1 ' -'i* - I ' " I POPULATION I Tridinc Argi inAftfl MW^SSSg^g^^==ai=^Sig .1 ?. .? Local News | Bulletins * ATTENDIKO CONVENTION Earl B. Ruth, city recreation director, la in Atlantic City, N. J., thit week where he ia attending the National Recreation convention. Mr. Ruth will return here on frlday. Coach Don Parker will be in charge of the Thurcday night Iadnatrlal Baaketball league program, it waa announced. * WAX DADS MEET Wray Williams, president of the War Dads chapter, states that therewill be a meeting of the War Dads on Friday night, this week, at the AtU. Ur.11 - a. w.nn - v. m a. u?7 URU n i :ou o CIOC*. HCII aumbtri U urged to be present for it m decided at the last meeting that a partial reorganization would be had at this meeting. TAO DEADLINE Thursday is the final day for buying elty license tags before members of the police ""department begin shooing laggaKTs in to get ^ them ? and pay a penalty for belag late ? according to H. L. Bur- ^ dette. Personnel in clerk's offke ^ Where the tags are on sale, said that s -sales through Wednesday totaled m 600, approximately the same as is last year. w tx U SZWAinS PKOOKAM si C. M. King, principal of Shelby ~ Junior high school, will address 1 embers ?>f the Kings Mountain el Kisraais club at the regular meet- -j lag at the Woman's Club Tharsday I night at 6:80. Mr. King is a mem- * ber ef the Shelby Kiwania club and chairman of that club's program sommtttss u j< Aitan ion mmro - H. P. Dixon,. J. O. . Danaeott, 0 Ktwta Users and W. L, Pleak, of- B clubs also at7/ .^.5 TiDdKL *' * . ' ' H OOOODTB DBCBAKUP 0 A Bft Harold Coggins, well known ^ Kings Mountain business man, was J: as para ted from the army this week, 7 and arrived home Wednesday morn- B lag. 8ft. Coffins, who served in the European Theater, has been u ntationed at Fort Bragg since his return to the United States several ? months ago. < 4 t * J 1 FA3TH* UVB WORK n rat HW 'earn irth water Jines are " rtM# being Installed by the City of 9TC lUSf *??Atitfn In the Cora MU1 J 1^* . ^?Safe, according to H. L. Bur- . dhtte, oltjr manager. Laying of a t-iaek east iron pipe will replace ali eised worn oat pipe which will q "4 . '.,iht ranUeate of that section much ^ better water aervlee, it was stated. 01 *v. UMBW MHBTTBO o Msnsbsri of Otis D. Greene Post g 185, American Legion, win hold tl ?&..Jignbr meeting at the City tl * Mail Tarn day night' at 7:00. Com- a Bntndrr John H. Floyd stated that n BrM^tiwa important matters are to ?<.... >t djseusssd and urged a full at- M y Service Widow Needs ?< | i|^ffome; Can You Help? * V' ??PW? ?ietef* kppMrtnS In a Swgiilnw Md MW?(?i dorlnf UN P?t fNW wwfa which Rhow the a ~ r??*<'*,v'- '. #.*?.' , Kings IIP* >; ^qj ?F ~- i:;';:?? ^T^?SPS!BB ASM officials?Fictuured abort ai 0 Shelby National Farm Lo?n assorlat ountaln, a director of the aaoodatlon. Us plooo of iwacMiUry ku boon of pn re farming operations. Mr. Wsre has 1 Inge Mountain National Farm Loan J creed villi the Bcthertwdtos Assorlat a great booster of. Ms natt at many farmers us Ms section would ten for the help they received from th air nation si farm loan stsntiiMwi M 1 extensive 'peach grower In Cleveland unior Chamber Is i leorge Waif Chos< Forty-eix Kings Mountain men bereen the agee of 81 asi 35?the aa>rity of them veterans of World Tar n, completed organisation of the , ings Mountain Juaiof Chamber of Muuiee at a meet Lag at the City all Monday, eight and alerjted ^eor? Wye- .preeidont M the orgiMsa "tt&iri-^f fleers elected veie: H.oyi (Saooki) McDaniel; viee president, tartin Harmon, viee preeident, Ver n viv?u/( wviovcrjr^ ua UUD rag*, | NMnnr. Directors (or two year* chosen ore: George Houser, Jamea Houaer, letnonsee fccDaniel, and William S. niton, J>. One-year directors are: Karl Sawer, Bill Logan, Carl Finger and W. !. Mauney, Jr. The organization voted to hold rcgtar meetings on the first and third ridaya'->of each month at 7 p. m lowever, no meeting will be held Frtay night, February 1, due to the lose proximity of the organization leeting. Next meeting is to M a diner session on February 15. Meantime, directors and officers ( ill meet Friday night at 7 o'clock I t the City Hall to draft a constituon and make arrangements for obsitting a charter from national head uarter*. 1 I Out-of-town Jayeeea present fpr the , qganizakttm meeting and assisting ( t ^s slaftioa *af "pfficers were Dick , Grande, immediate past president , f the Shelby elub, Kenneth Banks- , ardner, Gastonia, viee president of is stats organisation, Bob Abernasy, Gastonia, past state president, 1 nd BUI Baley and Charlis Ayler, 1 embers of the Shelby clots. 