Lil; i - ' Ljj' j^ft' ! f ^H'^S3M jtoe^New. I ft*ilL>fjrttt mill iiif"jrYi)'ini ,jTLr mi WUtim JMMHAlMxb Klnge Mou.taia'e Uatad dia eharged aarrlea peraoaael inalada^ two H<nb?r of the WAVES thli weak, along with aia King* Mow Ml* moa. Tfcoao diaciargad iaotadt L*>\> ' lgj?a Harp Vraaaea Oaatt. YfC ?' . tagktar of . Mr*. Baaala Qantt Kv. . Htaa Dorothy Hayaa, daaghtar oi f XIpar. rot arming from the Paelffa ! thaatac, O. L. IfeDMM. M.1J1 1 and Jdra. Qrlar HeDaaW. JjBfi Allraa, aoa of lira, i L XilgK Haaaab. BM 90, aoa qt Mra. 8adU i L Xhrtoa:i'.v,? * **W *XOA* VTAKP 3para atamp No. 9, la Batioa -BoA?tmHf ww **1U fa* fin ed Iqgh i 11.11y foe oaaalng hogtr. tkf imPmmm *14 ,v Will TiMh v ? A?m+ U W* MMfMlK sjjkp icnn?4: > r^rrs-'issi'xs . .' *? lfl On J. M mur'teMHMM.' ": tkl 3 li If''/ '''yfiCjKn' s S'- . " A wB3SSFTo4; :K f: ' ' Oman Pes* IT*, l* w? ce kdd TlWrtiy night, at the City Hall AC ft80 for tko'f;nf|M o( diseaaslng * flui for a Klip Mountain eotry la tke junior baseball program. An Legionnaires an urged to attead, abd ara being asked to liet pronpoeta for the team. BAYFIELD hI STATES Uti. J. V. Bayfield reeerved a telegram from Kir husband Wednesday stating that he bad arrived at Seattle, Wash. The Kings Moon tain soldier is retmralng from the Paelfle Theater. ' XXWAVXSI FEOORAM Dr. Carl V. Tyner, owner and song eye of Leaksrills N. C., hospital, -will address members of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis elnb at their meeting at the Woman's club Thursday atgfct at 6:80. The hospital M LeaksvlUe to a 50-bed instland 'comparable to tha V * ptaaaad Kings Mountain hospital * . ,.z? f < . . *: . vv' * *\ ^a^^mssaanama . ^aiaaa ' baMaiaA < ; J OOTTET or BOKOB vvJ' Tha regular monthly Boy Scout I >- Oaart of Ho* nor will be held '. i? Tkmroday night at Tiifi at the 01 ty Hall, according to an announce/* ; meat front Piedmont Council headquarters this week. V " ' " ' "V ; . HXBOtXTIVBS OLTJB Mies Maria Oameaa, daughter of the President of . the -Philllppine Oemmonwealth, will address members of the Clsxslaad Ooanty Kx estlrsa elub and their guests at a diaaer meetiag Hotel Charles, Shelby, Friday bight at 7 o'clock. > idntn Tieorritliae should be in tha hands of Sssntaiy J. w. Oa I **** M*? - i i - ' '' V-'.".':. & . Mart lath, stty rsersatfea diroeton mwnil ttto week that ^ths "V hK^ i&''^J^?jri*^;^t?^m^iiamm^m ]ba& CUriM 8. WHMuu, wiU4M?a v, L Kia*? MounUia Willi iWtlfi, l? I fuaowiBf UHj Hi mUUmy tc* $ , TSEmtfiS1 si > **& * ., ; fa ^Wl |ft the ?rm to Clereland county | jfflBjgy rttj^f iffii***" j M "1J5 BjHUi of Mr. Willianu into the OU fc1 llfNtt :1H*'l eurpriee to veteran foil | XI , t.elanh at the county, who hod not to figured Mr, Williams fa their pro- th primary accounting. M ;t VhoTo yw also indication Wedaea- th day-thai the race for the House mu ? l would become a three-man affair, M _ k %& *&+ **? of Sheiby. wme be- 1 lag Uotod ae an almoot certain can " 9 ^S <?$ . j tWahi'' hy State Senator Loo ; X M 'fPhpfc?pa? pabllehot of the . Shelby " Hpfr'Star, that ho aroald bo a eaa- ' - Vldate for re-election, aad the a?