::SOCIAL AND PRR80NA otlNlERESl \ I PHONES: House 180; Off M Miss Benton Engaged To Robert ML Wilkes Mr. ud Mr*. Charlie Beaton of this city nnnoonce the engagement f their daughter, Alice Cornelia, to Robert Mojehead Wilkes, eon of Mil a a Wllhee and the late Mr. Wilkee of Bhelby. No date han been net for the wedding. Mine Benton in a graduate of Qrover high achool. Hinre her graduation nhe has been employed in the office of Arch dale Dairy farms, Kings Mountain. Mr. Wilkes has recently received a discharge from the navy following ro moitki or service, 32 month* or which was spent overseas. He attended the schools of Peary, On., prior to entering the service and is now returning to the Winston-Salem Barber school. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allen announce the birth of a daughter, Majel Joaana, on February 6, at Shelby hospital. by Lynbrook M j Wko siys yoi cut Ut#coolaad ttMkxk as feast as a fisM loi ii ?rt>. Swfcihii Iw. to Mm wasto*. In a V* b' MQQ V. V I?r | BEL DEPARTMENT STORE Remember ? Yon Al v . ways Bare at Belle's : ;# * * I , Dr. A. Wishes his petkata to 1 offices In the kiM jol I ' 1 ' 1 I IIIIMIMIMIMMIIIMIIM rj Im HAPPENINGS I to WOMEN 8 ice 167 BS. HUMES HOUSTON i; T Couple To Celebrate TOtti 1 Wedding Anniversary Son. 8 | Mr. ud Mrs. Tkoou Jefferson 'Mow will celebrate their 70th wed- ? jding uiivemrj on Februry 17 ot IP their home on roate 1, Cherryville. " I Open house will be observed from jone until four p. m. that afternoon d when friends of the well hnowo coupie, gativeo of Cleveland county, are ? {being invited to ealL ? The Moon' have 10 children, eight Jof whom are living, and from them c' are 80 descendants, of whom 74 are *' jliving. The living children ere Mrs. '* 'Albert L. Dellinger of Newton, Mrs. ^ J. Andrew Hendriek of' the home. * Mrs. W. H. Dingier of laenoir and ' Whitnel N. Jackson Moan of Hickory Mrs. W. C. Harmon of Morgaston, " R. H. Moss of Bhelby, Mrs. Ouy Lac- p key of Cherryville route 1, and Wal- ^ ter L. Moss of Charlotte. There are 27 living grandchildren and 39 great- *' grandchildren. ai Mr. bfn? will tw RQ *mm Aid #? * July 31, wUlo Mrs. Mm who has w lived all her life within sight of her ?, present home, will be 90 years old oa the 23rd of this month. Mr. Moee la j< the soa of the late Rev. N. H. and gj Martha Ann Gardner Moos, while e] Mrs. Moee is the daaghter of the late Henry J. aad Tempy Caroline a Harrelsia Cryta of Cleveland county. Mr. Moee is the only uncle of J. ? F. Moee of this city. K u Bride-Elect Honored ti By Mrs. Dicky Tate . * Mrs. Dieky Tote entertained at her " home a Wells street oa Thursday * night at a miseellaaeofes shower hasoring Miaa Martha Sue Dover whose marriage to John Albaaooe of Providense, B. I., will be an event of this month. ^ Upon arrival, the honoree was pro- * seated a corsage of white camstions, " Gaines aad bingo were enjoyed dor lag the evening, with prises awarded ? the winners. The winners later pretented them to the bride-elect, no " hostess' gift to the honor-guest was " crystal in her chosen pattern. R1 - di Miss Marion Ivey and Miss Louise el Roberts assisted Mrs. Tate in serving It bridal ices, decorated cakes and eof- y fee. Tke bride-elect's plate waa mark- w ed with a miniature bride. f< Those present included: Mesdamea Fred Thorn burg, Doe Byers, Boa ] Goforth, Jim White, Bun Goforth, James Roberta, Nina Wolfe, Clyde ^ Kearns, Abe Martin, Bock All ran sad Carl Lewis of Gaston is; Misaee 01 May Bue Goforth, Louise Roberts, Ms risn Ivey, Martha Lou Bennett, Da- ? phne Ballard, Margaret Coruwell. Martha Frances McGill. Carolyn Do M ver and Annie 'Both Hawkins. The bride-elect received nu; P attractive and oaefnl gift a. DIXIE ! THEATRE ; THDUDAT b She Went To The " Races" i Janaa Oralff - Frawoaa atfftoft niSkT * "The Fitting Guardsman" " WUtao* Tutor . Anita Lewis* 8 I lATOUUT a "Song of the Prairie" KM Outfe Jeff Denaat) P "The Woman Who j Came* Back" Banc? KaOy - John lMtar 1 m WMVDA.Y and TUBXDAY * "Yon Came Along** w "jhwrtWMff * v !; L Hilt Y 4/ *+'.