I IFVfnrs* bisad on rnUtnttoM of Churches Wi! Id World-Wid . s ' * isft- - ?>', ' .? V Citizens Urged . To Be Present For Services ChuTohea of Kings Mountain are -axpscted to be filled Sunday as almost all of them join with churches, throughout the world in the shcth annual observance of World-Wide Communion. .</* Ministers of Kings Mountain are tanking appeals to their members to 'vjattend communion services on Sun amj in a re hedieation to the princpies of Christ. _ Majority of the services in Kiug asonntaiu win do new at tne morn ing worship hour, though the coin m union service at ARP church will be held at theVvening worship which begins at 7:30. In a statement this week, Rev. P D. Patrick, president of the Kinjjs Mountain ministerial association and pastor oi First Presbyterian church "Many different races, languages anr religious denominations will be present at His Table during the 2-t hours of Sunday, October 7. v "This year the Lord's Tscle will *>e set by world Christians in strange lands and on far seas; Ln rained chapels and within great cathedrals; in hospitals, under trees In the tropicst on eold wastelands of the North, ln lands formerly filled with internment 'Campa and prisons. ' "With the war at an end, it la a time not onlc to rededieate onr lives "to the principles of Christ bnt to offer thankfulness for peace." * Legion Auxiliary Held "Meeting Tuesday Night The American Legion Auxiliary of the Otis P. Green Post No. 168 met Oct. 2, 7:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. James'Ware with Mrs. Cjtus JTiUt Mid Mrs. Llojrfl Phtfer tr Joint hoit esses. 'Mrs. Bnth Gamble the presiden*, nresided. Mrs. Cvrns Palls lain, gave a devotional program. Mrs. Pride Ratterree, secretary- and treasurer, gave the financial report. The following officer* were elected 'for the coming year: ^Mesdnmes Panl Manney, president, O. O. Walker, "Vice president, Pride Ratterree. see . retaTy and tree sorer, Cyras Falls, cfiapliin, James Ware, historian. Mrs. Gamble presented to the Auxiliary a Department citation which was awarded by the Department for fulfilling all obligations during past 7^. . A -membership certificate showing honor roll achievement vss also -.presented for attaining membership quota. Membership* does were paid to Mrs. Ratterree. A large percentage of the members were - present. Also number of Invited guest*. There ?u a llraly discussion concerning the Qo-Qetters Club la which the Auxiliary Is to. participate for the purpose of obtaining new members - i " Mrs. Olee Bridges and Mrs. W. W. Souther had charge of a program een tared around membership. After the meotltig adjourned the hast mas served a- deUcious salad with accessories,' followed by a sweet ' eoarse. ? PWnj' if* Itf W WQfrt . v I^^S3^33C7Z!^A!3S2E3SSi5C 19 Kings 7* y ' * - ; '' r. ' * . 4 . ' - ^ ' II Participate eCommunion Polio Strikes Bridges; Team Plays Forest Oity King* Mountain high school foot ball tona will op*n Its conference football muou Friday night when It lnvadee Forest City with tho arclight affair ochodulod to bagln at 8 o'clock. Tho toam will bo playing _mlnna two regulars, Everett Bridge*, who was stricken with Infantile paralysis last Thursday and who Is new receiving treatment at Memorial hospital, Charlotte, and Bobby X>eabetter. who broke a shoulder in a practice tea*Ion over two weeks ago. Ala on tbo injured list since the Belmont Abbey game is Dickie Foster, letterman, who suffered in Injured knee. | Ooach Don Parker, however, wae hopeful that Foster would be able to see action. Forest City customarily has a strong team; bnt little is known about the caliber ol the 1945 edition. i . Julian Property Auction Saturday The Julian pfdperty on East King street, comprising 62 lots suitable for home sites, will be Sdid at auction Saturday afternoon at 3 d'clock, with