FABE90UB Rnntn will profit if they make ' fluiln January to cover the next few year*, farm management apeeial* fit* ?f the N. C. Extension Service aay. j ?TUB WTO4T.P 92.00 A TBA1?j I "" l" ' ' A? d \i,*?i f^A ytAU\HP EVERSHARP (tPfejen&Uwn&et $1475 A hmm'tT* am Magiq F?d prevent* PB fioodirtg and M leading?Rfcpcater ^ j? " I Pencil Seeds near %i lealds like a machine* / ! gun. Both in smart. HH modem dress... y H service GuaranUtd' y > Forwtrf I ffl? STEBOHTB Complete Watch Repair V Berrioe y ' nw.iAig?-n/ugiToe.tfAvrfT-c?sswo*ya I? Dr. D. M. Morris . Tuesday andTHday after i Eyes Examined ^B . c^^BteM i^^B H WU- J^K^B ?* ' ^T.. r 1^2 I 8HIT ^Hr ' , :? * Jj J- ' 4:1 ' &>;. $ *. -fek^iyWHi i"" V < j 1** V?;' ?? i i MforchAndto X?jr To *46 Volume?DowtU New Year forecasts reeeirod by tk North Carolina Merchants AaMsiatle from leading merchant* In all *eetloi of the State predict a IBM reta sale* volume equal to or snrpnaoia the high volume attained in 1B4A if* uni.u.inn ji; mercaai di*e it available, W. L. Dowell, exe< utive secretary of the association, ai pounce*. "As to the availability of qualit merchandise," Mr. Dowell continue! "the opinions vary considerably. Mi l-y merchants express the opinion thi the current epidemic of strikes an labor dispute* in the nation's tndu trial plants will continue for son months, thus tying up production, an at a 1 1 t t- * * ?. - mat uesirnuie mercoanaise Win n( he available iu any appreciable quai tity until at least the aeeond half 4 the year; while others are of the opi ion that labor troubles will be exped tiously settled, that the raeonverslc program will soon be running in hi{ gear and that quality merehandi will speedily be flowing in ever i creasing quantities." "Practically all of those reportii agree, however that with the enon ous backlog of purchasing power the hand of consumers that the . d mand for quality merchandise durii 1946 will be exceptionally strong ai that even if wanted merchandise sufficient quantities is unavailable t til the second half of the year, _tl volume of business is?that period wl be more than sufficient to offset ai deficiency which may occur durii the first six months of the year," Dowell said. The expense of making high ew yields and high livestock proriuettlc is justified by increased profits farmers, Dean J. O. Schaub of tl State Extension Service, declares. Farm machinery can not do J lob properly with baling wire reps jobs, according to engineers of tl Agricultural Extension Servlee. AM aIm i>i uui upiuuicuisi noons IP. M. to 5 P. M. Glasses Fitted *r- flM m 4E^VH; V ?*"* '"V. lr m. A M a * ! F A \ WB * . 1 ^BrfiForThlj^Hi^SS I 1 *. ^r^l^MWM ^Kl' II Bv - . ^1 . t, >. , '.? H. v I^H f^M HHj^^T^ i. I - ^B I 6*4 $1.ZS a WB yrijt ETHOS UOXT&TAJJt WW GktfaM To Bo Hoard On Baptist Program i?" I Dr. Praaoid P. Gaines, a layman, of Lexiagton, V*., returns to Ui Bapis tlot Hour for a message acxt Sunday U mo ruing, us dleekMed by th# Radio g Committee., SBC, 8. *. Ixrwe. Diree - age for the Tests of Pease," will bo ! , of portUalar interest to yoamg peo? pie, especially returning service me* I ami women, y Dr. Guinea, a Sooth Carolinian by 1? birth, an educator by training and I- p-ofemion, has served as Preeidoai kt of