1 i Formal organisation of the group < allowed a meeting held the previous t 'eek at which 42 were present. Junior Chambers of Commerce are ivie In nature and their activities 1 rs designed to benefit the commons- 1 r. - ' The organisation has had a large 1 rowth throughout North . Carotin* 1 nrt tne nation in recent year*. < Only men between the ages of 21 ad 36 are eligible for membership. ( [orrison Purchases , Powerful Army BT-13 Dr. D. M. Morrison, proprietor or 1 lags Mountain Airport on the Grosr road, announced this weak parts se of a BT-18 army trainer, which ( ) described as the "fastest, moat ywerfnl plane ever to land at an nir art here." Dr. Morrison aaid that the plaa* onld be at the airport Sunday for toeenger tripe. ainjU-ongiae plane, it develops SO kunopuiOr. Dr. ItayteOn aleo announced that is nunmy at tkn' airport has boon lagthenod to MOO foot and is iiifaa neisutetlog. v . Moun INOfi MOUMTAIiV, N. 0. THUBH i < 1 c C n I I t ~ * I " ' C ro Tom mm; mwaa tmwt of i ion, and. WifM It.Tu*, of Kiap c looking at Mr. Ware's lime spreader. c .ctfcoal Mp to Mr. Wore la Ids latofv mm t director for 16 poors of ttii j ioaoclatlon, vblck association was . ion and Is now the kbeiby KFLA. Ho mol form loon ssmrisMnsi and sops 1 bore boon In o bad fix had it not 1 i radars! Land Bonk of Ootambla and c r. Waco dooo gonaral faming and Is i ooahty. i Organized; ! in President I R&tterree Signs Pro Grid Contract pride Battocroo, waitfenow Slogs * Mountain ^haan and star of tko Woks rorost Bomas ?* "*>* . ! has flgpad a cenfraet to piap fOoiM& tm tko QbMg^Oardls^^ ^of ; J SloSmd^SJi cS ; cago last w^sk. nslQsino, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Pride BUtWrM, Sr., kn been *" nullify of Uu Pmhooi Dmcob ttae fox the past two MWie^Rio teem bed a oaoctoeful oooonn, ending it with a victory over the University ? of Booth Oeroline la a New Yeer'o Dey bowl clash At Jacksonville, FloHe will graduate from Wake For- 1 est In June. I He Is the first Kings Mountain man to sign a professional football contract. Home B. & L. Had Good Year Officers and directors of Home Building and Loan association were re elected last Thursday night at the ' annual stockholder's meeting of the ] organisation at which A. H. Patter- ' son, secretary-treasurer, reported ah I sxcellent year for the financial In- 1 ititution. In his annual report, Mr. Patterson pointed out that loans had shown a {tin of #44,000 during 10411, for the ' first gain In fire years, reported as- J tete had increased by $78,000, and that the association had Added $0,000 :o it* reserve fund for contingencies. , Total assets of the association at * he close of business for 1040 were t 1035,823.45, as compared to $457,173.- ? (7 on December 31, 1044. Included ia ' :ha total assets is _ $207,180.80, in 1 nortgage loans. The reserve fund is 0 >23,000. J A large number of stockholders at- | tended the annual meeting. j Officers are: Dr. J. E. Anthony, ^ president, J. B. Thomasson, first vise president, Z. P. Cranford, second vice , Dresldent. A. H. PsMsrum - treasurer. " Director* include Dr. Anthony, Mr. j Thomaason, Mr. Oranford, Mr. Pat- ' teraon, O. iA. Bridges, I. O. Patterson J. B. Mauney, L. 1^ Alexander and I. H. Thomson. t 1 rarOBB IV RAXM - I First Lieutenant Fred K. Flag- 4 er, eon of Mrs. Fr> B. Finger, land- I ad te the Uaited Bute* Sunday, re- | turning faom the . Kuropean The*- | ter of tJpemtioa*. Lt. Finger la ex- u peaed to, .1ys In Kings ^ tain N )AY, JAjrUASY 31, IBM Merchants As Chamber of ( Court Docket '] Heavy; Drunken Drivers Fined City recorder's court business, rhich had dwindled to almost nothng for the past two weeks, took a iefinite upturn Monday with 21 de'endants facing the bar of justice, &c ording to records in the office of Jity Clerk Karl Bawyer. Highlighting the Monday seMlon fere five cases of drunken driving, pith each being found guilty. Xty B. Bordeaux, QoldenRobertfc, lobert Carl Helms and Yates Daniel' llanton each received, statutory sen* ences of three months in jail busisnded on payment of fines of $50 ind eosts. In addiOon, their driving icenses were revoked for 12 months, lerald Shytle, found guilty M drivng drunk and driving without a 11ense was fined $60 and costs, in lieu >t a three-month term. Reeves K. Boyster was given