' . IV Uu mm ??.?.? 3?tA POPULATION Sl^"" Kluga MooaUln 6,547 *>^^^^lta6l6iMl^Mia?^nrai4^a^|^^jrM^^^a^OOi^ iGity Vii f|[ Local New. ffDulietins *HTKB IN STATBS ifslft k-v- Mtjw Myron Bhyne, ion of Mrs. t3taud? Bhyne and husband of Mrs. Barak Harnfc right Bhyne, arrived fcgUlfowport Ne*we, Va., Tuesday } hV>t, returning from a long tour ? ', > 1 mt duty in Africa. Major Bhyne la &S Y expected in Kings Mountain ChrisW&-' ' ' A Moxaac uump lA-Pom. J. W. (Mike) Milaaa, ' xm*, was released from active I 1* the navy at Charleeton, 8. C, last week, and it now visiting r^V^d;-U* parent# in Clinton, 8. 0. Ho ia .;*e?peieted in Kings Mountain next Ww'y ?* Kf; * :. i\'l SAKLT MPBOVTNO |sls ><$' The condition of C. I* (Jim) King* Mountain business I ' *?aa who ia recuperating from a heart attack in Cherokee j-V ' Ooaaty hoapital at Oaf f ney, 8. C., /f.waa described as improved SaturMr. Barljr, however, is still un1 d?r an 6xygen tent for a portion of da y, it vu reported* COUNTRY CLUB Director* of the Kings Monntain rff ??h association did not ft1*? r^nr-' f>5^?V*wPT " having been poetpon due to the nearness' of ChristThe directors win meet the third Thursday in January, it was t-v a j^Mcronced. Bk?r. ' 1i. MTT.T.WTt DIBOHABOBD Rfc;* Calvin Coolldge Miller, Steward, gjHSfia, 22, route 1, Rings Mountain, I Bfc: Tscslved an honorable discharge IT the navy December <19. He IT; nerved in the navy for|27 months. E Sis last duty was al>oart?the TJB8 Efearrison, a dushrefref. Miller was IPV.JP school at A and T college when HKoltf entered the navy and plane to B^v ' Renter eehool there. , UOKI Oil IB Kf; ^Jjf^bers ft the Lions elnb K; jfcAtr^oneetvatlon committee die-tHMted Chrihtmas baskets to blind ggfcjJ fiMM iwing in the community I ] ^' wv < rtnad ether needy persons Sunday af-teraoon, in line with the '_ehb'e VAMtnal Christmas eastern. I tax uwrmo gflk; Ihx listing in Kings Mountain ( aflfc.', -wCl begin January and all per- , |S.< - sons - srre urged to list their taxes | -as early as possible, Clfy Manager 7H. Ie-Bwrdette said this week. De- j -tails of the listing had not been com- ( - plated -Thursday, and Mr; BuraMSy'?dstte eeUld not be reached Sunday I * for fuller plans concerning annual 1 'M ' tax listing. |HOMDiN DXSCHABOBB '. Otis W. Greene, Barber 3c, West street, Kings Mountain, has I ^fey,-M(tea' honorably discharged from the fallowing 24 months Berries', v accordtng to a dispateh from the SroFHbvV. ?- * Kary Separation Center, Vvi^^^0hartesteh, 8. C. Greene eerred a t' pi"4f 1 ^ L ^B m Kings *tually I i H ** B8B m i I H Child Burned In Friday Fire Dorsonteen Wotaic, four-year-old rid daughter of George Wom<c, negro winter who live* off the CherryriUe oad near Ebeneier negro church, whs leverely burned about 7:80 Frl&y Doming when the heme burned to the (round after an oil stove exploded. Woenie himself was burned about :he face aad hands, when he went in;o the burning house to reeeus the ihiML ' The ehild is receiving treatment in ke H.k?lknr k??r.U.al - nil ISO an appeal to dtlieas of the city far gifts for Oeoige Womfto and Ma hilly, following tta homing of their homo Friday monitor Mr. Brtdgea aatd that any gift of food, uood clothing, or moody would ho agwaulatad and ahould bo loft at Bridges and Hamrlek Hardware. The ABB Man's today tohoel claas mode t donatlan for fko Woarie family of BUI an fir. JUT TuncCy" ^rTonSRBSTiET mr ly satisfactory." ? . The fire from the explbding oil store ynt geiehly sod the hoeee was ahnoet immediately enveloped la flamei. Tt waa reported that only Waarie sad hia wife were awake, and that the 10 children ? ranging in ag^ from eight month* to IS years ware atm abed. The nre totally aettroyed the imm and all Ita eontenta ? fnralaMnge, elothee nl ftti > _j dakob at unir Dean Hndaon and hie oreheat re nationally known daaea band, win play for a daaea at tfco Shelby Armory Tbnraday night. The danee la a benefit affair, epoeeored by the llihy Tnler Chamber ad deimaar Moim KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. ~o" I jieady F Four More Service Men Arrive Home Foot port Kings Mountain men hay* antnd from foreign toll In time for OMlaUnaa at home. Axrirlng this weA end were BnCtna Ooforth, ton of Mr. and Mm. B. D. Ooforth, S*t. Hugh Fall*, ???I ? 