~ will perhaps remain closed f< , tiro weeks, it was announced ye . .. ' terday. The Youth Center U to I ' tr'y cleaned and equipment repaired as " - ! renovated, it was stated. . TKOWBB PROMOTED t. ' , , Commander Robert a Trow U8N, has recently been promote to that rank, according to iofomi tion received here this week, dot | .< mander Trower, son-in-law of D and Mrs. J. 8. Norman and a era uate of the Naval Academy at A: napolli, la captain of tha U88 V leria, now in the Sooth Pacific ( route to Ne^ Caledonia. The ah , was eommlasioded during the pa summer at Ffovidence, B. I. LIONS MEETING Member* of the King* Mouuta - Lion* club will be aupper gueeta < Q. A. Bridge* at hia home IhurscU "A;. night at 7:30. No formal prograi ha a been arranged. OHUEOH BOLL CALL ' Sunday, September 30, haa be< j, designated Boa ' Call Sunday I Bethlehem Baptist church, tt wi v ;v -aounced this week. At this tin the roll will be re-worked and -a members are urged to be preaen $>,' .. ' i : r i BABN BEING* |7? i**. V "The auction sale of the J bai ?n ?ae -J. X'. Auieou properly < fejCherokee street brought a total < L?'V $74 last-Saturday afternoon, wi< _P. B. Kails, colored minister, ai ! .blacksmith the highest bidd? George Allen served as auetloaet . The barn was sold by W. K. Ctm 'J and L. A. Hokq, new owners oi tl A property, and the barn is alreac ~J v>,,: : fe." * bkntjoio* wuntw.; Sentence of five years band< - 7 Tommy Buff,16-year-old Kinj Mountain boy, in Gaston SnperK eourt last week was commuted 1 a one-year term in state prison i -; the end of the court session lai " week. ?ft- Carl Finger, sen of Mrs. 1 |7 B- Kngsr, of Kings" Mountain, hi / .. \ . received an honorable disc ha i from the army following IBs fetur from Europe. Sgt. Finger was en dited with 86 points under the a V, my't discharge system. plonk zn states Sgt. Clarence Plonk, Jr., Son c Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Plonk, arrive In Boston, Mass., Monday, retun W'Z .-1 - turning from the European Theati . of Operations. Sgt. Plonk served 1 rO-L.. Afriea, Sicily, France and Germi ffiftjfv'Ve''.. nJ and was overseas almost thrc years. He la expected home eoon. : TWO ION DlBOBCABGED ^ ''j' Kings Mountain men wbo hav ftfeS? v recently been 'discharged /rem. th armed services are Ltt. Carro PP^^'r Barnes, husband of Mrs. Barbsr Bitmmltt Barnes, and CPO Has MeGlU, son of Mrs. I. A. M QtiL l> fa* -v : r-r?' - ' . h vy >;.,r ANTHONY PROMOTED -s ' Captain William 0. Anthony, o Mountain, son of tit.- an " "?*? ST. Anthoay, has feeeatl S?^vV"!i " , '.'-been promoted to (hat rank, aeeor to Information received hen ifiSScvr" Oapt. Anthony is now atftloned o Guam. MBBTUVO KAXNED OUT The meeting of the county boar .. of hospital trustees, scheduled to t ' Tuesday is Kings Mountain to" eat - > aider poeeible. ettee for the erectio v of the -hospital here, #as postpone Btee to the hedvy 'rain* which fel .'vever the week-end. Another meel iA' tag Is to be scheduled ia the a on ;- I fdture, according te ;Wr*y " Wil test??? Sfefr*-'' '..siili "isi ai i r "BitfK School flMriMw ^bh^SnmI^^V 'wa^^^SyiL; Hings i I I ' i ? u 1 J' two mrthd the trait itar medal 1 a. I?r hU heroism b n?illy deactl( ntisi a German Bbi field on fib- I rnar^r nt 1QAJI Wwwtnw in i t [p the United States Uris wnk. J Hosston Wins ? Bronze Star 9f >> First Lieutenant Humes Houston, ( 01 of Kings Mountain, has been award- ] ed the bronae star medal for herolr ] aehlerement in connection with mill-1 tary operations in Germany, accord-!, su ing to a copy of the citation aeeom- j ( Kl panying the award recently received ] u here. I< ,e .Lt. Houston arrived in New Torn < m Monday from Europe and Is expected j u in Kinge Mountain during the week .a*?