A??? 1A?O0 I m^^^TTTTu^Z ^^^^^^Pw5S5Se5ee5|ttS?i^I|l555 ?lj 11 V^ 5 v^r Ak Mfc>^ - >, : :-.\ i \. < > ^ffrnrnmrnmammmmmmmmmmmm^ jjF-S*^& f tilplt il i g* Tltl tfcitrilty1 *i#k t, BMRR?lNBp?Bi4 ^H'-* MHH>' flHiHl J ' ^iOA.'' MWmWv wp^f *w I ll^^i frst lils sik^p ]^f t ilrtifly MIAMF " Vf" ftkOKOTXD 1/ " * v mim' flft"**"* ^ JBL JMJ^KJg^^ B^BT. 1- \1c ". ' ' ' ..^fc.".. ?? '- . \ ' . Tax Listing \ Early JJsting I Ainal tax llatiag, far botk ad olijr, ie aow aadonigy a* th* A3 eourtroesa of the City Hall, and both JSy aad ooaaty offieiak Wa orging .n nltlaw to Hot tbolg paoyorttoo tan- B mediately ud to avoid Um laet-oala- ? At* ruk, ',? .? listing officially bogus yoeterday.1 i,! Undo* aow anaagonoat thle yoar B Biaga gteaataia oltlaoaa win ton tk meet omly oaetax Uete* to earn- . ? $lete%both listing requirements. J. A Wo, Of drover, appointed b Wtatw 0 towaoblp tag liatar, ia albo * pB;2L&& "i ,4^aa'- *a - ? -* nw^zn m psreon utlif, ud for &?g*>" H. I*. B*rdette, city ~ |Ar. Ells will b* at the dity HSU g mm day la the week except lfoa*iw he will liet taxee ia oth- < er parte of the towaeklp. Bt Tax listing, aa required by hw, i? al aehsdalod to efed oa January SI, and tlx penalties are provided for pereoas who fall to Uat both their penonal. i>( and real propertiee. to] diaries Billing, eounty auditor aad ?n tax supervisor, also urged ail eltissns to Uet eaty, pointing out that. it eia wo*14 be easier to list immediately 411 than to wait until tie edff of - the dli atoath. e*4 . ial Davis, Saunders ? fiGpenj$U& | tl.t 2 firm would speeiallse la top-grade, Pa natloaatty advertised breads, with ex- an* elusive lines of men's clothing. ] Contracts for patibst of fixtures a aad remodeling of the building bay*, ms already been completed, it wae ami: ^1 V : Oa Mr. Davis served la tie air eorpe td aad 1ft. Saunders served la the navy. .yf "The fine's slogan will be 'Plaest f) 1* MOB'S WOW,' T' MT, WTU Mid, ft "ud wo expoot to offor Jut tktL'' ^ . ?^V'd PUalx, pastor 0# ' tko M Sfeirwrff AMP &?nk, wiQ,>0 la tfcolr palplta * Aptp fer tto IJot ttau I* J* *?? ?M iajerad 1? Mr *?j kii'janhlfr. aoolfoalv. wi> . ptaaak 'Baa> ^ ^sdrSSSSS otroko of j? < i; '-.* - ' '" ' - - - --L -W"'l!l*Vif* v*gF^>t^uwrAi.w; ii, ^ fctegUrg; i l^n 11 f 11 n Ml! I ?m,viWjrO?t my Discharges Jkmmg KtaSI ** 'TrTi Mrr a iMto MtokurmA JMa i^ V fcB - ?? (na tki i*U'' * rain "fc iV W^mm, 119 ?HVIVlft ipf |M? jftE^JjSfdhylfcjF Mg glutei Ag Club Held Ajuraal ofiday Banquet, Dance On Wadneaday night, Dae. W, tg dab af thu city, ktM Ma a ChlbtBU bnnquat for tba M in four yoart. rkt baiqMt ?m aorvad in tba r roam of tba Mountain Yiaw . with M of tba 99 member* j b. rba matting wna opanad with ging of " Jlngla Itaba," tba ionni aaag V tha ?Mh Doling mat, .tba Mao vara inlnmwil sb mambar intradaaad, who In rodaead bit goaat af tba arai fan DMmn follawad. Igffj aial, -W. K1 lta?w, rion, Bobby Snbar, Otto Will! 1 Tba4 Wright immediately ; following tba ban pabUo dnnea wna bald at tba y* *0' .. * ' B?th ChrUtmae end New Twr'i > were relatively quiet tU from the police standpoint with. . no | lmrt? m (liMrti Day, aid w%h m only two on New Year's, but very i kMvjr nut deektt km disponed t n. on I>si?her M, end though the retttt Monday ssiwii*. erne shorter, tth there-wore a* member of esses. He Few offenses, however, st either Be of the lisoisne, was patslde the rouMs tine category. | Following eases were, heard MonNtl I ' I n nz ^ " jt ? 