- _ ' iMMMMat by Boiaoo Kennedy, Shtfb^ attoraoy, that ho would ho a * etfhW.'HtO tor dietriet solicitor, g v Otherwise the activity wan limited ? a to already announced candidate# who P *?"imtMg" U VMtoM parts of j! ft <b' HM>| O IWlK tl?M^T?l frnows , . m>u ?** o?t tk. IMII .itu J it ;'?^SS9a9^,> ?* 2 .for t*-cleetlan, ?i? )n King* Houn. tk) tain *ussday, m *u Hugh A- fco- ^ tiki). Jft' candidate for the riff. we "I -will bo 'a candidate for thr 8tate House of Representatives in the ^ Democratic primary," Mr. Williams ] said, "and, if elected. I ehnll do my ' jj, utmost to serve nil the people of ^>el Cleveland eonnty, and not particular 1 _n groups. mj "I will complete my platform with > 11 in the next few days and will an- tel I nounce it in the near future," he C5t stated. Mr. Williams, a native of Kings Mountain, is a former city eommt* -p sioner and a veteran of World War I. with almost two years service over M aeas. He is the second Kings Mountain 1 man to enter the spring politic*, on wars, Hal Ward, state highiyay pa- sta trobnan, having previously announced eo, his candidacy for sheriff. die Tn atinnnn<*iner liU #?ru*tJa*w iw. Mull aid:" K ' i r ~ O? "I appreciate tbe_ general interest "3 > that ie being . manifestedby my Th friend* in tbe county on my behalf, ad pud if elected will serve my county foi v "tod itate to the beet of my ability." tig Drive To Bring Symj To Begin Monday; $! '.X - ii . Member* of Kings Mountain's Set, Y1 lor and Junior Woman's Clubs will begin a financial campaign Monday for the purpose of raising |500 to bring a portion of the North Carolina Symphony orchestra hero for two concerts on April 11, according to an announcement thlo week by Mrs. An brey Maunsy, chairman 'of the earn* : paiga.' A sueeessfal campaign will mean that a 81-pleee oreestra will give a I ^ ypoclal concert for children oa the aftevaooa af tAprll 11, and a second ooaeart Car the pwbUe ea the evealng fl .' Wlm MAepilgn thU W eaadnetod by ' mu of m'sinlituehtfs fig 'the North "' wtUm ^ymphsaj orchestra peaidaUna. hntoet of a $1 membership ? ' title# the tt)m ta attend the oaas. sorts hero, and aim the orchestra's sea sorts in flhelbs and Oksiittt* ^ m ^ m A ( twtlliMp MtttUa tk? pe pMdm? ** *"*" 1 iilji MMWMMK f*r C5e * * r "zlltllI -n vOl vm>VB9 m*w UfUWJl llll IE W??. . iirlrMBBl' iSim iim mm J >( * v v n^^^jflHR?'*V ' vPa*' / m la?-: Vi -V >; ,jfc '^V^B Hi ^?3'? ^r> j? > 4HL ttt I H H bjT*5i^ ^??bJ Iffh ' - nlff*". JwMKe? . " *1 Hit- ^ jjjfc^v i-JitA ' .1 ki\i\ fi| I I % Mir Ms rsMMiry for Ms B? OaxoUaa Bom of r. TOIms^i Mm msW of ^oodwad A Sn ^pens March 21 Joe Lot Woodward sad Boa Mm'* top will opoa for basieeaa sock inredey, Msrek tl, It wb* aaaoma1 Wednesday by Joe Loo Wooond, proprietor. The sow fins, King* Moaatata's ft retail eotabUahawat for located os Mfaattim street la tW itmpi baUdiaf. ; KU- WnMH eaM (he dm wib ke apparel tee )tin ?