[ Local News I Bulletins j UFTim VZ5TBB.AU8 S - Mia.* logwood Farton, preiifent T?f llM Juior Woman's club, ^t| tardajr asked all members . to bring Ugpifta for hospitalized aervicamen tc - ^ kor a at latar than Friday. "At the ^ . : |U?11 ume, only rive gifts bsve 1 "b??n turned in, end the club ' quoi?rifl to ta 2S," Mrs. Parton said. Gift > to hospitalized servicemen, she add .* ed will take the place of the cus s. 1 ternary elub Christmas gifts to \ other groups. ' U _________ r f i jl KTWAKI8 MEETING g B, V. Eeid, of Cnarlotte, manager } of Swift and Company, will speak '> : to members of the Kiwanis club at their regular meeting at the Wo' sman's club Thursday night at 6:30 recording to an announcement by *' b elub officials. Mr. Reid's topic wit p; bo "Pood." ' B- MKITJ. IN BTATB8 ; ti Bgt. Ruren Neill, son of Mr. and lifM D Cl VT.11I -- ? ' , <*'M " cmea nis ptrtntt J? *rc* Newport New*, V*., on Tue*ry. 4*7 afternoon, following hi* mrrlj': Tgl from the European Theater of tj Operation*. Bgt. Nelll wu yexpeetii Jag to report to Fort Bragg for diaeharg* and ia expected heme erKiia a few day*. OLXVB OALU mO :V , | Lt Boa CHI re, aan of Mr*. S. B. yf'-'' Olive, telephoned hi* mother from !J m Weal Oaaat pert thl* weak, (at* M lowing Ma retan free* the Bwtfto ^ em. 14. Olive le aapaetad to . ** ' P *** i* Kimge Mountain wtthta * Itejb. J$ ^ i I totaled iMioil WadB a?% k ?e aaaoaneed by Mr* ft C. Btob Bamriak, Jr., af Shelby, : '& '' *>ira' to>? ehalrtoaa. K?. Hamriek "l 11 f3kld that Bangle Bay .n the King* 1* V>. ? "Moaataln eehoola, held laat week, -4lj vatdM la an additional 190.91 for K "the coaaty fund to fight tobereu& loMa. She atated that only about fc one-third of pereona receiving $ Ghriatma* seal* in the mail earn i jjg ~paign' lad forwarded money for S the eeale and brged that all perbXtik ? eoni mall eheeka for the eeale im|# | diafiy, 1m ~~ i ; LZOm MHBTOfO ^'5ft Mem he re of the Klnga Mountain h^ST I Xdona club will meet at the Woaeaa'e Club Tueeday night at 6:30 ahd will hear an addreea by Sdir . wrard McHahaa, diet riot governor. ' ; ^mr*The meeting is being held on De 3 -camber 18 in place of the regular -VV .3 | meeting which wee acheduled for 1 * | -Chrlatmae night SZaODZZVBS QUI I s Bobert Kexmeyer, of Bocheetor, . * 3 :N. T., anther and world traveler, | wjll apeak to member of the CleyeI -tend County Scecntlvea elab at I their dinner meeting at Hotel Char. ? lee, 8heH>y, Jfriday night at 7 oVfcM, I' clock. Mr. Xaeamayer will dieeuee Wi-i ih* "object 'What Boeala Meant m? I.,to ^ !^vf f I oitt uobhsb tam S City offielela reported Wednee8 ' day that 00 new 1046 city Heenee x | tylatee hare been boqgkt $X local B motorieta, aa they urged- othera to frf:# 8 'boy now and avoid Che laet-minute ^ - 1- Tv"il- Ideenee platee are required to .3 be bought and dlapl^yed on auto? mnoMlee by Tauuary \ 1. , MBS. B6T.T.6BH BBSTfljrS Mr*. Charlee 'Ballard, Who wan a member of the etaff of Bellinger *e -Jewel Bhop, reaigued 'her poehlen ? on DoeeiSber 1. lira. Ballard la ? j - gtlllag her haabaaa home from the "Baelflc Theater la the near future. <> g 'The firm is bow under the' mqpago aoutfcly Court tIt H#*** for Boy BeouU of the King* * i- Alfht ot the efturtroom of tho ? " * Kings ntere , a: / v.i-'V * ' ' . 5*^* Kmgs Vlountaii Earl B. Ruth CityRecreatit w Karl B. Bath, of Charlotte, former basketball star at the University of North Carolina, and recently released from active duty in the navy, has been employel as city recreation su1 pervisor anil will assume his duties on January 1, it was announced Wednesday by Mrs. E. A. Sheny, secretary of the city recreation commie4 sion. Mrs. Shenk stated that Mr. Ruth comes to Kings Mountain highly recommended for the position which the commission has been endeavoring to fill since last spring. The program, will be financed through funds raised last May in a community campaign. Mr. Buth was 'graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1938, served for two years as physical education director of