* >>' y* . . know thai k? has opened J tetafDr. J. ? H??L 1 i oa KJbc (trMt. J c.. . . 9 mugr? ???Wv-. , t:M - Wmu'i TM mullet W.'a Building. v VTUBDAY? 4:00 ? Carlson McKelvie Wedding ?Tint Preebyteriap ekutk. 7:00-10:30 ? Youth Outer ?Wo u'l (lib. OBSDAY? 3:30?Social club?Mr*. Moffatt Wan. (r*. Campbell Honor*' k>n On His Birthday Oa Saturday afternoon, Mr*. H. L ampbell entertained fit a delightful arty koaorii| her bob, Joe, m hie Lh birthday. The Valentine motif waa need In ee orating the living room and dinig room entirely in red aad white. ?d etreamen were draped artietiilly on each chandelier. The dining ible, graced with a white line* oth, wan centered with a huge red id white cake bearing seven canda and w*? surrounded by fancy red -sketa fii.eti with candy. These ere gives as favory after the reeahmenta were served. Mra. Campbell was assisted in dieting games and contests by MtA anl MeOinnia end Mrs. Edward lott* Toward the elote of the enjoyable rtcrnoon, the randies were lighted, >e made his wish, blew them oat id the children sang "Happy Birth ay." The lovely cake was served ith strawberry and vanilla ice When refreshments were finished, M opened hie numerous beautiful ifte presented by the twenty-five kjldren attending. Kiss McKelrie To 7ed Major Carlson Mr. and Mra.. Henry Mohaland Meelvie of Kings Mountain and Oasmia announce the engagemet of leir daughter, Both Ohmpbell, to [ajor Bebert Charles Carlson, Nalid States Army Air force, eon of [r. aad Mia. Kail Carlssa of Gads m, AM. , The wedding win take place Batarty, February 10, at the'First Freeyterian ehareh in Kings Mountain. tarber Family Together Firrt Time In 10 Yean ' Oa Ban day, February 3, a reunion f the family of Mr. and Mra. Banks arbor was held at the heme of Mr. sd Mia- Hall Goforth. All of Mr. nd hfre. Barber's ten sons and danitem, ssoet of the aoaa-ia-law aad sughters-ia-law and sixteen gxAadslU A -At. ? uuicu woe lugcmcr wixn IB0B >r the first time ia ten or twelve ear*. Two none, Winfred and Jack. Ql leave' eoon for new assignments lllowing their re-enlietmenta in ser-> Kiss McGinnis Bride If Boyd J. Montgomery Mr. and Mre- Srtknr O. McGinn is I Dallas announce the marriage of leir daughter, Mildred Ines, to oyd J. Montgomery on 8atnrday af irnoon, Feb. 9, at the Lutheran par >nage in Hardin. The ritual was read by the bride's istoT, Rev. F. M. 8peagle the doule ring ceremony being used. The nuptial music was rendered by [iss Edith Bur?in, Mrs. Mary Ellen team and Junior Burgin as vocalist, eeompanied at the piano by " Mrs. ioraee Cloninger. ' ( The bride was lovely in h spring lit of iee blue wool with matching at and black and white accessories, ter flowers were pink rose buds, Mrs. Montgomery, who is a charmig and popular girl,' attended high shool at Liaeolstos and now holds position with the Beaunit Knitting Oil at LowelL The bridegroom is the son of Mr. ad Mrs. W. T. Montgomery of Grose, receiving his education in the shook there and recently received is discharge from the army after erring three years in Panama. He ow holds position with the Marrace mill ia Kings Mountain. Only members ef the families and few eloee friends attended the cere lony. After a brief wedding trip the cowls will be at home