*?, aeeu aad n, ?ad wfll alio asB aperttag good* "St^sL nV? emrcity ofgoods, Mr.fWood ird -a. "bat la the aear fatare j > bop* to bar* la atock everything r an?for play, work, or dreee oelioaa.'' Mr. Woodward, a native of King* mil tain, was for SO years a memr of the sales personnel at Marice Store, and for* 10 years was inager of the firm. rhe- Putnam building has been cxisively remodeled to bouse the new ablishment. iling Deadlines [arch 16, April 13 3eturriay, April 13, is the final day which candidate* may file for do senator, house of representativ county and township offices. Canlate* for state offices including >se of solicitor and judge, . must " by Saturday, March IS. rhe primaries will oeear May t8 a precinct meetings hare beaa eall for April 20, county eenreatiou r April 27 and the state Demoera> Convention May 2 at Raleigh. phony Here .. 500 Sought rammer Thlavsa IUn?l>e o mwyvw of ore Alarm Bounded Two Bhmmk Otty youths, Ium ob?t BUI iff* 18, and Bob?t trta, ip II, wwro walktac on ? wMO a tnmUai Imk Mdt' orrtmn V. It Tan sad OUy up .i,,H Jmui w*STtJ*-J* ?t Z!L ia> meaa ' * ?* . . a. .^ ^or State Ho pain H it. Maw 14. VM? jVoteFo McGill Merch: Banquet Set Ft John L M?OQI, wcll-kno* n Kiig? l^utali druggist, will b? iastalleu I! president of the King* iiountaifc bitkuti UMMUtioi aext Tuesday M|kt a* the association kolds tta I employer-employee buqeei It tW Woman' Club at ?:*" ikminwit that Mr. MeOm had bf*S elected association preai lent lade by Mrs. Lyawood Partem. a?ggplstlus secretary, who aanomnce.1 . r ' *' ?* -I *1 -? ? a ? k ?i ?D citTHUU OV IOC ? ?MFNip. J. W. IIIUb waa elected vicepresident. ' The following directors were elected to eerve for two years: J. B. Keeter, Olee A. Bridges, B. 8. NeiU, Martin Harmon. Mr. Keeter waa ab? elected to 'nerve aa the local assortstlea'a director in the North Carolina Merchants association. Gstd-OTcr directors will include Hiltee Bath, retiring president, ex pfflsie, C. L. Early, Claude Hambright, t. E. Aderholdt and Mr. McOitL " A. Boeeee, of Charlotte. will co* make, the principal address at the baagaOt meeting. He has recently if >he> at several Ladies nights e? Teata la this areau " Jlyron Keeter aad ether mamlicn at tit# arrasgeaaeata wMw will ^ ask* a eaaraaa sf association mensLas* this weekend to sea tickets tar v Mm event, which are $1.80 each. ^ ihl a feature of the mooting will I] fee a prim drawing for the ladies. *aro than ISO mere heats and their I employ*** are expected te attend tae I net dee wei r- ; ** Hfffi Miwify ' ?Ll'tO*,w - .. - sf TofteHonored .* $eo Mrs. W. A. Manner. mlltami Kings Mountain citizen, -will be Iras- ]rit ored Thursday morning as "Good Neighbor of the Day" on Tom Brea- wo' nenan'i "Breakfast in Hollywood" program, according to an arfnounce- ctB ment received by the Herald thin 1 week from the American Broadcast- lying company. Mrs. Mauney was nominated for the honor by a fellow-citizen Mrs. G. VT. King, for hey Bed Cross war *?d work. The "Breakfast ia Hollywood" pro l gram is hoard here over the ABC net <lru work from 11 o'clock to 11:30. It is *** carried over Gaston la and Hickory ^ statins and WAYB Charlotte, among (hs assay other stations throughout the anion. "<l All "Good Neighbors" become ellgiblo for aa award of a $1,000 savings bond, with aatisaally kaowa ~ personalities nswptlslng tke board 0t I j judges. Mrs. Masusoy win receive a 1*1 gift of aa orekid for kavimg bees aa- M lectod. 