Piedmont Junior high school in Charlotte, and served as assistant superintendent of State parks from March to September 1941. At that time he returned to the University of North Carolina and / was awarded a- master's degree is phyfS cal education there in 1942. He served in the navy as a welfare and recreational officer. "It is with pleasure that we announce the appointment of Mr. Butn < to fill this position," Mrs. Shenk said, "and. from the high nissaiedatloa -he has teesbei, we an atfMsat that he wilt saMMsilnttr mr form tke Mm of ?tty wnMw1 OperrlMr." . > ' Routine Omm Pasture i , WMkly Court Barton j KoObt eoairU, tie majority of tfcoa fOr poblie dimiifcmmmrw, fomtorod fomdrjTb city -rocorimr's eomrt moMm ?Mt nattai i? fl^illllw of Marvin "Helm*, found driving nn automobile eithout n IP Milt and in' a drunken condition, waa fined $80 and costs an both eonnta, in liaa of a three-month road sentence, and Harold Lee.Diddlx, taxi driver, waa fined 928 and eoati -for speeding. Aaaeaaed eoata for ^rnnkenneaa were Willie B. Payne, Bobert C Porter. Herbert MeteaT?, Nathan Bright, Balph L. Bay, W. C. Brown, Ora Blvena, Max W. Whitworth, and Ldoyd Mitchem. Balph Morrow waa fined $5 and eoata on tie. tame charge, and Madge Grigg, was also fined $5 and eoata for drunkenness and dlaorderly conduct. Joseph P. Tarlton, also char ged with drnnkenness, failed to appear and forfeited bond of 123 Kenneth McGaha was fined $10 and eoata for driving with improper lights, and Mildred L. Biggera was banded the same Judgment for driving without a license. *i t In eases tried in special session December 6, Jilee Cornwall waa fined $180 and eoata for violation of the 'Turlington net, while Clyde Thomas and Cornelius Crosby ware each fined $60 and eoata on the same charge. 3,Q00See ??? I crowd estimated at mar? than 3.000 persona thronged into' King* Mountain Tueeday nfternpon to aaa Santa Claue and the Chrtstmss parade-1 put en hy the King* konutain Merchant* association. ) \ \ Old Nfek hrriVed by airplane par eehndule and eoemed to "be at hone perched aeroea the ne?k of a stale* i moth elephant, one of two la the pa< > > rade. j The city basinets section was Crowded with people long before the parade began, as youngsters strained t? gat a good vantage point. - The parade wae led by the OUy police ear, followed by the hlgWtep nka Bk.lV- kl-k ?v? i-i? IH HWiy pi|B wo BOO I Dtia WIWB played wall la rpite of the fWI|lB I weather. Next eame the " track, \ well-laden with j in|plw,t followed by an amy track, atatttgtyi ladea, with the two elophante aad Santa Claaa folloyring. The etate highway patrol ear wa?1 next la line, followed by a groap of j bo ye and glrle on doeoratod bteyelee, with a track of a.leeaifanltara flm bringing op.tMe tWi. ? .. RanUa Olaae thro* <*t -pi** * 6t> candy aad other proeenta a* loaf aa hla nrpply looted. ' At 0# ' .V 'f Moun ?? . ; * \ 3 KIMOS IIOWTAIK, N. 0., rii 1 Tops \ Is Appointed on Supervisor i I Herald Christmas Issue | To Appear December 24 The Herald will publish a special Christmas edition on December 24, and will skip Its regular edition of December 27. There are two principal reasons for this Christmas week chance: (1) for many years merchants and business firms hare been usln* Her- I ; aid advertising ijite for Christmas I greetings to Kings Mountain clu| sons and since the December 27th | edition would follow Christmas, I some have requested the earlier publication; (2) the earlier publication date will give the Herald staff an opportunity for a well-deserved Christmas sestdoiL Correspondents and subscribers are requested to remember this change and get In news and other material early. The special Christmas edition win be In the mails 0SP7 should be at the Herald office noon Saturday, December 22. Football Team (fpnored Tuesday Almost 200 persons jessmed - the turkey dinner, beer a talk by JEhright, University 0t South Carellaa athletic dimeter,, nnd to boaer Ugh* school football team at the annual f oethall banquat of th* Kings IKowtaia Uw dob. ' - . to play by the 4M6rfo4t ball season. Mf. Plonk gjso .eiBad .tor support, of all eirio organisations of the eity "In aeetng to it ttttt the elty stadium la completed bf vest year.'