I 'PAGE TWO H i: SOCIAL AMD P^BSOHA jr of'INl ERES1 i: PHONES: House 189; Off) J 4 1 f il Mrs. McGffl Honoree. At Lovely Luncheon Mrs. John MeGill was hostess at a , asost delightful luncheon on Saturday t her attractive home, paying eo?ppllment to her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lona McGlll on her birthday. Vaaea of lovely white chrysanthemums were placed throughout the party rooms and the' colors pink and white were used In making the dining room a picturesque sight. The long i.LI. a isi 1 ^ iiuKiiouu mgie wm up re* a who * cloth of white linen, the centerpiece of which wm in irtietie arrangement of pink ind white snapdragons in in oblong crystal container running a partial length of the table. Pink t*pers set in crystal graduated candel*/ bra were placed near the ends of this exquisitely appointed table. Dainty handled bud vases handpaint ed in pastel shades were nsed as place markers. Each^ held a lovely cpreage with a1* place card attached to the hase handle. The honoree's pltfce was L marked with an orchid. Following the maid cdurse of the | tasty three course lottcheon, the hob-? IMPERIAL IT PLEASES US TODAY LAST SHOWING "House of Dracula" '! Lon Ohaney ; ' "Straight Shorter" : Tim McCoy No. 1. "Last" of Mohicans" 1 FRIDAY ?nd SATURDAY > I- "Wonder The Waste Land" ryrV ? '' r^ HBwfawt < &', 9 lv. -wV^ 'MNmSS'^mM < '1 ?Hf. " WBi- *. y&l* 'mt*>. ?T I n*yf&?--iir G9I ^B&.. }jq ' T? *f !*' > I ... - 4 ? ' *4 0 ? ? r t \ . c? .t : f t VV ; TBS mm koi L HAPPKHTNOS 1,1 Pt?" WQ/WB^I le? 1?7 ^ i>r || EtS. HUMES HOUSTON 11 ore? Vii 'p*re?'utVd V bea'utif uUy* '*eo rated pink nsd white birthday cake surtonnded by flower*. All til go eat* sang "Happy Birthday" la unison. After> the luncheon had been served tha friends of long acquaintance enjoyed ah afternoon of reminiscing and chatting. Covert were laid for the honoree, . Mr*. MeQlll; Mesdamee O. C. O Terrell, H. T. Pulton, Br., 8. E. Spencer of Gaftonia, C. E. Neisler, J. M. Pat tereon B M. Ormand, W. A. Bidenhour, H. N. Moss, Campbell Phifer, Sage Fnlton and-the hostess. Mrs. John Gamble and Mies Ava War* assisted tha-hostess in serving. t.. r j : Junior Woman's G}ub Held Monthly Mooting : The Junior Woman' Club met on liet Monday night with MW. Fred Wright, Jr., and Mri. Jilea Cornwall as hostesses at the Wright home on Gold street. !''>' "V ' Following a short bnalness session, at"' whttbtM ptesMent, Mra. Lynwood' Par.ton', presided, the group held an auction sale. Mra^.1 Patrick Curley aole Bides The.' ? . Range"51 " , BUn- kamart ?*/ *t.?Vfu?-80* ' <* V> sa'l' iflVu iMs9V3Vv mio^h r / >* 'J, o iiitfcl .'I .<|, fg? ^ J| -V a SilEITE vt C &< . i ' ; -? &f |bUi to JM tint' tlx _, a i#2s # p I _ - J.' ,41 > - * V- i ' m 9fM hJ3w a# /* ? * . " * rvv- . . - ?v ' * > ?* ? ?? f V?-*Vf ?" r ?' . ? (I , , v Ai-' WTAW ffSSAT.Ti THUB8DAT, JA1TC Toward the ond of the oMtlig, the g served a dalieloaa saint barns with eahsfaaad coffoo. ? ! Jit Li?iiunjiim.M Jm 1 ?xaau Btarlight Glib \ To Moot Friday Tko Starlight el mo, King* Mountain young people ' organization, will hold an open meeting Friday evening it 7 P. 11. in the anti-room of tko Grace Met hod let ehureh in East Kings Mountain. All young people who may bn 4. terse teg in the elub and its IntergK are invited to meet with the membe ra at this special meeting. To create larger, better, and mote recreational facilities for the' yoohg people is the object of the 8tarlight