owners of the property and P. D. Herndon, real estate agent handling the sale, anticipating spirited bidding for the property. - George Allen is to serve ss auctioneer. Mr. Herndon, announcing the sale lost Wweek, said that each lot has a 25-foot front facing either King street, Deal street or the York road. The lots are of varying depths. The pivpvrfcj WBB ^ormenr os^n Dy the high school as an athletic field. , Mr. Herndon said that terms may tc? .arrange*}, with as-little as one tilrd down payment required to purchase, and he stated that a high bidder on any one lot will have the priv ilege of taking two additional adjoining lots at the same figure. . Plat of the property is available at the home of Mr. Herndon. Sunday Bally Day'At Lutheran Qhurch Sunday, Oct. 7, is Rally Day at St. Matthew's l/utheian chureh. At tho Sunday School hour, 9:45 a. m., a pageant, "The Word for the World," by Henry Snyder will be presented by members of the school under the direction of Mr?. Myron Rhyne. Those taking part include: Mother Church: Mrs. L. P. Baker, Jr. Saaday School: Bobbie Ledbetter. Dally Vacation Bible school: Miss^ Elolse Randall. Youth: .Miss Peggy Bgker. Hi Ma:George Houser. Luther League:, Miss Joyce Pall*. ' 8[>eelal Music will be rendered during the pageant including a boys' chorus at)d male trio. The public' is ' cordially. invited. ?l!T- ~ " ?n. Moun ' \ k , J* KXVCM MOUNTAIN, N. C.. TO ' " ' . ' ' "7 Local News Bulletins VTW MBETINO Members of Johnny William Blackwell Boat No. 2268, VFW, will i bold their regular semi-monthly " meeting Friday night at 7:30 at tba . City Hall. Comma ruler Charlie Warlick said that the meeting is Itn- * porta ut aud urged a full attendance. | n WRITE8 ARTICLE { r An article appearing in the Sep- i i teinher issue of thd Carolina-Vir- ' f ginia Retailer, official orguu of the 1 K'lkktK 1'nknlitm \l - < v>?? vh* vnua iuvivuamo aoawia' ' J tion was written by Mrt. W. B. |? Logan, of Kings Mountain, who is I t president of the Uastonia Credit ' J Women 'a Breakfast Club. The ar- ! title, entitled "Oastonia Credit <? Women Ardent 4 Breakfast Club' j? Bupporters," gives the history <K i that group aud its present activiti- , ; : ' - ! 1 " ' ' . 1 HOBD BAdK AT BAKB |1 L Gilbert Hord, until recently a , 1 navy chief petty officer, has been 11 Pleased from the service and la !' buck at the' First National Bank | v here. He f?*?med hia duties at the j bank on Monday. CPO Hord spent | I a long tour of duty in Panama and 1 has recently been stationed In Chi- j ego. j .1 STORE IS BOLD I J. E. Msnney has announced sale t of J. E. Mauney Store in East i Kings Motiatain to Tommy and t ! Warren EllisOtL. Tommy Ellison, a t fermer employee ot the firm has re- 1 cenOy been affiliated with Phe- 1 nix Mills, Inc., while Warren Ellison has rdeently returned from duty i in the armed forces. The firm will now be known as Ellison Orneerv. LIONS MEETING I Members of the Kings Mountain Lions clnb will hear an address by Bev. JT. G. Winkler, pastor of Central Mstl*?44at <kn^h,. at the regti- j J lar meeting of the club at Moan- ' tain View hotel Thursday night at j 7<30. ' ' < CHUBCH ATTENDANCE Church attendance reports were * received from only four churches this week, showing 647 present at c church and 765 at Sunday school ! services. Beporting churches were 1 the Presbyterian, Central Methodist Lutheran and ABP. i 8CHQOL LUNCHROOM B. N. Barnes, superintendent of srhools, announced this week that ' a lunch room is now in operation at Davidson eolered school, with ' some 90 to 100 meals being served daily. Lunchrooms are nova heinv ' I o . operated in all of the city schools Mr. Barnes said, with a large ntun- r ber of meals being served at each 1 nnit. 1 _________ i YOUTH OEKTBB TO OPEN The Yonth Center at the Womans 1 clnb, which has been closed