* 'Also preheat at the meeting were Joe Patrami, assistant coaeh at U8C, and Ted Twomey, t former Notre Dame ail-American and U8C line coach. Mr. Enright, who hat recently returned to the University of Booth Carolina after a tonr of'doty in the navy, is athletic direetoa and head football coach. His team meets Wake pforestj in a New Year's Day bowl game at Jacksonville, Fla., in a re- I newal of the tight 13-13 tie played by the two teame at Charlotte Thanks giving Day. Coach Don Parker announced awards for team members, each of .whom stood and announced his name and position. On. Ill) 4>.-> . 1.1- ???- ? -? ??? v.*?Tt m Ulg I?UgQ WDOD QO I aroee, announced his mam* and mid, I "Left-haeST* Other guests at the meeting were J. E. Hnneyeutt, high aehool prtnel* pal, and Thoma* Templeton, faculty member. Mr. Earlght gave a humoroui talk, -/peeiltxing in gridiron joke*, bnt he jeloaed with a serious mote. I Bemarklng on the aehool team'* record, he congratulated the team member* for their work on the foot* ball field. "Ton hare aUrted well," he eald. /'Football bnilda yon physically and It bnUd* yon mentally. Ton 're learn* ing to be a better eitiaea ' through learning diaeipline and team play. Tt ia ftn* to learn to be a good loeer. That'a sportsmanship. Bnt yon U i wfcfa want to win, and that'e the way it ahonld be." Following Mr. En right 'e talk, Ooeeh Twomey showed the group I motion pietnreo of USO-Clemaon and UBO-Mlami games. Goal Bnpply Limited Ab Cold WeaUier Hit# Am King* Mountain shivered la the j eoldeet of this winter'* eoid ana pa, , .Clqnf* Hamhrlght," Kings Mountain deal dealer, Wednesday warned local eittaen* to conserve their fuel sssi*. ptiM, atatiag tkat Ui local ropply U *01 timtUd. AijMiti of coal koro arc atOI boJMtrWr" ^ -Wp#' ?M*. v '.?/ .. ' KT^yv '' -v ' " itain N - Vf ' - 4. ' _ . ' ' ' 1 J&4DAT, DBOBlfBBft 13, IMS Legion Of mowtfn; Award Is Given ' To Dr. Padgett ( Dr. Philip G. Padgett, of Kings ~Z Mountain, now returning to hi* med- ' iral practice here following his re- J cent discharge from the army, has received the Legion of Merit Award for meritorious conduct for a 14month period of combat service in Italy and France. i Former Captain Padgett received . the award Saturday. The citation accompanying the medal follows: "Philip G. Padgett, Captain, Medical Corps, 111th Medical Battalion, lor exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services iu Italy and France from 10 January 1944 to 19 Febru- - J ary 1945. During the bitter days of ! the Italian winter campaign. Cap- 1 tain Padgett, aa surgeon of the 1st { battalion, 142nd Infnntry Regiment., braved enemy shellfire to establish his aid station and treat all meu j . wounded during the crltial operations. In the drive to, and beyond Borne, Captain Padgett, then 2nd battalion surgeon, worked tirelessly, frequently ' exposing himself to assist the aid men J in removlag the wounded and effect the quickest possible evacuation of c all casualties. On one occasion durlmg the advanee through Southern Prunes, he worked for 22 hours with- w out rust iu order to treat 155 wound- B ud us*. Throughout the operations in , wMik ths xugbuent participated, Cap tain Padgett, by his constant attsn- . Host to -duty, and his disregard for ^ frptaouai comforts and safety, eontributod materially ts the combat ef SMney of his salt by Insuring too )e mi prwapt affective nodical at teatton, ui Wo actions reflect tho Mfliii* eretH egon kinwefct and tko Tlfodl^DepailMsnief m| Mini ? tiow awarded tho Silver Star. ^ Gifts Are Urged For Servicemen >> T Harry Page, chairman of the citirem committee in charge of the ** "Gifts fbr Yanks Who Gave" cam- ?' paign, issued an appeal Wednesday ? to all citisens of Kings Mountain for ?J 100 additional gifts, in order that the ' city will meet its quota of 270 