* i He received the. award for alone | deactivating a j German mine field, rn laid with new-type mine, after or i >a dering the men of his unit to wtth?f draw. I lh .The citation follows: id "... For heroic achievement la ir. connection with military operation* < *. against an'enemy of the. United Sta < >k tea ia.Gefmany oa 10 February J04T 1 se During all operations against tfed en- ' iy emy, Lt. Houston has demonstrated ;i a atnn <iPBrree of roorage and on? tpfdiag leadership. Qn one oeedkfM, < whea he HiMfW.I. am ?mml.type < )(j German mine stnleh wee ncMiDnh < p daiygeroas to handle, he directed am )r men to withdraw aiM rover.hlm 1 t0 while he alone deactivated the aatne lt field. Hie conspicuous heroism, fear- 1 leeeneta, and eonrageons devotion to i duty are ia keeping with the highest i radit'ona of the military aervl- I - . . Hia trife ia the former Sftee 5?va ] Mae 80her. , ? -i is r High School O] Season Against Kings Moantain'a IMS Moaataia,f ?e-s will open their gridiron aeaeoa ' Friday afternoon at 3:30 at the ata- ] il'iini here when they take on Belmont sr Abbey. B The probable line-tjp is: Pobby Leil better-?L. E. : .. TKnft^ftro \ffoaa_?T. ft* - fjj ?? V ? * UPD Ui Ml William Harnior>?li. 0. Bobby Co*?Center. Dickie Pouter?R. Q. e J Robert Neill?R. T. a Bill Dettmar?R. E. Ij C. /C. Edene, Jr..?T. B. m Rill Oaehlon?F. B. r. Ralph Smith?W. B. [e. L. P. Stowe, Jr. ?B. B. s Other member* of- th* tgutd . are Bill MeOinnJa, Everett Bridae*. P. 'C. Homphriea. Jim Rnd*ena, BIB Black* f well, Buddy Mcdlin, Dwight Ware, d David Piaher, William Hemdoo, Jack y Ledford, Bobby Hnffatetler, . JaeK ^ J. Hnffatirkler, Rnfu* flttff?tlekler, ] J;- Boyre Hufr'itetler. Jack. Prljice, Bill n MrMackin. and Milton MeKelvto. Six of laat year'* letter-men, Bill I Dettmar,' Ralph Smith. Robert Welti, f Dickie Foater, Bill Caahton, and * 3 Bobby Ledbetter are back and will i r etTongtken the team considerably. , t , Coach Donald L. Parker ?ld that a pi? the line *honl4 be strong provided he doe* not have to weaken it to etren- t II gtheo the befekfIe1d.\ Hi* biggeet wotr I t. ry about the backfleld, which ' i* r green and Inexperienced, it need or; ^ [. * kicker and paaaer. | f ft le reported that Bttmont Abbey a whleh I* a combination high J school j and junior college, ka* bee* etrong-' i thened by piayeffe freoa iaet ymp? i Geetonla sad Charlotte team*. Their j line and backfleld will Optwetgh the * "Mountaineer*" con?iderabiy. Mount N. _ _ , UKIMOS HOUHTAIM, M. 0., THUB Carpenter Found Dead.J On Tuesday Funeral services for Charlie P. Carpenter, about 68, who was found lead Tuesday afternoon about 5:3U n a ditch near the Cora mill, will be leld Thursday afternoon at Mountain /iew Baptist church, with Rev. Floyu Holland conducting the rites. Internent will follow in Mountain Re>t emetery. Mr, Carpenter had been missing t dnce early Sunday morning, when ] A lflft fh? hnmo /a# J W flnlna ?. >out 1:15 according to Chief of Poice A. K. Aderboldt, I Chief Aderholdt aaid that the body was fonnd by Pearly Phillipe aal an- n jther man in an eight-foot, rain-fill- gfc ?d gulley near the railroad track from the Cora mill. an Police had beea notified of the op nan'? abience from home on Sunday M tnd had been searching for him since, gig it was stated. y<y Mr. Carpentet lived with his fam Or ilv at the Phenlx M<n village. Or Coroner Boscoe Lota of Shelby xh said he was unable to find any evl- u lenre oft foul play, following an in- hi aestivation Wednesday morning. 1*1 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mat- oil tie McClure Carpenter, four sons, ? Pfc. J. H. Carpenter, of the army, _ Machinist Mate H. E. Carpenter. T tVashington, D. C., M. J. and C. f. Carpenter, of Kings Mountain, an t fit Tour daughters, Mrs. C. Y. Slmms, or Kings Mountain, Mrs. T. W. Dettmar >f Cramerton, Mrs. J. H. Bennett, ofUreat, Falls. 8. C . and Mrs. H. L. Jttytrt, of Woodruff, 8. "C. Ja. ^Ahother son, Earl Eugene Carpen- a ter, was killed in action in Septem- * ' bar, 1M4. , {JJ a 1 World-Wide Communion 0)( Set For October 7th The majority of- Kings Mounts!