1*7 n. hu wu hon 70 U9 g*, eooto fw dn*k?UMi and disorderly ? conduct, tad Charlie Short, Jeff Qer l, reU aad Ktbel Boyd- were mm id coats for diulbumt Frances HoUiageworth was also the aaeasaad with the eoeta oa twin count nnu- of drunkenness and vngraney. first L. D. Keller, found- guilty of drunken driving, was fined #80 and eoeta din and hie driver's license was suaHe ponded for It men the. , pre*- Bobert L. Howell, charged with rr eietiag arrest and druahanpeee, waa the ftded WO and eoetn . . tr*. Charge# of draakeaneae ngnlet Lethe *oy Gordon, and drunkenness end die uA orderly. eaaduefagainst both John F. tnrn l ldngerfalt pad Ned Moeee, were senling, tinned. . , f A Tenunie Peachen and Woedrrw Meeng, Intyre, hoik ehatged trtifrv drank ni w?w> affray and destroying - city ^ property, reqoeeted a Jnry trial and dosa wtt reeeivo hnaring at Shelby. y h3 ^Wi'^Dnnnahar^r el Aseeeeed eeete for drunfcenneee irtla N**a Bufoe W. Weed, Wis-Hoghee, dyt Bohert ?l St#ki, Hon Ik. M?? N. ooa- M. Beaton, Bebert K. Onafaey, Ira wm fiMd to-. Md qui' AaaTffe* for Mm* ?* *? ? .?*? *MM?4 *. neeM wm . ?? ptat WU baaded Liftn lall ? the ram* ' *>v * ' V * : ' I ' "* ? "%,' * Plans, Orgai ri . : *f> V. j jForyictpry I i ?*?-?-i-? Baer&aUon Sunarrlsor I Karl Enthlafe Oltj, Sail Ml,;nw M?fill cm National whwIw, . iqtnl I SIMM ManatMa TMMiy ? aoaato Ma dttiML ant mi Tfiif iiiHt wa forfg vttk Ma M? oauaraa, awe gina mm a Hjr. y .toM jto Mjautol M Matotf hTbld^oaufamd1 irtttTmiatont a the ctty iicrieteoh ciimiiiiselnn *he former tma taiiu n ? nephew of HStcn l?otfa, msnuec o; Mk'l Dspertnmet store. City-Observes "Icy" Holiday Kings Mountain had a whlt? Chri mas, with plenty of ley trimming and with considerable casualties trace, shrubbery, and dispositions i Christians Eve's cold rain tamed in ice and gave the ?lty one of tl heaviest lee coverings in its history Christmae Day was reminiscent < Christmas IMS, when a similar I coating, halted traffic and spoiled aoabef of Christinas trips. H#wev< this IMS icing was canal far ah warns than Us IMS edition. Damage estimated in Uoasanda < dollars a** dons te tease and shea baity, sad the?ity wae wiUont on Ida osnnnnieaWnn, except for trail over Christmas -aier. < Tot my. Ob OMttmi afttrMea, Ultpkw opeoAtor# npNt?d "I eaa't trn g t N)t Qnw." Ui MM hom are (till' without telephone eerrlee. " Beeidjnt# of rtmd Kings Moant* . too hod to got Along without powi .Be BIA Usee And poles snapped w 'dot: &*+ IB-. Jjto* fg'King# MoomtBiB, It IfM : MWI1B Bight to e#B heavy tree lied lying on rooft, nnd A timber o( A , tOmobile OWBer# went but Ohriatm morning to find their car# lupportlr {heavy llmbe. f wpe lBiptoeiblo withoi I okaine, Agd atotoetote wore itifl . ? KSifwiS Sr ** lattdM {tela p?*pU MjayU tiwb^flnt pm Iwit CMMMI U M mi **?* f M*i1 .\ 4H) . vPVHSk **'>' :|P^h|HHHHH IuyI^I '^A^w^jiv^CTfW4iV?^r>v^S?Ww^?B 9BIhIv -SDMV I4- 0HHS < ! * ?? y?*? iizatfa^ C$v?n: M mWZP&m5c Dlothiifff Drive -William PW?k, JU*fw , MoanUin chairman of th? Victory Oothia* Ool- y$W loctton, tinooBC*) thle week oryanTration iMdl for th? fltri, Mid that kkmrekeo, Mh