gifts. , I 1 Mr. Page said that th? aittm ?? ? i be received by noon Friday, In order J that they may be ahipped Saturday. Deadline for reeeipt of the gifta has * already been extended. Persons supplying gifts are re- o quested to have -them wrapped la Christmas paper and leave them at 1( one of the following places: Griffin's t< Drug Store, the Bed Cross office in the City Hall, Kings Mountain Drug I Store, Bridges and Hamrick or at fi the Pauline Mill offiee. )? Members of the American Legion ^ have supplied 80 gifts for the hospital m ised veterans and members of the C| Lions club gave sSme 40 at their . meeting Tuesday night. (| "These gifts are needed immediately," Mr. Page said, "in order that 0 we might, in a small way, brighten * Christmas for men who have been h wounded in battle and now are on ' the slow road to recovery." Only smnll gifts are being request- L ed, ineluding stationery, tobacco >3 pouches, playing cards, and gifts of similar type. Another Manuf Is To Begin Op Equipment for Velma-Craft, anoth- V Mr new Kings Mountain manufaetur- ? lag enterprise,' has arrived, and the _ Mna will begin* manufacturing ehen- j die spreads sad shag ruga as quiekly , as ths machinery ean be set np, it wae -aanoaaeed this week by C. G. J White, one of the partners la ths ( Tka inr plant, loeatod on tko York rood, in ownod by Mr. Wklto and Qoorto'W. Mannoy, Klnp Honntata rotton kpokor, aad'wltl bo ttndor' tbo aottvo oMBOafcopiant of Vonion Crooby. ' Tko company u nnmod for tko wW; . 00 of Mr. wkito and Mr.-Mannoy.t Mr. Wklto told tkat tko Ann would omploy pboat BO pomono par olfki braid ,oan "E Report Shoe 9f "E" Issue merchants To Be Open ill Day On Wednesday The majority of Kings Mountal bnslnoss firms will bo open fo business next Wednesday after noon for tbe convenience of Christ mas shoppers, It was announce! this week by Hilton Roth, ?reci don* l># ?V. ?? ' * " w? Mtg MUUUU116 UIOClatlOD It *u also announced that th majority of flzma will observe Bat / day hoars on the final thre< shopping days before Christmas? Friday, Satnrday and Monday, De comber 2d, 22, 24?which mean that the firms will be open 01 these dates until 8 p. m. Most firms closed yesterday aft ernoon. Mr. Both said ths decisloi was reached after a re-check o merchants' opinions. Buslnea firms win have a two-day Christ MM holiday, rloalng on Decernb?i 25 and 28. Voluntary Ban Asked Against Fire-Crackers Mayor J. H. Thomson and Polit hief W. C. Tlmmoas this week 1 ted statements asking Kings Mom kin eitlsens not to shoot firwerael rs, particularly in the np-town bns see section, as they pointed out tl sngere Involved. Mayor Thomson pointed oat th angers' ta life and limb of ahoetis re-c rankers la congested areas, as Ided that many returned sere ice me em battle sones are still recupera g from war wooads: Iff. i i niw"? nuai " As we are neerlng the Birthda l ewteil ten beam. mM, nap >t eC^SwiSifelp^'Ael* tlhrvl mind those who would parehhee at Iseharge fltwneken, that eve toogh the terrible war % over, an tere la peace on earth once agali tere are thousands of persons I nr great land, and in the war-toi inntries throughout the world, dei toe, hungry and poverty strickei here are also many thousands < tsabled service men lying in hosplti eds, whose hearts would be mad lad to receive even a smalt remen ranee on Christmas Day. So instea f purchasing firecrackers, let us a ?llow the lesson taught us throug le parable of the Good Samaritaii Live and help others to live' xocal Soldier Hay lave Wrong Overcoat Soldier, do you have the wron vercoatt The Herald has received the to iwina ? 