* Sei hurches .will participate on Sunday, do October 7, in World-Wide Commas- an Ion Sunday, It waa announced thts id? vcek by the "Kings Mountain Mtat*- ta ? ?IHM ?UC IBWOPt J It will bo the *ixth year of the n? observance of4 World-Wide Oommuni>o, m people* throughout the. nation <"oi lake part in the aervtee. - tb< "Now that the war la over, bring- "o inn liberation to many lands, there He will be wider commemoration of the to Holy Communion on thia day than at tal any time in the paat four yeara," ' laid Her. P. D. Patrick, president of Br the aaeoelation. . ha All peraoaa are urged' to make no >lane now to be preeent at aervieex tri in their ehureh on Sunday, Oct. 7. tr% At pens Gridiron Abbey Friday * City Is Drenched By Heavy Rainfall rhi " 73( The weather came In for more ** than ita usual portion of converaa- 'rc tlon over the . week-end, aa Kings , * Mountain caught the edge of the Florid* hurricane and waa thorou- 1 ghly drenched., __ ' ehi While no particular damage has ( oen reported, crop# are thought to Hfl have coffered, and various report* < indicate that more dwelling*, bnslneee houses, and basements leaked p than' tn many, a day. ' Limbs clattered many a lawn, and ^ the oommon remark beard In down- * town King*, Mountain Tuesday was "Doesn't the sunshine look good?" ln* hwsral Bites Held EI for James B. Lawson 01 V? ' y ? \ Funeral service# were held from tho I lethtehem Baptist church Saturday eitj or Jamee Benjamin l>awgoti, age 70, (3 rho died at Shelby hospital Thurs j lay-morning at six o'elock. He had t|t? >0en In ill health for the past eight souths. _ dm A. native of Georgia, the deceaacd ten iad made hint hotn* in Kings Moun- e01 ala and Shelby tqr the past 14 years. Cw Surviving are four danghtere, Mrs. J, BL ;Fkeagln and Mm. 0. K. Pain- 8t? her ef Bhslbjt "te. Nora Maekey < jaA Mte. F. A. kePanlel of Kiage aff fountain. Three-sisters, Mrs. J. H. rM Toggle of Atlanta, Mrs. Ella Mad- , Ion of Athene, 0a., and Mrs. J. X. lannah ef Hehegar, Ate. Ten grandhUdrea and six gesat-graadehlldren wai ' - - 1 Lain n SDAT, SEPT. 80, 1M6 K ' ' I W?OW ? VlrtfaU Plonk. d?n Mr of Mr. and Mra. ft. L. Plonk, nU 1, Kings Mountain, N. O, baa ired In tha Buropean Tkaatar or oratlona to sorra tha aimd foroaa an American Bad Oroaa staff aslant. Mian Plonk la ona of many on* woman helping to fill Bad Ma naada overseas. Until bar Bad mo appointment, aha taught In tha omarrlUa, If. O., City schools. She a graduate of Kings Mountain gh School and tha Woman's Ool9 of tha Unlraralty of North Oat na, A. B., 1ML reman Cancels rip To City President Harry 8. Truman hns ncelled pluna to visit Ktngri Mounn on November 2 in connection th a moved np celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Battle of ngs Mountain. This information was received by ?e A. Bridges, chairman of the jnty board of commissioners Tueey morning in a night etter from na^or Clyde R. Hoey, who had tenred the invitation to Mr. Truman d who had reported that the Pres. >nt would coma to Kings MounIB. ! . a Lisa B. Weathers, who had bead med chairman of the committee on | raugementa Mr. Bridge* -and other in\y officials expressed regret ftt 9 cancellation and announced that official celebration will be held, iwever, plana are being discussed invite Mr. Truman to KTnga Moun In next year. Text of Mr. Hoey'a wire to Mr. idgea follows: "President Truman a definitely decided that he eant visit Kings Mountain on th's p. He will go to StdtesvfUe, an t >m there to Baleigh and thence to lanta br plane. The announcement ?y not be mad* until tomorrow ... "Clyde R. Hoey, ITS Senator." (1 Present At Six lurches On Sunday Church attendance at six city irches was S61 last Sunday, while 1 attended Sunday 8chool exercisThe totals were based on reports >m 'the individual churches. Htan/lineA Kw aV??u?V? ...vxMotn v viiuiciirn IOIIOWK; ^RP?church school, 98 Presbyterian ? church school, 129 jreh, 79. Pentral Methodist ? church school i, church, 188. Jrace Methodist ? church school, ; church, 83 night, 35, prayer sting 19.. kutherap ? church school 187, irCh, 147, night, 45. facedonla Baptist ? church school church, 88, night . 