for the past few weeks for renovation, will be open again Saturday night ' at 7 o'clock, it was announced This week by officials. All members are' ^ urged to be present. n KXWANTS MEETTNO * The Journalism class of King* 1 Mountain high school, under the J instruction of Miss Elisabeth Kee. rwill present the program at the regular meeting of the Kiwanis club at the Woman's club Thurs- ' day night at 7 o'clock, The program has been arranged in observance of National Newspaper wetk, ' October 1-8. HONORAM.T DX8CHABOBD Lt George Wo mack has received 1 an honorable discharge from the ' Army. Lt. Womsek waa stationed , at Vletorville, Calif. He is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rgt. CUrMee 8. Plout, Jr., ?ot? j 7f#N trttiw, t*kl?f p?rt ^ "/srwr;t " * t' ' - . "v"-i ' ' I ,,TV . f . *N Lain ? E7BSDAT, OCTOBER 4, 194S Solicitations Will Get Un fwo Groups Get Exams For Service Two groups of Kings Mountair nen, one white and one colored, hi?v? eeeived pro-induction examinntioni n the past week to determine thci itucss for duty in the armed forces A group of 20 white men went t< 'ort Jackson, S. C., last Friday, an< group of 14 colored men left Wea lesday to receive examinations a *ort Bragg. Gordon Stanford Baruptt" wn? nam d leader of the group of white men >t!.er? in the group were: J a men Boyee Crocker, Jr., Jame Mvin We?t. E. B. Mote, I). W. lJove Harold Vaughn Bridget, Richard Le ?ell, James Oliver Campbell, Jame Hufu* Hale; Wesley Blant'on Johnn; iVilliam ifetealf, fharlie .lames It er. William Walter 8tr6Up, Clarenei rbomas Dixon, Jr., John Piukncv D er, Charles Edward Hoark, Ear Vndrew Harlow, Claud Lee Philbeek I'lato William Bennett, Avery Elli ilorriton. The colored men who left Wednes lay were: Aaron Reid, Hiwaetha Parker, Eat ie March, Charles Shepherd, Jr., Ju lior Blake, Joe Thomas Bell, Hil lames Patterson, J. R. Crosby, Rot rt Dye, Jr.,, William Edward Sand irs, Cornelius Vanderbilt Avers ^oyce Saddler, Manuel Robert Lei "arris, Lee Cunningham. New Veterans ntf... n i viutc vrpciiGU Daniel S. Jones, contact represen ;ative for the Veterans Administrs ion,* has announced opeiing of an ol 'ice* in' the Masonie Temple buildim n Oastbnia, and has asked veteran if the Kings Mountain area nee thi Office to obtain information abou eterans'""benefits and other needs. Mr. Jones said that the office i ipen from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. , am hat he may be reached by telephon ng 185, Oaatonia. He said that he would be in She) jy on alternate Wednesdays, begin ling Wednesday, October 10* The Veterans Administration i esponsible for the administration o ill laws enacted by Congress provid ng benefits to veterans, and to ' de >endents of deceased veterans of al cars. The laws include pension, com >ensatlon, retirement pay, insurance eadjustment allowances, medics nedieal treatment, hospital and dom ciliary care; burial and funeral es >enses, vocational rehabilitation; ed isaftriw ? ? ?? 4? v???vu auu viniuui^, guaranty o oans for purchase of homes, farm ind business property, he said. The purpose of the contact serviei s to render every possible assistant o veterans and their dependents ti his area by advising and eomselinj vith them on matters pertaining t heir elalms. To advise regardini lupporting docnments that are r? inlred, snch as birth certificates, ma iage Weenies, divorce decrees, etc ind to help in filling out applieatioi or an benefits to which they may bi ntitled under the law. It it intended that the services rei lered by the representative of th Veterans Administration through th Contact Office, shall supplement th existing -facilities of service organi atlgas and service officers. .