SO lays in jail when he failed to pay. < line and costs on a charge of public I Irunkenness and Woodrow Kimball iras fined $25 and costs on the same 1 barge. James E. Harrts was fined J 110 and costs as was Ooldie Boyee, >oth on charges of Irunkenness. Mary Stanly Barringer, also char jed with drunkenneSh, was given a 10-day sentemee, suspended on paynent of costs aid tl^e .condition that ihe remain antside^the eonfines of iCings Mountain for a period of 12 nonths. ^ ' In other rsiss Involving drankeniess, the fallowing were assessed vith the coata: James A. Priee, James ' 3. Early, B. O. Bippy, H. K. Morgan * fed Ho^d, had Will Harris,- On the *me charge,. Dolpk ChassbeVs whs tiped IftaaA cssto, and Janm Bbyce 1 costs la lisn of I asas Joseph Kusseli Oreey was given ' i twe-montk tana for reckless drivtag, saspended on payment of n fine 1 >f $* and costs, and Earl C. Bailey OTOdVOU frDV WUIP BU^COU* id ob payment of a fine of $15 and ' oetn. Victory Clothing Ca Ends Today; More W. L. Plonk, chairman of King* < fountain'? Victory Clothing Coileo ioa, iMued. a laet-minute appeal le ' ;he eitiiene of the community Wed teeday morning, urging them le wiag in at leaat 1,000 piece* of old itathlag for the needy people* of war -avaged aatiaaa before the end of ha eoUeotloa tonight. Vr. Ploak reported that 6,500 pie m ef waarif apparel have abend? Net received, and he taid that King? tfeuatala, within eight ef the 7^0t (eel, ahanld aot fail ta reach ite le announced that the eaaepeiga aeald definitely end ae eehedelad rtth all apparel aelleatad to be ehip *4 Friday moralag to thle atate '* wtadpal depot aad then on to Eu*y?, China, the Phillipplnee and oih* needy nation*. He alaa aaaoeaeed that Park OracO tehool had written 2,000 letter* for ecleoare with the elothing, adding Waft ftWa aawamftk aft ftkU eeWaal wwiw^vm as a bmmm kiwi apUred the prime for the greatest iswlisi of letters written. Announce- , Ohsils trifi*tM^tt*? MCt week. 1 "I woold like ! eeefhtthti Un. r. 0. Nlekleo, the principal, end her Mwt* for the excellent manner In rhleh they responded to thie request. Phejr ter* a splendid school." 1it. Honk alee praleed Davidson holered school for the neatness of <rtsthlif should be taken to Plonk hpnthen and Oeaspeny prior to S:tO hit afternoon. la a short anew account In last nook's Stmt, It ?h stated that Baral??3 ' -?? V-W ierald nun i i ii >sociation Su] Commerce Oi Coday Is Final One :'or juisting Taxes Today ? Thursday ? la the final day for listing county and city taxes, and both Charles O. Dilling, county auditor and tax supervisor, and H. X*. Bard sets. city manager, announced that xaers would be no extension for regular pftperty listing. Clttsena who fall to list their properties by the close of business today will have to visit the county office at Shelby and the city office here to list their taxes and also pay a penalty for late listing, It was stated. IfeantUnr?* B. fflls, county and city tax lister *fco Is at the Cltv Hall courtroom, said that listing had boon rarf, brisk this weak and ha addad that it was his* opinion listing was ahead of last year. However, a large number still have not listed, he pointed out, urging cltlaens of Number 4 township to visit him Thursday to avoid the trouble of making two separate listings and to avoid the penalties. March Of Dimes Response Good ~ ? ? B. N.' Barnes, co-chairman I of tfce lleeland County March of Dimes campaign for the benefit of the fight igaiiaet infantile paratysiu, reported bis week that the school organic* ion "is really making the dimes nareh," bat added that a working >rganisation ta solicit business firms rould. be necessary to assure Kings fountain of meeting its share of the seunty quota of $10,000. .Mr.. Barnes said that sue h^ an organisation weald probably begin rork next week. He sfdd.thaS lacosapiett preliminary istnms she wad a good rispense to the appeal, first bfgan in hen Or of the late Preeldeat Franklin D. Boose relt, himself, sn infantile victim. Collections have been taken at sack shoeing at the Dixie and Im >arial Theatre* thU week, and bote (Cont'd on page four) mpaign ^re Needed CSagers To Tangle tfith Shelby Lions Kings Mountain High School Mountaineer*, their aalla Itfliittl by Unootnton laafc snk, will aaak to W?BS their winning ways km Friday night a* they fact Swlky High Xdoto in g haahatbatt iwkli bill at tha high achooi gytMMslwa. Tito oagaca than g? to (Mtytoh on Tnasday night to yiay