0 Mia. King's letter, nominating lbs * ' Msusey, follows: "May I aomiaato aa a Goad Nol- h gbbor Mia W. A. Maaaer af Kian I As Mountain. North OutUn, who ?H (Wl 4m|Nn Ihrtk 15 th t pon "Since Peart Hnrtx>r Mrs. Mum; Ma hu MtunhUd a credit of 9,068 ee. hoars la Bod Cran kiittiift. ^h? tea Far rtrnrd this credit by klittilg 48 bag be sleeved sweaters, 57 sleeveless sweat- Amy e-n. 7 shawls. 101 helmets and 7 pain I: of aoeka^ a total of 287 garments. Coa "la additioa to this Mrs. Manner pore hand wool, crocheted aa afgkst . and donated it to the local ehaptos j to send to a government hospital fm the eopfart of oar woaaded sold lorn. "!J Ad wi DWiWil tigatbii the sqaar o<t of fiyo other afghaaa?oqaares which had bona asado by other. "Da yyd aft think nrh deraKoa ass* U thia wort V turning of roeogat 8 MP'' * eoa * %*> - . '.V taB 8eoaa4 Youth Center 1u wm Be Open Boon . ~ Dai _Tba bnildiog formerly aoad by J fVaaix ittoree mr Pkytx MIM 1T?. S win MM be th* home of jft JMt> Klm*? KmWi, , r?u imnmN " tide m*k by Bert Bath, ?Hy mom ? tlM Airortor. T " Bmntt 7?ug people have mhm*y UJ ggtiff gg |> l j jyp'jn . ! *? use Of Reprc 1 1 eral J [j r Improv? ints Head; B? Dr Tuesday ^ . _ ? miasio City 1 raohi a $20 iaproi if | c?Ud $50,i rS ud ii er tu tessioi $50.1 S?? pTOTSi $*5.< K ut?u $35.1 stadia $25.i er sy* It i ? tioa ? ' tke u JK|u? anuat -+ ?. a. mm- utn !* zsn* Zm! tk*u Umm ts ki Mi tt Wibii'i OUk H. ] M*y. that t ? gres imi i oart Disposes ?? f 18 Cases. otber IB rial? ii city ractriler'i rout esde lined riifttly duii( tin past ! * ta tk, baft IS esses were disposed mt I'"" ore Jadge a C. OTbnsIl Msndsy. - Os? lajerity a* tbs essss Isroteed stsdisi inksanesa. Isdsibf fear eases * lea D. Aiia?. entered, bntni la CS?IA rreck ken last week, waa flaeJ aad easts far draahea driving, ia ft* ei i of a six-month sentence, alaa sseetin k tke condition that ke aake sat- 1 ' fk ictory tdjntaeat witk V?a Whit- *r. tk, colored, operator of the ear lire pi imi smashed. Adams' driver's li- we, if se waa saspeaded for 12 months. oa wh 'oa Matthews aad Geo rye X. Beat terest, who faead the sa? charge were The td $50 aad costs la liea of sea- the ea res of three moaths each. Mat- -fair 1 its' Ik-ease was also saspeaded. meant Beetty was fined $10 aad rate o ts for driving without a license, when I ee Sellers, also charged with a deeli aken driving, requested a jury 000 ve iL Usdi f. O. Rtyers. foaad guilty on tsro thinks rges of draakeaaess. was' taxed ble wit h the casts aa the first charge, of 15 fined $5 aad easts oa the see- board , and Andrew Johnson paid $5 bonds (Cont'd an page fear) | ions Gob Endorses ( buns For Farmer s Nij [eabcn of the Kiagi Matitaia Rm] m CM voted tatiiooohr at kr M?tiig Tecaday ij|lit to tap- MOW t the wgwlntiw of a Ki*|f utaii Ckiaber of Coaaer B. I mod laid ptu? for their autpl MasnO mer'a Night beaqoet whUh ?HI1 Wr. s held at the Wowaa's CTab Toco- VU.U eight, March M, aawaa a votiag to sappett a Chamber of uoereo for Kiags Moeataia, the eoaOcf aborohip acted apoa a reoolatioo trtct eedersoaseet by the ehab's civic Mffl, tcnaeat r ? litter. J. ] t waa aaaooaeod that Callea Joha . of radio atatioa WAAL, Raleigh, ?