-Aho,- ?: sees ring a guaranty o togaa fer homes, business, or farms in all eases, it is neeessnry for th r<^rpJ|N Md-. thf loeal lendei t< handle the satire transaction witl I>e Veterans Administration Loai Inarantee office located nt 109 W !rd st, Charlotte. nmtm i? Conducted for Kdgir W; Carroll Taj.nj ?.iili?. fPT Mg? WIU01 rsM/.'s l*n*Q *t 4 'eHek Monday moralmi lerald [ For United derway Here ? i > ! Hospital Trustees ' ( | Survey Local Sites * Members of the county's hospital ( board of trustees met In Kings Mountain Tuesday afternoon and / surveyed proposed sites for the " county hospital unit which is to be built here. > "The board looked over the sites ci - and took the matter under advise- h ' ment," said O. E. Neteler, one of ti r the members of the board from rs Kings Mountain. cj > Sites under consideration are tbe 8 E. 8. Plonk estate property on W. T King street, properties of ^the * Phenlx Mills, Inc., on Cleveland ti avenue, the residence of Charles 8. p Williams on North Piedmont aven- b ue, and 8. A. Mauney property on the Cherryvllle road. 3 According to a bond Issue pass- j ' ed in the summer, the county Is r< e authorized to build a $160,000, 50- t< h bed hospital unit here. I ; ; Jenkins Given ? TermFor Arson? ti i- J. W. Jenkins, Kings Mountain P1 man, was sentenced to six months on the roads in city recorder's court ^ I- this week, after being found guilty ? 1 on a charge of arson. ^ i- The case highlighted a heavy doc ket, including a large number of ron>, tine infactions. t Receiving suspended sentences on J* payment of costs, after being found guilty of drunkenness, were Elmer ? Ross, Albert Leigh, Stanley Pearson. Frank Odell, Logan Ramsey, James Otto Ham, and Flay Sheppard. \ Bill Ross was fined $5 and costs P1 for disorderly conduct, as was Hal * Hanes. I James Boyd, colored, was fined $10 and costs otf charge of assault en a 6 tl i riumD. - Fined *10 and costs on charges of ? sneeding. were John Woods. David * * Barbery. Leonard R. Cherry and f s Amzie McXeely. " 1 Paul Frine, found guilty of public drunkenness, was fined $5 and costs. 1 8 and Sam McKee. found guilty on ? * the same charge, appealed the judge '* ment to Superior court. | I Oaston Sales Barn Will Be Open Soon * 18 ^ r f O. O. Jackson, owner, manager, . announced this week the forthcoming*11 opening in the near future of Qaston n I! Sales Barn, Kings Mountain's first . business establishment of this type. * The Oaston Sales Barn, located S ^ ,1 miles East of Kings Mountain off the . Oastonia road, will be a 50x100 foot ai barn, with pens for rattle and hogs, , |. and Mr. Jackson said that auctions of f livestock will be conducted each ^ s Tuesday afternoon following the ]2 pening, with Mr. Tountz, well-known a livestock auctioneer to conduct the! e auctions. i? Mr. Jackson said he hoped to be 8 5 able to hold the first auction on Ocs tober . 16, but that problems of obg taining material might cause an una- *' k voidable delay. 8 r He said that private sales and pur j1,1 ,, chases would begin next week, a The barn is modem throughout, I ? with a private office for n veterinar- J ian, and other features. Including i outside runways, the structure Is 70* e 100 feet. s< * c' e Plans Are Ready For f Southern States Fair CHARLOTTE, Oct. 1. ? Southern * g States Fair officials, making ready # for their first exposition since tho " I, return of peace, have set Wedensday , October 17, as "Thrill Day" for the p week-long fair that will bo staged at grounds just north of Charlotte on the Concord Road October 15-20. The B thrill show, starting at 2 p. m. will J feature the most hair-raising, death dafying feals hatched up to date by Xaek Kochmsn'? Hell Drivers. p I Wirt (hit tmllilAllRl A# /I ' tkH fair'a program aattled, Dr. J. 8. pi ' Dtrtoa, pmldrat aad goaoral mana| gat of SeatWn Btataa Fair, d tar loo- J I odl tUt proparatloaa for tfca rrtat, |( * flttt at boo lta war-dnratloa aaapoa- p] *Ua la lM^ wore "moving right a- ol Ihi" with ^MtaJaa :yttlUg float T ? tooahoa to tho groaa* aad balUUaga. tt t Theer-afTMalr alraadjr aia lotttatg -m k eairttaeta far a^iblt apart aad ara. g ' baUg ? ar ii that a ho?t of taaair ta * afal ofcibita wfll bo latladad la tfca |j ' > V % * 1 A^ges ^ ^Today FIVE Ox-.NTS PBB COPY War Funds On Tuesday . * 1 )fficials Plan Concentrated * II campaign nere Byron Keeter, chairman of tho ity 'a United War Fund committee, nnounyed Wednesday that plana for te Kings Mountain campaign to lise $">,000 for the 22 member agonies are virtually complete and that vtive solicitations are to begin o;t uesday. ? Mr. Keeter said that the commitDC planned a fast, concentrated cam nign, and that he and other officials toped to complete tho drive in the Durse of a few days. "All citizens are now very busy," dr. Keeter stated, "and there is no ?ason to prevent a quick, eoncentra >d campaign which will not only be ucftessful but will vsave the time of ersons active in the campaign." Proceeds from the drive go to 22 gencicsj some of which provide enjrtainment and aid to service men, nd the others providing relief to ations which, until recently, were In he hands of the Germans and Jaanese. The worthiness of the appeal has een endorsed by President Harry 8. ruman and Governor R. Gregg berry, both of whom made radio adresscB in behalf of the campaign ues'duy night. Kings Mountain does not fail to leet its quota on chnritable calls of kis kind," Mr. Keeter said, "and ur citizens will again respond to lis worthy appeal. "We must not forget the many ser icemen still overseas, nor the peoles of formerly occupied nations, ho, without our help, face starvaion this winter. Tt is an opportunity > show our thankfulness for the nd of the war and at the same time ? demonstrate kindness ?nd charity., U > the needy peoples of the world, i donation to this fund is a personal ontribution to strengthen uur ouriternational relations." Miss Franklin Church Official Miss Pearl Franklin, of Hickory, now promotional secretary of * the 'irst Baptist church here, it was anouneed this week by Rev. L. C. Plnix, pastor of the church. ^ Miss Franklin, a graduate of Mare I ill and Ivenoir-Rhyne colleges, has een a member of the faculty of Oxord high school near Hickory and ssumed her duties here on Monday. It was announced that Miss Frankn will be in the church offirn on fountain street eaoh morning except hursday from P o 'clock to noon, he office telephone number is 260-J Miss Franklin is now residing at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank isk. "We are glad to announce that liss Franklin has accepted this po- . ition," Mr. Pinnix said, "and we re sure that her work will mean inch to the church audits members." ^esbyterians Will Lttend Church Meets Rev. P. D. Patrick, Pr. W. L. Ram ur, elder from First Presbyterian hurch and J. O. Parraeott, elder rom Pixon church will attend a met ing of the Synod of North Carlina at Pavidaon college next Tuesay throogh Thursday noon. Preceding the meeting of Synod, lere will be a Home Mission eonferice on Monday at 2:30. Rev. Mr. ?j atrick and C. E. Neialer, Jr., will ttend. liss Griffin Has Part a n Drama At Intermont 'A '.-I BRTRTOL, Va. ? The Pramatles apartment of Virginia Intermont ollege announces its forthcoming 'a roduetion of the play which haa been M trilling broedway andiencee for 8 ears and atih holds their attention, d Meph Keeaelring's Comedy in three , 'Sj ta, "Arsenic and Oold Laee.'f The lay is set in the living room of the 4 Brewster home In Brooklyn, If. * on h late September afternoon of in preeent day. : . - , Try-onte warn held on If On day srr- .''fl ing aod the eaet has been choeea. 4 Flea Jeanne Griffin of Kings Moan- < dn N. 0.. has boon saioeWd to play

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