1M M mu, aula 0071* ( nooks) McPenlel. mil of whom ?'1kyo received discharges mnd who - mzo nhmlBf from the Buropean Thsmtor of OpormUoBs, mad Li Don OUto, moo of Mis. B. B. Olive, re' [tuning from tka Pacific Theater. IA. Ottre Is on terminal leave. Stag Club Set For YuleParty Offieimlt of the Kings Monntmin Stag elnb reported plans complete Sat urday for the renewal of the elnb's mpnnml Christmas reunion, which jrill feature a formal banquet Wednesday evening, followed by a public dance to ,be held at the Woman 'e club. Members and former members of the slab, with their wires mad guests. will eonreae at a baaquet at the Moaataia View Hotel at 7:80 with aa tieipated attendance of 48 persons. ' The dance, featuring music by the Teen-town Gats, 10-pieee dance orchestra from Oastonla, is scheduled to begin at 9:80 and continue until ? p. hl . \ The da nee will be semi-formal. Script la I1B tax included. ?', A chfb official yesterday iasaed a list of members mad former Members of the ergaaimOea, which ft* > said had bees compiled from wumiff: aad without the beaeflt of ebsb roeorfti which could aot be losgtod. f "An effort . to eoajdet each mem k7^aM,*""a*a uqNM vto Km b*ra^oT?rlook?d ikooll Mki kla Mlf, know*, mm w* ptm wudflNl ktrt *n W*bM **4 fMMt ;M>* hnr. ION DAT, DEOHMBBB 34, IMS or Post Kiwanis Report Shows Good Year Member* of the King* Mountain Kl iranis club paused to look over thei pa*t year's work at their meeting a the Woman'* Club Thursday night hs Harry Page presented the repor' of the club achievement committee which recorded an active year'* civi I enterprise. The report was signed by the com I '??ii - - ?1.1 -a- -i - ? ' mivico wnica inciQaw, in aaaillOD v "M>. Page, EL A. JtarrlTl, Chairman 'and Aubrey Mauney. The report follow*: "The Aetivitle* of the Club forthi year 1948 indicate marked pro grew t< 'ward attainment of the objecta fo which Kiwania ataada. ' "Putting firat thing* firat, th dub in a body attended a Bible eon $eren?e at the Preabyterlan churel to hear Dr. 7. C. Morgan. On Marel '29th it attended a Revival Service a the A. R. P. church, after hearing ai 'addraaa on Practical Chrlatiaaity b; Hon. 7red Helm* of Charlotte. 1 "Go to Church Campaign" waa Ina* gurated oa May 20th with a Bibl HH?ia given by the Plonk 8choo 'of Creative Arte in the local higl cheat auditorium. The public reopen ded splendidly and, we doubt tf any thing finer could have been eoueetv ed and better preeeated to eneourag the public geaerall to enpport th Chare hoc. Tiaally, the Club had th mlnlMeiu of the town and BUrroual tag territory ea guoate when Dr. 1 a, MeniiuA or uorraojr, h. v., a* Hrmd a uttirty lUna oa 0od' OoOiMIH to Vu 'To mm* on tb* yiWn u? twi tMtmil tV? ciot> It tbo loot twain month* wtD take to took flat, bat it ?u fortoaat* n kttrtaf am who won t*od?ra la tk*1 Htpiiflil floUa of thought. Robs mm wttfe ItlOmlliitil roroUtten. "J* tot? ilah rilatiaai, tfca CM . lerald WaTC Buying Rusl Almost All T ! With King* Mountain tcxti ! plants, garages and city offices elo I en ror cnristmas holidays, Kini I Mountain merchants readied thei ! selves over the week end for the 1 nal Christmas Eve buying rush ar I tried to unpack more goods for las , minute shoppers. J ' Meantime, Saturday's sun was r j placed by grey clouds on Sunm (which bad older citizens predictir | more snow to go with the white co< jering still on sidewalks, porches ar roofs. The weather man official! joined them to brighten prospects f< | a white Chrlstmaa. I lA. few more servicemen beat tl deadline and arrived home ft Christmas holidays with their fafti lies, some of them carrying loni awaited dischargee, and others mere' Msrrhswta of Kings Mountaii win be open tonight for the bono fit of Christmas shoppers until t p. m. A number reported arrival o1 Christmas merchandise to re-flll thi shelves which were emptied gator ? on fnrlongh, but all in all it appea ed that Kings Mountain's first pos war Christmas wonld be highly