another toUthat** ijm nlty. Friday night's yrograa gats tot. darway at 7 ^o'clock. IKIII ll 1 Men Get NMfce Discharges A large number *f King* Mountain nan ware hono.ably discharged from ha armed fore ea during the peat raek. Among them were Joe Miller door*, BP t-e, nary, ton of Mr*. Do rit Voere, Bent* 1, King* Mountain, 'oka Btyere, army, eoa of Mr. end Are. W1 afield Btyern, Opl. Howard ideoa, army, aon of Mr. aad Mrs. 1. C. Edeea, J. K. Willie, Jr., amy, on of Mr. aed Mr*. J. K Willi*, Br, Paul Wabb Hollander, nary, aad Thartta Toaag Sieae, navy. Moor* apeat M moatha aboard aa Jt/T, partielpatlag la tka Okinawa aatyolgn, aad Styac* aad Blea* *ar> red la tie Philippine* end other pig. Ill* station*. Willi* aaw considerable letioa la .Karop*. Blm*, 15 month* la he *ary ?raa M ea duty at a nary eeairlgf tbjtiM, aad Halloed?r wae *' " > v-'':1 .'?? ' '; ' >. /' v;f i .. i n Pa?e? ly Today _ riVE CENTS PXS OOFT pports rganization Action Taken To Improve City Parking i Members of the Kings Mountain Merchants association, in meeting nt the City Hall Monday night, passed a resolution urging the organization of a Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce and also took steps to alleviate the present limited parking situation in the business section. The 55-minute session found the merchants enthusiastic concerning the )toesible formation of a Chamber of Commerce and the resolution pledged cuuvimciurm 01 an aciive cooperation in which a ttM.uz 3i-FIOg in such ?a project. Discusaiou on the subioct was varied, with the general trend favoring organization of a Chamber of Commerce to work in conjunction with the Merchants Association, thus enabling each to have full-time paid executive personnel. The resolution as passed read: "The Kings Mountain Merchants Association commends to the. commercial, industrial and professional groups of the city the proposed organization of a King* Mountain Chamber of Commerce, and the association pledgee to give such a project its full backing and cooperation." Many of the members present urged immediate action. Discussion concerning the limited parking facilities in the business sec- * tion resulted in appointment of a committee including Hilton Hath, J. O. Darracott and O. O. Walker to work out means of improving the situation. The committee is to request of the city beard immediate marking eft of parking spaces on elty streets In the bests ess area and also to arrange parking areas on vacant lots In the business seetion. The group also voted to hold its enstomery employer employee banquet during February, the date to be arranged. At this meeting, officers for the forthcoming year will 1 1 A 1? - ? uc installed. A committee, including Byron Keeter, chairman, John L. McOill and Martin Harmon, was named to make arivngements for the banquet, and a committee to conduct a vote among association members for the purpose of electing new officers and directors was appointed. This committee includes E. C. McClain, chairman, J. W. Milam and O. W. Myers. Baird Granted Leave Of Absence .Dr. 8. N. Baird, pastor of Boyea Manorial ARP church has been greeted a one year leave of absence in Which to further recuperate from the effeasts of a paralytic stroke ear fered last summer, it wae announced this week. Dr. Baird had previously planned to return to the pulpit on January 1 but his physician advised a longer rest before he assumes his full ministerial duties. Action of the church board was taken at a meeting held recently. Dr. and Mrs. Baird expect to leavo this week end for Augusts, , Ua., where they will spend two months with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Burkhalter. Mrs. Burkhalter is Mrs. Baird's sis ter. ti&meb r. jdookoui Bites Conducted Funeral service# for James 7. Book oat, SO, who died in Bock Hill, 8. C. hospital Friday, after he suddenly became 1)1 on Wednesday, were held Sunday afternoon at Betheeeda Pres byteriaa ehoreh, near Bock Hill. \ He was the ancle and great-ancle of a large namber of Kings Mountain people Among those attending the ritee wore Mrs. E. B. Olive, Hal O Hve, Mrs. A. .L Allran Mr. and Mm. Albert Allien, Mre Oreer Me Daniel, Betty Me Daniel, Wilbom MeDeaiel? Mm W. O. Pot nam, Tnlten and Mike Bverhart, Mr. gad Mrs. Charlie Pul ton, Miss Wlnfred Fnlton, Mr. and ICr*. (Albert Orawford and eUMtrnn f Bethany and Mr. and Mm Hagfc B. Hoke and eon, Charles, of Lincoln I

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