* *! I make the prtaeipal addreoa at casagi aaaoal Termer'a Night oroat. Johaaoa, has apahaa la aaap aoe haaAa to of the state aad has twice Mmal lo addtooaaa hero. Wo 1 aa* Wadr, nhatiwaa of the ehah lasittee oa safety, aw da a short II FU t ooacoralag the Uoao-Potioo do * tawat safety eaaapaiga, aad Carl HpOB Mho dab, Charles A. Oofarth. i Haffatotler aad BS9 Pshaws. ?.> 1W WuL1*! 1 DutaMtt. Mwta MMN ul CWT ^ki^lunir W"** **H i W. U n*.k, ? * JJ-J '' v,"?" '^ic -?' -.' V> - v "> a . '\ isentatives I 9 P&tnes * Today / FIVB CENTS not OWT - j j anents * ml Acted Meeting Tuesday g? MfuUiali board of eomi?n, i> rafibr meetiig at the Hall Tuesday light, pawed a k* ?_ a - hob 10 me* irru|HU>ti for 0,000 bond election for pabUq reotiU. rottd, the faads woold bo alio on tbe following tentative boD00?075.000 for tibrfnint oproTiont of tbe MeGUl hoik mad immwj sewer liao earn. 900?060,000 for street imaenta. DOO?035,000 for water liao. ions, fire hydrants, ete. 000?000,000 for coospletioa of 900?015.000 for light and pow tern extension. iras stated that the bond oleeroald probably be held daring inner, pending obtaining eatifrosa engineers, approval of nd inane by the Local Governcommission, aad completion of details. " U. Bcrdette, city manager, said he reaolatioa was the reealt of it aomber of requests from eita all aroaa oC the city for improvements, sewer eatenaad other city serrieea. addition, the city, with a stadget aad income, is also faced Wag costs of mstsrisli aad mWSllM COnts nkiat k?. operation oh the prateit bad e??tagiy difficult dviig Ui t fiooal ymr." km nil Mniag tW MaplttiM of the a, a luoUtiw tigied by bead* i ebk trguiatiou ? tha ebb. Kiauh efcsb, JuiN ?r mt Ci?ii 11, VTW aad A Ugtoi ? wu pranUd to ty board at its Taeeday Bight g U|iig immediate action oh tioa of the stadium. Burdette said that the tentalaa for bundling the bond tovoted, is to issae serial bonds ieh payments, other than inwould not begin until 1956. eity's bonded indebtedness at d of the entreat fiscal (jrest I will be 6398.000. with this a being retired at an annual f 631.000?633,000 until 1851, he bonds start coming doe at ining rate of approximately $3, arty. sr this plan, the eitr board that the bonds srin be iasuath a maximum tax rate increase cents per $100 valuation. "The feels, it was stated, that tha would be sold at a maximum (Cont'd oa page four) ? r. UI V., jht Set Gross Fund Aft $1423.40 L mn, taMnr if tkt Etap Hi Wi tumor thM ?tr ti. i tat ton wiihii to tto i trto far toato tan. , Hfti toeat eWaaa to gtw tottafnintito igto r wm cttT? show, nor Btnohtll Qint> iton ?f Jttatr W. Btaekw*U feral afcaw b> tka aarty "spcia*. mrthf ta veto af ita mmm* fcka bmUm af Ua aquka U ki tka City Hall Tiwd*r i

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