I * v'-l ' m:r - ' law rumrnux ohoboh P. D. Patrick, Pastor .10:00 A. M. Buadfe School. Harry Page, 8opt. ' ] 11:00 A. ML Morning Worship. Sermon by Bev. W. 0. Cooper. v Pastor of Armstrong Memorial -church la Oastoats. 8>00 P. M Sunday school and worahip service at Dixon. Message by Mr. Jack Bogie of Columbia Theologies! Seminary. 1 8t80 Young Peoples Vespers. 7:80 Evealag Worship at the Margrace Community House. Monday 7:00 Boy Scoots Troop I, Broadus Moss, Scoutmaster. Thursday, 5:00 Cub Scouts, Meedames Orady McCarter and James Houser, Den Mothers. FIBAT BAPTIST CHURCH L. C. Plnnix, Pastor B. N. Barnes, Sunday School Supt. 1(5:00 A. M. Sunday School. 11:00 A. M. Preaching service. 6:15 P. M. P T. U. Dr. W. A. Ayers of Shelby will Bring the Sunday morning message. Dr. Ayers' subject: "The Kingdom of Ood in the Kitchen." Hear him 0 BOYCJB MHMOBIAX. ABP n- T> vt n-i_a ? * mji. n. 11. Miru, minister SABBATH? 10:00 Sabbath school, John L. <} amble, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship. Sermon by Dr. B. 0. Grier, preaident of Ersklne college, Due West, S. C. 0:45 YPCU. WEDNESDAY? 7:00 Prayer meeting, followed by -choir practice. Mr. and Mrt. J. B. Teague and little daughter, Anne, of Charleston, W. Va., who were visiting Mr. Teague'? parenti, Rev. and Mrt. J. L. Teague, several days the past week, retnrned to Charleston Tuesday. Wt. MATTHEW'S BVAKGBZJGAL LUTHBRAM CHURCH Wm. H. Stender, Pastor Feformation Sunday, October 28th, IMS. I Sunday School 0:45 Mr. Carl Mau ? ey, oupi. Church Service 11:30, sermon by the Pastor. 8UNDAY? Junior Children of the Church 0:30. Interna. Luther League.0:30. Senior Luther League 0:30. Reformation aerviee 7:30. Dr. James O. Klaard, Speaker. MONDAY? Boy Seouts 7:00. Senior Luther social 7:30. WEDNESDAY? Southern Conference in Gastonia, 10:00 a. m. Senior Choir practice 7:30. THUR8EIAY? Pastor's Adult Study Class 7:45. SATURDAY? Catechetical class 10:00 a. m. The Intermediate Luther League -will hive a Social at the Chureh Saturday evening at 7:30. HOKTOW8 SHIP BACK Aboard the Battleship CSS WIS CON8IN, San Franelseo. ? Ben Earl Gorton, seaman, second class, U8NB, Kings Mountain, N. C., mads a long voyage back to the States from Tokyo Bay with this 45,000 ton IOWA class ship for her participation in the observance of Navy Day Oct. 27. 'rne niguinoin ngurea prominently U thejaettenf dju-ing ike final night month* of the war, eapporting trd Fleet operatloae in the Leyto nd Lnxon Invasion*, taking part In Vth Fleot raide against Honshu aad the Bynkyae in support of the I we Jbaa operation, joining the Srd and 5th Fleet -supporting operatloae at Okinawa, end making etrlkee with the Srd Fleet agaiaet the heme iolande of Japan. < She eUmaxed her battle career by dropping anehor in Tokyo Bay at the ceeeation of hostilities. BBOOKS DUOHABOHD Xionnie Venoy Brooke, Fie, hae Been honorably dieebarged from the vary. Fireman Brooke eerred IS monthe on ehore dnty in Sontk Xiftovtea. I a; .. .. *? ': The world food eitnatlon grown darker aad at a eontinnally alarming rate, eay report* from moot eonntn To goto early poaHa, Prof. Boy Dearetyae of Stat# College eeggeete ike nee of artiflelal Vght in tho lay lag house, beglanlag Poe. 1. - - vgfl^H "T *t*. i THB MAJB8TY or THB LAW?' 'I wbortlmti freshman at Davidson Ool MM which bii hinaws a tradition a1 The member* of thla year's tribunal Jr., Atlanta; Bobert K. Brooks, Char "D. M. Hafll, Blag* Moontaln"; am Egg prleaa are expected to deellm more than- seasonally after Novambei and to be at or near rapport leveli daring most of the winter and sprlnj says the BAJB. ,p:; ilifj \ SUA / / ^ V trsyw/k&iean / .. 70 my back n / im?fl > / v who nwvm f / v 7mmhf0 ?rt t v ^Sr IV ... . ? .- ' ?* ' "* s\< A"'. V-"*" ' y 'S ' ' W&*i' -',> & '. '^y^^^saaa L^A-mha*--y *-- - ^tMyfyr' rl ty,' '! calcitrant and obnoxious" arc two of 1 lags who are called before the Court of Davidson, the court is shown above In are: (from left to right) H. T. Throw otte; John W. ICeAl later, Jr, Greensbor I Herbert Ch Wyatt Winston-Salem, N. < i headquarters of the Rural Electrification Administration are being being moved back to Washington af Inter * sojourn at Bt. L/ouis, Mo., durI lug the war. " * s>"' vjr^ - i; B abb B IViKl ten MET, A A ^ X %. BL-? -v v " v'v * * ' ? y A* ' hl K 1 A' ' j*P;M I I |be many adjective* applied to the inI Control. A part of ttao rtudent governI executive session In ancient Phi Ball, far, Jr., Charlotte; Robert Strickland, lo. Judge; J. 0. Herlon, Mt. Pleasant: Four point* per pound will now be paid for used kitchen fats instead of 2 points, to increase fats needed in the manufacture of soaps and other civilian products. #l/lV tl/? )RY MY w B.BBB? B^BYM B B* ^B L. a. iw J ; S ... .... I v V . ?' '- ; h r \ ->" _ i^8?P Second I Daring 1944 the U. 8. produced u Back oil the whole world did in tk IMS. in SERVICE YOUR HERE CHEVROLET HEADQUA We have everything needi ing of your Chevrolet cai Special Tools and Expert, Trained 1 Factory-Engineer Coming Soon the Victory Che Pho ??ar " , iist (Ire Loai OCT. W T /y*F ft nt Store r . *' Floor ? y^AOT ?IT^ U North Carolina to tho. M?TWt MM* era etate in which exfloratory drill v tor oil la being wrrM on. OAR "RIGHT" AT SERVICE lRTERS ad for the right servic1 or truck. We have ? Equipment Mechanics ed Parts 1946 Chevrolet ivrolet Co. ne 49 ir IT ! 29 rA? rA, b* K i 3^5 ~"ds~ n*y.