43, prayer meet. M- I even Oases Disposed ' In Court On Monday " f , rievcn eases were disposed of ia r recorder's court- before Judge O. 0 Tarrell this week. >oe Carroll, Robert Boatty and lliaui Balk, sll found 'guilty of nkeanese, were handed 80-day sen . ees, suspended on payment of ts, as were three negroes, Tour . toll, Lerehda Moore and -Gsorge . vsas. I !olsy Freeman, found gultty of an ray, was fitted' #8 and costs, and ; k Huffstetler was gireu the same , gmsnt oa charges of drunkenness 1 an affrar. T. O. IteflUlUtns i aUo fined $S ftnd eeeta for , nkeneees, and Woodrow Kimble , i fined *20 and eoeU on the Ma* ] ,l - ' .. FtJTNAK IV STA.TX8 . Opt, Wade H. Pnlnant andfed im' 1 Ha" . - . .. . #>* v . lerald Pinnix Seriov In Car Accid< Kcv. i,. C. Pinnix, pastor of First Baptist church, is in Bowinan-uruy hospital in Winston-Salem suffering from severe injuries he sustained when his automobile skidded and wrecked about 10 miles North of Mocksville last Thursday. Mrs. Pinnix was also injured, suffering lacerations of the head re quiring the taking of a number of stitches, and Miu Margaret Kendriek, who bad accompanied the pastor and hi* wife to Winston-Salem, suffered painful bruises. The accident occurred on the return trip. ' Mrs. Pinnix and Miss Kendrlck returned to Kings Mountain Friday. Mr. Pinnix is said to have sustained a fractured back and possible internal injuries. His condition Wednesday was reported "as well as could be expected." He had been placed is a platter east on Monday. Mrs. Pinnix was reported improving nicely at her residence here. Though first-hand details of the accident could not t>p obtained, it is thought that the Hudson car of Mr. Pinnix skidded on a curve on the Winston-Salem Mocksville road, went out of control, and overturned. The car is badly damaged, with top battred in, all windows smashed, and the body badly warped. \ Bed Cross Is Beady To Assist Veterans ^ w With the end of the War the Armed Forces are ready for the greatest demobilization in history. The American Red Cross stands by to as sist Cleveland county's returning veterans in securing. the Government benefits to which they are entitled, and to help them with the many prob lems they face in their return to cfvilian Ufa, Rev., P. I). Patrick, chairman of Kings Mountain Chapter. ..ij t.i.. . . DOIU VVUHJ Mr*. Ruth Gamble and Mm. Pride , Ratterree bava juit retarded from SendefBOnYille, N. C.. where they attended a two-day conference on veterans' claims and benefits. At the meeting it was emphasized that tho work of the American Red .Cross at home will of necessity continue and in some-respects will increase, particularly In those services related to the serviceman, ex-serviceman, ann hi* family. Newest developments in veterans' claims and benefits were discusses and iT program planned which win enable the Kings Mountain Chapter to provide the ore a test possible service for returning servicemen. Veterans desiring assistance are adviseed to contact Kings Mountain Chapter at City Hall, Mr. Patrick ,sald. ?t Hardin Took Part In Jap Occupation Coxswain Ben A. Hardin, son of; Mr and Mrs. Cnrti* Hardin of Kings | Mountain and hnsband of Mts. Bouise Wallace Hardin, participated in the initial occupation "and follow-no operations in the occupation of Japan. while serving on board the firs* ?hln to enter the Ybkoauko Naval Base. Honshu, Japan,-on August 30. aceording to Information received here by hfs parents. T n aorrion thrnf* VARM PnTnTftlri Hardin held 89 