Washington and Lee University for d 16 years. An effective leader in the >- educational and civic fUlds, he ha* held responsible positions through the d years, according to Mr. Lovre, having >t served as Chairman of the Alfred I. a* duPont Badlo Award Committee, if President of the Association of Ain merican Colleges and Virginia htate it* Chairman ot the War Finance Commit >n jb Mr. Lowe states that because of ? his abiding faith, hia extensive know! n- edge of people, and his unusual ability as a speaker, Dr. Gaines la one ig of tko asset effective radio speakers a- in America. >n An attractive feature in t^fee e- broadcasts is the mask by the Bapig tist Hour O&ofr of Atlanta, John D. id Hoffman, Director aad George L. 'n Hamrick, Organist, in The program can be heard in North 10 Carolina over Radio Stations WWNC, 11 ! Asheville, WPTP, BWeigh, and WBJ8 ?y Winston-Salem, 8:30 A. If. ig r. | , WART.TOK Of JAPAN With The 8th Army in Japan. ? Pfc. John Warllek, son of Mr. and >P Mrs. A. W. Warllek, Hidgs Motra>n tain, N. C., has arrived in Japan with to the 32nd (Bed Arrow) Infantry DI10 vision. TV. TU.I.I.. ?... J? v 1 ?HV &/IT iotvu avuv IUMUUCO U^IUU'I . southernmost large island lh the X* tf jj. paneee group, and southern Honshu tie The main elty of Kyushu Is Nagasaki, 18th city In Japan, target for m the second atomic bombing. II Warliek ' arrive) in Japan comes after 0 months .overseas. The Japan I occupation finds Warliek engaged In guard duty with the crack 128th Beg hneut in the Prefecture of Yamaguchi, Honshu. On Victory day, the a fumed 32nd Division's 684th day of i '. ' .*! . ml ... o:. Irbbe Mtod gwv?Valae $41.001 LOOK AT THJg H HG ffATURCSl k M H k U91 iwtw ^ I ' rorl * h* Fj ^**?2. m H Eft ,^H .^ 1 \ \'r j}? Hw, ^ )M B'''. *?vJS iJ THtJMDAY, JANUABY, 17, 1SK0 ? ? ~ r Mbbat U ttii war, Pfe. War lick had ' completed ll awttl la the army. Hie itranM include the Philippine Bibbon ?hd tU Aaiatle Padttic Bibboa. Bitas Are Ckmdootad IMUBmhI 'IUnhi Funeral rite* for Martha Sue Car- | roll, 24 day old daughter of Mr. and., Mrs. Jeff Carroll, were bold Wed- I needey afternoon at the beuae, with ' Bev. Floyd Holler, paetor of Moun- | tain View Beptiit church officiating Interment followed in Mountain Be*t | eeaaetory. The infant taestunbed Tuesday at ' Shelby hospital. She is survived by her parents, a sister, Ethel, and two brothers, Co- I man add Thomas Carroll. D. O. Grebba of Seaboard and David H. Oriffln of Woodland are aamong the leading farmers of Northampton County/ t a r At Ploi Your S] Suit ai ? *-? .IMI > -fti i & CO New spring coats, inch fortable Chesterfields a and 38 to 46. Variety oi $18.40 ?$19. \ , JUST RECEIVED I ? OFULDEEB' OV1 t PLOR A?' \ j KV ; *'* ? ? ?*'.' . ?. *? ^ ;? f/ ! I I ; Notice We are now ready to do yoilf iheet metal work, I some roofing and heating. Wricht's Tin Shop I Phone 3471 Bessemer Oitj, H.C,\ 1 bM| pnng id Coat , jPpfl SUITS $&|f Nice, new spring' styles in exquisite pastel shades, black and white and brown and white checks. <' ' ,?", s f , * *' The required item in every lady's spring wferd- , robe. ' . $18.40 ? $10.80 ? $2100 up ^ < f ' i ATS iding loose-fitting, com-- p> tid toppers. Sizes 12 to 20' K Ecolors- '^iWNi mi BLUralfiHlE^r . \ ?????