in Dallas Foodmen Circle Had looting Friday Might Circle Grove I of Woodmen Grove M met "Friday sight at the lodge at which was beautifull decorated ith the Valentine motif predominant. Mrs. Mary Weir celled the meeting ? order ud accepted two candidates ) the circle. Mies Era Moore aad lias Bonnie Jackson are the new can idates mentioned. Officers present km Guardian insis Goforth, Attendant Bndie Peel r, assistant attendant Vertie Smith, aiistot; O. P. Goforth, Anditor 9ns tee and VMd Worker 8ns Moorssad. Mm. Willis Howard acted as BTHPT* [rs. Ilwis Gofertk. ^ tise iffpfur <ngrir^ to JolmAIbSSr ? k*?, ll5lC# Ms, to Johp II ni| * rpmwS<i^i? the men** Wfll take pleas MM*1 mmH CIBCUI Nvioapepppr^j^ [ Xn. Aaetin ;M?|?rda?r ?m }aa Mm M ?nBhw k Circle No, Two of Ceitral Methodist church on Mob day Bight. Mrs. Bun Goforth woo eo loftin. The leader, lira. Charlie Goforth presided. Mrs. Jay Patterson hcl< the Bible Study. Delicious refreshments were serre< during the eoelal hour. eetlng. Circle Number Two Met At Ohmfeh Monday Mrs. C. L Jolly aad Miss Ethc Roberts were eo-hhsteos at a meet in of Circle No. 1 la Monday night 1 the recreation hall of Central Methc dint church. Mrs. Tates Thronebnrg was I charge of the devotional which ii eluded Bible reading* and spiritual sang by ''Aunt Ida" Wise. Two o |the\ four spirituals nig were " Want To Be a Christian," and "Ja cobe Ladder." , Mrs. J. H. Arthur read the mint tee and had the roll call and Mri Bill Craig, Bible teacher, present* the leeaon for the evening in a moe impressive manner. The hoeteaeee served a deleetabl congealed salad followed by cake an eoffee. Randall-Watterson Vows Spoken In Geffrey, S. 0. Mia Eloise Watterson, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watterson o Kings Mountain and Dewitt Bandal son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bandal lso of this city, were wed in a quia double ring ceremony performed Trl day, Feb. 1, in Gaffney, 8. C. The bride wore an attractive sui of pale blue wool with pink an brown accessories. Following the ceremony the eon pi left for*a wedding trip to Aahsvilli They are now making their horn with the bridegroom's parents. Mis. Randall attended Beth war high school and is new employed i the Neialer mills. Mr. Bandall wa graduated from Bethware high sehm and is now employed at McCoy's 8c vice station in Shelby. WTTJ.TAOT DISCHARGED Bainbrldge, MdTj? Charles 8. W1 Hams, ABM2C, has been honorab^ discharged from Naval Service I I At Mj JUL I Lai N * Mai I VARH2T Myen 1 1MPFRIAI THEATRE^! i "ifr PLEAflBS UB TO PLEAflE YOU v , UR BHOWZMO TODAY MONDAY nl IUMOAT, v i Wxiua.^. (?? xjroM rowr ynu Loy and Tom NmI - Barbara Bala "No Man's Range" two mom oar**- . Mew ; : 11 ** *ftT1,T """wSlTaoir-?^ I F&n>AY and batukday "Under Two Flags" ? "Danny Boy" ouodtu ooib?t Burner Henry - Aoe, the doc Victor n ??<t 1 * "Arixona Trail" "Phantom Of The ' Tea Sitter Rantfe" ; Berlal-Oartoon Tom Tyler 1 \ p1 -""" '' ' "'MRI' McILWAINE | e I From The ' | House Of Shaw t < will be in our shop February 14 through Febru* ary 23 to assist you with, your skin and cosmetic ' * t ... problems/ Call 123-J for an appoigtment a - ; 'v , ?-1 \ The f.' ' Ansell Beauty Shop 5 . - V >' Helen Curtis Cold Wave Eevelon Manicures ' ? - f ? Olariol Tints ; t" * * i . ' ?. ' . \B; M % * -v. * ; ^*V rer's Dress Shonne I it 'i l: ? V S T ARRIVED M r , ? * rge Shipment 1 ? "S va : "?& > v _ . V... ;F;/( d's Uniforms | ~w . f :-wr - * $3.95 S * ***'' ? ' < \ . * # <. . * . 'V?A.' ">-v / v'l "'t 7 07 OOLOBS SIZES 12-44 ' r~: -53 v|M'v ' . M sifei i' Dre$s Shoppe

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