sati factory, in spite of lack of whit shirts, nylon hose, other desired gi ' items and sn over-abundance < woodes toys. On Sunday, many Kings Mountai j a ? a- * I i'cjouub aucuufu cnurcnes xo aei ! the Christmas story retold and 1 j ^ear special Christmas music. The re-organized Kings Mountai I Stag elub, batehelor's organizatio .whose membership is mostly ex-se: Ivioemen, will present a dance at th Woman's Clvb Wednesday night, ru .ceded by a private banquet. Thi j will highlight the Christmas soeii ensor which will include a numbi of private parties and dinners. Majority of Kings Mountain eit rcna will enjoy at least two dayi .freedom from work. City employee with the exception of the fire an (Cont'd on back page) CHRIS1 f Years frojn now, folks 1 fopdly about Christmas I of speech something like ' \ "Do you remember Chri big snow, and John was ; was tne nrst peace-time 1940, and even then ever "We'd been through rat and labor shortages, an< sons and our neighbor's sc fighting, heading for it. "We'd had a time, that gifts for everybody, for money than goods, and I telling people they were shirts. "Sugar was a very shoi Christmas dinner with at than the sweets. "But it was a nice Ch gifts didnt really matter and it had jus^snowed a before. The Jrfds had a bi the Christmas tdueh, and back into Christmas." Wonderful it would be I* -1 111 11-1- HT I uc uuutuiueu "kh hub: i , I peacetime Ohristmases. 1 ? ? At this Christmas seas( r the world faces a tremen prevail! t> The answer: Only if w Prince of Peace, whose b ^ I ^y * i ii imBSMHI 1 O Pages Today FIVE CUNTS PER OOPi hristmas \i Ends Today; 0 Get Holiday ' | Next Herald Edition p I To Appear January 3 n- Xn this Issue of the Ueriid, the ?j. majority of the business firms of id Kings Mountain are saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Tear to their friends and patrons The Herald staff made an effort ir to contact all business firms In the ig city regarding Christmas greetings, r. | realises that it missed a few. The id Herald regrets these omissions, but Ij it was physically impossible to ir contact all firms and meet the 1 Monday morning deadline. ie . This will be the final 1945 issue.. >r i of the Herald. The next issue will i- appear January 3, 1946, when the j. Herald again resumes Its regular ty Thursday morning publication. " The Herald Joins with Kings i Mountain firms In wishing for sach and all a Joyous- Christmas season. : School's 1946 - Schedules Set rt L' ' ^ Kings Mountain high school will pl?y >t8 tint conference basketball ft game of the forthcoming season on January 11, at Butherfordton, and will play Its first conference home n game on January 15 when Lincolnir ton invades the Mountaineer gym, according to schedule by Principal J. E. Huneycutt. n Definite information on tthe team's in 1946 prospects Is yet unavailable. a? r. the 1945 Western Conference chaml# pionship aggregation was riddled by ura?luatio!?K. C < ? i Only Robert Neill. of last year'a ,1 1 starters, is on the squad this yeax. ?r However. Conch Don Parker Has a v.timber of replacements who are ert. i pecteil to come through in fine fasa< i' ionMr. Hunevoutt also announced an *' eight-game. conference baaebaB ^ schedule, indicating that the loea) (Cont'd on back page) rUA? 1Mb should be able to reminisce 1945, with the general trend this. istmas 19451 We'd just had a just borne from the army. It Christmas we'd had since pbody knew we'd be in it. ioning, and war profiteering, 1 the strain of knowing our >n8 were in combat. Or if not ' i Christmas '45, trying to get there seemed to be more know the clerks got tired of sorry but they had no white rt ration, and we prepared a scent on the turkey rather rintmna n#fAi> oil #a? m. m# r Wl my ?VA VUV We were together again, . couple of times the week g time. It somehow added . helped put the <tmerry" >, if this conversation Could t was the first of the eternal [he world has quit fighting." '* >n, 1945, Kings Mountain and & dons challenge. Shall peace e follow the principles of the irth we oelebrate. ^

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