diacharge point* *.? of Augu?t 15. It was stated. Fulton Receives Army Discharge 8-8gt. William 8. Pulton, Jr., aon of Mr. and Mr*. W. 8. Pulton arrived in King* Mountain this week after receiving an honoraTJTS discharge from the army at Port Bragg Mon4?r 8gt. Pulton reached New York on September 18, thu* completing 38 month* service in Africa, England and EuiVpe a* a supply v sergeant with the Ninth Air Force. Inducted Into the imj on April 10, lMt, Bgt. Fulton went orereeae on December 90, 1049, earring eobeeqnently la Egypt, Libya, England. Eranee, Belgium and Germany. He held H9 polate under the ir my'e polat-dteeharge eyelem. Bgt. Fulton lay* that Germany *u the prettleet country he Vieited, adding, "though, of eouree, we >did V.-.-. }..-r.y -? ' 'K%s*=>r '' *r> ih?^,y-V' " .?;v 8 Pages Today i ??????? ? FIV? OEMTB PB* OOP? isly Injured ent Thursday t - - j . KIWAJTIS SPBAXEB.?B. U Chun* tie, a tore, South Carolina Commissioner of Labor and formerly affUla ted with Weialor MM* ' bore, wUl peak to members of the Kings Mountain Klwanls tint at thai? regular meeting Thursday night. Kiwanis Club To Hear Gamble . * R. L. Gamble, Commissioner of Labor for South Carolina, will, address the Kiwanis Club at its regular meeting Thursday night, the subject of bis address "being "Post War InJ dustrial Relation*." commissioner uamble studied Textile Engineering at Georgia Tech anil Law at the Chattanooga College of Law, Chattanooga, Tenn. Following this, he entered Textile work and was employed during 1934 and 1935 at Neisler Mills, Inc. While working for the La France Mill in Anderson county, 8. C., he was elected to the House of Representatives from which he resigned to join with the S. C. Department of Labor. At present, he is serving his second term as Commissioner of Labor, having been appointed both times by Gov. Olin D. Johnston and unanimously confirmed by the 8. C. Benate. C. E. Neisler, Jr., president of Neisler Mills who secured Mr. Gamble as speaker for this occasion said, "We will be happy to welcome Commissioner Gamble baek to Kinga Mountain even for such a short visit and we feel certain that his many friends will be glad to see him again." Price Panel Reports Activities For August A report of the activities of- the Price Panel of the Local War Prlee t anil Rationing Board during the month of August shows a total of 86 retail stores visited by board re- ?i\ preventatives. The Panel was pleased with 'tit *? large degree of improvement shows in compliance with posting ' and prleing reitulafions. Very few overcharges were found on the items listed to be checked on the routine survey, it was stated. Following a Panel hearing. J. K. Manney, owner of J. E. Mauney "S btore, maue fi'~voiuntary contribution to the Treasury of the U. 8. of $87? for overcharges found during the August Food 8urvey and a subsequent, recheek of the store. The selling priees of 100 food tterns will be checked in the Septern- ' ber Food Survey. Compensation Claims Not Anticipated Here Mrs. Mary H. Ooforth, Kings Mona tain U8E8 representative, ta^d Wednesday that she does not anticipate - much eall for Unemployment Com pen? ? a at a *? * ' anon oeneme irom iviip HOUMU cittcena pointing oat that at the pm> ent time that* are enfftelent Job * pontage to take care of ISO perepae with textile experience. A perion able and available for work and who eaa be plaeed la rait* able work la not eligible for naem* ployment cumpeusation, Uri. Ooforth explained. At the preeent time, it waa eta ted, no elahne are being paid in Xing* Monntatn. , \ . > "The lab outlook to good la XTag* Mountain," Mre. Oeforth tfald, "and I da *{ bellev* that we ahaS flag many valid elate* fee eoaapeaaatloa te lfcs teaaedlat* fatare." \ ^ .ftoWK it keeping'*1 -M eleeeeaataetwHh etaglojrera to bra* - >J " ****** *** ' *

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