Club. _ ' ? Study Club Hears * Program On India, The Rturiv Olnh held tks fir?t rnnut I Ing of the jew on Tuesday night ist the home of Mn. L. A. Hoke. The meeting* rootne were fragrant and beautiful with arrangements . of spring's earliest blooming shrubs. Mrs. Moffatt Ware, president, presided and after 4 short business session turned the meeting over .to Mr*. Ted Weir who presented a very Interesting program on India. Curing the relating of facts, legends slid customs of that country, Mrs. Weir displayed some faney-work she l&I received from there. Following the program, the hostdss served a delectable plate of creamed, chicken on patties, a salad and frhit cake. _ r* The next meeting will be held February 19th at the home of Mrs. Moffatt Ware.. Youth Center In FullSwing Saturday Night g The Youth Center was in full swing 2 Saturday night under the supervisfcn I of Earl Rath, the recreational dirfte- I tor. Game-tables, new grimes and' I new records on the juke box afforded I sufficient ente-t-'nment. to keep tj^o I 76 boy* and girls present quite h^>- I VJ- , I Mrs. Earl Buth had the snack-bar I well stoeked with hot-dogs, hambufg- I arm,-cold drinks, etc. Mr.. Bath said, "We have found I *Mr. John Fisher to bo very cooperative. in every way and the young people and I are very grateful, r . , 3:00?Fortnighters Bridge " ' DIXIE A " -v-'fr vr WlT|fW*T B-K' ' J THEATRE; i i a ?(< jfWl^ '',^' ./ "Adv^Mj^^Kui!ty'|.' W: > *&>}* &' fnBifUfirmfr a -'tlRB^B * .s -^4?* "* " * ; *". 4 i * ABT IT, lttt aivp irth Announcements m Mr. tad Mr*. Otto h- PMtu ta- T{ um U? birth ?f > h?.' Jmh? Lir ^ h < ff ? i ^ Open -qj r;,jt vf - *i ! ? > Thursdf tr v " *K - V r-M -j ?rv v l" t > ?T , fuc o o r* :rff.r,-rO v?"*' r * ?< ba Kings Moi (Successor to Sarah Hen: ' stairs location.) WINIFRED FULTON ? . > ^ \ . - v i P--> i yyi A % VHBg|r V *1 ' 1 l\ JM We i M i v.. i r 191 f f . , r * tv Include the J v /. t 't^r ' '.i* ii' shirts, both i frilly style. r- 1 ! ' i ?l * " if 'it I Also ta i' i t iff x*< >L" < ' ..8 s#. ' 8 ; 'J > X(? h ' i .. j- - .IT.1 | wW?*<&i, * ttdfc 'jfc'fa*''*' nv v> '.^ '" fc- ^ >' ^ . ' ' ; C < y . r [ Mr*. Pittmao ?u MIm LociUt wt?r, daafktor of J oka Footer. t jgniiUI'j H?^ ^Mi..OkpBpww mnouncir . '> ** .# f: j i For Bus '' -x 'la ?*' ? i M ly Januai v 9 ' ' i. : I ' '*? ' * . : b . T; . V I , . .t. v .* . . ; intain Beau ry's Beauty Shoppe in si 4 / -..'i - T 1 .0 ' '4?^^ *tl~ \ ' * f .Have Rec ANY NEW STYLES IN ?'#.' } ' "' [ ,;< ? .., "L j ' ,? 4 ?. i, ' 1 . - . fc'i I f?- ...i. ... . t LOUSE J 1 11 " ' * A ! t i?*;. '?- - .w new turtle neck, jewel ne long and short sleeves, . " ?:T . 'i ' i Sixes 82 to 88 llored shirts in white and r^''Sistf Wt6'"46 I 'lil ? ?.. r^i! rv A fit *>*' 3.30 to $5^ . . .... tftMrtdlf , aollin/xro o?ff | o*?t ?Mfiy * *#? ! *> ?? ? f 2^1 ||^ j/tftt -iH f 5251 ( ? noo?c? tk? Writ at aoal KMNN> David,. ?i Jmamry It it ~ < r ' ig . * > ' . . .; vA >iness .l| -c' '-* .'.'vMS . t, ?*' I) )f*f a -w;> i. jf \*'+%>v rf >r i.; ;> &'*J w 74VW r^1 J V Vi A ; V/A a -?? * ?.' . .{ r ,? .I'sj ity Shoppe r- ' ; V*", tf . K -\-s-T yfp. - 'Va- 4 .. *"' Line buildlntr with TO- I kt' ' : ,. !* ' * '. ' r * *9 ' PH0KSJ8 || v| >r . ( ? 1 ^ < ! ' ' ' I ? *?*>( T .'v? > -* ' ' \iJ\ K-ff. bbbbsbM .* ' .'.' V ' K-v ' " .* > ' \ti ? H"\ :v ; " ' ' ' . jjk: reived ':1 If ii*- KfcV, +:\j ' * % ; ,H?? ?& "1 if" rQ ck, tailored jSp; andaaoft,'; v\-f f". :*r. ?i life' ,/-T '**