1? p ...... ...... M KU'CAJJIIUI >ry: "On the night of Dee. 3 my soi >avid J. DeLaney, was discharge rom Fort Bragg. He rode into Chs >tte in the same taxi with a Cp name unknown) from Kings Mom sin; in Charlotte their overcoat 'ere exchanged. My etfn's overeoi jntained hia Purple Heart, and dl harge button. This Purple , Heai aunot be replaced. The coat my a? as now la about size 34, has a pal f kid gloves, a corporal's stripes an patch in the pocket. If you eoul elp us locate my son's overeoi ;ze 38 which the above mentione pi. has we would be very gratefu Tie address Is: Pfc. David J. Ik aney, 2105 Vail Ave., Charlotte, i r. C. "Thank you, Mrs. Mary Downs DeLaney." acturing Firnr era tion Soon tamerical Error lanses Near-Riot _The Herald got somewhat of a eft-handed compliment last Thanlav The office telephone itajrtd boxy, to hooeewlaae ud grocere called te iheck on tk? oh wiMh Item la Om weakly ration ealondar. It rood: "Soger atiaip Ho. 3d par* rail*." Of naerae, thl? Hit all an arror, tart It yractloa&Ks faaeed a riot. Tta Orror resulted beeaoee of ttu Raaes oC the VrtaMJf proofreader Tta arror la rtfftllaf, bat tt wa too to loan how closely Herald jrtbOUiiliia wpt ttaahr pagan haVo bbei . ?. r?>ty o y ' ' i i r > ' :';T - . / '" { ?. i , Tod ay ? . FIVE GENTS PEH Utw. Quota o If S Total Sales is $118,115.00 Sale of "E" bonds spurted to a near-record figure last weekend And during the first few days of this a i week to send Kings Mountain well r over the top on the Victory Z/OM campaign, with total bond sale* of 490.820. an** -!?? , - - , I ?%? TV A V LA filOyilQ ID "E*' I j bonds included in this total. j At the same time, state campaign | officials announced that sale of "E" J>onds through December 31 would ap| ply to Victory Loan quotas, thong* 9 | the drive officially ended December 8, and J. R. Davis, Kings MounJ tain chairman, urged purchase of ' i this type bond for Christmas gift*. IX The Victory Loan total was one of the best in all the loan campaigns i with^the "E" bonds sale* far exf ; eeeding the amount of this type bond s sold during the 8eventh War Loan . campaign. Mr. Davis, who has headed all of the Loan campaigns, issued a statepent praising the cititens of this # (tree for their support of the drive: p "Kings Mountain citizens have ,c rallied behind thie campaign to give it one of the beat records of all the *' drives. For a time, the drive seemed ?* to be lagging, but the total at sales through this week shows that Kings ^ Mountain has done its part. "The people who purchased the * bonds are to be congratulated, aot * ealy on their patriotism, but om * their foresight, tor government a beads remain the beet la inveetaaeate t- sad the beet wag to fight inflatien. " 1 also wish to thaak the bo ad tssuing ageate who have doae a fiae jod in kaadllag nil the additional work involved ? lad at no profit * j * l? Ftifowja* 1$ Jfca report by laaaid lng ngont* of bona anlea during th? M Victory Loan campaign (figures ind elude report up to Wednesday morn?. ing): a First National Bank $308,195 Home- B. and L. Assn 84,750 ?- Pauline Mill ' 850 ?. Post Office 2,125 >f Margrace Mill 9,900 U le Total , $490,820 i- ~ a " Aldermen Limit Number Of Taxis The City of Kings Mountain will issue no additional taxi licenses, ac' cording to action taken by the City g Board at its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night. 1k. H. It. Burdette, city manager, said the board, after hearing a delegation i of taxi men request limitation, ahJ greed to set the maximum for Kings p. Mountain at 21, the number of taxis ,l_ now operating in the city. s". This action has been taken in a number of surrounding cities and ll x ? ? * ? naa oeen under consideration by the * board. rt He added that the number of taxis h aow operating here would be one per 'r 750 persons, using an estimated pop* ulation figure of 15,000 persons, which includes Kings Mountain and surrounding area. a ______ ? M. A. Ware Injured i, When Hit By Auto M. A. Ware, well-known Kings Mountain man, sustained a broken ~ collar bone aqd painful bruises when I he was struck by a car on West I Trade street in Charlotte Satarday night. Mr. Ware was given treatment at Memorial hospital, Charlotte, bat M ~ now at his home here. He hope* to be back at work Thursday. He said the car which struck him was driven by a negro under tlie lafinance of aleohol.

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